10 research outputs found

    IoT in Building Process: A Literature Review

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    The pervasive diffusion of digital technologies opened up to new concepts in managing and monitoring the processes occurring in our society. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) become enabling tools to rethink our way of living, consuming and producing goods and services. Among these, the Internet of Things (IoT) represents the disruptive technology that may redefine the stages of the building process to meet renewed environmental challenges. This new technological paradigm imports in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector new and not-tectonic instances. In this context, the paper maps the experiences related to the use of IoT for managing the building process. Through a systematic literature review, the article highlights the potential benefits generable by a widespread integration of IoT in the AEC sector. In particular, the article has three purposes: defining the IoT infrastructure for its proper application in the AEC sector; identifying IoT main application domains; investigating the integration modalities

    Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Smart Grids: Present and Future Research Domains

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    —In the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been applied overwhelmingly in various research domains in the context of smart grid. It has been one of the main streams of advanced technological approaches that the research community offered for developing smart grids. However, the broad scope of the subject matter launch complexity for scholars to identify effective research approaches. In this paper, we present a literature review about utilizing AI in the key elements of smart grids including grid-connected vehicles, data-driven components, and the power system network. This will result in highlighting technical challenges of the integration of electric vehicles to the grid and the power network operation as well. Moreover, we discuss the four key research areas in the context of AI and its applications in intelligent power grids. The proposed research fields aid PhD candidates to consider these areas as the promising domains for investigation

    A Different Approach to the Evaluation of Smart Cities’ Indicators

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    The article aims to propose a different approach to assessing smart cities which combines some commonly used indicators with several new ones in line with the concept of sustainability. The aspect of sustainable development as an essential driver for the smart city and the combination of indicators for sustainable and smart city concepts have been analysed fragmentarily so far. There are many different approaches to evaluate the indicators of city smartness; however, very little attention is paid to the analysis of the reciprocal importance of the indicators. Ten indicators representing a smart city were selected that would be keep in line all the three pillars of sustainability—environmental, social, and economic. An expert survey was conducted to assign the weights of indicators using the pairwise comparison approach. The results were processed by utilising the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP), which reduces the subjectivity in the experts’ answers. The presented approach differs from the ones commonly used and while it does not cover a wide range of usual indicators, it proposes some new ideas for further research. Some represent cities to attract young and intelligent citizens, others relate to comfortable and safe living conditions and the environmental situation. The results revealed that the most vital smartness indicators are foreign direct investments, pollutant emission, and the share of people registered as unemployed among the working-age population. These indicators cannot be easily identified as ones representing a smart city, but rather as indicators representing investment and environmental, sustainable aspects. Hence, finding a balance between the indicators related to sustainable and smart city is what highlights the need for further research


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    Currently, the irrational use of water in cities becomes one of the factors that contributes to aggravating several problems such as pollution and scarcity of these resources. The literature points out several challenges such as irresponsible consumption, lack of natural reserves and lack of adequate technology. It is important to understand these technologies and their systems in contemporary times. The article questions how the literature approaches the relationship between technology, systems, water and intelligence. The study aims to review the literature on research efforts on smart water systems. For the review, different databases were used with publications between 2020 and 2022. Of these 18 scientific articles were analyzed. It was noted the use of technologies in offering solutions to the environmental problems of water scarcity. We point out solutions that contribute to the development of the region and cities can and transform them into smarter cities.Hoy en día, el uso irracional del agua en las ciudades se convierte en uno de los factores que contribuyen a agravar diversos problemas como la contaminación y la escasez de estos recursos. La bibliografía señala varios retos, como el consumo irresponsable, la falta de reservas naturales y de tecnología adecuada. Es importante comprender estas tecnologías y sus sistemas en la época contemporánea. El artículo cuestiona la forma en que la literatura aborda las relaciones entre tecnología, sistemas, agua e inteligencia. El estudio pretende realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre los esfuerzos de investigación acerca de los sistemas de agua inteligentes. Para la revisión se utilizaron diferentes bases de datos con publicaciones entre 2020 y 2022. De ellos, se analizaron 18 artículos científicos. Se tomó nota del uso de las tecnologías para aportar soluciones a los problemas medioambientales de la escasez de agua. Señalamos soluciones que contribuyen al desarrollo de la región y las ciudades y pueden transformarlas en ciudades más inteligentes.Na atualidade, o uso irracional da água nas cidades torna-se um dos fatores que contribui para agravar várias problemáticas como a poluição e a escassez destes recursos. A literatura aponta vários desafios como o consumo irresponsável, a falta de reservas naturais e ausência de tecnologia adequada. Cabe compreender estas tecnologias e seus sistemas na contemporaneidade. O artigo questiona de que forma a literatura aborda as relações entre a tecnologia, sistemas, água e inteligência. O estudo visa realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre os esforços de pesquisas acerca dos sistemas inteligentes de água. Para a revisão utilizou-se diferentes bases de dados com publicações entre 2020 a 2022. Destes, 18 artigos científicos foram analisados. Notou-se a utilização das tecnologias na oferta de soluções para os problemas ambientais da escassez de água. Apontamos soluções que contribuem para o desenvolvimento da região e das cidades e podem transformá-las em cidades mais inteligentes

