1,598 research outputs found

    Towards the integration of audiovisual translation in the teaching of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in higher education

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    La rivoluzione digitale ha promosso lo sviluppo di nuove forme di insegnamento delle lingue. Contemporaneamente, la traduzione nell'insegnamento delle lingue, oggetto di dibattito per anni, è stata rivalutata in una prospettiva comunicativa (Cook 2010). Negli ultimi due decenni, l'applicazione pedagogica della Traduzione Audiovisiva (TAV) – il trasferimento del linguaggio verbale negli audiovisivi – ha attirato l'attenzione sia di studiosi sia di istituzioni europee. La ricerca empirica mostra che la TAV nella classe di lingua può favorire sia le competenze ricettive sia quelle produttive, oltre alle competenze IT (Lertola 2019a). Questo articolo propone l'integrazione della TAV e, in particolare, delle attività di sottotitolazione e doppiaggio nell'insegnamento dell'inglese come lingua straniera a livello universitario. L'articolo fornisce uno stato dell'arte con particolare riferimento alle precedenti esperienze di integrazione della TAV nell'insegnamento delle lingue. Inoltre, presenta e analizza il feedback fornito da 38 studenti di laurea magistrale in un questionario di valutazione sulla loro esperienza di apprendimento utilizzando attività di sottotitolazione e doppiaggio (L2-L2; L1-L2; e L2-L1) come parte integrante del loro modulo di lingua inglese

    The Symbiotic Match of AVT & Tech Industry State-Of-The-Art and Way Forward

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    The Audiovisual Translation (AVT) sector and the Tech industry have been inseparable, a symbiotic match. In the AVT field, the introduction of the DVD in 1995 was the most significant development in the field of AVT, profoundly influencing the nature of professional practices. It had «repercussions not only in the way audiovisual programmes started to be packaged, marketed and consumed, but also from a quantitative perspective» (Díaz-Cintas 2013: 119). Yet, the greatest catalyst of changes in communications and AVT has always been the Internet (Díaz-Cintas 2013: 119). In the last decade, the world around us has radically altered. On a daily basis, we are immersed in an audiovisual reality, surrounded by Video Streaming on Demand (SVoD) systems, where players like Netflix spend billions of dollars in new productions reaching volumes of content that were impossible only a decade ago. New experiments with advanced technologies applied to AVT have been consistently carried out since 2000 to meet the demands of SVoD systems: automatic speech recognition (ASR) able to ‘understand’ the voices in a dialogue, and neural machine translation (NMT) processes have been applied to the production of subtitled versions of films and TV shows to a large extent, generating new roles in the industry and creating new debates about the ethics of technology in the AVT industry

    Film Dialogue Translation And The Intonation Unit : Towards Equivalent Effect In English And Chinese

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    This thesis proposes a new approach to film dialogue translation (FDT) with special reference to the translation process and quality of English-to-Chinese dubbing. In response to the persistent translation failures that led to widespread criticism of dubbed films and TV plays in China for their artificial \u27translation talk\u27, this study provides a pragmatic methodology derived from the integration of the theories and analytical systems of information flow in the tradition of the functionalist approach to speech and writing with the relevant theoretical and empirical findings from TS and other related branches of linguistics. It has developed and validated a translation model (FITNIATS) which makes the intonation unit (IU) the central unit of film dialogue translation. Arguing that any translation which treats dubbing as a simple script-to-script process, without transferring the prosodic properties of the spoken words into the commensurate functions of TL, is incomplete, the thesis demonstrates that, in order to reduce confusion and loss of meaning/rhythm, the SL dialogue should be rendered in the IUs with the stressed syllables well-timed in TL to keep the corresponding information foci in sync with the visual message. It shows that adhering to the sentence-to-sentence formula as the translation metastrategy with the information structure of the original film dialogue permuted can result in serious stylistic as well as communicative problems. Five key theoretical issues in TS are addressed in the context of FDT, viz., the relations between micro-structure and macro-structure translation perspectives, foreignizing vs. domesticating translation, the unit of translation, the levels of translation equivalence and the criteria for evaluating translation quality. lf equivalent effect is to be achieved in all relevant dimensions, it is argued that \u27FITness criteria\u27 need to be met in film translation assessment, and four such criteria arc proposed. This study demonstrates that prosody and word order, as sensitive indices of the information flow which occurs in film dialogue through the creation and perception of meaning, can provide a basis for minimizing cross-linguistic discrepancies and compensating for loss of the FIT functions, especially where conflicts arise between the syntactic and/or medium constraints and the adequate transfer of cultural-specific content and style. The implications of the model for subtitling arc also made explicit

