183 research outputs found

    Novel Approaches in Landslide Monitoring and Data Analysis

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    Significant progress has been made in the last few years that has expanded the knowledge of landslide processes. It is, therefore, necessary to summarize, share and disseminate the latest knowledge and expertise. This Special Issue brings together novel research focused on landslide monitoring, modelling and data analysis

    Selected Papers from the 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea

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    This Special Issue is devoted to recent developments in instrumentation and measurement techniques applied to the marine field. ¶The sea is the medium that has allowed people to travel from one continent to another using vessels, even today despite the use of aircraft. It has also been acting as a great reservoir and source of food for all living beings. However, for many generations, it served as a landfill for depositing conventional and nuclear wastes, especially in its deep seabeds, and we are assisting in a race to exploit minerals and resources, different from foods, encompassed in it. Its health is a great challenge for the survival of all humanity since it is one of the most important environmental components targeted by global warming. ¶ As everyone may know, measuring is a step that generates substantial knowledge about a phenomenon or an asset, which is the basis for proposing correct solutions and making proper decisions. However, measurements in the sea environment pose unique difficulties and opportunities, which is made clear from the research results presented in this Special Issue

    UAV data modeling for geoinformation update

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    A dissertação visa avaliar a relevância e o desempenho dos dados obtidos por Veículos Aéreos Não Tripulados (VANT) na atualização de Geoinformação. Os dados obtidos por VANT serão utilizados quer em conjunto com outros dados – obtidos por plataformas tradicionais de deteção remota –, quer isoladamente, recorrendo à técnica de Structure from Motion (SfM), para gerar o modelo digital de superfície e os ortomosaicos de alta precisão em diferentes momentos. Para a avaliação da precisão dos dados, os modelos digitais de terreno serão comparados. Por outro lado, os dados e informação gerados permitirão atualizar Geoinformação e quantificar as mudanças ocorridas no uso e ocupação do solo. Os resultados irão alimentar a discussão crítica da ação antrópica nos aglomerados urbanos e as propostas de intervenção.The dissertation aims to assess the relevance and performance of data obtained by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in updating Geoinformation. The data obtained by UAVs will be used either in conjunction with other data – obtained by traditional remote sensing platforms – or on its own, using the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique, to generate high-precision digital surface models and orthomosaics at different times. For the accuracy assessment of the data, the digital terrain models will be compared. On the other hand, the data and information generated will make it possible to update Geoinformation and quantify changes in land use and occupation. The results will feed the critical discussion of anthropic action in urban areas and intervention proposals

    Fractals in Geoscience and Remote Sensing

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    Multisource Remote Sensing based Impervious Surface Mapping

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    Impervious surface (IS) not only serves as a key indicator of urbanization, but also affects the micro-ecosystem. Therefore, it is essential to monitor IS distribution timely and accurately. Remote sensing is an effective approach as it can provide straightforward and consistent information over large area with low cost. This thesis integrates multi-source remote sensing data to interpretate urban patterns and provide more reliable IS mapping results. Registration of optical daytime and nighttime lights (NTL) data is developed in the first contribution. An impervious surface based optical-to-NTL image registration algorithm with iterative blooming effect reduction (IS_iBER) algorithm is proposed. This coarse-to-fine procedure investigates the correlation between optical and NTL features. The iterative registration and blooming effect reduction method obtains precise matching results and reduce the spatial extension of NTL. Considering the spatial transitional nature of urban-rural fringes (URF) areas, the second study proposed approach for URF delineation, namely optical and nighttime lights (NTL) data based multi-scale URF (msON_URF).The landscape heterogeneity and development vitality derived from optical and NTL features are analyzed at a series of scales to illustrate the urban-URF-rural pattern. Results illustrate that msON_URF is effective and practical for not only concentric, but also polycentric urban patterns. The third study proposes a nighttime light adjusted impervious surface index (NAISI) to detect IS area. Parallel to baseline subtraction approaches, NAISI takes advantage of features, rather than spectral band information to map IS. NAISI makes the most of independence between NTL-ISS and pervious surface to address the high spectral similarity between IS and bare soil in optical image. An optical and NTL based spectral mixture analysis (ON_SMA) is proposed to achieve sub-pixel IS mapping result in the fourth study. It integrates characteristics of optical and NTL imagery to adaptively select local endmembers. Results illustrate the proposed method yields effective improvement and highlight the potential of NTL data in IS mapping. In the fifth study, GA-SVM IS mapping algorithm is investigated with introduction of the achieved urban-URF-rural spatial structure. The combination of optical, NTL and SAR imagery is discussed. GA is implemented for feature selection and parameter optimization in each urban scenario

    Comparison of sea-ice freeboard distributions from aircraft data and cryosat-2

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    The only remote sensing technique capable of obtain- ing sea-ice thickness on basin-scale are satellite altime- ter missions, such as the 2010 launched CryoSat-2. It is equipped with a Ku-Band radar altimeter, which mea- sures the height of the ice surface above the sea level. This method requires highly accurate range measure- ments. During the CryoSat Validation Experiment (Cry- oVEx) 2011 in the Lincoln Sea, Cryosat-2 underpasses were accomplished with two aircraft, which carried an airborne laser-scanner, a radar altimeter and an electro- magnetic induction device for direct sea-ice thickness re- trieval. Both aircraft flew in close formation at the same time of a CryoSat-2 overpass. This is a study about the comparison of the sea-ice freeboard and thickness dis- tribution of airborne validation and CryoSat-2 measure- ments within the multi-year sea-ice region of the Lincoln Sea in spring, with respect to the penetration of the Ku- Band signal into the snow
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