28,416 research outputs found

    Research on the Realization Path of Intelligent Logistics in the “New Retail” Era

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    New retail is the product of innovation and transformation of e-commerce, physical retail and modern logistics. New retail relies on omni-channel logistics based on supply chain integration, order-driven precise logistics service and high intensity urban distribution carrying capacity, which has brought huge impacts and development opportunities to the logistics industry. At present, there are limitations in China\u27s intelligent logistics, both in terms of logistics infrastructure construction, logistics information services, and regulatory guarantee systems, which restrict the development of new retail . In order to realize the high-quality support of new retail by intelligent logistics, a trinity of intelligent logistics construction path of government guidance, market leadership, and social co-governance is proposed. We should accelerate the construction of intelligent logistics infrastructure under the guidance of the government, give full play to the leading role of the market to build an intelligent logistics information platform, and build a multi-security logistics security system through joint governance of all sectors of society to meet the overall objective of the high-quality support of logistics for new retail

    Reaching inter-institutional business processes in e-Society

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    Each business enterprise strives to achieve the most efficient organization of its operations. While business enterprises can influence internal factors of organization, external factors are more rigid. Public organizations have less of an incentive to be efficient. Furthermore, their organization is less favorable since the decision making is centralized and highly formal (i.e. legislative). Adoption of business process orientation (BPO) paradigm,with an emphasis on the management of internal factors of organization, has provided business organizations with substantial savings and improvements in efficiency. However, external factors also have a high potential for improvement of efficiency. For instance, development of supply chains or value chains has proven that external factors can be harnessed to provide additional sources of competitiveness. Other external factors can also beused to improve the performance of individual organizations, an entire industry or economy as a whole. These synergic effects can be achieved through a unified and virtualized communication infrastructure, document exchange and conduct of business transactions. The goal of this paper is to present business environment properties in an e-Society that can be further developed to enhance integration between organizations and public institutions, which in turn can be used to create and manage inter-institutional business processes. This typeof processes can promote e-business and e-business models to a new level of efficiency, making a whole industry or national economy comparatively more competitivein international markets.business processes; public administration; e-business; e-society; interactions

    Chinese Customs Regulations on Cross-Border E-Commerce: A Growth Opportunity for Foreign Enterprises and Chinese Commercial Platforms

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    1980年代以来,通信技术快速提高,在 全球范围内加速了消费方式的改变,全球化 趋势加强,并由此带来了各种变化和改进, 比如新技术,更快、更便捷的通道和运输方 式,创造了名为电子商务的货物买卖新方 式。世界贸易组织认识到这种新的贸易方式 的发展及其带来的新机遇。1998年5月,该 组织第二次部长级会议通过的《全球电子商 务宣言》中,电子商务得到正式采用。自那 时以来,电子商务的术语被理解为通过电子 手段生产、分配、营销、销售或交付的货物 和服务。即使今天的电子商务并不是一个新 问题,我们可以说,它已成为卖家和买家, 同时也成为在这个过程中所涉及的所有中 介,其消费、工作和收入来源的流行和稳定 方式。文本将关注跨境电子商务及其在中国 海关法规中具有的意义,电子商务平台的主 要特点和其发展将面临的挑战,及其对消费 者、企业和政府造成的影响进行分析。 The fast improvement of communications since 1980´s has sped up the way of world-wide consumption. The embrace of globalization and all the changes and improvements that come with it, such as new technologies, faster and more accessible routes and ways of transportation, have created a new way to sell and buy goods named electronic commerce or e commerce.This new way of commerce was officially adopted in May, 1998 in the Declaration on Global Electronic Commerce of the Second Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, which recognizes the growth of this new way of trade and the new opportunities it brings with.then, the term of electronic commerce, or e-commerce, is understood as to mean the production, distribution, marketing, sale or delivery of goods and services by electronic means1 Even if today e-commerce is not a new subject, we can say it has become a popular and stable way of consumption, job, and income source, not only for the seller and buyer, but also for all the intermediaries involved in the process. In this article, the characteristics of cross-border e-commerce and its implication on Chinese Customs legislations and commercial platforms will be analyze by noting their main characteristics and the challenges shared for development, as well as the effects they generate among consumers, enterprises and the government

    Review of Cross-border Electronic Retail Logistics Research in the Last Five Years

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    Nearly five years, retail in cross-border e-commerce (CBER) has gradually attracted more attention with the expansion of domestic e-commerce in several retail major economies. Scholars both here and abroad have become increasingly interested in CBER. As the important supporting services, logistics services of CBER have also be deeply concerned. However, compared with the rich practice, the theoretical outputs of logistics services in CBER are still less. Previous studies have focused on the relationship between cross-border e-commerce and logistics services , and international distribution network. So far, there is little research on content-based logistics services concerning CBER. Based on the literature review, this paper has determined a series of possible research directions, including strategic significance of cooperation in forming CBER distribution structure and how to implement customer-driven logistics service improvement. Finally, some future research directions are proposed

