678 research outputs found

    Feature Analysis for Classification of Physical Actions using surface EMG Data

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    Based on recent health statistics, there are several thousands of people with limb disability and gait disorders that require a medical assistance. A robot assisted rehabilitation therapy can help them recover and return to a normal life. In this scenario, a successful methodology is to use the EMG signal based information to control the support robotics. For this mechanism to function properly, the EMG signal from the muscles has to be sensed and then the biological motor intention has to be decoded and finally the resulting information has to be communicated to the controller of the robot. An accurate detection of the motor intention requires a pattern recognition based categorical identification. Hence in this paper, we propose an improved classification framework by identification of the relevant features that drive the pattern recognition algorithm. Major contributions include a set of modified spectral moment based features and another relevant inter-channel correlation feature that contribute to an improved classification performance. Next, we conducted a sensitivity analysis of the classification algorithm to different EMG channels. Finally, the classifier performance is compared to that of the other state-of the art algorithm

    Biomechanics and energetics of walking in powered ankle exoskeletons using myoelectric control versus mechanically intrinsic control

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    Abstract Background Controllers for assistive robotic devices can be divided into two main categories: controllers using neural signals and controllers using mechanically intrinsic signals. Both approaches are prevalent in research devices, but a direct comparison between the two could provide insight into their relative advantages and disadvantages. We studied subjects walking with robotic ankle exoskeletons using two different control modes: dynamic gain proportional myoelectric control based on soleus muscle activity (neural signal), and timing-based mechanically intrinsic control based on gait events (mechanically intrinsic signal). We hypothesized that subjects would have different measures of metabolic work rate between the two controllers as we predicted subjects would use each controller in a unique manner due to one being dependent on muscle recruitment and the other not. Methods The two controllers had the same average actuation signal as we used the control signals from walking with the myoelectric controller to shape the mechanically intrinsic control signal. The difference being the myoelectric controller allowed step-to-step variation in the actuation signals controlled by the user’s soleus muscle recruitment while the timing-based controller had the same actuation signal with each step regardless of muscle recruitment. Results We observed no statistically significant difference in metabolic work rate between the two controllers. Subjects walked with 11% less soleus activity during mid and late stance and significantly less peak soleus recruitment when using the timing-based controller than when using the myoelectric controller. While walking with the myoelectric controller, subjects walked with significantly higher average positive and negative total ankle power compared to walking with the timing-based controller. Conclusions We interpret the reduced ankle power and muscle activity with the timing-based controller relative to the myoelectric controller to result from greater slacking effects. Subjects were able to be less engaged on a muscle level when using a controller driven by mechanically intrinsic signals than when using a controller driven by neural signals, but this had no affect on their metabolic work rate. These results suggest that the type of controller (neural vs. mechanical) is likely to affect how individuals use robotic exoskeletons for therapeutic rehabilitation or human performance augmentation.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143850/1/12984_2018_Article_379.pd

    EMG-based motion intention recognition for controlling a powered knee orthosis

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    Powered assistive devices have been playing a major role in gait rehabilitation. This work aims to develop a user-oriented assistive strategy with an EMG-based control using a powered knee orthosis (PKO) to provide assistive commands according to the user's motion intention tracked by electromyography (EMG) signals. To achieve this goal, the work first comprised the development of a wired EMG acquisition system, the study and implementation of a knee joint torque estimation method, and the development of a real-time controller, which uses the estimated torque as the reference actuator's torque to provide user-oriented assistance in walking. We used a proportional gain method to estimate the knee torque, which required a calibration procedure, allowing to determine the relation between the EMG signal and the actuator's torque. The EMG-based control was validated with two subjects walking in a treadmill. The EMG-based control performed as expected since it proved to be functional and time-effective when assisting the user's movements in walking at different walking speeds. Findings show that the developed assistive strategy can effectively follow the user's motion intention and has the potential for gait rehabilitation of patients with residual muscular strength.This work has been supported in part by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) with the Reference Scholarship under Grant SFRH/BD/108309/2015, the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2019, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) - with the reference Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941; and the LIACC Project UID/CEC/00027/2019; and with national funds from FCT project SmartOs-under Grant NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030386

    Detection of intention level in response to task difficulty from EEG signals

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    We present an approach that enables detecting intention levels of subjects in response to task difficulty utilizing an electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain-computer interface (BCI). In particular, we use linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to classify event-related synchronization (ERS) and desynchronization (ERD) patterns associated with right elbow flexion and extension movements, while lifting different weights. We observe that it is possible to classify tasks of varying difficulty based on EEG signals. Additionally, we also present a correlation analysis between intention levels detected from EEG and surface electromyogram (sEMG) signals. Our experimental results suggest that it is possible to extract the intention level information from EEG signals in response to task difficulty and indicate some level of correlation between EEG and EMG. With a view towards detecting patients' intention levels during rehabilitation therapies, the proposed approach has the potential to ensure active involvement of patients throughout exercise routines and increase the efficacy of robot assisted therapies

    A review on design of upper limb exoskeletons

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    Active exoskeleton control systems: State of the art

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    To get a compliant active exoskeleton controller, the force interaction controllers are mostly used in form of either the impedance or admittance controllers. The impedance or admittance controllers can only work if they are followed by either the force or the position controller respectively. These combinations place the impedance or admittance controller as high-level controller while the force or position controller as low-level controller. From the application point of view, the exoskeleton controllers are equipped by task controllers that can be formed in several ways depend on the aims. This paper presents the review of the control systems in the existing active exoskeleton in the last decade. The exoskeleton control system can be categorized according to the model system, the physical parameters, the hierarchy and the usage. These considerations give different control schemes. The main consideration of exoskeleton control design is how to achieve the best control performances. However, stability and safety are other important issues that have to be considered. © 2012 The Authors

    BCI controlled robotic arm as assistance to the rehabilitation of neurologically disabled patients

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    This presentation summarises the development of a portable and cost-efficient BCI controlled assistive technology using a non-invasive BCI headset 'OpenBCI' and an open source robotic arm, U-Arm, to accomplish tasks related to rehabilitation, such as access to resources, adaptability or home use. The resulting system used a combination of EEG and EMG sensor readings to control the arm, which could perform a number of different tasks such as picking/placing objects or assist users in eating