724 research outputs found

    Architectural Approaches For Gallium Arsenide Exploitation In High-Speed Computer Design

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    Continued advances in the capability of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs)technology have finally drawn serious interest from computer system designers. The recent demonstration of very large scale integration (VLSI) laboratory designs incorporating very fast GaAs logic gates herald a significant role for GaAs technology in high-speed computer design:1 In this thesis we investigate design approaches to best exploit this promising technology in high-performance computer systems. We find significant differences between GaAs and Silicon technologies which are of relevance for computer design. The advantage that GaAs enjoys over Silicon in faster transistor switching speed is countered by a lower transistor count capability for GaAs integrated circuits. In addition, inter-chip signal propagation speeds in GaAs systems do not experience the same speedup exhibited by GaAs transistors; thus, GaAs designs are penalized more severely by inter-chip communication. The relatively low density of GaAs chips and the high cost of communication between them are significant obstacles to the full exploitation of the fast transistors of GaAs technology. A fast GaAs processor may be excessively underutilized unless special consideration is given to its information (instructions and data) requirements. Desirable GaAs system design approaches encourage low hardware resource requirements, and either minimize the processor’s need for off-chip information, maximize the rate of off-chip information transfer, or overlap off-chip information transfer with useful computation. We show the impact that these considerations have on the design of the instruction format, arithmetic unit, memory system, and compiler for a GaAs computer system. Through a simulation study utilizing a set of widely-used benchmark programs, we investigate several candidate instruction pipelines and candidate instruction formats in a GaAs environment. We demonstrate the clear performance advantage of an instruction pipeline based upon a pipelined memory system over a typical Silicon-like pipeline. We also show the performance advantage of packed instruction formats over typical Silicon instruction formats, and present a packed format which performs better than the experimental packed Stanford MIPS format

    Design of an FPGA-based parallel SIMD machine for power flow analysis

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    Power flow analysis consists of computationally intensive calculations on large matrices, consumes several hours of computational time, and has shown the need for the implementation of application-specific parallel machines. The potential of Single-Instruction stream Multiple-Data stream (SIMD) parallel architectures for efficient operations on large matrices has been demonstrated as seen in the case of many existing supercomputers. The unsuitability of existing parallel machines for low-cost power system applications, their long design cycles, and the difficulty in using them show the need for application-specific SIMI) machines. Advances in VLSI technology and Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays (FPGAs) enable the implementation of Custom Computing Machines (CCMs) which can yield better performance for specific applications. The advent of SoftCore processors made it possible to integrate reconfigurable logic as a slave to a peripheral bus and has demonstrated the ability in the rapid prototyping of complete systems on programmable chips. This thesis aims at designing and implementing an FPGA-based SIMI) machine for power flow analysis. It presents the architecture of an SIMI) machine that consists of an array of processing elements with mesh interconnection and a Soft-Core processor; the latter is used as the host. The FPGAbased SIMI) machine is implemented on the Annapolis Microsystems Wildstar-II board that contains multiple Virtex-II FPGAs. The Soft-Core processor used is the Xilinx Microblaze and the application targeted is matrix multiplication

    Dynamic Systolization for Developing Multiprocessor Supercomputers

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    A dynamic network approach is introduced for developing reconfigurable, systolic arrays or wavefront processors; This allows one to design very powerful and flexible processors to be used in a general-purpose, reconfigurable, and fault-tolerant, multiprocessor computer system. The concepts of macro-dataflow and multitasking can be integrated to handle variable-resolution granularities in computationally intensive algorithms. A multiprocessor architecture, Remps, is proposed based on these design methodologies. The Remps architecture is generalized from the Cedar, HEP, Cray X- MP, Trac, NYU ultracomputer, S-l, Pumps, Chip, and SAM projects. Our goal is to provide a multiprocessor research model for developing design methodologies, multiprocessing and multitasking supports, dynamic systolic/wavefront array processors, interconnection networks, reconfiguration techniques, and performance analysis tools. These system design and operational techniques should be useful to those who are developing or evaluating multiprocessor supercomputers

    Network control for a multi-user transputer-based system.

