48 research outputs found

    Revealing More Details: Image Super-Resolution for Real-World Applications

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    High performance platform to detect faults in the Smart Grid by Artificial Intelligence inference

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    Inferring faults throughout the power grid involves fast calculation, large scale of data, and low latency. Our heterogeneous architecture in the edge offers such high computing performance and throughput using an Artificial Intelligence (AI) core deployed in the Alveo accelerator. In addition, we have described the process of porting standard AI models to Vitis AI and discussed its limitations and possible implications. During validation, we designed and trained some AI models for fast fault detection in Smart Grids. However, the AI framework is standard, and adapting the models to Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) has demanded a series of transformation processes. Compared with the Graphics Processing Unit platform, our implementation on the FPGA accelerator consumes less energy and achieves lower latency. Finally, our system balances inference accuracy, on-chip resources consumed, computing performance, and throughput. Even with grid data sampling rates as high as 800,000 per second, our hardware architecture can simultaneously process up to 7 data streams.10.13039/501100000780-European Commission (Grant Number: FEDER) 10.13039/501100003086-Eusko Jaurlaritza (Grant Number: ZE-2020/00022 and ZE-2021/00931) 10.13039/100015866-Hezkuntza, Hizkuntza Politika Eta Kultura Saila, Eusko Jaurlaritza (Grant Number: IT1440-22) 10.13039/501100004837-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grant Number: IDI-20201264 and IDI-20220543

    Generic Object Detection and Segmentation for Real-World Environments

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    Super-resolution assessment and detection

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    Super Resolution (SR) techniques are powerful digital manipulation tools that have significantly impacted various industries due to their ability to enhance the resolution of lower quality images and videos. Yet, the real-world adaptation of SR models poses numerous challenges, which blind SR models aim to overcome by emulating complex real-world degradations. In this thesis, we investigate these SR techniques, with a particular focus on comparing the performance of blind models to their non-blind counterparts under various conditions. Despite recent progress, the proliferation of SR techniques raises concerns about their potential misuse. These methods can easily manipulate real digital content and create misrepresentations, which highlights the need for robust SR detection mechanisms. In our study, we analyze the limitations of current SR detection techniques and propose a new detection system that exhibits higher performance in discerning real and upscaled videos. Moreover, we conduct several experiments to gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the detection models, providing a better understanding of their behavior and limitations. Particularly, we target 4K videos, which are rapidly becoming the standard resolution in various fields such as streaming services, gaming, and content creation. As part of our research, we have created and utilized a unique dataset in 4K resolution, specifically designed to facilitate the investigation of SR techniques and their detection

    A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-based Single Image Super-resolution

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    Image super-resolution (SR) is one of the vital image processing methods that improve the resolution of an image in the field of computer vision. In the last two decades, significant progress has been made in the field of super-resolution, especially by utilizing deep learning methods. This survey is an effort to provide a detailed survey of recent progress in single-image super-resolution in the perspective of deep learning while also informing about the initial classical methods used for image super-resolution. The survey classifies the image SR methods into four categories, i.e., classical methods, supervised learning-based methods, unsupervised learning-based methods, and domain-specific SR methods. We also introduce the problem of SR to provide intuition about image quality metrics, available reference datasets, and SR challenges. Deep learning-based approaches of SR are evaluated using a reference dataset. Some of the reviewed state-of-the-art image SR methods include the enhanced deep SR network (EDSR), cycle-in-cycle GAN (CinCGAN), multiscale residual network (MSRN), meta residual dense network (Meta-RDN), recurrent back-projection network (RBPN), second-order attention network (SAN), SR feedback network (SRFBN) and the wavelet-based residual attention network (WRAN). Finally, this survey is concluded with future directions and trends in SR and open problems in SR to be addressed by the researchers.Comment: 56 Pages, 11 Figures, 5 Table

    Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Coherence for Video Object Detection in Robotics

