955 research outputs found

    The Application of Improved Bacteria Foraging Algorithm to the Optimization of Aviation Equipment Maintenance Scheduling

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    Taking the aviation equipment scheduled maintenance as a prototype, this paper improves a bionic global random search algorithm - bacteria foraging optimization algorithm to solve the task-scheduling problem. Inspired by gene mutation, the activity of bacteria is dynamically adjusted to make good bacteria more capable of action. In addition, a bacterial quorum sensing mechanism is established, which allows bacteria to guide their swimming routes by using their peer experience and enhance their global search capability. Its application to the engineering practice can optimize the scheduling of the maintenance process. It is of great application value in increasing the aviation equipment maintenance efficiency and the level of command automation. In addition, it can improve the resource utilization ratio to reduce the maintenance support cost

    Formación de celdas de manufacturas dinámicas para la toma de decisiones en el diseño de instalaciones industriales: una revisión

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    This paper presents a literature review with the purpose of characterizing the Dynamic Manufacturing Cell Formation Problem by means of the identification of optimization criteria, the most relevant restrictions needed for consideration and the most frequently used solution methods. Hence, an adaptation of the PRISMA statement was conducted for systematic reviews along with Snowball Methodology to select the studies to be analyzed. The document search is carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, considering a time frame between 2007 and 2019. As a general result, it was found that cost minimization is the most frequently used optimization criterion and the typically considered constraints are associated with part machine operation sequence, machine breakdowns, and lot size. On the other hand, considering the highly combinatorial nature of the optimization problems reviewed, it was found that metaheuristics are the most used solution method, and genetic algorithms as well as simulated annealing are the most frequently implemented. Finally, three research trends are determined: incorporation of two or more optimization criteria in a mathematical formulation, development and implementation of hybrid metaheuristic algorithms, and comparison of performance of the existing solution methods based on reference problems or real industrial applications.Este artículo presenta una revisión de literatura con el fin de caracterizar el Problema de Formación de Celdas de Manufactura Dinámicas, realizando la identificación de los criterios de optimización, las principales restricciones consideradas y los métodos de solución más usados. Para ello, se condujo una adaptación de la declaración PRISMA para revisiones sistemáticas, en conjunto con una metodología bola de nieve para la selección de los estudios a analizar; la búsqueda de documentos se realiza en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus, considerando una ventana de tiempo entre 2007 y 2019. Como resultados generales, se encuentra que la minimización de costos es el criterio de optimización utilizado con mayor frecuencia y que las restricciones usualmente consideradas están asociadas a la secuencia de operaciones, averías de máquinas, y variación del tamaño de lote de procesamiento. De otra parte, considerando la naturaleza altamente combinatoria de los problemas de optimización revisados, se encuentra que los métodos de solución metaheurísticos utilizados en mayor medida son algoritmos genéticos, y recocido simulado. Finalmente, se determinan tres tendencias de investigación primero, la incorporación de dos o más criterios de optimización en una formulación matemática; segundo, el desarrollo e implementación de algoritmos metaheurísticos híbridos y; tercero, la evaluación de los métodos de solución existentes a partir de problemas de referencia o aplicaciones industriales reales

    Cellular manufacturing system evolution from group technology to a reconfigurable manufacturing system: A case study of a dynamic cellular manufacturing system (DCMS) in an electromechanical assembly industry

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    This chapter defines some characteristics of the Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS), and explores the most important features from the literature and the practices that can be used to develop a Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing System (DCMS). The possibility of system reconfiguration makes those new systems the most efficient in the presence of a dynamic environment. The main objective of this study is to assist decision makers and/or designers in choosing one of the most appropriate layouts using the DCMS. This task becomes more difficult because it is usually associated with many other decisions like production planning and resource allocation. By the end of this chapter, a case study related to the implementation of a DCMS in the electromechanical assembly industry will be presented. © 2018 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved

    Proposta de Framework para o Planejamento Integrado da Cadeia de Suprimentos na Indústria 4.0

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia de ProduçãoA ideia de empresar atuando separadamente tem evoluído para uma visão mais ampla e holística, onde empresas trabalham em conjunto para obter competitividade no mercado. O planejamento integrado da cadeia de suprimentos tem o potencial de retornar ótimos globais e consequentemente gerar vantagens competitivas em relação a empresas que planejam duas operações considerando cada etapa da cadeia separadamente. Além disso, as tecnologias e conceitos da indústria 4.0 podem tornar esses modelos de planejamento mais reais e palpáveis. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão sistemática de literatura para identificar o foco das pesquisas que envolvem o planejamento integrado de cadeias de suprimentos, quais são os métodos propostos para abordar problemas tão complexos, como os autores estão lidando com as incertezas dos sistemas reais e como os conceitos da indústria 4.0 tem impactado essas pesquisas. Em seguida, um framework de um sistema híbrido de otimização e simulação para o planejamento integrado de cadeias de suprimentos é proposto baseando-se no que foi observado nos artigos analisados na revisão de literatura. O framework proposto tem por objetivo tornar o planejamento de cadeias de suprimentos mais eficientes e flexíveis obtendo responsividade à eventos dinâmicos e imprevistos

