1,399 research outputs found

    Intelligent Decision Support Systems- A Framework

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    Information technology applications that support decision-making processes and problem- solving activities have thrived and evolved over the past few decades. This evolution led to many different types of Decision Support System (DSS) including Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS). IDSS include domain knowledge, modeling, and analysis systems to provide users the capability of intelligent assistance which significantly improves the quality of decision making. IDSS includes knowledge management component which stores and manages a new class of emerging AI tools such as machine learning and case-based reasoning and learning. These tools can extract knowledge from previous data and decisions which give DSS capability to support repetitive, complex real-time decision making.  This paper attempts to assess the role of IDSS in decision making. First, it explores the definitions and understanding of DSS and IDSS. Second, this paper illustrates a framework of IDSS along with various tools and technologies that support it. Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Data Warehouse, ETL, Data Mining, OLAP, Groupware, KDD, IDS

    Intelligent decision support systems for optimised diabetes

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    Computers now pervade the field of medicine extensively; one recent innovation is the development of intelligent decision support systems for inexperienced or non-specialist pbysicians, or in some cases for use by patients. In this thesis a critical review of computer systems in medicine, with special reference to decision support systems, is followed by a detailed description of the development and evaluation of two new, interacting, intelligent decision support systems in the domain of diabetes. Since the discovery of insulin in 1922, insulin replacement therapy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus bas evolved into a complex process; there are many different formulations of insulin and much more information about the factors which affect patient management (e.g. diet, exercise and progression of complications) are recognised. Physicians have to decide on the most appropriate anti-diabetic therapy to prescribe to their patients. Insulin-treated patients also have to monitor their blood glucose and decide how much insulin to inject and when to inject it. In order to help patients determine the most appropriate dose of insulin to take, a simple-to-use, hand-held decision support system has been developed. Algorithms for insulin adjustment have been elicited and combined with general rules of therapy to offer advice for every dose. The utility of the system has been evaluated by clinical trials and simulation studies. In order to aid physician management, a clinic-based decision support system has also been developed. The system provides wide-ranging advice on all aspects of diabetes care and advises an appropriate therapy regimen according to individual patient circumstances. Decisions advised by the pbysician-related system have been evaluated by a panel of expert physicians and the system has undergone informal primary evaluation within the clinic setting. An interesting aspect of both systems is their ability to provide advice even in cases where information is lacking or uncertain

    A human performance modelling approach to intelligent decision support systems

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    Manned space operations require that the many automated subsystems of a space platform be controllable by a limited number of personnel. To minimize the interaction required of these operators, artificial intelligence techniques may be applied to embed a human performance model within the automated, or semi-automated, systems, thereby allowing the derivation of operator intent. A similar application has previously been proposed in the domain of fighter piloting, where the demand for pilot intent derivation is primarily a function of limited time and high workload rather than limited operators. The derivation and propagation of pilot intent is presented as it might be applied to some programs

    Intelligent decision support systems for collaboration in industrial plants

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Sistemas de Informação Industriais, Engenharia Electrotécnica, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaThe objective of this thesis is to contribute for a structured and systematic decision-making process for industrial companies, particularly involving several actors, helping them make the best use of their resources. The paradigms of how industrial companies operate have been progressively changing over the last two decades. The flexible and dynamic flow of information and persons over companies has created new challenges and opportunities for industry. It is not possible to dissociate an enterprise from its human resources and the knowledge they create and use. Companies face decisions constantly, involving several actors and situations. With the market pressure and rapid changing environments, decisions are becoming more complex, and involving more people with complementary expertise. The knowledge processes are only efficient if the actors can anchor and relate the information handled to the extended enterprise. Therefore, an enterprise model is a fundamental aspect to support decision-making in industry. This work includes an overview of existing modelling methodologies and standards. Afterwards, it proposes an enterprise model to represent an extended or virtual enterprise, suitable not only for decision-making applications but also for others. This thesis considers methods and systems to support decision and analyses decision types and processes. Afterwards, the thesis presents some considerations on decision-making in industry and a generic decision-making process, including, a review of decision criteria commonly used in industry. Two of the methods widely used in some of the mentioned areas, case-based reasoning and the analytic hierarchy process, have been used in the scope of problem solving and decision-making, respectively. This thesis presents an approach based on a combination of case-based reasoning and analytic hierarchy process to support innovation, particularly product design in industry. The combination overcomes shortcomings of both methods to provide the most adequate decision support for multi-disciplinary teams in innovation processes. Moreover, the work presented proposes an algorithm for automatic adjustment of the weight of the actors in the decision process. This thesis includes case studies, developed in the scope of several research projects, used as practical applications of the work developed. These practical applications include seven test cases (with two manufacturing companies, two assembling companies, two engineering services companies and one software company) where the proposed enterprise model and methods have been applied with the purpose of supporting decisions. This highlights the wide application of the proposed model, describing its possible interpretations and the successful use of the decision support approach in industrial companies.Projects PICK (IST-1999-10442), AIM (IST-2001-52222), FOKSai (COOP-CT-2003-508637), InLife (FP6-2005-NMP2-CT-517018), InAmI (FP6-2004-IST-NMP-2-16788) and K-NET (FP7-ICT-1-215584), all of which were partially funded by the Research Framework Programs of the European Unio


