813 research outputs found

    Modelling and control of hybrid electric vehicles (a comprehensive review)

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    The gradual decline in global oil reserves and presence of ever so stringent emissions rules around the world, have created an urgent need for the production of automobiles with improved fuel economy. HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) have proved a viable option to guarantying improved fuel economy and reduced emissions.The fuel consumption benefits which can be realised when utilising HEV architecture are dependent on how much braking energy is regenerated, and how well the regenerated energy is utilized. The challenge in developing an HEV control strategy lies in the satisfaction of often conflicting control constraints involving fuel consumption, emissions and driveability without over-depleting the battery state of charge at the end of the defined driving cycle.To this effect, a number of power management strategies have been proposed in literature. This paper presents a comprehensive review of these literatures, focusing primarily on contributions in the aspect of parallel hybrid electric vehicle modelling and control. As part of this treatise, exploitable research gaps are also identified. This paper prides itself as a comprehensive reference for researchers in the field of hybrid electric vehicle development, control and optimization

    Control of a hybrid electric vehicle with predictive journey estimation

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    Battery energy management plays a crucial role in fuel economy improvement of charge-sustaining parallel hybrid electric vehicles. Currently available control strategies consider battery state of charge (SOC) and driver’s request through the pedal input in decision-making. This method does not achieve an optimal performance for saving fuel or maintaining appropriate SOC level, especially during the operation in extreme driving conditions or hilly terrain. The objective of this thesis is to develop a control algorithm using forthcoming traffic condition and road elevation, which could be fed from navigation systems. This would enable the controller to predict potential of regenerative charging to capture cost-free energy and intentionally depleting battery energy to assist an engine at high power demand. The starting point for this research is the modelling of a small sport-utility vehicle by the analysis of the vehicles currently available in the market. The result of the analysis is used in order to establish a generic mild hybrid powertrain model, which is subsequently examined to compare the performance of controllers. A baseline is established with a conventional powertrain equipped with a spark ignition direct injection engine and a continuously variable transmission. Hybridisation of this vehicle with an integrated starter alternator and a traditional rule-based control strategy is presented. Parameter optimisation in four standard driving cycles is explained, followed by a detailed energy flow analysis. An additional potential improvement is presented by dynamic programming (DP), which shows a benefit of a predictive control. Based on these results, a predictive control algorithm using fuzzy logic is introduced. The main tools of the controller design are the DP, adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system with subtractive clustering and design of experiment. Using a quasi-static backward simulation model, the performance of the controller is compared with the result from the instantaneous control and the DP. The focus is fuel saving and SOC control at the end of journeys, especially in aggressive driving conditions and a hilly road. The controller shows a good potential to improve fuel economy and tight SOC control in long journey and hilly terrain. Fuel economy improvement and SOC correction are close to the optimal solution by the DP, especially in long trips on steep road where there is a large gap between the baseline controller and the DP. However, there is little benefit in short trips and flat road. It is caused by the low improvement margin of the mild hybrid powertrain and the limited future journey information. To provide a further step to implementation, a software-in-the-loop simulation model is developed. A fully dynamic model of the powertrain and the control algorithm are implemented in AMESim-Simulink co-simulation environment. This shows small deterioration of the control performance by driver’s pedal action, powertrain dynamics and limited computational precision on the controller performance

    Urban and extra-urban hybrid vehicles: a technological review

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    Pollution derived from transportation systems is a worldwide, timelier issue than ever. The abatement actions of harmful substances in the air are on the agenda and they are necessary today to safeguard our welfare and that of the planet. Environmental pollution in large cities is approximately 20% due to the transportation system. In addition, private traffic contributes greatly to city pollution. Further, “vehicle operating life” is most often exceeded and vehicle emissions do not comply with European antipollution standards. It becomes mandatory to find a solution that respects the environment and, realize an appropriate transportation service to the customers. New technologies related to hybrid –electric engines are making great strides in reducing emissions, and the funds allocated by public authorities should be addressed. In addition, the use (implementation) of new technologies is also convenient from an economic point of view. In fact, by implementing the use of hybrid vehicles, fuel consumption can be reduced. The different hybrid configurations presented refer to such a series architecture, developed by the researchers and Research and Development groups. Regarding energy flows, different strategy logic or vehicle management units have been illustrated. Various configurations and vehicles were studied by simulating different driving cycles, both European approval and homologation and customer ones (typically municipal and university). The simulations have provided guidance on the optimal proposed configuration and information on the component to be used