    Improvements on the bees algorithm for continuous optimisation problems

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    This work focuses on the improvements of the Bees Algorithm in order to enhance the algorithm’s performance especially in terms of convergence rate. For the first enhancement, a pseudo-gradient Bees Algorithm (PG-BA) compares the fitness as well as the position of previous and current bees so that the best bees in each patch are appropriately guided towards a better search direction after each consecutive cycle. This method eliminates the need to differentiate the objective function which is unlike the typical gradient search method. The improved algorithm is subjected to several numerical benchmark test functions as well as the training of neural network. The results from the experiments are then compared to the standard variant of the Bees Algorithm and other swarm intelligence procedures. The data analysis generally confirmed that the PG-BA is effective at speeding up the convergence time to optimum. Next, an approach to avoid the formation of overlapping patches is proposed. The Patch Overlap Avoidance Bees Algorithm (POA-BA) is designed to avoid redundancy in search area especially if the site is deemed unprofitable. This method is quite similar to Tabu Search (TS) with the POA-BA forbids the exact exploitation of previously visited solutions along with their corresponding neighbourhood. Patches are not allowed to intersect not just in the next generation but also in the current cycle. This reduces the number of patches materialise in the same peak (maximisation) or valley (minimisation) which ensures a thorough search of the problem landscape as bees are distributed around the scaled down area. The same benchmark problems as PG-BA were applied against this modified strategy to a reasonable success. Finally, the Bees Algorithm is revised to have the capability of locating all of the global optimum as well as the substantial local peaks in a single run. These multi-solutions of comparable fitness offers some alternatives for the decision makers to choose from. The patches are formed only if the bees are the fittest from different peaks by using a hill-valley mechanism in this so called Extended Bees Algorithm (EBA). This permits the maintenance of diversified solutions throughout the search process in addition to minimising the chances of getting trap. This version is proven beneficial when tested with numerous multimodal optimisation problems

    Smart Manufacturing

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    This book is a collection of 11 articles that are published in the corresponding Machines Special Issue “Smart Manufacturing”. It represents the quality, breadth and depth of the most updated study in smart manufacturing (SM); in particular, digital technologies are deployed to enhance system smartness by (1) empowering physical resources in production, (2) utilizing virtual and dynamic assets over the Internet to expand system capabilities, (3) supporting data-driven decision-making activities at various domains and levels of businesses, or (4) reconfiguring systems to adapt to changes and uncertainties. System smartness can be evaluated by one or a combination of performance metrics such as degree of automation, cost-effectiveness, leanness, robustness, flexibility, adaptability, sustainability, and resilience. This book features, firstly, the concepts digital triad (DT-II) and Internet of digital triad things (IoDTT), proposed to deal with the complexity, dynamics, and scalability of complex systems simultaneously. This book also features a comprehensive survey of the applications of digital technologies in space instruments; a systematic literature search method is used to investigate the impact of product design and innovation on the development of space instruments. In addition, the survey provides important information and critical considerations for using cutting edge digital technologies in designing and manufacturing space instruments

    Advanced Knowledge Application in Practice

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    The integration and interdependency of the world economy leads towards the creation of a global market that offers more opportunities, but is also more complex and competitive than ever before. Therefore widespread research activity is necessary if one is to remain successful on the market. This book is the result of research and development activities from a number of researchers worldwide, covering concrete fields of research