    Big Data em cidades inteligentes: um mapeamento sistemático

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    O conceito de Cidades Inteligentes ganhou maior atenção nos círculos acadêmicos, industriais e governamentais. À medida que a cidade se desenvolve ao longo do tempo, componentes e subsistemas como redes inteligentes, gerenciamento inteligente de água, tráfego inteligente e sistemas de transporte, sistemas de gerenciamento de resíduos inteligentes, sistemas de segurança inteligentes ou governança eletrônica são adicionados. Esses componentes ingerem e geram uma grande quantidade de dados estruturados, semiestruturados ou não estruturados que podem ser processados usando uma variedade de algoritmos em lotes, microlotes ou em tempo real, visando a melhoria de qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Esta pesquisa secundária tem como objetivo facilitar a identificação de lacunas neste campo, bem como alinhar o trabalho dos pesquisadores com outros para desenvolver temas de pesquisa mais fortes. Neste estudo, é utilizada a metodologia de pesquisa formal de mapeamento sistemático para fornecer uma revisão abrangente das tecnologias de Big Data na implantação de cidades inteligentes

    Intelligent Energy Management with IoT Framework in Smart Cities Using Intelligent Analysis: An Application of Machine Learning Methods for Complex Networks and Systems

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    Smart buildings are increasingly using Internet of Things (IoT)-based wireless sensing systems to reduce their energy consumption and environmental impact. As a result of their compact size and ability to sense, measure, and compute all electrical properties, Internet of Things devices have become increasingly important in our society. A major contribution of this study is the development of a comprehensive IoT-based framework for smart city energy management, incorporating multiple components of IoT architecture and framework. An IoT framework for intelligent energy management applications that employ intelligent analysis is an essential system component that collects and stores information. Additionally, it serves as a platform for the development of applications by other companies. Furthermore, we have studied intelligent energy management solutions based on intelligent mechanisms. The depletion of energy resources and the increase in energy demand have led to an increase in energy consumption and building maintenance. The data collected is used to monitor, control, and enhance the efficiency of the system

    Aplicações e impactos do modelo de smart city em Cascais

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    Vivemos tempos de mudança, de rápida evolução tecnológica, de rápido crescimento social, da obsolescência de grandes negócios e do surgimento de outros. Com estes fatores a moldá-las, as cidades tiveram de se adaptar e a tecnologia da informação foi chamada a responder a este desafio. O objetivo é tentar atingir um estado de sociedade da informação, mais sustentável, mais Smart. Atuando em frentes como a economia, o modo de vida, a mobilidade, a governança e o ambiente, a tecnologia apresenta-nos diversas alternativas que nos ajudam a melhorar as nossas cidades e com isso poder acolher mais pessoas, com melhor qualidade em ambientes saudáveis e acessíveis. Neste trabalho é mostrado o caso do município de Cascais, uma das várias cidades de Portugal que tem aderido a soluções que se encaixam no conceito de Smart City. Com 97.4 quilómetros quadrados de área, dos quais cerca de um terço é considerado parque natural e com uma população de aproximadamente 210 mil habitantes numa amálgama de nacionalidades e estratos sociais, este município tem servido de exemplo no que às políticas públicas Smart diz respeito. Destacando-se o desenvolvimento sustentável, a participação dos cidadãos e o uso de tecnologias de informação como ferramentas para a melhor gestão possível de recursos e da informação. O modelo de gestão de Cascais centra-se na proximidade do cidadão e privilegia a simplificação de processos em várias áreas.We’re living in times of change, with a fast technological evolution, with a fast social growth, with the obsolescence of big business and the appearance of others. With these factors shaping them, cities had to adapt, and the information technologies were called upon to answer this challenge. The objective is to try to achieve a state of information society, more sustainable, and Smarter. Acting on sectors such as economy, way of life, mobility, governance and environment, technology presents us with several alternatives that help us improve our cities and be able to welcome more people, with better quality in healthier environments and accessible ones. In this dissertation, the example of the municipality of Cascais is showed, one of several cities in Portugal that have adhered to solutions that fit the Smart City concept. With an area of 97.4 square kilometres, of which about a third is considered a natural park and with a population of approximately 210 thousand inhabitants in a mixture of nationalities and social strata, this municipality has served as an example regarding Smart public policies. Emphasizing sustainable development, citizen participation and the use of information technologies as tools for the best possible management of resources and information. Cascais' management model focuses on proximity to the citizen and favours the simplification of processes in several areas

