15 research outputs found

    Integrating synchronous and asynchronous internet distributed education for maximum effectiveness

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    Distributed education delivered via the Internet is a growing practice, with most institutions offering at least course websites and many expanding to full course offerings and even degree offerings. There are two schools of thought with regard to delivery mode; the larger group has focused on asynchronous delivery, accessible at any time via web pages and interactive tutorials and quizzes, while a smaller group advocates synchronous delivery where students are online and interact during class time. This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two delivery modes and describes our successful and growing experience of more than a decade using an open source synchronous delivery tool blended with a variety of asynchronous capabilities and classroom instruction. We conclude that a synergistic combination of the two modes with in-person instruction, designed to provide maximum flexibility to the student within the constraints of the subject, offers the best support for student learning.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Integrating synchronous and asynchronous internet distributed education for maximum effectiveness

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    Distributed education delivered via the Internet is a growing practice, with most institutions offering at least course websites and many expanding to full course offerings and even degree offerings. There are two schools of thought with regard to delivery mode; the larger group has focused on asynchronous delivery, accessible at any time via web pages and interactive tutorials and quizzes, while a smaller group advocates synchronous delivery where students are online and interact during class time. This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two delivery modes and describes our successful and growing experience of more than a decade using an open source synchronous delivery tool blended with a variety of asynchronous capabilities and classroom instruction. We conclude that a synergistic combination of the two modes with in-person instruction, designed to provide maximum flexibility to the student within the constraints of the subject, offers the best support for student learning.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    E- Learning of Andalusian University's Lecturers. Gender

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    This study forms part of the research project: “Use of eLearning in Andalusian Universities: current status and analysis of good practice”. Our research focuses on two fundamental areas: firstly, the Virtual Andalusian Campus (VAC) as defined in the Digital University project set up by the Andalusia’s Regional Administration, and secondly an assessment of the technical and didactic potential of Learning Management Systems (LMS) for the teaching staff at these universities. The research was ndertaken using a quantitative methodology hich collected and analysed data through questionnaires to find out how eLearning is used by 1302 lecturers of different level of six different Andalusian´s university, and to assess their levels of satisfaction with it. The university teaching staff demonstrated positive attitudes towards the e-learning and b-learning process, the methods used, the support offered by the university, and the development programme. The research demonstrates the success of the programme, and shows that it promotes diversity within the university by making use of a variety of personal and professional factors. It also confirms that the majority of teaching staff at the universities do not consider the use of different platforms to be a problem, and that the success of the experience is dependent on the support and attitudes of the university. We found significant differences between the lecturers in terms of gender in two areas: male lecturers had more knowledge of the tools, and female lecturers made more use of them

    On The Effect of Online/Offline Approaches on Vocabulary Achievement

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    Abstract The present study investigated whether online, offline, and blended approaches had any significant influence on vocabulary achievement of Iranian EFL learners in an instructional program. The participants were 100 students, majoring in English Teaching at Islamic Azad University of Ahvaz. The participants were at upper intermediate level of language proficiency. They took a vocabulary pretest and posttest. The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the traditional approach and the other three approaches. That is, computer-assisted teaching approaches significantly affected language learners' vocabulary learning. The findings also manifested that blended approach exerted significant influence on improving L2 vocabulary achievement. The findings implied that language learners who were thought under CALL approaches had more selfassurance than the other learners. Thus, computer-assisted approaches can help language teachers create more creative learning atmosphere and smooth the process of learning

    Incorporating Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) into Study Abroad Courses: A Training Design

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    Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is known as an innovative, cost-effective instructional method that promotes intercultural learning through online collaboration between faculty and students residing in different countries or locations within the context of a course. Two international faculty teaching courses in different locations typically partner to co-facilitate online collaborative activities, such as assignments, projects, presentations and discussions, between their students. COIL continues to grow as an important intercultural instruction tool in higher education as U.S. universities, and universities around the world, work to internationalize their campuses and curricula, as well as increase access to intercultural learning. At the same time, study abroad is highly valued as part of curriculum internationalization strategies, and as an intercultural, experiential and comparative learning tool. This training design outlines a model for training onsite study abroad faculty on incorporating COIL activities into undergraduate study abroad courses as a way to enrich the intercultural and comparative learning of study abroad students. Based on adult learning theory, experiential education and input from onsite administrators and faculty, the training is designed to facilitate interdisciplinary COIL partnerships among faculty participants and guide them through the COIL activity design process

    Head of gold, feet of clay: The online learning paradox

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    Although online learning (OL) is becoming widely accessible and is often viewed as cutting-edge, the actual number of regular faculty participating in this form of teaching remains small. Moreover, OL, despite its growing recognition, is often associated with high rates of student dissatisfaction and isolation, withdrawal, and attrition. Furthermore, although administrators typically champion support of OL, they often seem unable or unwilling to marshal the necessary financial, human, and technological resources to produce high-quality course materials and to effect efficient course delivery. In short, online learning seems paradoxically to be both booming and busting simultaneously. It is expanding supply yet hitting similar obstacles that distance education encountered generations earlier. Under these circumstances, OL is unlikely to become mainstream without a major redirection. This article applies economic principles and concepts to OL. The revised conceptualization posits that an understanding of stakeholder priorities is the key to improved online course design and delivery

    Collaborative International Online Learning : una experiencia en asignaturas sobre Psicología de la Educación

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    El documento presenta la experiencia de Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) en dos cursos de Psicología de la Educación de los programas de Psicología de la Universidad del Rosario y de la Universidad de Ibagué, en la que se vincularon estudiantes colombianos de Bogotá e Ibagué, y estudiantes italianas de la Universidad de Bolonia, Italia, que se encontraban en intercambio académico en el segundo semestre de 2018. La estrategia pedagógica se empleó como medio para enriquecer el aprendizaje intercultural y la reflexión sobre el rol del psicólogo de la educación en diferentes contextos sociales. En este marco se explicará el contexto de la iniciativa pedagógica, la descripción del proceso que se llevó a cabo, los resultados de la implementación y las reflexiones sobre logros y desafíos tanto de los estudiantes como de las docentes

    Integrating Synchronous and Asynchronous Internet Distributed Education for Maximum Effectiveness

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    Abstract. Distributed education delivered via the Internet is a growing practice, with most institutions offering at least course websites and many expanding to full course offerings and even degree offerings. There are two schools of thought with regard to delivery mode; the larger group has focused on asynchronous delivery, accessible at any time via webpages and interactive tutorials and quizzes, while a smaller group advocates synchronous delivery where students are online and interact during class time. This paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two delivery modes and describes our successful and growing experience of more than a decade using an open source synchronous delivery tool blended with a variety of asynchronous capabilities and classroom instruction. We conclude that a synergistic combination of the two modes with in-person instruction, designed to provide maximum flexibility to the student within the constraints of the subject, offers the best support for student learning.