40 research outputs found

    Multisource data integration to investigate one century of evolution for the Agnone landslide (Molise, southern Italy)

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    Landslides are one of the most relevant geohazards worldwide, causing direct and indirect costs and fatalities. Italy is one of the countries most affected by mass movements, and the Molise region, southern Italy, is known to be susceptible to erosional processes and landslides. In January 2003, a landslide in the municipality of Agnone, in the Colle Lapponi-Piano Ovetta (CL-PO) territory, occurred causing substantial damage to both structures and civil infrastructure. To investigate the evolution of the landslide-affected catchment over approximately one century, different data were taken into account: (i) literature information at the beginning of the twentieth century; (ii) historical sets of aerial optical photographs to analyse the geomorphological evolution from 1945 to 2003; (iii) SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data fromthe ERS1/2, ENVISATand COSMO-SkyMed satellites tomonitor the displacement from 1992 to 2015; (iv) traditional measurements carried out through geological and geomorphological surveys, inclinometers and GPS campaigns to characterize the geological setting of the area; and (v) recent optical photographs of the catchment area to determine the enlargement of the landslide. Using the structure from motion technique, a 3D reconstruction of each set of historical aerial photographs was made to investigate the geomorphological evolution and to trace the boundary of the mass movements. As a result, the combination of multitemporal and multitechnique analysis of the evolution of the CL-PO landslide enabled an assessment of the landslide expansion, which resulted in a maximum length of up to approximately 1500 m. A complete investigation of the past and present deformational sequences of the area was performed to potentially plan further mitigation and prevention strategies to avoid possible reactivations

    From site-scale to large areas monitoring of ground deformation phenomena by integration of different DInSAR techniques in Crotone Province (Southern Italy)

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    One of the most significant aims of this research project has been to apply SAR methods for the monitoring, the investigation and the evaluation of ground deformation phenomena in the Crotone province (Southern Italy). In detail, landslides and subsidence are the most remarkable and dangerous natural hazards in the study area, affecting people, buildings and main infrastructures. The intention was to show the potential of Differential Interferometry SAR (DInSAR) techniques for the detection and the estimation of the velocities and of the deformation of surface displacements, both on very local scale (slope scale) and on wide areas (kilometre-size extension). Such aim is achievable through the integration of DInSAR techniques along with conventional monitoring tools. The general idea of the project has been to assess the landslide hazard in selected areas of the Crotone province and to update the related landslide inventory map of the area, dated back to 2006, by means of DInSAR techniques. These goals have been reached through the comprehension and the understanding of the movements, on one hand on a very local scale (slope), and on the other hand, on a wide-area scale (the whole Crotone province). Additionally, two other case studies of subsidence, originated by different sources, have been studied with interferometry techniques, showing the suitability of such methods for other types of ground deformation. Several Multi Temporal Interferometry (MTI, Wasowski & Bovenga, 2014) approaches have been here applied, in order to investigate and analyze displacements present in the area, and the integration with “conventional” methods, such as inclinometers, piezometers and geomorphological surveys, turned out to be relevant for these purposes, providing very precise information about the nature and causes of ground deformation

    Multisource data integration to investigate one century of evolution for the Agnone landslide (Molise, southern Italy)

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    Landslides are one of the most relevant geohazards worldwide, causing direct and indirect costs and fatalities. Italy is one of the countries most affected by mass movements, and the Molise region, southern Italy, is known to be susceptible to erosional processes and landslides. In January 2003, a landslide in the municipality of Agnone, in the Colle Lapponi-Piano Ovetta (CL-PO) territory, occurred causing substantial damage to both structures and civil infrastructure. To investigate the evolution of the landslide-affected catchment over approximately one century, different data were taken into account: (i) literature information at the beginning of the twentieth century; (ii) historical sets of aerial optical photographs to analyse the geomorphological evolution from 1945 to 2003; (iii) SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data from the ERS1/2, ENVISAT and COSMO-SkyMed satellites to monitor the displacement from 1992 to 2015; (iv) traditional measurements carried out through geological and geomorphological surveys, inclinometers and GPS campaigns to characterize the geological setting of the area; and (v) recent optical photographs of the catchment area to determine the enlargement of the landslide. Using the structure from motion technique, a 3D reconstruction of each set of historical aerial photographs was made to investigate the geomorphological evolution and to trace the boundary of the mass movements. As a result, the combination of multitemporal and multitechnique analysis of the evolution of the CL-PO landslide enabled an assessment of the landslide expansion, which resulted in a maximum length of up to approximately 1500 m. A complete investigation of the past and present deformational sequences of the area was performed to potentially plan further mitigation and prevention strategies to avoid possible reactivations.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO); the State Agency of Research (AEI); and the European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER) under projects TEC2017-85244-C2-1-P and TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport under project PRX17/00439

    Railway deformation detected by DInSAR over active sinkholes in the Ebro Valley evaporite karst, Spain

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    Subsidence was measured for the first time on railway tracks in the central sector of Ebro Valley (NE Spain) using Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) techniques. This area is affected by evaporite karst and the analysed railway corridors traverse active sinkholes that produce deformations in these infrastructures. One of the railway tracks affected by slight settlements is the Madrid-Barcelona high-speed line, a form of transport infrastructure highly vulnerable to ground deformation processes. Our analysis based on DInSAR measurements and geomorphological surveys indicates that this line shows dissolution-induced subsidence and compaction of anthropogenic deposits (infills and embankments). Significant sinkhole-related subsidence was also measured by DInSAR techniques on the CastejĂłn-Zaragoza conventional railway line. This study demonstrates that DInSAR velocity maps, coupled with detailed geomorphological surveys, may help in the identification of the railway track sections that are affected by active subsidence

