121 research outputs found

    Sherali-Adams gaps, flow-cover inequalities and generalized configurations for capacity-constrained Facility Location

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    Metric facility location is a well-studied problem for which linear programming methods have been used with great success in deriving approximation algorithms. The capacity-constrained generalizations, such as capacitated facility location (CFL) and lower-bounded facility location (LBFL), have proved notorious as far as LP-based approximation is concerned: while there are local-search-based constant-factor approximations, there is no known linear relaxation with constant integrality gap. According to Williamson and Shmoys devising a relaxation-based approximation for \cfl\ is among the top 10 open problems in approximation algorithms. This paper advances significantly the state-of-the-art on the effectiveness of linear programming for capacity-constrained facility location through a host of impossibility results for both CFL and LBFL. We show that the relaxations obtained from the natural LP at Ω(n)\Omega(n) levels of the Sherali-Adams hierarchy have an unbounded gap, partially answering an open question of \cite{LiS13, AnBS13}. Here, nn denotes the number of facilities in the instance. Building on the ideas for this result, we prove that the standard CFL relaxation enriched with the generalized flow-cover valid inequalities \cite{AardalPW95} has also an unbounded gap. This disproves a long-standing conjecture of \cite{LeviSS12}. We finally introduce the family of proper relaxations which generalizes to its logical extreme the classic star relaxation and captures general configuration-style LPs. We characterize the behavior of proper relaxations for CFL and LBFL through a sharp threshold phenomenon.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1305.599

    Extended Formulation Lower Bounds via Hypergraph Coloring?

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    Exploring the power of linear programming for combinatorial optimization problems has been recently receiving renewed attention after a series of breakthrough impossibility results. From an algorithmic perspective, the related questions concern whether there are compact formulations even for problems that are known to admit polynomial-time algorithms. We propose a framework for proving lower bounds on the size of extended formulations. We do so by introducing a specific type of extended relaxations that we call product relaxations and is motivated by the study of the Sherali-Adams (SA) hierarchy. Then we show that for every approximate relaxation of a polytope P, there is a product relaxation that has the same size and is at least as strong. We provide a methodology for proving lower bounds on the size of approximate product relaxations by lower bounding the chromatic number of an underlying hypergraph, whose vertices correspond to gap-inducing vectors. We extend the definition of product relaxations and our methodology to mixed integer sets. However in this case we are able to show that mixed product relaxations are at least as powerful as a special family of extended formulations. As an application of our method we show an exponential lower bound on the size of approximate mixed product formulations for the metric capacitated facility location problem, a problem which seems to be intractable for linear programming as far as constant-gap compact formulations are concerned

    Small Extended Formulation for Knapsack Cover Inequalities from Monotone Circuits

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    Initially developed for the min-knapsack problem, the knapsack cover inequalities are used in the current best relaxations for numerous combinatorial optimization problems of covering type. In spite of their widespread use, these inequalities yield linear programming (LP) relaxations of exponential size, over which it is not known how to optimize exactly in polynomial time. In this paper we address this issue and obtain LP relaxations of quasi-polynomial size that are at least as strong as that given by the knapsack cover inequalities. For the min-knapsack cover problem, our main result can be stated formally as follows: for any ε>0\varepsilon >0, there is a (1/ε)O(1)nO(logn)(1/\varepsilon)^{O(1)}n^{O(\log n)}-size LP relaxation with an integrality gap of at most 2+ε2+\varepsilon, where nn is the number of items. Prior to this work, there was no known relaxation of subexponential size with a constant upper bound on the integrality gap. Our construction is inspired by a connection between extended formulations and monotone circuit complexity via Karchmer-Wigderson games. In particular, our LP is based on O(log2n)O(\log^2 n)-depth monotone circuits with fan-in~22 for evaluating weighted threshold functions with nn inputs, as constructed by Beimel and Weinreb. We believe that a further understanding of this connection may lead to more positive results complementing the numerous lower bounds recently proved for extended formulations.Comment: 21 page

    A computational analysis of lower bounds for big bucket production planning problems

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    In this paper, we analyze a variety of approaches to obtain lower bounds for multi-level production planning problems with big bucket capacities, i.e., problems in which multiple items compete for the same resources. We give an extensive survey of both known and new methods, and also establish relationships between some of these methods that, to our knowledge, have not been presented before. As will be highlighted, understanding the substructures of difficult problems provide crucial insights on why these problems are hard to solve, and this is addressed by a thorough analysis in the paper. We conclude with computational results on a variety of widely used test sets, and a discussion of future research

    LP-Based Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location

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    Linear programming has played a key role in the study of algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems. In the field of approximation algorithms, this is well illustrated by the uncapacitated facility location problem. A variety of algorithmic methodologies, such as LP-rounding and primal-dual method, have been applied to and evolved from algorithms for this problem. Unfortunately, this collection of powerful algorithmic techniques had not yet been applicable to the more general capacitated facility location problem. In fact, all of the known algorithms with good performance guarantees were based on a single technique, local search, and no linear programming relaxation was known to efficiently approximate the problem. In this paper, we present a linear programming relaxation with constant integrality gap for capacitated facility location. We demonstrate that the fundamental theories of multi-commodity flows and matchings provide key insights that lead to the strong relaxation. Our algorithmic proof of integrality gap is obtained by finally accessing the rich toolbox of LP-based methodologies: we present a constant factor approximation algorithm based on LP-rounding.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures; minor revision

