19 research outputs found

    Eliminating contamination issues in manufacturing of nutritional products using six sigma approach

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    The industry of nutritional products and premixes does not forgive poor quality. It is crucial manufacturers get product right the first time. However, the quality in this industry is always under threat of contamination issues with out-of-specifications and foreign matter impurity being always on the radar of quality control. Six Sigma approach is renowned for improving quality through eliminating variation. It focuses on critical processes that affect the quality for internal and external customer. This paper aims to describe the journey of improving the quality management through development and application of Six Sigma framework using carefully selected tools, specifically tailored for medium-sized food manufacturing business in Auckland, New Zealand. This facility is experiencing contamination issues in their products due to nonconformance with the standard specifications on ingredient quantity or presence of foreign matter within the end product. Defective products have caused a spike in late deliveries and rejections, spoiling the long-earned reputation amongst loyal customers. A framework is developed that embodies Six Sigma methods Define, Measure, Analyze, Control and Improve for food manufacturing business. Using this framework, the study achieves the optimization in loading, mixing and blending processes as well as product packaging. The results describe the improvement in meeting manufacturing standards, on-time deliveries and reduction of rework and waste. This research provides direction to other small- medium-sized food manufacturing companies in enhancing quality management through eliminating variation in the production processes by effectively adopting the Six Sigma framework.fals

    Innovation as mediating factor between total quality management and competitive advantage among manufacturers

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    This paper is aimed to explore the role of innovation as mediating role in relationship between TQM and competitive advantage within manufacturing sector in Malaysia. Quantitative method was used to find out the answer and questionnaires have been distributed to the management level in electrical and electronic (E&E) manufacturers in Malaysia. Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) and ADANCO were the software used to analyze the data gathering from respondents. The result of analysis shown that total quality management (TQM) and innovation gave significant positive impact on competitive advantage. In addition, the innovation is mediate positively for the relationship between TQM and competitive advantage. Therefore, this research is expected to provide deep understanding regarding TQM, innovation, and competitive advantage for the manufacturing industry within Malaysia and acts as reference to future researcher

    A lean six sigma jelentősége a kutatásban = The importance of lean six sigma in the research

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    The lean management and the six sigma united in lean six sigma management. The lean is for the speed of processes and the efficiency while the six sigma improves the quality. The importance of lean six sigma has increased greatly recently. The application of the concept started in workshops and it spread to the other departments of the company and than the supply chain partners started using it. This publication makes an attempt to assess the potential in the lean six sigma research. Based on the database of Web of Science the main characteristics of lean six sigma researches are determined. The main purpose of this paper is to understand the potential in lean six sigma research and to make recommendations for researchers in the field about the future possibilities

    A lean six sigma jelentősége a kutatásban = The importance of lean six sigma in the research

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    The lean management and the six sigma united in lean six sigma management. The lean is for the speed of processes and the efficiency while the six sigma improves the quality. The importance of lean six sigma has increased greatly recently. The application of the concept started in workshops and it spread to the other departments of the company and than the supply chain partners started using it. This publication makes an attempt to assess the potential in the lean six sigma research. Based on the database of Web of Science the main characteristics of lean six sigma researches are determined. The main purpose of this paper is to understand the potential in lean six sigma research and to make recommendations for researchers in the field about the future possibilities

    Small and Medium Enterprises enhancement through TPM and TQM

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Recerca en Empresa, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017, Tutora : Mercè Bernardo VilamitjanaPurpose - Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and Total Quality Management (TQM) are proved to be innovative improvement programs, mostly in industrial environments, that can increase companies’ benefits by applying them individually or in an integrated way. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are generally threatened in terms of competitiveness by quality issues and overall performance, whereas TPM & TQM are a possibility to solve them. The purpose of this paper is to propose a model to explain how TPM and TQM can affect SMEs and determine which are the practices that can improve their results. Methodology – This is a conceptual study and the methodology applied has been the content analysis by reviewing existing literature to analyze the specific and common practices of TPM and TQM related to SMEs. Results – Besides confirming conceptually the validity of the improvement practices from TPM and TQM for the case of Small and Medium Enterprises, other practices are proposed as critical for a successful integrated implementation of both programs. Contribution – To propose a model that assures a successful implementation of TPM integrated with TQM including practices that were not proposed previously

    Seis Sigma en pymes con bajo volumen de producción: una experiencia de éxito en aeronáutica