    Economics of Change in Market Structure, Conduct, and Performance The Baking Industry 1947-1958

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    Baking is one of the largest industries in the United States. Its sales, which exceed 4billionannually,rankitthirdamongthefoodprocessingindustries,andthirteenthamongallmanufacturingindustries.Bakeryproductsaccountfornearly4 billion annually, rank it third among the food processing industries, and thirteenth among all manufacturing industries. Bakery products account for nearly 1 out of every $10 spent by American consumers for food. Almost half of the domestic consumption of wheat flour is in the form of bread, rolls, cake, pie, doughnuts, sweet goods, and other perishable bakery products. While this study encompasses the perishable bakery products industry as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, it focuses primarily on wholesale markets for white bread. Since World War II, important changes have occurred in the bread baking industry. A decline in the per capita demand for bread products coupled with changes in technology and costs has affected the relationships between baking companies, their market behavior, and the resulting level of efficiency and price performance. In an industrial economy, the farming, milling, baking, retailing, and consuming functions are integrally related. Changes in the organization and practices in one may induce changes in others. The baking industry occupies a strategic position in this process, and as a result, consumers, farmers, millers, and retailers, as well as bakers themselves, have a vital interest in the way the baking industry performs. Changes in market structure and firm behavior in the baking industry have been the subject of study and concern by several interested individuals and groups. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has followed with increased concern the widening of the market margin and the declining farmer share of consumer bread prices. The Senate Agricultural Committee has completed a study of average cost and returns of bakery operations.The Federal Trade Commission has followed the pricing practices of many baking companies with frequent cease and desist orders. I\u3e The Justice Department, through periodic prosecutions, has kept baking firms aware of the limitation imposed by the antitrust laws. The Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly has studied the impact of discriminatory pricing by large baking companies on small independent bakers.7 The industry has encouraged economic study of the historic development of baking and changes in market organization and practices.s Most recently, the F.T.C. studied buyer concentration and the integration of retail grocery organizations into baking and other food processing industries

    Digital technologies catalyzing business model innovation in supply chain management - the case of parcel lockers as a solution for improving sustainable city mobility

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    The rise of information technologies pushes companies into digital restructuring. Organizations integrating emerging technologies into their supply chains can boost efficiency by streamlining processes and making more informed decisions using predictive analytics. This research dis-cusses major enablers for digital transformation and presents the application of those along different parts of a digital supply chain, while focusing on technical characteristics, implementations, and impact on organizational capabilities and strategies. The parcel lockers are a technology that sustains and improves last-mile delivery. By combining it with night-time delivery improves the City's Sustainable Mobility and, therefore, reduces the local emissions and city congestion

    E-Commerce Impacts on Logistics Chain: Customers Perspective

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    Mobility is an indicator of development across business region. In a country like india, the role of transport is vital. It helps to maintain stable growth of economy. E-commerce is the future trend of business style. It brings many benefits individuals, business and communities. The optimized transportation techniques improves the strong economy, reduced expenditure and cost of the product, safety, moving load, accuracy in delivery, reduced traffic density and less energy intensive to link the channel members. This paper emphasizes the actions required for improving quality of service. The objective of the paper is to define the role of transportation in logistics for the reference of impacts of e-commerce further improvement. The research was supported to logistics managers to comprehend the collective views of logistics and its applications

    Reengineering the management process of hospital consumable medical supplies to reduce cost and improve quality: an empirical study in China

