116 research outputs found

    Hardware schemes for early register release

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    Register files are becoming one of the critical components of current out-of-order processors in terms of delay and power consumption, since their potential to exploit instruction-level parallelism is quite related to the size and number of ports of the register file. In conventional register renaming schemes, register releasing is conservatively done only after the instruction that redefines the same register is committed. Instead, we propose a scheme that releases registers as soon as the processor knows that there will be no further use of them. We present two early releasing hardware implementations with different performance/complexity trade-offs. Detailed cycle-level simulations show either a significant speedup for a given register file size, or a reduction in register file size for a given performance level.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Inherently workload-balanced clustered microarchitecture

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    The performance of clustered microarchitectures relies on steering schemes that try to find the best trade-off between workload balance and inter-cluster communication penalties. In previously proposed clustered processors, reducing communication penalties and balancing the workload are opposite targets, since improving one usually implies a detriment in the other. In this paper we propose a new clustered microarchitecture that can minimize communication penalties without compromising workload balance. The key idea is to arrange the clusters in a ring topology in such a way that results of one cluster can be forwarded to the neighbor cluster with a very short latency. In this way, minimizing communication penalties is favored when the producer of a value and its consumer are placed in adjacent clusters, which also favors workload balance. The proposed microarchitecture is shown to outperform a state-of-the-art clustered processor. For instance, for an 8-cluster configuration and just one fully pipelined unidirectional bus, 15% speedup is achieved on average for FP programs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Efficient resources assignment schemes for clustered multithreaded processors

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    New feature sizes provide larger number of transistors per chip that architects could use in order to further exploit instruction level parallelism. However, these technologies bring also new challenges that complicate conventional monolithic processor designs. On the one hand, exploiting instruction level parallelism is leading us to diminishing returns and therefore exploiting other sources of parallelism like thread level parallelism is needed in order to keep raising performance with a reasonable hardware complexity. On the other hand, clustering architectures have been widely studied in order to reduce the inherent complexity of current monolithic processors. This paper studies the synergies and trade-offs between two concepts, clustering and simultaneous multithreading (SMT), in order to understand the reasons why conventional SMT resource assignment schemes are not so effective in clustered processors. These trade-offs are used to propose a novel resource assignment scheme that gets and average speed up of 17.6% versus Icount improving fairness in 24%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Microarchitectural techniques to reduce interconnect power in clustered processors

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    Journal ArticleThe paper presents a preliminary evaluation of novel techniques that address a growing problem - power dissipation in on-chip interconnects. Recent studies have shown that around 50% of the dynamic power consumption in modern processors is within on-chip interconnects. The contribution of interconnect power to total chip power is expected to be higher in future communication-bound billion-transistor architectures. In this paper, we propose the design of a heterogeneous interconnect, where some wires are optimized for low latency and others are optimized for low power. We show that a large fraction of on-chip communications are latency insensitive. Effecting these non-critical transfers on low-power long-latency interconnects can result in significant power savings without unduly affecting performance. Two primary techniques are evaluated in this paper: (i) a dynamic critical path predictor that identifies results that are not urgently consumed, and (ii) an address prediction mechanism that requires addresses to be transferred off the critical path for verification purposes. Our results demonstrate that 49% of all interconnect transfers can be effected on power-efficient wires, while incurring a performance penalty of only 2.5%

    A software-hardware hybrid steering mechanism for clustered microarchitectures

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    Clustered microarchitectures provide a promising paradigm to solve or alleviate the problems of increasing microprocessor complexity and wire delays. High- performance out-of-order processors rely on hardware-only steering mechanisms to achieve balanced workload distribution among clusters. However, the additional steering logic results in a significant increase on complexity, which actually decreases the benefits of the clustered design. In this paper, we address this complexity issue and present a novel software-hardware hybrid steering mechanism for out-of-order processors. The proposed software- hardware cooperative scheme makes use of the concept of virtual clusters. Instructions are distributed to virtual clusters at compile time using static properties of the program such as data dependences. Then, at runtime, virtual clusters are mapped into physical clusters by considering workload information. Experiments using SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks show that our hybrid approach can achieve almost the same performance as a state-of-the-art hardware-only steering scheme, while requiring low hardware complexity. In addition, the proposed mechanism outperforms state-of-the-art software-only steering mechanisms by 5% and 10% on average for 2-cluster and 4-cluster machines, respectively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Banked microarchitectures for complexity-effective superscalar microprocessors

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 95-99).High performance superscalar microarchitectures exploit instruction-level parallelism (ILP) to improve processor performance by executing instructions out of program order and by speculating on branch instructions. Monolithic centralized structures with global communications, including issue windows and register files, are used to buffer in-flight instructions and to maintain machine state. These structures scale poorly to greater issue widths and deeper pipelines, as they must support simultaneous global accesses from all active instructions. The lack of scalability is exacerbated in future technologies, which have increasing global interconnect delay and a much greater emphasis on reducing both switching and leakage power. However, these fully orthogonal structures are over-engineered for typical use. Banked microarchitectures that consist of multiple interleaved banks of fewer ported cells can significantly reduce power, area, and latency of these structures.(cont.) Although banked structures exhibit a minor performance penalty, significant reductions in delay and power can potentially be used to increase clock rate and lead to more complexity-effective designs. There are two main contributions in this thesis. First, a speculative control scheme is proposed to simplify the complicated control logic that is involved in managing a less-ported banked register file for high-frequency superscalar processors. Second, the RingScalar architecture, a complexity-effective out-of-order superscalar microarchitecture, based on a ring topology of banked structures, is introduced and evaluated.by Jessica Hui-Chun Tseng.Ph.D

    Reducing the complexity of the register file in dynamic superscalar processors

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    Journal ArticleDynamic superscalar processors execute multiple instructions out-of-order by looking for independent operations within a large window. The number of physical registers within the processor has a direct impact on the size of this window as most in-flight instructions require a new physical register at dispatch. A large multi-ported register file helps improve the instruction-level parallelism (ILP), but may have a detrimental effect on clock speed, especially in future wire-limited technologies. In this paper, we propose a register file organization that reduces register file size and port requirements for a given amount of ILP. We use a two-level register file organization to reduce register file size requirements, and a banked organization to reduce port requirements. We demonstrate empirically that the resulting register file organizations have reduced latency and (in the case of the banked organization) energy requirements for similar instructions per cycle (IPC) performance and improved instructions per second (IPS) performance in comparison to a conventional monolithic register file. The choice of organization is dependent on design goals

    A software-hardware hybrid steering mechanism for clustered microarchitectures

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    Dynamically managing the communication-parallelism trade-off in future clustered processors

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    Journal ArticleClustered microarchitectures are an attractive alternative to large monolithic superscalar designs due to their potential for higher clock rates in the face of increasingly wire-delay-constrained process technologies. As increasing transistor counts allow an increase in the number of clusters, thereby allowing more aggressive use of instruction-level parallelism (ILP), the inter-cluster communication increases as data values get spread across a wider area. As a result of the emergence of this trade-off between communication and parallelism, a subset of the total on-chip clusters is optimal for performance. To match the hardware to the application's needs, we use a robust algorithm to dynamically tune the clustered architecture. The algorithm, which is based on program metrics gathered at periodic intervals, achieves an 11% performance improvement on average over the best statically defined architecture. We also show that the use of additional hardware and reconfiguration at basic block boundaries can achieve average improvements of 15%. Our results demonstrate that reconfiguration provides an effective solution to the communication and parallelism trade-off inherent in the communication-bound processors of the future

    Partitioning Multi-Threaded Processors with a Large Number of Threads

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