    An overview of audiovisual translation: Four methodological turns in a mature discipline

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    Digital technology has played a crucial role not only in the process of production and distribution of audiovisual content, but also in the process of localization and consumption of audiovisual products. This has had an obvious impact on audiovisual translation as a field, both in professional circles as well as in scholarly research. To date, this field of research has grown exponentially, parallel to the production, consumption, interaction with and general interest in audiovisual products. At the same time, translation studies have been growing as a discipline and, consequently, has been influencing audiovisual translation (AVT) research. This article presents a due brief overview of the four turns audiovisual translation has taken to date (the descriptive, the cultural, the sociological and the cognitive turns), and identifies some of the major steps already undertaken, as well as possible research avenues that such turns are currently opening

    Transfer of Verbal Humour in Audiovisual Translation - Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit in Finnish

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    Käännöksiä kulutetaan nykyään paljon audiovisuaalisessa muodossa. Av-kääntäminen on lisäksi läpinäkyvä kääntämisen laji: tekstityksessä alkuperäinen dialogi säilyy käännöksen rinnalla, mikä tarjoaa lähdekieltä osaaville katsojille mahdollisuuden poimia ”virheitä”, kun taas dubbauksessa kuva ja etenkin puhutusta käännöksestä eroavat suunliikkeet saattavat muistuttaa katsojaa vieraasta alkuperästä. Av-kääntämisessä on otettava huomioon useita kommunikaatiokanavia. Dialogilla on usein kiinteitä yhteyksiä etenkin kuvaan. Tekstitystä ja dubbausta rajoittavat synkronisointi ja tiivistäminen mutta hieman eri tavoin. Dubbauksessa rajoituksena on etenkin huulisynkroni, kun taas tiivistäminen on vaativampaa tekstityksessä, jossa seurattava kommunikaatiokanava vaihtuu puhutusta kirjoitetuksi. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa verrattiin tekstitystä ja dubbausta av-kääntämisen muotoina niiden salliman luovuuden suhteen. Tutkimuksessa sovellettiin James S. Holmesin säilyttävää ja uutta luovaa käännösstrategiaa. Tutkimuksen oletus, että dubbaus sallisi luovempia käännösstrategioita kuin tekstitys, perustui juuri näiden av-kääntämisen muotojen erilaisiin luonteisiin ja eri kommunikaatiokanaviin. Tutkimuskohteeksi valittiin Wallace & Gromit -elokuvasarjan The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, suom. Kanin kirous, jossa on paljon haastavaa verbaalia huumoria. Materiaaliksi eriytyivät elokuvalle tyypillisimmät sanaleikit, äänileikit ja alluusiot alakategorioineen. Luovat käännöstavat paljastuivat oletuksen vastaisesti vähiten käytetyiksi käännösstrategioiksi sekä tekstityksessä että dubbauksessa. Enemmän huumoria oli jätetty jopa kokonaan kääntämättä kuin käännetty luovasti. Synkronisointi ja tiivistäminen olivat yhdessä suomalaisten av-kääntämisen normien kanssa rajoittaneet käännösmahdollisuuksia. Moniin käännösratkaisuihin ei kuitenkaan löytynyt muuta selittävää tekijää kuin yksittäinen kääntäjä, etenkin tämän yksittäisille verbaalin huumorin esiintymille antama arvo ja rohkeus poiketa lähdetekstistä luovalla tavalla.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Findings of the IWSLT 2022 Evaluation Campaign.

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    The evaluation campaign of the 19th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation featured eight shared tasks: (i) Simultaneous speech translation, (ii) Offline speech translation, (iii) Speech to speech translation, (iv) Low-resource speech translation, (v) Multilingual speech translation, (vi) Dialect speech translation, (vii) Formality control for speech translation, (viii) Isometric speech translation. A total of 27 teams participated in at least one of the shared tasks. This paper details, for each shared task, the purpose of the task, the data that were released, the evaluation metrics that were applied, the submissions that were received and the results that were achieved