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    This paper proposes a method to enhance video object detection for indoor environments in robotics. Concretely, it exploits knowledge about the camera motion between frames to propagate previously detected objects to successive frames. The proposal is rooted in the concepts of planar homography to propose regions of interest where to find objects, and recursive Bayesian filtering to integrate observations over time. The proposal is evaluated on six virtual, indoor environments, accounting for the detection of nine object classes over a total of ∼ 7k frames. Results show that our proposal improves the recall and the F1-score by a factor of 1.41 and 1.27, respectively, as well as it achieves a significant reduction of the object categorization entropy (58.8%) when compared to a two-stage video object detection method used as baseline, at the cost of small time overheads (120 ms) and precision loss (0.92).</p

    Apprentissage profond de formes manuscrites pour la reconnaissance et le repérage efficace de l'écriture dans les documents numérisés

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    Malgré les efforts importants de la communauté d’analyse de documents, définir une representation robuste pour les formes manuscrites demeure un défi de taille. Une telle representation ne peut pas être définie explicitement par un ensemble de règles, et doit plutôt être obtenue avec une extraction intelligente de caractéristiques de haut niveau à partir d’images de documents. Dans cette thèse, les modèles d’apprentissage profond sont investigués pour la representation automatique de formes manuscrites. Les représentations proposées par ces modèles sont utilisées pour définir un système de reconnaissance et de repérage de mots individuels dans les documents. Le choix de traiter les mots individuellement est motivé par le fait que n’importe quel texte peut être segmenté en un ensemble de mots séparés. Dans une première contribution, une représentation non supervisée profonde est proposée pour la tâche de repérage de mots manuscrits. Cette représentation se base sur l’algorithme de regroupement spherical k-means, qui est employé pour construire une hiérarchie de fonctions paramétriques encodant les images de documents. Les avantages de cette représentation sont multiples. Tout d’abord, elle est définie de manière non supervisée, ce qui évite la nécessité d’avoir des données annotées pour l’entraînement. Ensuite, elle se calcule rapidement et est de taille compacte, permettant ainsi de repérer des mots efficacement. Dans une deuxième contribution, un modèle de bout en bout est développé pour la reconnaissance de mots manuscrits. Ce modèle est composé d’un réseau de neurones convolutifs qui prend en entrée l’image d’un mot et produit en sortie une représentation du texte reconnu. Ce texte est représenté sous la forme d’un ensemble de sous-sequences bidirectionnelles de caractères formant une hiérarchie. Cette représentation se distingue des approches existantes dans la littérature et offre plusieurs avantages par rapport à celles-ci. Notamment, elle est binaire et a une taille fixe, ce qui la rend robuste à la taille du texte. Par ailleurs, elle capture la distribution des sous-séquences de caractères dans le corpus d’entraînement, et permet donc au modèle entraîné de transférer cette connaissance à de nouveaux mots contenant les memes sous-séquences. Dans une troisième et dernière contribution, un modèle de bout en bout est proposé pour résoudre simultanément les tâches de repérage et de reconnaissance. Ce modèle intègre conjointement les textes et les images de mots dans un seul espace vectoriel. Une image est projetée dans cet espace via un réseau de neurones convolutifs entraîné à détecter les différentes forms de caractères. De même, un mot est projeté dans cet espace via un réseau de neurones récurrents. Le modèle proposé est entraîné de manière à ce que l’image d’un mot et son texte soient projetés au même point. Dans l’espace vectoriel appris, les tâches de repérage et de reconnaissance peuvent être traitées efficacement comme un problème de recherche des plus proches voisins

    Understanding Human Actions in Video

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    Understanding human behavior is crucial for any autonomous system which interacts with humans. For example, assistive robots need to know when a person is signaling for help, and autonomous vehicles need to know when a person is waiting to cross the street. However, identifying human actions in video is a challenging and unsolved problem. In this work, we address several of the key challenges in human action recognition. To enable better representations of video sequences, we develop novel deep learning architectures which improve representations both at the level of instantaneous motion as well as at the level of long-term context. In addition, to reduce reliance on fixed action vocabularies, we develop a compositional representation of actions which allows novel action descriptions to be represented as a sequence of sub-actions. Finally, we address the issue of data collection for human action understanding by creating a large-scale video dataset, consisting of 70 million videos collected from internet video sharing sites and their matched descriptions. We demonstrate that these contributions improve the generalization performance of human action recognition systems on several benchmark datasets.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162887/1/stroud_1.pd