407 research outputs found

    Access Management in Lightweight IoT: A Comprehensive review of ACE-OAuth framework

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    With the expansion of Internet of Things (IoT), the need for secure and scalable authentication and authorization mechanism for resource-constrained devices is becoming increasingly important. This thesis reviews the authentication and authorization mechanisms in resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) environments. The thesis focuses on the ACE-OAuth framework, which is a lightweight and scalable solution for access management in IoT. Traditional access management protocols are not well-suited for the resource-constrained environment of IoT devices. This makes the lightweight devices vulnerable to cyber-attacks and unauthorized access. This thesis explores the security mechanisms and standards, the protocol flow and comparison of ACE-OAuth profiles. It underlines their potential risks involved with the implementation. The thesis delves into the existing and emerging trends technologies of resource-constrained IoT and identifies limitations and potential threats in existing authentication and authorization methods. Furthermore, comparative analysis of ACE profiles demonstrated that the DTLS profile enables constrained servers to effectively handle client authentication and authorization. The OSCORE provides enhanced security and non-repudiation due to the Proof-of-Possession (PoP) mechanism, requiring client to prove the possession of cryptographic key to generate the access token. The key findings in this thesis, including security implications, strengths, and weaknesses for ACE OAuth profiles are covered in-depth. It shows that the ACE-OAuth framework’s strengths lie in its customization capabilities and scalability. This thesis demonstrates the practical applications and benefits of ACE-OAuth framework in diverse IoT deployments through implementation in smart home and factory use cases. Through these discussions, the research advances the application of authentication and authorization mechanisms and provides practical insights into overcoming the challenges in constrained IoT settings

    A Comprehensive Survey on the Cooperation of Fog Computing Paradigm-Based IoT Applications: Layered Architecture, Real-Time Security Issues, and Solutions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) can enable seamless communication between millions of billions of objects. As IoT applications continue to grow, they face several challenges, including high latency, limited processing and storage capacity, and network failures. To address these stated challenges, the fog computing paradigm has been introduced, purpose is to integrate the cloud computing paradigm with IoT to bring the cloud resources closer to the IoT devices. Thus, it extends the computing, storage, and networking facilities toward the edge of the network. However, data processing and storage occur at the IoT devices themselves in the fog-based IoT network, eliminating the need to transmit the data to the cloud. Further, it also provides a faster response as compared to the cloud. Unfortunately, the characteristics of fog-based IoT networks arise traditional real-time security challenges, which may increase severe concern to the end-users. However, this paper aims to focus on fog-based IoT communication, targeting real-time security challenges. In this paper, we examine the layered architecture of fog-based IoT networks along working of IoT applications operating within the context of the fog computing paradigm. Moreover, we highlight real-time security challenges and explore several existing solutions proposed to tackle these challenges. In the end, we investigate the research challenges that need to be addressed and explore potential future research directions that should be followed by the research community.©2023 The Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A privacy gap around the internet of things for open-source projects

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is having a more important role in the everyday lives of people. The distribution of connectivity across social and personal interaction discloses personalised information and gives access to a sphere of sensitivities that were previously masked. Privacy measures and security to protect personal sensitivities are weak and in their infancy. In this paper we review the issue of privacy in the context of IoT open-source projects, and the IoT security concerns. A proposal is made to create a privacy bubble around the interoperability of devices and systems and a filter layer to mitigate the exploitation of personal and private information by marketing companies