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    Six Sigma is currently one of the most powerful tools that exists for quality improvement. Designed for highly repetitive and high volume production manufacturing processes, it has been adopted by leading large organisations in many different sectors all around the world. Our goal is to study its applicability to SMEs with low production volumes and identify key success factors and obstacles to its implementation. The methodology followed is Action Research in an SME in the aeronautics sector using the DMAIC improvement cycle applied to a specific Six Sigma project. The results confirm Six Sigma’s applicability and suggest that success depends on key factors, such as the team’s commitment, the availability of resources and prior learning.Seis Sigma es actualmente una de las herramientas más potentes para la mejora de la calidad. Concebida para procesos productivos muy repetitivos y de gran volumen de producción, ha sido adoptada por las principales grandes organizaciones de todo el mundo en muchos sectores. Nuestro objetivo es estudiar su aplicabilidad en pymes, con bajos volúmenes de producción, e identificar los principales factores de éxito y obstáculos para su implementación. Se ha empleado la metodología “investigación en acción” en una pyme del sector aeronáutico, aplicando el ciclo de mejora DMAIC a un proyecto Seis Sigma concreto. Los resultados confirman su aplicabilidad y sugieren que el éxito depende de factores claves como el compromiso del equipo, la disponibilidad de recursos y la formación previa

    Enfoque de riesgos en la gestión de la cadena de suministros en el sector industrial

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    The purpose of the study was to provide a referential framework to manage risks in the supply chain through a bibliographic review, in such a way that the inherent risks in companies in the industrial sector can be reduced. The investigation was substantive to identify sources related to organizational risks and uncertainties were identified. Subsequently, a risk management approach is provided and subdivided into stages of risk identification, risk analysis; and risk control and monitoring. Among the techniques and instruments to manage risks, it is possible to use communication flows, the use of ERP system, and the method of association rules, among others.El estudio tuvo como finalidad brindar un marco referencial para gestionar los riesgos en la cadena de suministros a través de la revisión bibliográfica, de tal forma que se puedan reducir los riesgos inherentes en las empresas del sector industrial. La investigación fue de tipo sustantiva para identificar las fuentes relacionadas con los riesgos e incertidumbres organizacionales. Posterior a ello, se brinda un enfoque de gestión de riesgos subdividido en etapas: identificación de riesgos, análisis de riesgos, y control y seguimiento de riesgos. Entre las técnicas e instrumentos para gestionar los riesgos, se destacan los flujos de comunicación, el sistema ERP, el método de reglas de asociación, entre otros

    Green implementation of Lean Six Sigma projects in the manufacturing sector

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    Purpose – Historically, Lean Six Sigma (LSS) implementation has demonstrated a great deal of enhancement to process efficiency, profitability and customer satisfaction. The emerging market pressure for developing better quality, cheaper and greener products invokes a change of view in LSS economical effectiveness. The purpose of this study is to identify under which condition the final output of LSS projects with traditional strategic benefits are more environmentally friendly. Design/methodology/approach – To investigate the choice of different types of LSS projects, the environmental impact under different conditions and the comparison of those conditions, the author developed an analytical mathematical model and analysed four different propositions. Findings – The final price and production volume were recommended as mediating factors to leverage an LSS project to achieve a greener, customised and finance-oriented outputs. Research limitations/implications – This research contributes to existing LSS research and knowledge development via promoting the different perspectives of LSS and environmental sustainability integration. Practical implications – This study further enables managers to identify the cut-off point in relation to the production volume and finished prices to leverage the expected financial outputs and environmental impact of the LSS project. This would potentially promote a green LSS project in both implementation and output, alongside its traditional values. Originality/value – This study uses a modelling approach to identify the conditions under which the actual methodology of the LSS project could be green via less energy consumption with consideration of expected LSS values and outcomes

    Difficulties observed when implementing Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): empirical evidences from the manufacturing sector

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    This article analyses the difficulties observed in adopting the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) program in production systems. The research strategies used for this purpose consisted of a literature review, a panel of experts and a survey with professionals working in manufacturing companies. Altogether, 69 market professionals took part in the survey and the collected data was analyzed through the PLS-SEM technique. Results indicate that there is a causal relationship between difficulties associated with the planning phase of a TPM program and issues associated with its implementation. This is an original research and the results are valuable to business professionals desiring to properly implement TPM, as well for researchers interested in the mechanics of total productive maintenance system’s adoption

