25 research outputs found

    Photoshop (CS6) Intelligent Tutoring System

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    In this paper, we designed and developed an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Photoshop. We designed the lessons, examples, and questions in a way to teach and evaluate student understanding of the material. Through the feedback provided by this tool, you can assess the student's understanding of the material, where there is a minimum overshoot questions stages, and if the student does not pass the level of questions he is asked to return the lesson and read it again. Eventually this administration is a special teacher for the students and can continue with him until he fully understands the lesson without weariness or boredom, regardless of the level of student

    social networks as a form of synthetic learning environment

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    Проведено аналіз місця соціальних мереж (СМ) у формуванні синтетичного навчального середовища, виділені найбільш поширені моделі інформаційного освітнього середовища, що базується на таксономічній моделі СМ. Зроблено висновок, що СМ залишаються на часі більше потенційним стихійним ресурсом освіти, ніж практичним системним інструментарієм, і відповідно, потребують вивчення та розроблення необхідного науково-методичного забезпечення, насамперед з урахуванням психофізіологічних, психологічних та когнітивних особливостей тих, хто навчається.An analysis of the role of social networks (SM) in the formation of synthetic learning environment has been carried out, the most common models of informational educational environment based on the taxonomic SM model have been identified. It was concluded that CMs are more likely to remain more of a natural elemental resource of education than practical system tools and, accordingly, require the study and development of the scientific and methodological support needed, first of all, taking into account psychophysiological, psychological and cognitive features of learners

    The innovative application of learning companions in virtual singapura,”

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    ABSTRACT Virtual Singapura (VS) is a virtual world based learning environment designed to facilitate learning of the plant transport system. During field studies of VS, we observed that students in virtual world tend to be attracted by visual and auditorial stimuli and be distracted from learning objectives. Also, intensive cognitive load can affect students' learning experience. To address these issues, we propose two types of companion agent, namely curious companion and remembrance companion. Results collected from the field studies indicate advantages of learning companion augmented virtual world in enhancing students' learning experience

    Assessment-driven Learning through Serious Games: Guidance and Effective Outcomes

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    Evaluation in serious games is an important aspect; it aims to evaluate the good transmission of pedagogical objectives, the performance of student in relation to these objectives defined in the pedagogical scenario, the content of the course and the predefined criteria. However, the effectiveness of learning is under-studied due to the complexity involved to gamify the assessment concept, particularly when it comes to intangible measures related to the progression of learning outcomes, which is among the most important aspects of evaluation in serious games. This paper reviews the literature regarding assessment due to their importance in the learning process with a detailed assessment plan applied on serious game. Then, it presents a framework used to facilitate the assessment design integrated in serious games. Finally, a significant example of how the proposed framework proved successful with corresponding results will conclude the paper

    Navigation and Exploration in Virtual Environment with Virtual Agent using Java 3D

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    This project's objective was to investigate the potential used of Java 3D in developing a virtual environment integrated with virtual agent. The methodology of this project is constitutes on four (4) main phases; planning and analysis phase, modeling and development phase, integration construction phase and the last is testing phase. The testing phase indicates that in order to develop a virtual reality (VR) application, the developer must perform hard-coded programming to model the objects as well as to develop a behavior. Navigation and exploration activity in a virtual environment can be perform easily by using keyboard arrows. To develop a joint behavior between the virtual environment and virtual agent, complex and careful programming is required. This project's conclusion indicates that Java 3D provides other libraries to develop a VRapplication to better help user in navigation and exploration in a virtual environment. For that reason, further study and investigation can be conducted to achieve this goal

    Implementation ofVirtual Guide in UTP Virtual Mosque

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    Ease of navigation and interaction is the most important element in the virtual environment besides the design and the architecture of the environment of building. This project is focusing more onthe development of the virtual guide to aids user in exploring and navigating through the environment. The objectives of this development are to develop a virtual guide and interface, to help user while navigating through the virtual environment and to enhance the user interactivity through the navigation. To achieve the development target, research and analysis had been done to gather more useful information to complete this project followed by designing and development of the application in order to achieve the objective that had been set up earlierand lastlythe completed application is evaluated a result had been obtained. From the evaluation, 80% of the respondent agreed that with the implementation of the virtual guide within the virtual mosque, it had helped them a lot in order to explore and understand the environment. For the future enhancement, it is recommended that the use of virtual guide should be explored further as an intelligent agent to make the guide to be functioned more effectively

