9 research outputs found

    Reusing UI elements with Model-Based User Interface Development

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    This paper introduces the potential for reusing UI elements in the context of Model-Based UI Development (MBUID) and provides guidance for future MBUID systems with enhanced reutilization capabilities. Our study is based upon the development of six inter-related projects with a specific MBUID environment which supports standard techniques for reuse such as parametrization and sub-specification, inclusion or shared repositories. We analyze our experience and discuss the benefits and limitations of each technique supported by our MBUID environment. The system architecture, the structure and composition of UI elements and the models specification languages have a decisive impact on reusability. In our case, more than 40% of the elements defined in the UI specifications were reused, resulting in a reduction of 55% of the specification size. Inclusion, parametrization and sub-specification have facilitated modularity and internal reuse of UI specifications at development time, whereas the reuse of UI elements between applications has greatly benefited from sharing repositories of UI elements at run time.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2010-19154Junta de Andalucía TIC-633

    Modellierung und Generierung von Benutzeroberflächen für interaktive Softwaresysteme unter der Nutzung von Mustern

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    Die Dissertation umfasst den Entwurf einer Entwicklungsumgebung für Benutzeroberflächen, der modell- und musterbasierte UI-Entwicklung zu einem integrierten Entwicklungs- und Generierungsansatz kombiniert. Die Grundlagen der modell- und musterbasierten Entwicklung werden dargestellt und existierende Implementierungen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen fließen in den Entwurf der kombinierten Entwicklungsumgebung, der detailliert beschrieben wird, ein. Die Arbeit beinhaltet eine Fallstudie, die die praktische Bedeutung der theoretischen Ausführungen verdeutlicht

    An Integrated Formal Task Specification Method for Smart Environments

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of interactive systems for smart environments. In such scenario different interaction paradigms need to be supported and according methods and development strategies need to be applied to comprise not only explicit interaction (e.g., pressing a button to adjust the light) but also implicit interactions (e.g., walking to the speaker’s desk to give a talk) to assist the user appropriately. A task-based modeling approach is introduced allowing basing the implementing of different interaction paradigms on the same artifact

    KomBInoS - Modellgetriebene Entwicklung von multimodalen Dialogschnittstellen für Smart Services

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    Diese Arbeit ist angesiedelt im Kontext der drei Forschungsgebiete Smart Service Welt, Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung und Intelligente Benutzerschnittstellen. Das Ziel der Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes zur effizienten Erstellung von multimodalen Dialogschnittstellen für Smart Services. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurde mit KomBInoS ein umfassendes Rahmenwerk zur modellgetriebenen Erstellung solcher Benutzerschnittstellen entwickelt. Das Rahmenwerk besteht aus: (1) einer Metamodell-Architektur, welche sowohl eine modellgetriebene Entwicklung als auch die Komposition von multimodalen Dialogschnittstellen für Smart Services erlaubt, (2) einem methodischen Vorgehen, welches aus aufeinander abgestimmten Modelltransformationen, möglichen Kompositionsschritten und manuellen Entwicklungstätigkeiten besteht, sowie (3) einer integrierten Werkzeugkette als Implementierung der Methode. Es wurde außerdem eine cloud-fähige Laufzeitumgebung zur mobilen Nutzung der so erstellten Benutzerschnittstellen entwickelt. Als Proof-of-Concept werden acht Beispielanwendungen und Demonstratoren aus fünf Forschungsprojekten vorgestellt. Zusätzlich zur Smart Service Welt fand und findet KomBInoS auch Anwendung im Bereich der Industrie 4.0.This work is located in the context of the three research areas Smart Service World, Model-Driven Software Development and Intelligent User Interfaces. The aim of the work was to develop a holistic approach for the efficient creation of multimodal dialogue interfaces for Smart Services. To achieve this goal, KomBInoS was developed as a comprehensive framework for the model-driven creation of such user interfaces. The framework consists of: (1) a metamodel architecture that allows both model-driven development and the composition of multimodal dialogue interfaces for Smart Services, (2) a methodical approach consisting of coordinated model transformations, possible compositional steps and manual development activities, as well as (3) an integrated tool chain as an implementation of the method. Furthermore, a cloud-enabled runtime environment was developed for mobile use of the user interfaces created in this way. As proof-of-concept, eight sample applications and demonstrators from five research projects will be presented. In addition to the Smart Service Welt, KomBInoS was and is also used in the field of industry 4.0