    Advanced Control and Estimation Concepts, and New Hardware Topologies for Future Mobility

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    According to the National Research Council, the use of embedded systems throughout society could well overtake previous milestones in the information revolution. Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronic, mechanical engineering, controls, software and systems engineering in the design of processes and products. Mechatronic systems put “intelligence” into physical systems. Embedded sensors/actuators/processors are integral parts of mechatronic systems. The implementation of mechatronic systems is consistently on the rise. However, manufacturers are working hard to reduce the implementation cost of these systems while trying avoid compromising product quality. One way of addressing these conflicting objectives is through new automatic control methods, virtual sensing/estimation, and new innovative hardware topologies

    Definition and verification of a set of reusable reference architectures for hybrid vehicle development

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    Current concerns regarding climate change and energy security have resulted in an increasing demand for low carbon vehicles, including: more efficient internal combustion engine vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles, electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles. Unlike traditional internal combustion engine vehicles and electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles contain a minimum of two energy storage systems. These are required to deliver power through a complex powertrain which must combine these power flows electrically or mechanically (or both), before torque can be delivered to the wheel. Three distinct types of hybrid vehicles exist, series hybrids, parallel hybrids and compound hybrids. Each type of hybrid presents a unique engineering challenge. Also, within each hybrid type there exists a wide range of configurations of components, in size and type. The emergence of this new family of hybrid vehicles has necessitated a new component to vehicle development, the Vehicle Supervisory Controller (VSC). The VSC must determine and deliver driver torque demand, dividing the delivery of that demand from the multiple energy storage systems as a function of efficiencies and capacities. This control component is not commonly a standalone entity in traditional internal combustion vehicles and therefore presents an opportunity to apply a systems engineering approach to hybrid vehicle systems and VSC control system development. A key non-­‐functional requirement in systems engineering is reusability. A common method for maximising system reusability is a Reference Architecture (RA). This is an abstraction of the minimum set of shared system features (structure, functions, interactions and behaviour) that can be applied to a number of similar but distinct system deployments. It is argued that the employment of RAs in hybrid vehicle development would reduce VSC development time and cost. This Thesis expands this research to determine if one RA is extendable to all hybrid vehicle types and combines the scientific method with the scenario testing method to verify the reusability of RAs by demonstration. A set of hypotheses are posed: Can one RA represent all hybrid types? If not, can a minimum number of RAs be defined which represents all hybrid types? These hypotheses are tested by a set of scenarios. The RA is used as a template for a vehicle deployment (a scenario), which is then tested numerically, thereby verifying that the RA is valid for this type of vehicle. This Thesis determines that two RAs are required to represent the three hybrid vehicle types. One RA is needed for series hybrids, and the second RA covers parallel and compound hybrids. This is done at a level of abstraction which is high enough to avoid system specific features but low enough to incorporate detailed control functionality. One series hybrid is deployed using the series RA into simulation, hardware and onto a vehicle for testing. This verifies that the series RA is valid for this type of vehicle. The parallel RA is used to develop two sub-­‐types of parallel hybrids and one compound hybrid. This research has been conducted with industrial partners who value, and are employing, the findings of this research in their hybrid vehicle development programs

    Toward Holistic Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Heavy-Duty Applications

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    The increasing need to slow down climate change for environmental protection demands further advancements toward regenerative energy and sustainable mobility. While individual mobility applications are assumed to be satisfied with improving battery electric vehicles (BEVs), the growing sector of freight transport and heavy-duty applications requires alternative solutions to meet the requirements of long ranges and high payloads. Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles (FCHEVs) emerge as a capable technology for high-energy applications. This technology comprises a fuel cell system (FCS) for energy supply combined with buffering energy storages, such as batteries or ultracapacitors. In this article, recent successful developments regarding FCHEVs in various heavy-duty applications are presented. Subsequently, an overview of the FCHEV drivetrain, its main components, and different topologies with an emphasis on heavy-duty trucks is given. In order to enable system layout optimization and energy management strategy (EMS) design, functionality and modeling approaches for the FCS, battery, ultracapacitor, and further relevant subsystems are briefly described. Afterward, common methodologies for EMS are structured, presenting a new taxonomy for dynamic optimization-based EMS from a control engineering perspective. Finally, the findings lead to a guideline toward holistic EMS, encouraging the co-optimization of system design, and EMS development for FCHEVs. For the EMS, we propose a layered model predictive control (MPC) approach, which takes velocity planning, the mitigation of degradation effects, and the auxiliaries into account simultaneously

