18 research outputs found

    Determinants of Process Maturity in English-speaking Caribbean Firms

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    For decades the IS community has been struggling with the delivery of low quality systems. Software process improvement (SPI) programs are accepted as one of the remedies to overcome this problem, with process maturity being a key element. A major contributor of process maturity is the capability maturity model integration (CMMI). However, most studies regarding process maturity and the determinants of IS quality have been conducted in large firms in developed countries. But it is imperative for software development firms both large and small to understand what is needed to deploy high quality systems. This study seeks to assess the determinants of process maturity in firms in the English-speaking Caribbean (ESC), using the established practices in the CMMI as a baseline for discussion and analysis. Applying PLS as the analytical tool, it was found that project monitoring and control, and verification and validation are major determinants of process maturity in the ESC. These findings can assist practitioners in their pursuit to produce higher quality software products, as well as provide a platform for further refinement of the research model by IS researchers

    Integrando conhecimentos, aproximando disciplinas: a importância do Design e da Ergonomia no projeto e no desenvolvimento de softwares educacionais

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar à comunidade que desenvolve softwareseducacionais algumas técnicas e princípios ergonômicos e de design, que têm aimportante função de integrar os conhecimentos dos diversos membros da equipe e dosusuários. É sustentado que o papel do design não se resume à especificação gráfica doscomponentes da interface, da mesma forma que a Ergonomia não se resume ao empregode checklists. Desta forma, será feito um panorama de técnicas e procedimentos,organizados em relação ao momento indicado ao uso: projeto, implementação eavaliação

    Identifying Key Software Development Practices in the English-Speaking Caribbean Using the Nominal Group Technique

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    This paper explains how a simplified process improvement framework was developed with practices from the capability maturity model integration (CMMI) model using the nominal group technique (NGT). The NGT was used to generate consensus on key software process improvement practices that are likely to lead to the improvement of the quality of information systems (IS) in the English-speaking Caribbean (ESC). We present the approach taken, the results derived, and the benefits of using this approach. NGT sessions, involving 30 IS professionals were conducted in four ESC territories to reduce and finalize a list of key software development practices that would be more suitable for ESC nations to focus on

    Aplicación de juegos serios en la enseñanza de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Gestión de Proyectos

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    La lección magistral es una metodología docente que permite especificar y aclarar los principales conceptos ligados a cualquier campo del conocimiento. Sin embargo, para ciertas materias, como es el caso de Ingeniería de Requisitos y Gestión de Proyectos, esta metodología puede resultar tediosa y aburrida, lo que deriva en pérdida de interés por parte de los estudiantes y, en consecuencia, aumento en el índice de absentismo. La inasistencia a clase está asociada al fracaso académico y al abandono o prolongación de los estudios. Varios autores han demostrado la eficacia de los juegos serios en la docencia universitaria: aumento de la motivación, mayor concentración y consecución de los objetivos de aprendizaje marcados. Actualmente es posible encontrar numerosas actividades de esta índole para materias como Ingeniería de Requisitos y Gestión de Proyectos. En este trabajo se describe la aplicación de algunos de estos juegos serios en una asignatura del Grado en Ingeniería Informática que abarca dichas materias. Como resultado, los estudiantes encuentran las actividades desarrolladas más interesantes, se limita el absentismo y mejoran las tasas de éxito.Educational methodologies based on master class allow to explain in detail and spread concepts related to any field of knowledge. However, for certain topics of technical areas, such as the Requirements Engineering and Project Management, these methodologies may turn boring and cumbersome, which leads to students losing interest and, consequently, increasing the absenteeism. The lack of attendance to lectures is associated with academic failure and abandonment, or with more time required to complete the studies. Several authors have demonstrated the effectiveness of serious games in university teaching with students more motivated, greater concentration and achievement of the established learning outcomes. Nowadays, a lot of activities of this nature are available for knowledge areas such as Requirements Engineering and Project Management. This paper describes the use of some of these serious games in a subject, part of the BSc on Computer Science, which covers these disciplines. As a result, students found the activities carried out during the lectures more interesting, absenteeism was reduced, and success rates were improved.Trabajo realizado en el ámbito del proyecto “Aplicación de juegos serios en la enseñanza de informática: proyecto piloto en gestión de proyectos” de la convocatoria para promover proyectos y acciones de innovación y mejora en la Universidad de Murcia para el curso 2018/2019. Está investigación forma parte del proyecto GINSENG-UMU (TIN2015-70259-C2-2-R) y está financiada por el Ministerio Español de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)

    Information Systems and Health Care XI: Public Health Knowledge Management Architecture Design: A Case Study

