1,370 research outputs found

    Cellular Underwater Wireless Optical CDMA Network: Potentials and Challenges

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    Underwater wireless optical communications is an emerging solution to the expanding demand for broadband links in oceans and seas. In this paper, a cellular underwater wireless optical code division multiple-access (UW-OCDMA) network is proposed to provide broadband links for commercial and military applications. The optical orthogonal codes (OOC) are employed as signature codes of underwater mobile users. Fundamental key aspects of the network such as its backhaul architecture, its potential applications and its design challenges are presented. In particular, the proposed network is used as infrastructure of centralized, decentralized and relay-assisted underwater sensor networks for high-speed real-time monitoring. Furthermore, a promising underwater localization and positioning scheme based on this cellular network is presented. Finally, probable design challenges such as cell edge coverage, blockage avoidance, power control and increasing the network capacity are addressed.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Proteus II: design and evaluation of an integrated power-efficient underwater sensor node

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    We describe the design and evaluation of an integrated low-cost underwater sensor node designed for reconfigurability, allowing continuous operation on a relatively small rechargeable battery for one month. The node uses a host CPU for the network protocols and processing sensor data and a separate CPU performs signal processing for the ultrasonic acoustic software-defined Modulator/Demodulator (MODEM). A Frequency Shift Keying- (FSK-) based modulation scheme with configurable symbol rates, Hamming error correction, and Time-of-Arrival (ToA) estimation for underwater positioning is implemented. The onboard sensors, an accelerometer and a temperature sensor, can be used to measure basic environmental parameters; additional internal and external sensors are supported through industry-standard interfaces (I2C, SPI, and RS232) and an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) for analog peripherals. A 433 MHz radio can be used when the node is deployed at the surface. Tests were performed to validate the low-power operation. Moreover the acoustic communication range and performance and ToA capabilities were evaluated. Results show that the node achieves the one-month lifetime, is able to perform communication in highly reflective environments, and performs ToA estimation with an accuracy of about 1-2 meters

    Information-Centric Design and Implementation for Underwater Acoustic Networks

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    Over the past decade, Underwater Acoustic Networks (UANs) have received extensive attention due to their vast benefits in academia and industry alike. However, due to the overall magnitude and harsh characteristics of underwater environments, standard wireless network techniques will fail because current technology and energy restrictions limit underwater devices due to delayed acoustic communications. To help manage these limitations we utilize Information-Centric Networking (ICN). More importantly, we look at ICN\u27s paradigm shift from traditional TCP/IP architecture to improve data handling and enhance network efficiency. By utilizing some of ICN\u27s techniques, such as data naming hierarchy, we can reevaluate each component of the network\u27s protocol stack given current underwater limitations to study the vast solutions and perspectives Information-Centric architectures can provide to UANs. First, we propose a routing strategy used to manage and route large data files in a network prone to high mobility. Therefore, due to UANs limited transmitting capability, we passively store sensed data and adaptively find the best path. Furthermore, we introduce adapted Named Data Networking (NDN) components to improve upon routing robustness and adaptiveness. Beyond naming data, we use tracers to assist in tracking stored data locations without using other excess means such as flooding. By collaborating tracer consistency with routing path awareness our protocol can adaptively manage faulty or high mobility nodes. Through this incorporation of varied NDN techniques, we are able to see notable improvements in routing efficiency. Second, we analyze the effects of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks on upper layer protocols. Since UANs are typically resource restrained, malicious users can advantageously create fake traffic to burden the already constrained network. While ICN techniques only provide basic DoS restriction we must expand our detection and restriction technique to meet the unique demands of UANs. To provide enhanced security against DoS we construct an algorithm to detect and restrict against these types of attacks while adapting to meet acoustic characteristics. To better extend this work we incorporate three node behavior techniques using probabilistic, adaptive, and predictive approaches for detecting malicious traits. Thirdly, to depict and test protocols in UANs, simulators are commonly used due to their accessibility and controlled testing aspects. For this section, we review Aqua-Sim, a discrete event-driven open-source underwater simulator. To enhance the core aspect of this simulator we first rewrite the current architecture and transition Aqua-Sim to the newest core simulator, NS-3. Following this, we clean up redundant features spread out between the various underwater layers. Additionally, we fully integrate the diverse NS-3 API within our simulator. By revamping previous code layout we are able to improve architecture modularity and child class expandability. New features are also introduced including localization and synchronization support, busy terminal problem support, multi-channel support, transmission range uncertainty modules, external noise generators, channel trace-driven support, security module, and an adapted NDN module. Additionally, we provide extended documentation to assist in user development. Simulation testing shows improved memory management and continuous validity in comparison to other underwater simulators and past iterations of Aqua-Sim