    "A model-driven approach for designing multi-platform user interface dialogues": dialogues specification

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    Human-computer interaction becomes sophisticated, multimodal and multi device and needs to be well-designed with the aim of facilitating application correction (i.e. to correcting errors/bugs in the application) or extension (i.e. adding new functionalities or modifying existing tasks). This thesis is focused on building a methodology of designing and specifying User Interface (UI) behaviour. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is used to describe in detail the conceptual model and to define all its objects. The methodology flux diagram is provided with the specification of the consistency and the completeness properties of the transformation model. To support the methodology, we implement a graphic Dialog Editor in which Models are organized in three levels (abstract, concrete and final) according to Cameleon Reference Framework (CFR) and, whose process respects the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) approach. Furthermore, the use of Dialog Editor is illustrated through a simple exam...Les interfaces Homme-Machine deviennent de plus en plus complexes. Leur conception nécessite des nouveaux outils et/ou méthodes. En exploitant l'aproche orienté-modèle, cette thèse repond à ce besoin en proposant une méthodologie de conception des dialogues multi-plateform

    Integrating Dialog Modeling and Domain Modeling - the Case of Diamodl and the Eclipse Modeling Framework

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    For most applications, data-intensive applications in particular, dialog modeling makes little sense without a domain model. Since domain models usually are developed and used outside the dialog modeling activity, it is better to integrate dialog modeling languages with existing domain modeling languages and tools, than inventing your own. This paper describes how the Diamodl language, editor and runtime have been integrated with the Eclipse Modeling Framework

    Integrating Dialog Modeling and Domain Modeling – the Case of Diamodl and the Eclipse Modeling Framework

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    Abstract: For most applications, data-intensive applications in particular, dialog modeling makes little sense without a domain model. Since domain models usually are developed and used outside the dialog modeling activity, it is better to integrate dialog modeling languages with existing domain modeling languages and tools, than inventing your own. This paper describes how the Diamodl language, editor and runtime have been integrated with the Eclipse Modeling Framework

    Propuestas para la reutilizacion en el desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos

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    Esta tesis versa sobre la reutilización en el desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos. La baja reusabilidad de las especificaciones de modelos de la interfaz de usuario ha sido identificada como un posible obstáculo para la adopción del desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos por parte de la industria. El objetivo de esta investigación es aportar conocimiento sobre la reutilización en este ámbito para mejorar la situación actual de esta tecnología. En este trabajo se propone el uso de ciertas técnicas de reutilización empleadas habitualmente en la ingeniería del software para aplicarlas al desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos y éstas son implementadas sobre un entorno de desarrollo concreto. Este entorno de desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelos con características de reutilización potenciadas es utilizado para construir varias aplicaciones que poseen aspectos comunes. A través de este caso práctico y siguiendo un método empírico, se analiza el impacto que las técnicas de reutilización han tenido en el desarrollo de las interfaces de usuario. Los resultados son importantes: además del alto grado de reutilización general (entorno al 46,2%) se alcanzan picos de reutilización del 56,9% para algunos casos particulares y se obtiene un ahorro en el tamaño de las especificaciones del 71%. Aunque los resultados obtenidos están condicionados por el contexto (entorno de desarrollo, proyectos desarrollados, etc.) se extraen algunas conclusiones aplicables a la generalidad del desarrollo de interfaces de usuario basado en modelo