52,782 research outputs found

    Принципы организации интеллектуальной САПР на основе диалоговой базы знаний

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    Статья посвящена принципам организации интеллектуальной системы автоматизированного проектирования (САПР) на основе диалоговой базы знаний. В качестве философской и психологической основы интеллектуальной САПР рассматривается гипотеза Л.С. Выготского о зоне ближайшего развития. Согласно этой гипотезе, применительно к интеллектуализации САПР, проект может выполнять неквалифицированный оператор при поддержке встроенного интеллектуального компонента. В статье показано, что в основе архитектуры встроенного интеллектуального компонента может лежать диалоговая база знаний, хранящая декларативные и процедурные знания, необходимые для поддержки целенаправленного диалогового процесса эротетического типа. В заключительной части статьи описан пример интеллектуальной САПР, построенной на основе предлагаемых принципов и предназначенной для теплофизического проектирования элементов конструкций энергетических систем.Статтю присвячено принципам організації інтелектуальної системи автоматизованого проектування (САПР) на основі діалогової бази знань. Як філософська та психологічна основа інтелектуальної САПР розглядається гіпотеза Л.С. Виготського про зону найближчого розвитку. Згідно з цією гіпотезою, стосовно інтелектуалізації САПР, проект може виконувати некваліфікований оператор при підтримці вбудованого інтелектуального компонента. У статті показано, що в основі архітектури вбудованого інтелектуального компонента може лежати діалогова база знань, яка зберігає декларативні і процедурні знання, необхідні для підтримки ціленаправленого діалогового процесу еротетичного типу. У заключній частині статті наданий опис прикладу інтелектуальної САПР, збудованої на основі запропонованих принципів, яка призначена для теплофізичного проектування елементів конструкції енергетичних систем.This paper deals with concepts of organization of intelligent CAD systems based on the idea of a dialogue knowledge base. Using the philosophical and psychological foundations of an intelligent CAD system, the author considers the hypothesis of the Zone of Proximal Development offered by L.S. Vygotsky. According to this hypothesis, in the context of intelligent CAD systems, a project can be carry out by an unskilled operator with the support of the embedded intelligent component. This paper demonstrates that the core of the architecture of this intelligent component can contain a dialogue knowledge base, which keeps the declarative and procedural knowledge needed to support a goal-oriented erotetic dialogue process. In the final part of the paper there is an example of an intelligent CAD system constructed on the idea of the dialogue knowledge base. This CAD system is oriented to the thermal design of parts of power-producing systems

    Ontological classification for heritage computer aided design

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    Recent endeavors in Computer Aided Design (CAD) have enabled creating intelligent 3D models of building assets that allow high efficiency in constructing and operating/maintaining those assets. However, in order to support this, detailed specification, classification and codification of the individual building systems and their components must be created. This entails usage and embedding of specific construction classification systems with the CAD systems utilized. While many such systems exist for new builds, there is lack of classification systems for heritage buildings, which are unique in the characteristics of their components that cannot be covered by current classification systems. This paper presents part of an ongoing research to justify and create a new Ontological Classification system for Heritage assets that can be used in conjunction with CAD systems, specifically 3D intelligent authoring tools, to specify the special requirements of Heritage components. The paper will start with a comparative study to validate creation of an “Onto-Classification” system as opposed to other systems like thesauri, taxonomies etc., including case study examples of them. This will be followed with examples of the new Onto-Classification system using a current existing Case study of Toson Palace in Egypt

    AI-enhanced diagnosis of challenging lesions in breast MRI: a methodology and application primer

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    Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems have become an important tool in the assessment of breast tumors with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CAD systems can be used for the detection and diagnosis of breast tumors as a “second opinion” review complementing the radiologist’s review. CAD systems have many common parts such as image pre-processing, tumor feature extraction and data classification that are mostly based on machine learning (ML) techniques. In this review paper, we describe the application of ML-based CAD systems in MRI of the breast covering the detection of diagnostically challenging lesions such as non-mass enhancing (NME) lesions, multiparametric MRI, neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) and radiomics all applied to NME. Since ML has been widely used in the medical imaging community, we provide an overview about the state-ofthe-art and novel techniques applied as classifiers to CAD systems. The differences in the CAD systems in MRI of the breast for several standard and novel applications for NME are explained in detail to provide important examples illustrating: (i) CAD for the detection and diagnosis, (ii) CAD in multi-parametric imaging (iii) CAD in NAC and (iv) breast cancer radiomics. We aim to provide a comparison between these CAD applications and to illustrate a global view on intelligent CAD systems based on ANN in MRI of the breast

    Evolutionary optimization within an intelligent hybrid system for design integration

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    An intelligent hybrid approach has been developed to integrate various stages in total design, including formulation of product design specifications, conceptual design, detail design, and manufacture. The integration is achieved by blending multiple artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and CAD/CAE/CAM into a single environment. It has been applied into power transmission system design. In addition to knowledge-based systems and artificial neural networks, another AI technique, genetic algorithms (GAs), are involved in the approach. The GA is used to conduct optimization tasks: (1) searching the best combination of design parameters to obtain optimum design of gears, and (2) optimization of the architecture of the artificial neural networks used in the hybrid system. In this paper, after a brief overview of the intelligent hybrid system, the GA applications are described in detail

    Executing CLIPS expert systems in a distributed environment

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    This paper describes a framework for running cooperating agents in a distributed environment to support the Intelligent Computer Aided Design System (ICADS), a project in progress at the CAD Research Unit of the Design Institute at the California Polytechnic State University. Currently, the systems aids an architectural designer in creating a floor plan that satisfies some general architectural constraints and project specific requirements. At the core of ICADS is the Blackboard Control System. Connected to the blackboard are any number of domain experts called Intelligent Design Tools (IDT). The Blackboard Control System monitors the evolving design as it is being drawn and helps resolve conflicts from the domain experts. The user serves as a partner in this system by manipulating the floor plan in the CAD system and validating recommendations made by the domain experts. The primary components of the Blackboard Control System are two expert systems executed by a modified CLIPS shell. The first is the Message Handler. The second is the Conflict Resolver. The Conflict Resolver synthesizes the suggestions made by the domain experts, which can be either CLIPS expert systems, or compiled C programs. In DEMO1, the current ICADS prototype, the CLIPS domain expert systems are Acoustics, Lighting, Structural, and Thermal; the compiled C domain experts are the CAD system and the User Interface