    TDA-MAC : TDMA without clock synchronization in underwater acoustic networks

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    This paper investigates the application of underwater acoustic sensor networks for large scale monitoring of the ocean environment. The low propagation speed of acoustic signals presents a fundamental challenge in coordinating the access to the shared communication medium in such networks. In this paper, we propose two medium access control (MAC) protocols, namely, Transmit Delay Allocation MAC (TDA-MAC) and Accelerated TDA-MAC, that are capable of providing time division multiple access (TDMA) to sensor nodes without the need for centralized clock synchronization. A comprehensive simulation study of a network deployed on the sea bed shows that the proposed protocols are capable of closely matching the throughput and packet delay performance of ideal synchronized TDMA. The TDA-MAC protocols also significantly outperform T-Lohi, a classical contention-based MAC protocol for underwater acoustic networks, in terms of network throughput and, in many cases, end-To-end packet delay. Furthermore, the assumption of no clock synchronization among different devices in the network is a major advantage of TDA-MAC over other TDMA-based MAC protocols in the literature. Therefore, it is a feasible networking solution for real-world underwater sensor network deployments

    Contribution to Research on Underwater Sensor Networks Architectures by Means of Simulation

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    El concepto de entorno inteligente concibe un mundo donde los diferentes tipos de dispositivos inteligentes colaboran para conseguir un objetivo común. En este concepto, inteligencia hace referencia a la habilidad de adquirir conocimiento y aplicarlo de forma autónoma para conseguir el objetivo común, mientras que entorno hace referencia al mundo físico que nos rodea. Por tanto, un entorno inteligente se puede definir como aquel que adquiere conocimiento de su entorno y aplicándolo permite mejorar la experiencia de sus habitantes. La computación ubicua o generalizada permitirá que este concepto de entorno inteligente se haga realidad. Normalmente, el término de computación ubicua hace referencia al uso de dispositivos distribuidos por el mundo físico, pequeños y de bajo precio, que pueden comunicarse entre ellos y resolver un problema de forma colaborativa. Cuando esta comunicación se lleva a cabo de forma inalámbrica, estos dispositivos forman una red de sensores inalámbrica o en inglés, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Estas redes están atrayendo cada vez más atención debido al amplio espectro de aplicaciones que tienen, des de soluciones para el ámbito militar hasta aplicaciones para el gran consumo. Esta tesis se centra en las redes de sensores inalámbricas y subacuáticas o en inglés, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN). Estas redes, a pesar de compartir los mismos principios que las WSN, tienen un medio de transmisión diferente que cambia su forma de comunicación de ondas de radio a ondas acústicas. Este cambio hace que ambas redes sean diferentes en muchos aspectos como el retardo de propagación, el ancho de banda disponible, el consumo de energía, etc. De hecho, las señales acústicas tienen una velocidad de propagación cinco órdenes de magnitud menor que las señales de radio. Por tanto, muchos algoritmos y protocolos necesitan adaptarse o incluso rediseñarse. Como el despliegue de este tipo de redes puede ser bastante complicado y caro, se debe planificar de forma precisa el hardware y los algoritmos que se necesitan. Con esta finalidad, las simulaciones pueden resultar una forma muy conveniente de probar todas las variables necesarias antes del despliegue de la aplicación. A pesar de eso, un nivel de precisión adecuado que permita extraer resultados y conclusiones confiables, solamente se puede conseguir utilizando modelos precisos y parámetros reales. Esta tesis propone un ecosistema para UWSN basado en herramientas libres y de código abierto. Este ecosistema se compone de un modelo de recolección de energía y unmodelo de unmódemde bajo coste y bajo consumo con un sistema de activación remota que, junto con otros modelos ya implementados en las herramientas, permite la realización de simulaciones precisas con datos ambientales del tiempo y de las condiciones marinas del lugar donde la aplicación objeto de estudio va a desplegarse. Seguidamente, este ecosistema se utiliza con éxito en el estudio y evaluación de diferentes protocolos de transmisión aplicados a una aplicación real de monitorización de una piscifactoría en la costa del mar Mediterráneo, que es parte de un proyecto de investigación español (CICYT CTM2011-2961-C02-01). Finalmente, utilizando el modelo de recolección de energía, esta plataforma de simulación se utiliza para medir los requisitos de energía de la aplicación y extraer las necesidades de hardware mínimas.Climent Bayarri, JS. (2014). Contribution to Research on Underwater Sensor Networks Architectures by Means of Simulation [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/3532

