10 research outputs found

    Cobiased graphs: Single-element extensions and elementary quotients of graphic matroids

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    Zaslavsky (1991) introduced a graphical structure called a biased graph and used it to characterize all single-element coextensions and elementary lifts of graphic matroids. We introduce a new, dual graphical structure that we call a cobiased graph and use it to characterize single-element extensions and elementary quotients of graphic matroids.Comment: 17 pp., 5 figure

    Idealness of k-wise intersecting families

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    A clutter is k-wise intersecting if every k members have a common element, yet no element belongs to all members. We conjecture that, for some integer k ≥ 4, every k-wise intersecting clutter is non-ideal. As evidence for our conjecture, we prove it for k = 4 for the class of binary clutters. Two key ingredients for our proof are Jaeger’s 8-flow theorem for graphs, and Seymour’s characterization of the binary matroids with the sums of circuits property. As further evidence for our conjecture, we also note that it follows from an unpublished conjecture of Seymour from 1975. We also discuss connections to the chromatic number of a clutter, projective geometries over the two-element field, uniform cycle covers in graphs, and quarter-integral packings of value two in ideal clutters

    Odd Paths, Cycles and TT-joins: Connections and Algorithms

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    Minimizing the weight of an edge set satisfying parity constraints is a challenging branch of combinatorial optimization as witnessed by the binary hypergraph chapter of Alexander Schrijver's book ``Combinatorial Optimization'' (Chapter 80). This area contains relevant graph theory problems including open cases of the Max Cut problem, or some multiflow problems. We clarify the interconnections of some problems and establish three levels of difficulties. On the one hand, we prove that the Shortest Odd Path problem in an undirected graph without cycles of negative total weight and several related problems are NP-hard, settling a long-standing open question asked by Lov\'asz (Open Problem 27 in Schrijver's book ``Combinatorial Optimization''. On the other hand, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm to the closely related and well-studied Minimum-weight Odd {s,t}\{s,t\}-Join problem for non-negative weights, whose complexity, however, was not known; more generally, we solve the Minimum-weight Odd TT-Join problem in FPT time when parameterized by ∣T∣|T|. If negative weights are also allowed, then finding a minimum-weight odd {s,t}\{s,t\}-join is equivalent to the Minimum-weight Odd TT-Join problem for arbitrary weights, whose complexity is only conjectured to be polynomially solvable. The analogous problems for digraphs are also considered.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Packing odd TT-joins with at most two terminals

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    Take a graph GG, an edge subset Σ⊆E(G)\Sigma\subseteq E(G), and a set of terminals T⊆V(G)T\subseteq V(G) where ∣T∣|T| is even. The triple (G,Σ,T)(G,\Sigma,T) is called a signed graft. A TT-join is odd if it contains an odd number of edges from Σ\Sigma. Let ν\nu be the maximum number of edge-disjoint odd TT-joins. A signature is a set of the form Σ△δ(U)\Sigma\triangle \delta(U) where U⊆V(G)U\subseteq V(G) and ∣U∩T)|U\cap T) is even. Let τ\tau be the minimum cardinality a TT-cut or a signature can achieve. Then ν≤τ\nu\leq \tau and we say that (G,Σ,T)(G,\Sigma,T) packs if equality holds here. We prove that (G,Σ,T)(G,\Sigma,T) packs if the signed graft is Eulerian and it excludes two special non-packing minors. Our result confirms the Cycling Conjecture for the class of clutters of odd TT-joins with at most two terminals. Corollaries of this result include, the characterizations of weakly and evenly bipartite graphs, packing two-commodity paths, packing TT-joins with at most four terminals, and a new result on covering edges with cuts.Comment: extended abstract appeared in IPCO 2014 (under the different title "the cycling property for the clutter of odd st-walks"

    On Excluded Minors for Even Cut Matroids

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    In this thesis we will present two main theorems that can be used to study minor minimal non even cut matroids. Given any signed graph we can associate an even cut matroid. However, given an even cut matroid, there are in general, several signed graphs which represent that matroid. This is in contrast to, for instance graphic (or cographic) matroids, where all graphs corresponding to a particular graphic matroid are essentially equivalent. To tackle the multiple non equivalent representations of even cut matroids we use the concept of Stabilizer first introduced by Wittle. Namely, we show the following: given a "substantial" signed graph, which represents a matroid N that is a minor of a matroid M, then if the signed graph extends to a signed graph which represents M then it does so uniquely. Thus the representations of the small matroid determine the representations of the larger matroid containing it. This allows us to consider each representation of an even cut matroid essentially independently. Consider a small even cut matroid N that is a minor of a matroid M that is not an even cut matroid. We would like to prove that there exists a matroid N' which contains N and is contained in M such that the size of N' is small and such that N' is not an even cut matroid (this would imply in particular that there are only finitely many minimally non even cut matroids containing N). Clearly, none of the representations of N extends to M. We will show that (under certain technical conditions) starting from a fixed representation of N, there exists a matroid N' which contains N and is contained in M such that the size of N' is small and such that the representation of N does not extend to N'