    Big Data Analytics na energia: uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    A transformação para uma sociedade mais digital tem vindo a produzir uma quantidade de dados incomparável com décadas anteriores. Big data analytics é agora um termo muito conhecido ao nível de dados financeiros, saúde, marketing, logística, entre outros. Sendo a energia uma das áreas afetadas pela transformação digital, como tem sido aplicado o conceito de big data analytics nesta área? Que aplicações surgiram devido ao volume de dados recolhidos? Que ferramentas são utilizadas? Como tem sido afetada por esta mudança? Esta dissertação pretende responder à pergunta-chave “Como tem sido aplicado big data analytics na área da energia?”. Para o efeito procede-se à realização de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, a partir da qual se elabora uma introdução das temáticas discutidas para leitores que possam estar a iniciar estudos nesta área de investigação, garantindo, ao mesmo tempo, que esta seja útil para leitores que já se encontram inseridos nestas áreas. Para a realização da revisão foi consultada a base de dados Science Direct, sendo construída uma frase booleana através das palavras-chave selecionadas durante a fase de pesquisa da base de dados sendo estas “Big Data”, “Analytics”, “Energy”, “Smart Grid”, “Smart Meters”, “Smart Sensor Network”, “Meter Data Analytics”, “Energy Management” e “Energy Consumption” tendo sido realizado um estudo bibliométrico aos resultados obtidos. Para a seleção dos estudos foram utilizados três métodos de filtragem: um primeiro centrado nos critérios de seleção; o segundo através da leitura dos títulos das publicações e dos resumos; e o terceiro através da realização de um teste de relevância. A exploração da informação permitiu concluir que big data analytics na energia tem sido aplicada em áreas como o estudo do consumidor, soluções para análise de dados recolhidos por smart meters, desenvolvimento de plataformas de análise das smart grids, segurança e gestão inteligente da energia que se refletem na forma como a energia é canalizada, aproveitada e utilizada através da associação de técnicas, processos e sistemas planeados para análise de grandes volumes de dados, resultando numa tomada de decisões mais consciente pelos fornecedores e consumidores de energi

    ArchiSmartCity: Modelling the Alignment of Services and Information in Smart City Architectures

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    Digital transformation in the public sector describes the shift from traditional creation and delivery of services, into the massive use of digital technologies to enhance public services. The digitalisation of public administration presents significant challenges for many municipalities in the social, economic, environmental, and sustainable dimensions. Cities take advantage of the rapid advances in information and communication technologies capabilities to make the provision of city services (e.g., health service, transport service, air-quality service, education service) more efficient. These modern urban environments are commonly referred to as Smart Cities, where advanced and innovative services are offered to improve the overall quality of life for the citizens. Smart Cities are complex systems that involve diverse stakeholders and concerns, use heterogeneous information systems and technologies, and aim to fulfill multiple and conflicting goals. Such complexity challenges the provision of services that may fail to achieve city goals and meet the needs of citizens due to the lack of alignment between city services and the information systems that support them. Evidence of this is the existence of city services and systems that fail to address the real needs of stakeholders, and are not perceived as valuable by them because they do not interoperate, leading to duplication of work and incompatible solutions. Enterprise Architecture (EA) is an established planning and governance approach to manage the complexity of corporate systems. EA presents a holistic view of organisational business strategies and IT initiatives to achieve organisational goals by adopting a comprehensive perspective on the overall architecture. Smart Cities can be seen as urban enterprises with more complex and multi-dimensional systems that require integration among smarter services from different domains (e.g., mobility, energy, public safety, emergency, education, culture, etc.) to respond to diverse interests and objectives from a range of stakeholders. Existing research on EAs for Smart Cities uses the concept of layers and views to describe architecture content and guide its implementation. However, these approaches do not identify the concepts to describe and model the relationships between the service and information layers which are essential to address the strategic alignment. Furthermore, there is an absence of such concepts in languages and metamodels for Enterprise Modelling. These architectures and metamodels mostly emphasize technical aspects that constitute Smart Cities and they rarely focus on city services and their strategic aspects towards delivering the cities vision and objectives. This research introduces ArchiSmartCity, a metamodel that addresses the alignment between city services and information systems according to Smart City strategies to assist in the digitalisation of public city services. In this thesis, design principles and design requirements are defined and instantiated by designing the ArchiSmartCity metamodel that explicitly expresses this alignment, following a design science research approach. Further, ArchiSmartCity is developed and implemented as a coherent extension of an EA metamodel to describe an expository instantiation and its application. ArchiSmartCity is evaluated in an iterative manner within multiple-case studies, by creating real-world services models that are validated by Smart City domain experts. Moreover, this thesis demonstrates and evaluates ArchiSmartCity by developing a computer-based solution for semantic alignment analysis. Ex-post evaluation results demonstrate the quality and practical relevance of the developed metamodel extension for cities and municipalities. This study contributes to the current understanding of how city strategies should be aligned with Smart City implementations by providing a prescriptive view and metamodel to guide coherent and unambiguous architecture design in the Smart Cities field