    Estudo do impacto do “Lean Maintenance” e do TPM na indústria portuguesa

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    Nos dias de hoje, a manutenção tem vindo a assumir um papel preponderante no desempenho das organizações, sendo uma área em que é fundamental conseguir um elevado nível de eficiência, garantindo o melhor funcionamento possível dos equipamentos e assegurando a produção com altos níveis de qualidade. Neste sentido, têm vindo a ser implementadas diversas metodologias na manutenção, entre as quais a filosofia Lean, suportada por um conjunto de práticas que visa a redução do desperdício de forma sistemática, e também a Total Produtive Maintenance (TPM), uma filosofia de gestão da manutenção, orientada para a eliminação das avarias, defeitos e acidentes de trabalho. A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo a identificação e análise da implementação das práticas Lean na manutenção e do TPM na indústria portuguesa, bem como o estudo do impacto produzido pela implementação das mesmas no desempenho operacional das organizações. A recolha dos dados foi realizada através de um questionário, dirigido a 472 empresas nacionais, tendo-se obtido 84 respostas válidas para o estudo. A partir de uma análise estatística dos dados obtidos, foi possível verificar que os 5S, a gestão visual e o Daily Kaizen são as práticas Lean Maintenance com maior nível de implementação, todas elas com um índice superior a 50%. Relativamente ao impacto decorrente da implementação das práticas Lean Maintenance, verificouse que a produtividade foi a dimensão que sofreu um impacto mais elevado, com um valor numérico igual a 3,57, numa escala de 1 a 5. A prática que promoveu, em média, um maior impacto no desempenho operacional foi o Jidoka, com um valor numérico igual a 4,2. No que concerne ao TPM, constatou-se que a manutenção planeada registou o grau de implementação mais elevado, de aproximadamente 87%. No que diz respeito ao impacto produzido pela implementação das práticas TPM, constatou-se, de forma semelhante às práticas Lean Maintenance, que a produtividade foi dimensão que sofreu um impacto mais elevado, com um valor numérico igual a 3,56. A prática TPM que promoveu, em média, um maior impacto no desempenho operacional foi a manutenção da qualidade, com um valor numérico igual 3,73. Observou-se, nas dimensões da produtividade e dos custos, a existência de eventuais diferenças no impacto das práticas Lean Maintenance em função do número de colaboradores da empresa, enquanto que, no que diz respeito ao impacto produzido pela implementação das práticas TPM, verificou-se também poderem existir diferenças de acordo com o número de colaboradores, nas dimensões da qualidade e da flexibilidade. Verificou-se também, na dimensão da qualidade, a existência de diferenças no impacto das práticas TPM em função da dimensão das equipas de manutenção. Identificou-se ainda uma eventual associação entre ambos os conjuntos de práticas, no que diz respeito ao seu impacto no desempenho operacional, para todas as dimensões consideradas. Apesar das práticas Lean Maintenance terem apresentado, relativamente às práticas TPM, um valor numérico para o impacto superior em quatro das cinco dimensões consideradas para o desempenho operacional (a saber: qualidade, flexibilidade, produtividade e segurança), não se confirmou, no entanto, que essas diferenças sejam estatisticamente significativas. Este estudo traça uma “radiografia” relativamente ao estado atual da implementação de duas abordagens nas organizações portuguesas, demonstrando que, apesar de todos os benefícios identificados, existe ainda um longo caminho a percorrer na diversificação e consolidação das mesmas.Nowadays, maintenance has been playing a major role in the performance of organizations, being an area in which it is essential to achieve a high level of efficiency, ensuring the best possible functioning of equipment and ensuring production with high levels of quality. In this sense, several maintenance methodologies have been implemented, including the Lean philosophy, supported by a set of practices aimed at systematically reducing waste, and also Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), a management philosophy maintenance, aimed at eliminating malfunctions, defects and accidents at work. This dissertation has as main objective the identification and analysis of the implementation of Lean practices in maintenance and TPM in the Portuguese industry, as well as the study of the impact produced by their implementation on the operational performance of organizations. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire, addressed to 472 national companies, obtaining 84 valid responses for the study. From a statistical analysis of the data obtained, it was possible to verify that 5S, visual management and Daily Kaizen are the Lean Maintenance practices with the highest level of implementation, all of them with an index above 50%. Regarding the impact resulting from the implementation of Lean Maintenance practices, it was found that productivity was the dimension that suffered the highest impact, with a numerical value equal to 3.57. The practice that promoted, on average, a greater impact on operational performance was Jidoka, with a numerical value equal to 4.2. Regarding the TPM, it was found that the planned maintenance registered the highest degree of implementation, of approximately 87%. With regard to the impact produced by the implementation of TPM practices, it was found, similarly to Lean Maintenance practices, that productivity was the dimension that suffered the highest impact, with a numerical value equal to 3.56. The TPM practice that promoted, on average, a greater impact on operational performance was the maintenance of quality, with a numerical value equal to 3.73. It was observed, in the dimensions of productivity and costs, the existence of possible differences in the impact of Lean Maintenance practices depending on the number of employees of the company, while, with regard to the impact produced by the implementation of TPM practices, it was found there may also be differences according to the number of employees, in terms of quality and flexibility. There was also, in the dimension of quality, the existence of differences in the impact of TPM practices depending on the size of the maintenance teams. An eventual association was identified between both sets of practices, with regard to their impact on operational performance, for all dimensions considered. Although Lean Maintenance practices have presented, in relation to TPM practices, a numerical value for the superior impact in four of the five dimensions considered for operational performance (namely: quality, flexibility, productivity and safety), it has not been confirmed, however, that these differences are statistically significant. This study traces a “radiography” regarding the current state of implementation of two approaches in Portuguese organizations, demonstrating that, despite all the benefits identified, there is still a long way to go in diversifying and consolidating them