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    A survey of relevant literature serves as the basis for an assessment of research on integration of decision support systems and artificial intelligence. The analysis identifies the need for a unifying framework with which to direct such research. The characteristics required for such a framework are highlighted and shown to be well-suited to the artificial intelligence concept of deep knowledge. A deep knowledge architecture for intelligent decision support systems is presented and proposed as a basis for integration of the two disciplines

    Інтелектуальні системи підтримки прийняття рішень на основі адаптивних онтологій

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    У статті розглядається функціонування чотирьох класів інтелектуальних систем підтримки прийняття рішень. Для визначених класів інтелектуальних систем підтримки прийняття рішень розроблені відповідні метрики, щоб підвищити ефективність їх функціонування. Визначено загальний підхід до розроблення таких інтелектуальних систем на основі адаптивних онтологій.В статье рассматривается функционирование четырех классов интеллектуальных систем поддержки принятия решений. Для определенных классов интеллектуальных систем поддержки принятия решений разработаны соответствующие метрики, чтобы повысить эффективность их функционирования. Определен общий подход к разработке таких интеллектуальных систем на основе адаптивных онтологий.In this paper the functioning of four classes of intelligent decision support systems is considered. To determine the above classes of the intelligent decision support systems, the corresponding matrixes are developed. A general approach to the development of such systems on the basis of adaptive ontologies is determined

    Intelligent Decision Support Systems For Admission Management

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    ABSTRACT On the basis of their use, the DSS has received positive feedback from the University's decision makers. Making use of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS) technologies suited to provide decision support in the higher education environments, by generating and presenting relevant information and knowledge which are helpful in taking the decision regarding admission management in higher education colleges or universities. The university decision makers' needs and the DSS components are identified with the help of survey done. In this paper the components of a decision support system (DSS) for developing student admission policies in higher education institute or in the university and the architecture about DSS based on ERP are proposed followed by how intelligent DSS in conjunction with ERP helps to overcome the drawbacks , if ERP is used alone in higher education institutes

    Analogous Reasoning and Case-based Reasoning for Intelligent Decision Support Systems

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    Methods of analogous reasoning and case-based reasoning for intelligent decision support systems are considered. Special attention is drawn to methods based on a structural analogy that take the context into account. This work was supported by RFBR (projects 02-07-90042, 05-07-90232)

    Intelligent Decision Support Systems For Admission Management

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    ABSTRACT On the basis of their use, the DSS has received positive feedback from the University's decision makers. Making use of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS) technologies suited to provide decision support in the higher education environments, by generating and presenting relevant information and knowledge which are helpful in taking the decision regarding admission management in higher education colleges or universities. The university decision makers' needs and the DSS components are identified with the help of survey done. In this paper the components of a decision support system (DSS) for developing student admission policies in higher education institute or in the university and the architecture about DSS based on ERP are proposed followed by how intelligent DSS in conjunction with ERP helps to overcome the drawbacks , if ERP is used alone in higher education institutes

    WSN and RFID integration to support intelligent monitoring in smart buildings using hybrid intelligent decision support systems

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    The real time monitoring of environment context aware activities is becoming a standard in the service delivery in a wide range of domains (child and elderly care and supervision, logistics, circulation, and other). The safety of people, goods and premises depends on the prompt reaction to potential hazards identified at an early stage to engage appropriate control actions. This requires capturing real time data to process locally at the device level or communicate to backend systems for real time decision making. This research examines the wireless sensor network and radio frequency identification technology integration in smart homes to support advanced safety systems deployed upstream to safety and emergency response. These systems are based on the use of hybrid intelligent decision support systems configured in a multi-distributed architecture enabled by the wireless communication of detection and tracking data to support intelligent real-time monitoring in smart buildings. This paper introduces first the concept of wireless sensor network and radio frequency identification technology integration showing the various options for the task distribution between radio frequency identification and hybrid intelligent decision support systems. This integration is then illustrated in a multi-distributed system architecture to identify motion and control access in a smart building using a room capacity model for occupancy and evacuation, access rights and a navigation map automatically generated by the system. The solution shown in the case study is based on a virtual layout of the smart building which is implemented using the capabilities of the building information model and hybrid intelligent decision support system.The Saudi High Education Ministry and Brunel University (UK