    Single Commodity Flow Algorithms for Lifts of Graphic and Cographic Matroids

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    Consider a binary matroid M given by its matrix representation. We show that if M is a lift of a graphic or a cographic matroid, then in polynomial time we can either solve the single commodity flow problem for M or find an obstruction for which the Max-Flow Min-Cut relation does not hold. The key tool is an algorithmic version of Lehman's Theorem for the set covering polyhedron

    The Cycling Property for the Clutter of Odd st-Walks

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    A binary clutter is cycling if its packing and covering linear program have integral optimal solutions for all Eulerian edge capacities. We prove that the clutter of odd st- walks of a signed graph is cycling if and only if it does not contain as a minor the clutter of odd circuits of K5 nor the clutter of lines of the Fano matroid. Corollaries of this result include, of many, the characterization for weakly bipartite signed graphs, packing two- commodity paths, packing T-joins with small |T|, a new result on covering odd circuits of a signed graph, as well as a new result on covering odd circuits and odd T-joins of a signed graft

    Even Cycle and Even Cut Matroids

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    In this thesis we consider two classes of binary matroids, even cycle matroids and even cut matroids. They are a generalization of graphic and cographic matroids respectively. We focus on two main problems for these classes of matroids. We first consider the Isomorphism Problem, that is the relation between two representations of the same matroid. A representation of an even cycle matroid is a pair formed by a graph together with a special set of edges of the graph. Such a pair is called a signed graph. A representation for an even cut matroid is a pair formed by a graph together with a special set of vertices of the graph. Such a pair is called a graft. We show that two signed graphs representing the same even cycle matroid relate to two grafts representing the same even cut matroid. We then present two classes of signed graphs and we solve the Isomorphism Problem for these two classes. We conjecture that any two representations of the same even cycle matroid are either in one of these two classes, or are related by a local modification of a known operation, or form a sporadic example. The second problem we consider is finding the excluded minors for these classes of matroids. A difficulty when looking for excluded minors for these classes arises from the fact that in general the matroids may have an arbitrarily large number of representations. We define degenerate even cycle and even cut matroids. We show that a 3-connected even cycle matroid containing a 3-connected non-degenerate minor has, up to a simple equivalence relation, at most twice as many representations as the minor. We strengthen this result for a particular class of non-degenerate even cycle matroids. We also prove analogous results for even cut matroids

    Ideal Clutters

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    Let E be a finite set of elements, and let C be a family of subsets of E called members. We say that C is a clutter over ground set E if no member is contained in another. The clutter C is ideal if every extreme point of the polyhedron { x>=0 : x(C) >= 1 for every member C } is integral. Ideal clutters are central objects in Combinatorial Optimization, and they have deep connections to several other areas. To integer programmers, they are the underlying structure of set covering integer programs that are easily solvable. To graph theorists, they are manifest in the famous theorems of Edmonds and Johnson on T-joins, of Lucchesi and Younger on dijoins, and of Guenin on the characterization of weakly bipartite graphs; not to mention they are also the set covering analogue of perfect graphs. To matroid theorists, they are abstractions of Seymour’s sums of circuits property as well as his f-flowing property. And finally, to combinatorial optimizers, ideal clutters host many minimax theorems and are extensions of totally unimodular and balanced matrices. This thesis embarks on a mission to develop the theory of general ideal clutters. In the first half of the thesis, we introduce and/or study tools for finding deltas, extended odd holes and their blockers as minors; identically self-blocking clutters; exclusive, coexclusive and opposite pairs; ideal minimally non-packing clutters and the τ = 2 Conjecture; cuboids; cube-idealness; strict polarity; resistance; the sums of circuits property; and minimally non-ideal binary clutters and the f-Flowing Conjecture. While the first half of the thesis includes many broad and high-level contributions that are accessible to a non-expert reader, the second half contains three deep and technical contributions, namely, a character- ization of an infinite family of ideal minimally non-packing clutters, a structure theorem for ±1-resistant sets, and a characterization of the minimally non-ideal binary clutters with a member of cardinality three. In addition to developing the theory of ideal clutters, a main goal of the thesis is to trigger further research on ideal clutters. We hope to have achieved this by introducing a handful of new and exciting conjectures on ideal clutters