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    This paper presents the results of a case study based on the creation of a knowledge management program architecture in the public health domain. Data were gathered in the study using the program logic model as a framework for conducting a series of six focus groups. Results illustrate major elements and branches of the final design with commentary on the knowledge management implications of outcomes of this design effort. The methodology used provides an artifact in the form of an information requirement process that may be suited to other contexts. Discussion of findings focuses on six themes regarding knowledge management systems, particularly in the public health context and during the design process

    Managing Requirements Engineering Risks: an Analysis and Synthesis of the Literature

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    Requirements engineering is recognized as a key discipline in developing business software. Practitioners are, however, facing a steady stream of new techniques and an increasingly differentiated portfolio of requirements engineering risks. The purpose of this paper is to propose a model that links the available repertoire of techniques to the situations in which practitioners find themselves. To this end, the paper reviews the software development and requirements engineering literature to understand the risks that characterize requirement engineering situations, to classify available techniques to resolve these risks, and to identify key principles by which tactics can be applied to resolve requirements risks. The paper synthesizes the findings from the analysis into a contingency model for managing requirements engineering risks. The model sets the scene for future research and practitioners can use it to navigate the requirements engineering landscape

    A Contigency Model for Requirements Development

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    Drawing upon the requirements and software development literature, the present study proposes an integrative contingency model for requirements development. Based on 116 quality journal articles, we analyze requirements development risks, requirements development techniques, and heuristics for how they are effectively related. Subsequently, we synthesize the insights from the identified literature into a model for requirements development that relates patterns of risk resolution to archetypical risk profiles. The model integrates the literature on requirements and software development; sets the scene for future research; and, finally, proposes how practitioners can manage risks in requirements development projects

    Software Innovation:Eight work-style heuristics for creative system developers

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    Human resources analytics module at Quidgest: One more step for human resources to become a true strategic partner

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    Analytics has been a source of competitive advantage due to improved decision-making processes in several business areas. Organizations have reported gains in efficiency and effectiveness based on the implementation of data-driven strategies. However, Human Resources (HR) professionals have been struggling to implement Analytics processes and are missing out on the opportunity of using data to improve organizational performance and truly become a Business Strategic Partner. This Enterprise Project aims to contribute to shortening that gap. It sets out to gather and elicit business, user, functional, and nonfunctional requirements for a new Human Resources Analytics Module (HRAM) at Quidgest, a Portuguese Technological Consultancy company that develops Human Resources Information Systems. The gathering and elicitation of requirements were done through Interviews, a Questionnaire, and 2 Joint Application Development (JAD) Sessions. A Value Proposition Canvas was developed to convey a fit between the system’s main functionalities and HR Professionals’ needs based on those requirements. The relevance of this project is two-folded: First, when developed, the new Analytics Module can become a new revenue stream for Quidgest and a way to maintain and improve its competitiveness in the market; Second, HR Professionals may find a new tool that meets their needs towards implementing Analytics processes and take a step forward in becoming a Strategic Partner. The conclusion of this project also sets out to suggest the next steps for the Module Development and implementation.O uso de Analytics tem sido uma fonte de vantagem competitiva devido à melhoria dos processos de tomada de decisão. As organizações relatam ganhos em eficiência e eficácia com base na implementação de estratégias baseadas em análise de dados. No entanto, os profissionais de Recursos Humanos (RH) têm se debatido para implementar processos analíticos e estão a perder a oportunidade de usar os seus dados para melhorar o desempenho organizacional e se tornarem realmente Strategic Business Partners. Este projeto em empresa visa colmatar essa lacuna. Pretende-se recolher e clarificar requisitos de negócio, utilizador, funcionais e não funcionais para um novo Módulo de Human Resources (HR) Analytics na Quidgest, uma constultora tecnológica portuguesa que desenvolve Sistemas de Informação de RH. A recolha e a clarificação de requisitos foi feita através de entrevistas, um questionário, e 2 Joint Application Development Sessions. De seguida, foi desenvolvido um Value Proposition Canvas, que mostra como há um fit entre as principais funcionalidades do sistema e as necessidades dos profissionais de RH nesta área. A relevância deste projeto prende-se em dois aspetos: primeiro, o novo Módulo de Analytics pode tornar-se uma nova fonte de receita para a Quidgest e uma forma de manter e melhorar sua competitividade; Em segundo lugar, os profissionais de RH podem encontrar uma nova ferramenta que responda às suas necessidades de implementação de processos analíticos e dar um passo em frente para se tornarem um Business Partner. A conclusão deste projeto sugere os próximos passos para o Desenvolvimento do Módulo de Analytics