    A Collision Avoidance Based Energy Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Clustered Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) are typically deployed in energy constrained environments where recharging energy sources and replacing batteries are not viable. This makes energy efficiency in UWSNs a crucial directive to be followed during Medium Access Control (MAC) design. Multiplexing and scheduling based protocols are not ideal for UWSNs because of their strict synchronization requirements, longer latencies and constrained bandwidth.This paper presents the development and simulation analysis of a novel cross-layer communication based MAC protocol called Energy Efficient Collision Avoidance (EECA) MAC protocol. EECA-MAC protocol works on the principle of adaptive power control, controlling the transmission power based on the signal strength at the receiver. EECA-MAC enhances the conventional 4-way handshake to reduce carrier sensing by implementing an enhanced Request to Send (RTS) and Clear to Send (CTS) handshake and an improved back-off algorithm.Simulation analysis shows that the measures taken to achieve energy efficiency have a direct effect on the number of packet retransmissions. Compared to the Medium Access with Collision Avoidance (MACA) protocol, EECA-MAC shows a 40% reduction in the number of packets that are delivered after retransmissions. This reduction, coupled with the reduced signal interference, results in a 16% drop in the energy utilized by the nodes for data transmission

    Recommendations on communication platform and data standards to facilitate autonomous operations, high performance computing and the integration of large data sets

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    The use of standards for wired and wireless communication and power transfer in the subsea environment has lagged compared to use of standards on land (ref. telecom standards, wireless networks , power distribution etc.). Recent years has seen an increased focus on standards, pushed by oil and gas operators as well as other users of subsea control & communication systems, sensors and instrumentation. Work to agree on standards has to some degree been hampered by the ubiquitous use of proprietary legacy products. Collaboration with the main players in carbon storage is a key factor in achieving the goal of an accelerated digitized monitoring and early warning system. Using established technology and standardization from the oil and gas industry is important to achieve optimal technical solutions and further to keep the cost at an acceptable level. Established existing products and solutions under development can thus be used in future data collection with a minimum of customization. Offshore carbon storage will be located remotely and will depend on on-site communication infrastructure. With access to local infrastructure, the last distance to various sensors for collecting CCS monitoring data should take place using established standards. It can be wired solutions with fiber or wireless connections to sensors in the area. There may also be autonomous units that are out retrieving data from remote sensors. Data can then be uploaded from docking stations with standardized interfaces for communication. Understanding communication infrastructures in use today and solutions that are under development through collaboration and standardization are of utmost importance to achieve Digimon's goals. An open architecture standards-based system will lead to a fully integrated digital solution with reduced costs and Improved value - by multiple use of a common sensing infrastructure. This document is intended to provide a glimpse into the efforts on standardization of subsea platforms required for autonomous operations and the handling off large volumes of data

    Design and implementation of low complexity wake-up receiver for underwater acoustic sensor networks

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    This thesis designs a low-complexity dual Pseudorandom Noise (PN) scheme for identity (ID) detection and coarse frame synchronization. The two PN sequences for a node are identical and are separated by a specified length of gap which serves as the ID of different sensor nodes. The dual PN sequences are short in length but are capable of combating severe underwater acoustic (UWA) multipath fading channels that exhibit time varying impulse responses up to 100 taps. The receiver ID detection is implemented on a microcontroller MSP430F5529 by calculating the correlation between the two segments of the PN sequence with the specified separation gap. When the gap length is matched, the correlator outputs a peak which triggers the wake-up enable. The time index of the correlator peak is used as the coarse synchronization of the data frame. The correlator is implemented by an iterative algorithm that uses only one multiplication and two additions for each sample input regardless of the length of the PN sequence, thus achieving low computational complexity. The real-time processing requirement is also met via direct memory access (DMA) and two circular buffers to accelerate data transfer between the peripherals and the memory. The proposed dual PN detection scheme has been successfully tested by simulated fading channels and real-world measured channels. The results show that, in long multipath channels with more than 60 taps, the proposed scheme achieves high detection rate and low false alarm rate using maximal-length sequences as short as 31 bits to 127 bits, therefore it is suitable as a low-power wake-up receiver. The future research will integrate the wake-up receiver with Digital Signal Processors (DSP) for payload detection. --Abstract, page iv

    Communication protocols for underwater data collection using a robotic sensor network

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    We examine the problem of collecting data from an underwater sensor network using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The sensors in the network are equipped with acoustic modems that provide noisy, range-limited communication to the AUV. One challenge in this scenario is to plan paths that maximize the information collected and minimize travel time. While executing a path, the AUV can improve performance by communicating with multiple nodes in the network at once. Such multi-node communication requires a scheduling protocol that is robust to channel variations and interference. To solve this problem, we develop and test a multiple access control protocol for the underwater data collection scenario. We perform simulated experiments that utilize a realistic model of acoustic communication taken from experimental test data. These simulations demonstrate that properly designed scheduling protocols are essential for choosing the appropriate path planning algorithms for data collection.United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-09-1-070)United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-07-1-00738)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant 0831728)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCR-0120778)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1035866