24 research outputs found

    Intelligent system for lighting control in smart cities

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    This paper presents an adaptive architecture that centralizes the control of public lighting and intelligent management to economize lighting and maintain maximum visual comfort in illuminated areas. To carry out this management, the architecture merges various techniques of artificial intelligence (AI) and statistics such as artificial neural networks (ANN), multi-agent systems (MAS), EM algorithm, methods based on ANOVA, and a Service Oriented Approach (SOA). It achieves optimization in terms of both energy consumption and cost by using a modular architecture, and is fully adaptable to current lighting systems. The architecture was successfully tested and validated and continues to be in development


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    This Project report presents details of the design and construction of a microcontroller based automated intelligent street lighting system. The circuits are designed specifically for self-intelligence and fault detection of the system.The street light system consists of two circuit boards; the main printed circuit boards and the street light pole printed circuit board.The major components of the main printed circuit board are PIC microcontroller, GSM module, voltage translator, multiplexer integrated circuit, resistors, and capacitors, while the major components of the street light pole circuits are the light dependent resistor circuit sensors, infrared sensors, PIC microcontroller, capacitor and resistors. The Light Dependent Resistor is used for Automation, the Infrared sensor is used for Intelligence; sensing movement and taking the LEDs to a full ON state and the GSM module for fault detection. The Printed Circuit Board circuits and their components are housed in its physical framework. The circuit for the main board and the circuit for the street light pole were tested and worked properly as intended

    Assessing the Role of AI-Based Smart Sensors in Smart Cities Using AHP and MOORA

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    We know that in today’s advanced world, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)-grounded methodologies are playing a very optimistic role in performing difficult and time-consuming activities very conveniently and quickly. However, for the training and testing of these procedures, the main factor is the availability of a huge amount of data, called big data. With the emerging techniques of the Internet of Everything (IoE) and the Internet of Things (IoT), it is very feasible to collect a large volume of data with the help of smart and intelligent sensors. Based on these smart sensing devices, very innovative and intelligent hardware components can be made for prediction and recognition purposes. A detailed discussion was carried out on the development and employment of various detectors for providing people with effective services, especially in the case of smart cities. With these devices, a very healthy and intelligent environment can be created for people to live in safely and happily. With the use of modern technologies in integration with smart sensors, it is possible to use energy resources very productively. Smart vehicles can be developed to sense any emergency, to avoid injuries and fatal accidents. These sensors can be very helpful in management and monitoring activities for the enhancement of productivity. Several significant aspects are obtained from the available literature, and significant articles are selected from the literature to properly examine the uses of sensor technology for the development of smart infrastructure. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is used to give these attributes weights. Finally, the weights are used with the multi-objective optimization on the basis of ratio analysis (MOORA) technique to provide the different options in their order of importance.The Qatar University Internal Grant No. QUHI-CBE-21/22-1 funded this publication


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    Com o rápido aumento da tecnologia na vida de todos, é praticamente impossível não ter contato com objeto tecnológico. Recentemente eles vêm modernizando deixando-os inteligentes com atributos de processamento, comunicação e sensoriamento. O que abre espaço para conecta-los entre si, seus usuários e o espaço ao seu redor, fazendo assim o uso em diversos âmbitos, esse aspecto é chamado de Internet das Coisas tradução de Internet of Things (IOT). Englobado nas Smart cities (termo usado para disseminação do IOT nas cidades) tem a iluminação pública onde pode ser melhorado tecnologicamente contribuindo com a qualidade de vida e segurança aos cidadãos e convenientemente diminuindo os gastos de concessionária de energia elétrica.Afim de agilizar o serviço das concessionárias de energias na localização de poste com luminárias com defeitos e danificadas , esse estudo tem como intuito a implantação de um sistema de alerta onde identifica e indica a localização exata do poste para manutenção onde o mesmo aciona luz de alerta para fácil localização visual, dando assim a concessionaria uma economia e agilidade ao serviço de manutenção, juntamente a isso uma menor preocupação da população com áreas que ficam longos períodos sem iluminação pública

    Implementação da tecnologia internet das coias na iluminação pública

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    Com o rápido aumento da tecnologia na vida de todos, é praticamente impossível não ter contato com objeto tecnológico. Recentemente eles vêm modernizando deixando-os inteligentes com atributos de processamento, comunicação e sensoriamento. O que abre espaço para conecta-los entre si, seus usuários e o espaço ao seu redor, fazendo assim o uso em diversos âmbitos, esse aspecto é chamado de Internet das Coisas tradução de Internet of Things (IOT). Englobado nas Smart cities (termo usado para disseminação do IOT nas cidades) tem a iluminação pública onde pode ser melhorado tecnologicamente contribuindo com a qualidade de vida e segurança aos cidadãos e convenientemente diminuindo os gastos de concessionária de energia elétrica.Afim de agilizar o serviço das concessionárias de energias na localização de poste com luminárias com defeitos e danificadas , esse estudo tem como intuito a implantação de um sistema de alerta onde identifica e indica a localização exata do poste para manutenção onde o mesmo aciona luz de alerta para fácil localização visual, dando assim a concessionaria uma economia e agilidade ao serviço de manutenção, juntamente a isso uma menor preocupação da população com áreas que ficam longos períodos sem iluminação pública

    Relationship recommender system in a business and employment-oriented social network

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    [EN] In the last ten years, social networks have had a great influence on people’s lifestyles and have changed, above all, the way users communicate and relate. This is why, one of the main lines of research in the field of social networks focuses on finding and analyzing possible connections between users. These developments allow users to expand on their network of contacts without having to search among the total set of users. However, there are many types of social networks which attract users with specific needs, these needs influence on the type of contacts users are looking for. Our article proposes a relationship recommender system for a business and employment-oriented social network. The presented system functions by extracting relevant information from the social network which it then uses to adequately recommend new contacts and job offers to users. The recommender system uses information gathered from job offer descriptions, user profiles and users’ actions. Then, different metrics are applied in order to discover new ties that are likely to convert into relationships

    IoT-Enabled Smart Cities: A Review of Concepts, Frameworks and Key Technologies

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    In recent years, smart cities have been significantly developed and have greatly expanded their potential. In fact, novel advancements to the Internet of things (IoT) have paved the way for new possibilities, representing a set of key enabling technologies for smart cities and allowing the production and automation of innovative services and advanced applications for the different city stakeholders. This paper presents a review of the research literature on IoT-enabled smart cities, with the aim of highlighting the main trends and open challenges of adopting IoT technologies for the development of sustainable and efficient smart cities. This work first provides a survey on the key technologies proposed in the literature for the implementation of IoT frameworks, and then a review of the main smart city approaches and frameworks, based on classification into eight domains, which extends the traditional six domain classification that is typically adopted in most of the related works

    Characterizing smart environments as interactive and collective platforms: A review of the key behaviors of responsive architecture

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    Since architect Nicholas Negroponte first proposed a vision of responsive architecture smart environments have been widely investigated, especially in the fields of computer science and engineering. Despite growing interest in the topic, a comprehensive review of research about smart environments from the architectural perspective is largely missing. In order to provide a formal understanding of smart environments in architecture, this paper conducts a systematic literature review of scholarly sources over the last decade, focusing on four related subjects: (1) responsive architecture, (2) kinetic architecture, (3) adaptive architecture and (4) intelligent buildings. Through this review, the paper identifies and examines interactive and collective behaviors in smart environments, thereby contributing to defining the properties of creative, smart spaces in the contemporary digital ecosystem. In addition, this research offers a means of systematically characterizing and constructing smart environments as interactive and collective platforms, enabling occupants to sense, experience and understand smart spaces