    Remote sensing as tool for development of landslide databases: The case of the Messina Province (Italy) geodatabase

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    Landslide geodatabases, including inventories and thematic data, today are fundamental tools for national and/or local authorities in susceptibility, hazard and risk management. A well organized landslide geo-database contains different kinds of data such as past information (landslide inventory maps), ancillary data and updated remote sensing (space-borne and ground based) data, which can be integrated in order to produce landslide susceptibility maps, updated landslide inventory maps and hazard and risk assessment maps. Italy is strongly affected by landslide phenomena which cause victims and significant economic damage to buildings and infrastructure, loss of productive soils and pasture lands. In particular, the Messina Province (southern Italy) represents an area where landslides are recurrent and characterized by high magnitude, due to several predisposing factors (e.g. morphology, land use, lithologies) and different triggering mechanisms (meteorological conditions, seismicity, active tectonics and volcanic activity). For this area, a geodatabase was created by using different monitoring techniques, including remote sensing (e.g. SAR satellite ERS1/2, ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1, TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed) data, and in situ measurements (e.g. GBInSAR, damage assessment). In this paper a complete landslide geodatabase of the Messina Province, designed following the requirements of the local and national Civil Protection authorities, is presented. This geo-database was used to produce maps (e.g. susceptibility, ground deformation velocities, damage assessment, risk zonation) which today are constantly used by the Civil Protection authorities to manage the landslide hazard of the Messina Province

    Integration of satellite interferometric data in civil protection strategies for landslide studies at a regional scale

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    Multi-Temporal Satellite Interferometry (MTInSAR) is gradually evolving from being a tool developed by the scientific community exclusively for research purposes to a real operational technique that can meet the needs of different users involved in geohazard mitigation. This work aims at showing the innovative operational use of satellite radar interferometric products in Civil Protection Authority (CPA) practices for monitoring slow-moving landslides. We present the example of the successful ongoing monitoring system in the Valle D’Aosta Region (VAR-Northern Italy). This system exploits well-combined MTInSAR products and ground-based instruments for landslide management and mitigation strategies over the whole regional territory. Due to the critical intrinsic constraints of MTInSAR data, a robust regional satellite monitoring integrated into CPA practices requires the support of both in situ measurements and remotely sensed systems to guarantee the completeness and reliability of information. The monitoring network comprises three levels of analysis: Knowledge monitoring, Control monitoring, and Emergency monitoring. At the first monitoring level, MTInSAR data are used for the preliminary evaluation of the deformation scenario at a regional scale. At the second monitoring level, MTInSAR products support the prompt detection of trend variations of radar benchmarks displacements with bi-weekly temporal frequency to identify active critical situations where follow-up studies must be carried out. In the third monitoring level, MTInSAR data integrated with ground-based data are exploited to confirm active slow-moving deformations detected by on-site instruments. At this level, MTInSAR data are also used to carry out back analysis that cannot be performed by any other tool. From the example of the Valle D’Aosta Region integrated monitoring network, which is one of the few examples of this kind around Europe, it is evident that MTInSAR provides a great opportunity to improve monitoring capabilities within CPA activities

    Review of works combining GNSS and insar in Europe

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    The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) can be combined to achieve different goals, owing to their main principles. Both enable the collection of information about ground deformation due to the differences of two consequent acquisitions. Their variable applications, even if strictly related to ground deformation and water vapor determination, have encouraged the scientific community to combine GNSS and InSAR data and their derivable products. In this work, more than 190 scientific contributions were collected spanning the whole European continent. The spatial and temporal distribution of such studies, as well as the distinction in different fields of application, were analyzed. Research in Italy, as the most represented nation, with 47 scientific contributions, has been dedicated to the spatial and temporal distribution of its studied phenomena. The state-of-the-art of the various applications of these two combined techniques can improve the knowledge of the scientific community and help in the further development of new approaches or additional applications in different fields. The demonstrated usefulness and versability of the combination of GNSS and InSAR remote sensing techniques for different purposes, as well as the availability of free data, EUREF and GMS (Ground Motion Service), and the possibility of overcoming some limitations of these techniques through their combination suggest an increasingly widespread approach

    Geomechanics of subsurface water withdrawal and injection

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    Land subsidence and uplift, ground ruptures, and induced seismicity are the principal geomechanic effects of groundwater withdrawal and injection. The major environmental consequence of groundwater pumping is anthropogenic land subsidence. The first observation concerning land settlement linked to subsurface processes was made in 1926 by the American geologists Pratt and Johnson, who wrote that \u2018\u2018the cause of subsidence is to be found in the extensive extraction of fluid from beneath the affected area.\u2019\u2019 Since then, impressive progress has been made in terms of: (a) recognizing the basic hydrologic and geomechanic principles underlying the occurrence; (b) measuring aquifer compaction and ground displacements, both vertical and horizontal; (c) modeling and predicting the past and future event; and (d) mitigating environmental impact through aquifer recharge and/or surface water injection. The first milestone in the theory of pumped aquifer consolidation was reached in 1923 by Terzaghi, who introduced the principle of \u2018\u2018effective intergranular stress.\u2019\u2019 In the early 1970s, the emerging computer technology facilitated development of the first mathematical model of the subsidence of Venice, made by Gambolati and Freeze. Since then, the comprehension, measuring, and simulation of the occurrence have improved dramatically. More challenging today are the issues of ground ruptures and induced/triggered seismicity, which call for a shift from the classical continuum approach to discontinuous mechanics. Although well known for decades, anthropogenic land subsidence is still threatening large urban centers and deltaic areas worldwide, such as Bangkok, Jakarta, and Mexico City, at rates in the order of 10 cm/yr