    Enhancing the Privacy of Decentralized Identifiers with Ring Signatures

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    Most identifiers used today, such as OpenID Connect, are controlled by third parties, which can track how the identifier is used. To overcome this, self-sovereign identifiers, such as Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), which are entirely owned and managed by the user, have been developed. However, in some cases even DIDs alone do not sufficiently protect the user's privacy. For example, if a service can be accessed at multiple fixed locations, using the same identifier repeatedly for each location may over time also reveal the user's location. One of the techniques to hide the exact service identifiers are ring signatures, which enable the generation of anonymous signatures where the real signer's identity is hidden in a set of possible signers. This thesis takes the use case of electric vehicle charging, where the electric vehicle location may be revealed if static identifiers are used by the electric vehicles and charging stations. A previous solution uses a new ephemeral DID for every interaction, but this requires the creation of a large number of DIDs. This thesis examines an alternative approach of using ring signatures to achieve better privacy with a lower number of DIDs. The major outcomes of this thesis include how to implement ring signatures for anonymous authentication, comparison of resource consumption with respect to the previous solution, and the applicability of ring signature technology on a broader scale such as in constrained devices. The performance of the new solution was compared with the existing solution by implementing prototypes on Android phones, which communicate over Bluetooth. An assumption on the number of charging events was made based on real data for the country of Norway. The results show that ring signatures are easy to implement and provide slightly better privacy but they are significantly more resource-intensive in terms of storage (about 2 times more) and processing (about 9 times slower). Therefore, large scale implementation of ring signatures on the constrained devices is challenging

    Decentralized Identity and Access Management Framework for Internet of Things Devices

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    The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) domain is about connecting people and devices and systems together via sensors and actuators, to collect meaningful information from the devices surrounding environment and take actions to enhance productivity and efficiency. The proliferation of IoT devices from around few billion devices today to over 25 billion in the next few years spanning over heterogeneous networks defines a new paradigm shift for many industrial and smart connectivity applications. The existing IoT networks faces a number of operational challenges linked to devices management and the capability of devices’ mutual authentication and authorization. While significant progress has been made in adopting existing connectivity and management frameworks, most of these frameworks are designed to work for unconstrained devices connected in centralized networks. On the other hand, IoT devices are constrained devices with tendency to work and operate in decentralized and peer-to-peer arrangement. This tendency towards peer-to-peer service exchange resulted that many of the existing frameworks fails to address the main challenges faced by the need to offer ownership of devices and the generated data to the actual users. Moreover, the diversified list of devices and offered services impose that more granular access control mechanisms are required to limit the exposure of the devices to external threats and provide finer access control policies under control of the device owner without the need for a middleman. This work addresses these challenges by utilizing the concepts of decentralization introduced in Distributed Ledger (DLT) technologies and capability of automating business flows through smart contracts. The proposed work utilizes the concepts of decentralized identifiers (DIDs) for establishing a decentralized devices identity management framework and exploits Blockchain tokenization through both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to build a self-controlled and self-contained access control policy based on capability-based access control model (CapBAC). The defined framework provides a layered approach that builds on identity management as the foundation to enable authentication and authorization processes and establish a mechanism for accounting through the adoption of standardized DLT tokenization structure. The proposed framework is demonstrated through implementing a number of use cases that addresses issues related identity management in industries that suffer losses in billions of dollars due to counterfeiting and lack of global and immutable identity records. The framework extension to support applications for building verifiable data paths in the application layer were addressed through two simple examples. The system has been analyzed in the case of issuing authorization tokens where it is expected that DLT consensus mechanisms will introduce major performance hurdles. A proof of concept emulating establishing concurrent connections to a single device presented no timed-out requests at 200 concurrent connections and a rise in the timed-out requests ratio to 5% at 600 connections. The analysis showed also that a considerable overhead in the data link budget of 10.4% is recorded due to the use of self-contained policy token which is a trade-off between building self-contained access tokens with no middleman and link cost

    Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape

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    Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development. Cyber-criminals are continuously shifting their cyber-attacks specially against cyber-physical systems and IoT, since they present additional vulnerabilities due to their constrained capabilities, their unattended nature and the usage of potential untrustworthiness components. Likewise, identity-theft, fraud, personal data leakages, and other related cyber-crimes are continuously evolving, causing important damages and privacy problems for European citizens in both virtual and physical scenarios. In this context, new holistic approaches, methodologies, techniques and tools are needed to cope with those issues, and mitigate cyberattacks, by employing novel cyber-situational awareness frameworks, risk analysis and modeling, threat intelligent systems, cyber-threat information sharing methods, advanced big-data analysis techniques as well as exploiting the benefits from latest technologies such as SDN/NFV and Cloud systems. In addition, novel privacy-preserving techniques, and crypto-privacy mechanisms, identity and eID management systems, trust services, and recommendations are needed to protect citizens’ privacy while keeping usability levels. The European Commission is addressing the challenge through different means, including the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, thereby financing innovative projects that can cope with the increasing cyberthreat landscape. This book introduces several cybersecurity and privacy research challenges and how they are being addressed in the scope of 15 European research projects. Each chapter is dedicated to a different funded European Research project, which aims to cope with digital security and privacy aspects, risks, threats and cybersecurity issues from a different perspective. Each chapter includes the project’s overviews and objectives, the particular challenges they are covering, research achievements on security and privacy, as well as the techniques, outcomes, and evaluations accomplished in the scope of the EU project. The book is the result of a collaborative effort among relative ongoing European Research projects in the field of privacy and security as well as related cybersecurity fields, and it is intended to explain how these projects meet the main cybersecurity and privacy challenges faced in Europe. Namely, the EU projects analyzed in the book are: ANASTACIA, SAINT, YAKSHA, FORTIKA, CYBECO, SISSDEN, CIPSEC, CS-AWARE. RED-Alert, Truessec.eu. ARIES, LIGHTest, CREDENTIAL, FutureTrust, LEPS. Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape is ideal for personnel in computer/communication industries as well as academic staff and master/research students in computer science and communications networks interested in learning about cyber-security and privacy aspects

    A security-and quality-aware system architecture for Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized, at the system level, by high diversity with respect to enabling technologies and supported services. IoT also assumes to deal with a huge amount of heterogeneous data generated by devices, transmitted by the underpinning infrastructure and processed to support value-added services. In order to provide users with valuable output, the IoT architecture should guarantee the suitability and trustworthiness of the processed data. This is a major requirement of such systems in order to guarantee robustness and reliability at the service level. In this paper, we introduce a novel IoT architecture able to support security, privacy and data quality guarantees, thereby effectively boosting the diffusion of IoT services

    Assessment of attribute-based credentials for privacy-preserving road traffic services in smart cities

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    Smart cities involve the provision of advanced services for road traffic users. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are a promising communication technology in this regard. Preservation of privacy is crucial in these services to foster their acceptance. Previous approaches have mainly focused on PKI-based or ID-based cryptography. However, these works have not fully addressed the minimum information disclosure principle. Thus, questions such as how to prove that a driver is a neighbour of a given zone, without actually disclosing his identity or real address, remain unaddressed. A set of techniques, referred to as Attribute-Based Credentials (ABCs), have been proposed to address this need in traditional computation scenarios. In this paper, we explore the use of ABCs in the vehicular context. For this purpose, we focus on a set of use cases from European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Basic Set of Applications, specially appropriate for the early development of smart cities. We assess which ABC techniques are suitable for this scenario, focusing on three representative ones—Idemix, U-Prove and VANET-updated Persiano systems. Our experimental results show that they are feasible in VANETs considering state-of-the-art technologies, and that Idemix is the most promising technique for most of the considered use cases.This work was supported by the MINECO grant TIN2013-46469-R (SPINY: Security and Privacy in the Internet of You); the CAM grant S2013/ICE-3095 (CIBERDINE: Cybersecurity, Data, and Risks) and by the MINECO grant TIN2016-79095-C2-2-R (SMOG-DEV - Security mechanisms for fog computing: advanced security for devices). Jose Maria de Fuentes and Lorena Gonzalez were also supported by the Programa de Ayudas para la Movilidad of Carlos III University of Madrid
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