    On the equivalence of strong formulations for capacitated multi-level lot sizing problems with setup times

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    Several mixed integer programming formulations have been proposed for modeling capacitated multi-level lot sizing problems with setup times. These formulations include the so-called facility location formulation, the shortest route formulation, and the inventory and lot sizing formulation with (l,S) inequalities. In this paper, we demonstrate the equivalence of these formulations when the integrality requirement is relaxed for any subset of binary setup decision variables. This equivalence has significant implications for decomposition-based methods since same optimal solution values are obtained no matter which formulation is used. In particular, we discuss the relax-and-fix method, a decomposition-based heuristic used for the efficient solution of hard lot sizing problems. Computational tests allow us to compare the effectiveness of different formulations using benchmark problems. The choice of formulation directly affects the required computational effort, and our results therefore provide guidelines on choosing an effective formulation during the development of heuristic-based solution procedures

    A heuristic approach for big bucket multi-level production planning problems

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    Multi-level production planning problems in which multiple items compete for the same resources frequently occur in practice, yet remain daunting in their difficulty to solve. In this paper, we propose a heuristic framework that can generate high quality feasible solutions quickly for various kinds of lot-sizing problems. In addition, unlike many other heuristics, it generates high quality lower bounds using strong formulations, and its simple scheme allows it to be easily implemented in the Xpress-Mosel modeling language. Extensive computational results from widely used test sets that include a variety of problems demonstrate the efficiency of the heuristic, particularly for challenging problems

    Lagrangian-based methods for single and multi-layer multicommodity capacitated network design

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    Le problème de conception de réseau avec coûts fixes et capacités (MCFND) et le problème de conception de réseau multicouches (MLND) sont parmi les problèmes de conception de réseau les plus importants. Dans le problème MCFND monocouche, plusieurs produits doivent être acheminés entre des paires origine-destination différentes d’un réseau potentiel donné. Des liaisons doivent être ouvertes pour acheminer les produits, chaque liaison ayant une capacité donnée. Le problème est de trouver la conception du réseau à coût minimum de sorte que les demandes soient satisfaites et que les capacités soient respectées. Dans le problème MLND, il existe plusieurs réseaux potentiels, chacun correspondant à une couche donnée. Dans chaque couche, les demandes pour un ensemble de produits doivent être satisfaites. Pour ouvrir un lien dans une couche particulière, une chaîne de liens de support dans une autre couche doit être ouverte. Nous abordons le problème de conception de réseau multiproduits multicouches à flot unique avec coûts fixes et capacités (MSMCFND), où les produits doivent être acheminés uniquement dans l’une des couches. Les algorithmes basés sur la relaxation lagrangienne sont l’une des méthodes de résolution les plus efficaces pour résoudre les problèmes de conception de réseau. Nous présentons de nouvelles relaxations à base de noeuds, où le sous-problème résultant se décompose par noeud. Nous montrons que la décomposition lagrangienne améliore significativement les limites des relaxations traditionnelles. Les problèmes de conception du réseau ont été étudiés dans la littérature. Cependant, ces dernières années, des applications intéressantes des problèmes MLND sont apparues, qui ne sont pas couvertes dans ces études. Nous présentons un examen des problèmes de MLND et proposons une formulation générale pour le MLND. Nous proposons également une formulation générale et une méthodologie de relaxation lagrangienne efficace pour le problème MMCFND. La méthode est compétitive avec un logiciel commercial de programmation en nombres entiers, et donne généralement de meilleurs résultats.The multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MCFND) and the multilayer network design problem (MLND) are among the most important network design problems. In the single-layer MCFND problem, several commodities have to be routed between different origin-destination pairs of a given potential network. Appropriate capacitated links have to be opened to route the commodities. The problem is to find the minimum cost design and routing such that the demands are satisfied and the capacities are respected. In the MLND, there are several potential networks, each at a given layer. In each network, the flow requirements for a set of commodities must be satisfied. However, the selection of the links is interdependent. To open a link in a particular layer, a chain of supporting links in another layer has to be opened. We address the multilayer single flow-type multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MSMCFND), where commodities are routed only in one of the layers. Lagrangian-based algorithms are one of the most effective solution methods to solve network design problems. The traditional Lagrangian relaxations for the MCFND problem are the flow and knapsack relaxations, where the resulting Lagrangian subproblems decompose by commodity and by arc, respectively. We present new node-based relaxations, where the resulting subproblem decomposes by node. We show that the Lagrangian dual bound improves significantly upon the bounds of the traditional relaxations. We also propose a Lagrangian-based algorithm to obtain upper bounds. Network design problems have been the object of extensive literature reviews. However, in recent years, interesting applications of multilayer problems have appeared that are not covered in these surveys. We present a review of multilayer problems and propose a general formulation for the MLND. We also propose a general formulation and an efficient Lagrangian-based solution methodology for the MMCFND problem. The method is competitive with (and often significantly better than) a state-of-the-art mixedinteger programming solver on a large set of randomly generated instances