852 research outputs found

    Theoretical studies of the potential surface for the F - H2 greater than HF + H reaction

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    The F + H2 yields HF + H potential energy hypersurface was studied in the saddle point and entrance channel regions. Using a large (5s 5p 3d 2f 1g/4s 3p 2d) atomic natural orbital basis set, a classical barrier height of 1.86 kcal/mole was obtained at the CASSCF/multireference CI level (MRCI) after correcting for basis set superposition error and including a Davidson correction (+Q) for higher excitations. Based upon an analysis of the computed results, the true classical barrier is estimated to be about 1.4 kcal/mole. The location of the bottleneck on the lowest vibrationally adiabatic potential curve was also computed and the translational energy threshold determined from a one-dimensional tunneling calculation. Using the difference between the calculated and experimental threshold to adjust the classical barrier height on the computed surface yields a classical barrier in the range of 1.0 to 1.5 kcal/mole. Combining the results of the direct estimates of the classical barrier height with the empirical values obtained from the approximation calculations of the dynamical threshold, it is predicted that the true classical barrier height is 1.4 + or - 0.4 kcal/mole. Arguments are presented in favor of including the relatively large +Q correction obtained when nine electrons are correlated at the CASSCF/MRCI level

    Computed potential energy surfaces for chemical reactions

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    The minimum energy path for the addition of a hydrogen atom to N2 is characterized in CASSCF/CCI calculations using the (4s3p2d1f/3s2p1d) basis set, with additional single point calculations at the stationary points of the potential energy surface using the (5s4p3d2f/4s3p2d) basis set. These calculations represent the most extensive set of ab initio calculations completed to date, yielding a zero point corrected barrier for HN2 dissociation of approx. 8.5 kcal mol/1. The lifetime of the HN2 species is estimated from the calculated geometries and energetics using both conventional Transition State Theory and a method which utilizes an Eckart barrier to compute one dimensional quantum mechanical tunneling effects. It is concluded that the lifetime of the HN2 species is very short, greatly limiting its role in both termolecular recombination reactions and combustion processes


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    The ground-state spectroscopic constants of Be_2 revisited

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    Extensive ab initio calibration calculations combined with extrapolations towards the infinite-basis limit lead to a ground-state dissociation energy of Be_2, D_e=944 \pm 25 1/cm, substantially higher than the accepted experimental value, and confirming recent theoretical findings. Our best computed spectroscopic observables (expt. values in parameters) are G(1)-G(0)=223.7 (223.8), G(2)-G(1)=173.8 (169 \pm 3), G(3)-G(2)=125.4 (122 \pm 3), and B_0=0.6086 (0.609) 1/cm; revised spectroscopic constants are proposed. Multireference calculations based on a full valence CAS(4/8) reference suffer from an unbalanced description of angular correlation; for the utmost accuracy, a CAS(4/16) reference including the (3s,3p)(3s,3p) orbitals is required, while for less accurate work a CAS(4/4) reference is recommended. The quality of computed coupled cluster results depends crucially on the description of connected triple excitations; the CC5SD(T) method yields unusually good results because of an error compensation.Comment: Chem. Phys. Lett., in pres

    Coupled-cluster techniques for computational chemistry: The CFOUR program package

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    An up-to-date overview of the CFOUR program system is given. After providing a brief outline of the evolution of the program since its inception in 1989, a comprehensive presentation is given of its well-known capabilities for high-level coupled-cluster theory and its application to molecular properties. Subsequent to this generally well-known background information, much of the remaining content focuses on lesser-known capabilities of CFOUR, most of which have become available to the public only recently or will become available in the near future. Each of these new features is illustrated by a representative example, with additional discussion targeted to educating users as to classes of applications that are now enabled by these capabilities. Finally, some speculation about future directions is given, and the mode of distribution and support for CFOUR are outlined

    Calculation of molecular thermochemical data and their availability in databases

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    Thermodynamic properties of molecules can be obtained by experiment, by statistical mechanics in conjunction with electronic structure theory and by empirical rules like group additivity. The latter two methods are briefly re-viewed in this chapter. The overview of electronic structure methods is intended for readers less experienced in electronic structure theory and focuses on concepts without going into mathematical details. This is followed by a brief description of group additivity schemes; finally, an overview of databases listing reliable thermochemical data is given

    Vibrational Quantum Transport

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