    Research and Creative Activity, July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020: Major Sponsored Programs and Faculty Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activity, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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    Foreword by Bob Wilhelm, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development: This booklet highlights successes in research, scholarship and creative activity by University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty during the fiscal year running July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020. It lists investigators, project titles and funding sources on major grants and sponsored awards received during the year; fellowships and other recognitions and honors bestowed on our faculty; books published by faculty; performances, exhibitions and other creative activity; and patents and licensing agreements issued. Based on your feedback, the Office of Research and Economic Development expanded this publication to include peer-reviewed journal articles and conference presentations and recognize students and faculty mentors participating in the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience Program (UCARE) and the First-Year Research Experiences program (FYRE). While metrics cannot convey the full story of our work, they are tangible measures of impact. Nebraska achieved a record 317millionintotalresearchexpendituresinFY2019,a26317 million in total research expenditures in FY 2019, a 26% increase over the past decade. Thanks to your efforts, our university is making progress toward its goal of approaching 450 million in research expenditures by 2025. Husker researchers are stimulating economic growth through university-sponsored industry activity. Nebraska Innovation Campus created 1,657 jobs statewide and had a total economic impact of 324.1millioninFY2019.NUtechVenturesbroughtin324.1 million in FY 2019. NUtech Ventures brought in 6.6 million in licensing income in FY 2020. The University of Nebraska system now ranks 65th among the top 100 academic institutions receiving U.S. patents, jumping 14 spots from 2019. I am proud of the Nebraska Research community for facing the challenges of 2020 with grit and determination. Our researchers quickly adapted to develop solutions for an evolving pandemic — all while working apart and keeping themselves and their families safe. As an institution, we made a commitment to embrace an anti-racism journey and work toward racial equity. Advancing conversations and developing lasting solutions is among the most important work we can do as scholars. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, rising racial and social tensions, and natural disasters, Nebraska researchers worked diligently to address other pressing issues, such as obesity and related diseases, nanomaterials, agricultural resilience and the state’s STEM workforce. Let’s continue looking forward to what we can accomplish together. Thank you for participating in the grand challenges process and helping identify the wicked problems that Nebraska has unique expertise to solve. Soon, ORED will unveil a Research Roadmap that outlines how our campus will develop research expertise; enrich creative activity; bolster commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion; enhance economic development; and much more. Amidst the uncertainty of 2020, I remain confident in our faculty’s talent and commitment. I am pleased to present this record of accomplishments. Contents Awards of 5MillionorMoreAwardsof5 Million or More Awards of 1 Million to 4,999,999Awardsof4,999,999 Awards of 250,000 to 999,999EarlyCareerAwardsArtsandHumanitiesAwardsof999,999 Early Career Awards Arts and Humanities Awards of 250,000 or More Arts and Humanities Awards of 50,000to50,000 to 249,999 Arts and Humanities Awards of 5,000to5,000 to 49,999 Patents License Agreements Creative Activity Books Recognitions and Honors Journal Articles Conference Presentations UCARE and FYRE Projects Glossar

    Cyber-Human Systems, Space Technologies, and Threats

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    CYBER-HUMAN SYSTEMS, SPACE TECHNOLOGIES, AND THREATS is our eighth textbook in a series covering the world of UASs / CUAS/ UUVs / SPACE. Other textbooks in our series are Space Systems Emerging Technologies and Operations; Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD); Disruptive Technologies with applications in Airline, Marine, Defense Industries; Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land; Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations; Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 2nd edition; and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Cyber Domain Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 1st edition. Our previous seven titles have received considerable global recognition in the field. (Nichols & Carter, 2022) (Nichols, et al., 2021) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2019) (Nichols R. K., 2018) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2022)https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Holistic biomimicry: a biologically inspired approach to environmentally benign engineering

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    Humanity's activities increasingly threaten Earth's richness of life, of which mankind is a part. As part of the response, the environmentally conscious attempt to engineer products, processes and systems that interact harmoniously with the living world. Current environmental design guidance draws upon a wealth of experiences with the products of engineering that damaged humanity's environment. Efforts to create such guidelines inductively attempt to tease right action from examination of past mistakes. Unfortunately, avoidance of past errors cannot guarantee environmentally sustainable designs in the future. One needs to examine and understand an example of an environmentally sustainable, complex, multi-scale system to engineer designs with similar characteristics. This dissertation benchmarks and evaluates the efficacy of guidance from one such environmentally sustainable system resting at humanity's doorstep - the biosphere. Taking a holistic view of biomimicry, emulation of and inspiration by life, this work extracts overarching principles of life from academic life science literature using a sociological technique known as constant comparative method. It translates these principles into bio-inspired sustainable engineering guidelines. During this process, it identifies physically rooted measures and metrics that link guidelines to engineering applications. Qualitative validation for principles and guidelines takes the form of review by biology experts and comparison with existing environmentally benign design and manufacturing guidelines. Three select bio-inspired guidelines at three different organizational scales of engineering interest are quantitatively validated. Physical experiments with self-cleaning surfaces quantify the potential environmental benefits generated by applying the first, sub-product scale guideline. An interpretation of a metabolically rooted guideline applied at the product / organism organizational scale is shown to correlate with existing environmental metrics and predict a sustainability threshold. Finally, design of a carpet recycling network illustrates the quantitative environmental benefits one reaps by applying the third, multi-facility scale bio-inspired sustainability guideline. Taken as a whole, this work contributes (1) a set of biologically inspired sustainability principles for engineering, (2) a translation of these principles into measures applicable to design, (3) examples demonstrating a new, holistic form of biomimicry and (4) a deductive, novel approach to environmentally benign engineering. Life, the collection of processes that tamed and maintained themselves on planet Earth's once hostile surface, long ago confronted and solved the fundamental problems facing all organisms. Through this work, it is hoped that humanity has taken one small step toward self-mastery, thus drawing closer to a solution to the latest problem facing all organisms.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Bert Bras; Committee Member: David Rosen; Committee Member: Dayna Baumeister; Committee Member: Janet Allen; Committee Member: Jeannette Yen; Committee Member: Matthew Realf