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    JEL: M00As the society continues developing and people’s living standards rise in China, the top priority of its new medical reform has become pushing forward public hospital reform and optimizes the medical service system. At the same time, the medical reform’s guiding principles for operating the country’s hospital system have changed into maintaining non-profit medical institutions as the main body of the healthcare system, for-profit medical institutions as supplements; public medical institutions playing the leading role, and encouraging the concurrent development of non-public medical institutions. This change in guiding principles has led to intensified competition among hospitals. To survive in the competition, hospitals are emphasizing on reducing cost and improving service quality. Therefore, reducing cost and providing high quality medical services has become an important goal for hospital management. With continued advancement of medical technologies, the type and the quantity of medical supplies have been continuously increasing. The number of wasted medical supplies has also been increasing rapidly. Medical supplies include three major categories, namely, pharmaceuticals, consumable medical supplies, and medical logistical materials (Fu, 2009). This thesis aims to study the management of consumable medical supplies. This thesis examines how hospitals can achieve inventory reduction of hospital consumable supplies, improve management quality, and lower cost by reengineering and optimizing the management process of the whole lifecycle of consumable medical supplies, including production, circulation, hospital, units and utilization, and by utilizing information management systems. The first half of the thesis describes the theoretical bases of reengineering and optimization as well as information systems utilized to achieve improved hospital consumable supply management. The second half uses three groups of data, namely, interviews, a case study and questionnaire surveys, to provide analysis results of successful use of reengineering and optimization as well as information system to improve hospital consumable supply management process in China. The first group of data includes interviews of several managers from three companies providing hospital consumable medical supplies which offer qualitative analyses regarding the problems in hospital consumable medical supply management process, solutions to resolve those problems, and challenges in solution implementing. The second group of data includes a case study of a large hospital in Shanghai, from the supplier’s perspective, of their consumable medical supply management process resulted from the restructured information systems platform. The third group of data includes questionnaire survey responses from leaders of multiple hospitals regarding comparisons of its consumable medical supply management process and results between before and after the implementation of the information systems platform.À medida que a sociedade Chinesa se desenvolve e as condições de vida melhoram, a prioridade da reforma médica tem vindo a concentrar-se na reestruturação dos hospitais públicos e na otimização do sistema médico nacional. Ao mesmo tempo, os princípios orientadores do funcionamento do sistema hospitalar nacional mantêm as instituições médicas não orientadas para o lucro como o corpo principal da sistema de saúde, e as instituições orientadas para o lucro como suplementares; em suma, enquanto as instituições médicas públicas desempenham o papel principal no sistema de saúde, o desenvolvimento de instituições privadas é incentivado. Esta mudança de princípios desencadeou uma concorrência entre hospitais. Para sobreviverem no ambiente cada vez mais concorrencial, os hospitais concentraram-se na redução de custos e na melhoria da qualidade dos seus serviços. Deste modo a redução dos custos e a melhoria dos serviços médicos prestados transformaram-se em objetivos principais, para os gestores hospitalares. Com a evolução contínua das tecnologias médicas, o tipo e a quantidade de fornecimentos hospitalares tem vindo a aumentar. A quantidade de desperdícios resultantes dos fornecimentos hospitalares tem também aumentado de uma forma muito rápida. Os fornecimentos hospitalares consumíveis incluem três categorias: farmacêutica, consumíveis médicos e materiais de logística (Fu, 2009). Esta tese tem como objetivo principal investigar a gestão dos fornecimentos médicos consumíveis. Esta tese investiga como os hospitais podem diminuir o inventário dos fornecimentos hospitalares consumíveis, melhorar a qualidade da gestão e baixar o custo através da reengenharia e otimização da gestão de todo o processo de vida dos consumíveis médicos, incluindo a produção, a circulação e utilização, apoiando-se sistemas de informação para a gestão. A primeira parte desta tese descreve as bases teóricas da reengenharia e otimização, assim como dos sistemas de informação utilizados para conseguir a melhoria da gestão dos fornecimentos. A segunda parte utiliza três tipos de dados, nomeadamente, dados recolhidos através de entrevistas, dados provenientes de um caso, e dados recolhidos através de um questionário. Estes dados permitem-nos descrever casos de sucesso na melhoria da gestão dos fornecimentos hospitalares na China. Os dados provenientes das entrevistas a gestores de três empresas fornecedoras de consumíveis médicos permitem-nos, uma visão qualitativa dos problemas e soluções para os resolver. Os dados provenientes do estudo de caso de um grande hospital de Shanghai, na perspetiva dos fornecedores fornecem-nos uma ideia da importância da existência de plataforma de sistemas de informação. O terceiro grupo de dados é proveniente dos questionários administrados a gestores de hospitais onde se questiona sobre a situação da gestão dos consumíveis médicos hospitalares antes e depois da existência de plataformas de informação

    The Need for Transparency in Commodity and Commodity Derivatives Markets. ECMI Research Report No. 3, 15 December 2008

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    This paper argues that transparency-boosting measures specifically tailored to commodity and commodity derivatives markets are much needed. In particular, encouraging the creation of a clearing infrastructure for OTC commodity and commodity derivatives markets would be desirable. Moreover, EU regulators should consider setting up a new, more effective market abuse regime aimed at preventing manipulation in both the physical and financial commodities markets. Finally, in cooperation with the G20, EU authorities should consider the creation of an International Commodity Agency to increase transparency and restore confidence in international physical markets for commodities. The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 briefly discusses the fundamentals of commodity spot and futures markets. Section 3 presents both physical commodity markets and commodity derivative markets in their usual breakdown categories: agriculture, metals and energy. Section 4 discusses the regulations in the EU and the US concerning commodity derivatives. Section 5 advances certain policy proposals and the last section draws the conclusions

    Impact of Trade Facilitation on Export Competitiveness: a Regional Perspective

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    The present study, based on the experiences of China Customs, aims to identify good practices in enhancing export competitiveness through customs modernization. The paper examines the link between customs operations and export competitiveness, reviews overall principles and patterns for customs modernization, and proposes relevant models. It then examines the modernization of China Customs, including its objective, strategy, major initiatives and measures, as well as the overall impact of a modernized customs on export expansion.Customs, Export, Competitiveness, China