    Virtual Environment for Effective Training

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    Los entornos virtuales (VEs) ofrecen diversas ventajas para el entrenamiento. Por ejemplo, en relación a costos un VE es reutilizable a un relativo bajo costo, además aquí los materiales no se gastan o rompen; en algunos casos los VEs evitan la necesidad de instructores o hacen su participación menos indispensable, de tal forma que los instructores podrían ayudar a más aprendices; también pueden prevenir la transportación cuando aprendices e instructores se encuentran geográfi camente distantes. Otras de sus ventajas están relacionadas con la seguridad, misma que está garantizada para los usuarios, especialmente cuando se trata de situaciones omateriales de alto riesgo. Esto aunado a que ofrecen las facilidades de cualquier sistema computacional como grabar la sesión de aprendizaje, el análisis automático de la información o guardar registros de desempeño, entre otros. En base a una recopilación literaria, en este documento se describen algunas peculiaridades quepresentan los VEs para el entrenamiento y se comenta sobre algunos estudios empíricos en referencia a su efectividad

    Cognitive Modeling for Computer Animation: A Comparative Review

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    Cognitive modeling is a provocative new paradigm that paves the way towards intelligent graphical characters by providing them with logic and reasoning skills. Cognitively empowered self-animating characters will see in the near future a widespread use in the interactive game, multimedia, virtual reality and production animation industries. This review covers three recently-published papers from the field of cognitive modeling for computer animation. The approaches and techniques employed are very different. The cognition model in the first paper is built on top of Soar, which is intended as a general cognitive architecture for developing systems that exhibit intelligent behaviors. The second paper uses an active plan tree and a plan library to achieve the fast and robust reactivity to the environment changes. The third paper, based on an AI formalism known as the situation calculus, develops a cognitive modeling language called CML and uses it to specify a behavior outline or sketch plan to direct the characters in terms of goals. Instead of presenting each paper in isolation then comparatively analyzing them, we take a top-down approach by first classifying the field into three different categories and then attempting to put each paper into a proper category. Hopefully in this way it can provide a more cohesive, systematic view of cognitive modeling approaches employed in computer animation

    The Effectiveness Of Virtual Humans Vs. Pre-recorded Humans In A Standardized Patient Performance Assessment

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    A Standardized Patient (SP) is a trained actor who portrays a particular illness to provide training to medical students and professionals. SPs primarily use written scripts and additional paper-based training for preparation of practical and board exams. Many institutions use various methods for training such as hiring preceptors for reenactment of scenarios, viewing archived videos, and computer based training. Currently, the training that is available can be enhanced to improve the level of quality of standardized patients. The following research is examining current processes in standardized patient training and investigating new methods for clinical skills education in SPs. The modality that is selected for training can possibly affect the performance of the actual SP case. This paper explains the results of a study that investigates if there is a difference in the results of an SP performance assessment. This difference can be seen when comparing a virtual human modality to that of a pre-recorded human modality for standardized patient training. The sample population navigates through an interactive computer based training module which provides informational content on what the roles of an SP are, training objectives, a practice session, and an interactive performance assessment with a simulated Virtual Human medical student. Half of the subjects interact with an animated virtual human medical student while the other half interacts with a pre-recorded human. The interactions from this assessment are audio-recorded, transcribed, and then graded to see how the two modalities compare. If the performance when using virtual humans for standardized patients is equal to or superior to pre-recorded humans, this can be utilized as a part task trainer that brings standardized patients to a higher level of effectiveness and standardization. In addition, if executed properly, this tool could potentially be used as a part task trainer which could provide savings in training time, resources, budget, and staff to military and civilian healthcare facilities