    Gear shift strategies for automotive transmissions

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    The development history of automotive engineering has shown the essential role of transmissions in road vehicles primarily powered by internal combustion engines. The engine with its physical constraints on the torque and speed requires a transmission to have its power converted to the drive power demand at the vehicle wheels. Under dynamic driving conditions, the transmission is required to shift in order to match the engine power with the changing drive power. Furthermore, a gear shift decision is expected to be consistent such that vehicle can remain in the next gear for a period of time without deteriorating the acceleration capability. Therefore, an optimal conversion of the engine power plays a key role in improving the fuel economy and driveability. Moreover, the consequences of the assumptions related to the discrete state variable-dependent losses, e.g. gear shifting, clutch slippage and engine starting, and their e¿ect on the gear shift control strategy are necessary to be analyzed to yield insights into the fuel usage. The ¿rst part of the thesis deals with the design of gear shift strategies for electronically controlled discrete ratio transmissions used in both conventional vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). For conventional vehicles, together with the fuel economy, the driveability is systematically addressed in a Dynamic Programming (DP) based optimal gear shift strategy by three methods: i) the weighted inverse of the power re¬serve, ii) the constant power reserve, and iii) the variable power reserve. In addition, a Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) algorithm is utilized to optimize the gear shift strategy, subject to a stochastic distribution of the power request, in order to minimize the expected fuel consumption over an in¿nite horizon. Hence, the SDP-based gear shift strategy intrinsically respects the driveability and is realtime implementable. By per¬forming a comparative analysis of all proposed gear shift methods, it is shown that the variable power reserve method achieves the highest fuel economy without deteriorating the driveability. Moreover, for HEVs, a novel fuel-optimal control algorithm, consist-ing of the continuous power split and discrete gear shift, engine on-o¿ problems, based on a combination of DP and Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle (PMP) is developed for the corresponding hybrid dynamical system. This so-called DP-PMP gear shift control approach benchmarks the development of an online implementable control strategy in terms of the optimal tradeo¿ between calculation accuracy and computational e¿ciency. Driven by an ultimate goal of realizing an online gear shift strategy, a gear shift map design methodology for discrete ratio transmissions is developed, which is applied for both conventional vehicles and HEVs. The design methodology uses an optimal gear shift algorithm as a basis to derive the optimal gear shift patterns. Accordingly, statis¬tical theory is applied to analyze the optimal gear shift pattern in order to extract the time-invariant shift rules. This alternative two-step design procedure makes the gear shift map: i) respect the fuel economy and driveability, ii) be consistent and robust with respect to shift busyness, and iii) be realtime implementation. The design process is ¿exible and time e¿cient such that an applicability to various powertrain systems con¿gured with discrete ratio transmissions is possible. Furthermore, the study in this thesis addresses the trend of utilizing the route information in the powertrain control system by proposing an integrated predictive gear shift strategy concept, consisting of a velocity algorithm and a predictive algorithm. The velocity algorithm improves the fuel economy in simulation considerably by proposing a fuel-optimal velocity trajectory over a certain driving horizon for the vehicle to follow. The predictive algorithm suc¬cessfully utilizes a prede¿ned velocity pro¿le over a certain horizon in order to realize a fuel economy improvement very close to that of the globally optimal algorithm (DP). In the second part of the thesis, the energetic losses, involved with the gear shift and engine start events in an automated manual transmission-based HEV, are modeled. The e¿ect of these losses on the control strategies and fuel consumption for (non-)powershift transmission technologies is investigated. Regarding the gear shift loss, the study ¿rstly ever discloses a perception of a fuel-e¿cient advantage of the powershift transmissions over the non-powershift ones applied for commercial vehicles. It is also shown that the engine start loss can not be ignored in seeking for a fair evaluation of the fuel economy. Moreover, the sensitivity study of the fuel consumption with respect to the prediction horizon reveals that a predictive energy management strategy can realize the highest achievable fuel economy with a horizon of a few seconds ahead. The last part of the thesis focuses on investigating the sensitivity of an optimal gear shift strategy to the relevant control design objectives, i.e. fuel economy, driveability and comfort. A singu¬lar value decomposition based method is introduced to analyze the possible correlations and interdependencies among the design objectives. This allows that some of the pos¬sible dependent design objective(s) can be removed from the objective function of the corresponding optimal control problem, hence thereby reducing the design complexity