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in EngineeringThe MC2/64 system is a configureable multi-user transputer- based system which was designed using a modular approach. The MC2/64 consists of MC2 Clusters which are connected using a modified Clos network. The MC2 Clusters were designed and realised as completely configurable modules using and extending an algorithm based on Eulerian cycles through a requested graph. This dissertation discusses the configuration algorithm and the extensions made to the algorithm for the MC2 Clusters. The total MC2/64 system is not completely configurable as a MC2 Cluster releases only a limited number of links for inter-cluster connections. This dissertation analyses the configurability of MC2/64, but also presents algorithms which enhance the usability of the system from the user's point of view. The design and the implementation of the network control software are also submitted as topics in this dissertation. The network control software must allow multiple users to use the system, but without them influencing each other's transputer domains. This dissertation therefore seeks to give an overview of network control problems and the solutions implemented in current MC2/64 systems. The results of the research done for this dissertation will hopefully aid in the design of future MC2 systems which will provide South Africa with much needed, low cost, high performance computing power.Andrew Chakane 201

    Transformations of High-Level Synthesis Codes for High-Performance Computing

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    Specialized hardware architectures promise a major step in performance and energy efficiency over the traditional load/store devices currently employed in large scale computing systems. The adoption of high-level synthesis (HLS) from languages such as C/C++ and OpenCL has greatly increased programmer productivity when designing for such platforms. While this has enabled a wider audience to target specialized hardware, the optimization principles known from traditional software design are no longer sufficient to implement high-performance codes. Fast and efficient codes for reconfigurable platforms are thus still challenging to design. To alleviate this, we present a set of optimizing transformations for HLS, targeting scalable and efficient architectures for high-performance computing (HPC) applications. Our work provides a toolbox for developers, where we systematically identify classes of transformations, the characteristics of their effect on the HLS code and the resulting hardware (e.g., increases data reuse or resource consumption), and the objectives that each transformation can target (e.g., resolve interface contention, or increase parallelism). We show how these can be used to efficiently exploit pipelining, on-chip distributed fast memory, and on-chip streaming dataflow, allowing for massively parallel architectures. To quantify the effect of our transformations, we use them to optimize a set of throughput-oriented FPGA kernels, demonstrating that our enhancements are sufficient to scale up parallelism within the hardware constraints. With the transformations covered, we hope to establish a common framework for performance engineers, compiler developers, and hardware developers, to tap into the performance potential offered by specialized hardware architectures using HLS

    Hierarchical clustered register file organization for VLIW processors

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    Technology projections indicate that wire delays will become one of the biggest constraints in future microprocessor designs. To avoid long wire delays and therefore long cycle times, processor cores must be partitioned into components so that most of the communication is done locally. In this paper, we propose a novel register file organization for VLIW cores that combines clustering with a hierarchical register file organization. Functional units are organized in clusters, each one with a local first level register file. The local register files are connected to a global second level register file, which provides access to memory. All intercluster communications are done through the second level register file. This paper also proposes MIRS-HC, a novel modulo scheduling technique that simultaneously performs instruction scheduling, cluster selection, inserts communication operations, performs register allocation and spill insertion for the proposed organization. The results show that although more cycles are required to execute applications, the execution time is reduced due to a shorter cycle time. In addition, the combination of clustering and hierarchy provides a larger design exploration space that trades-off performance and technology requirements.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Survey on Parallel Architecture and Parallel Programming Languages and Tools

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    In this paper, we have presented a brief review on the evolution of parallel computing to multi - core architecture. The survey briefs more than 45 languages, libraries and tools used till date to increase performance through parallel programming. We ha ve given emphasis more on the architecture of parallel system in the survey

    On the acceleration of wavefront applications using distributed many-core architectures

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    In this paper we investigate the use of distributed graphics processing unit (GPU)-based architectures to accelerate pipelined wavefront applications—a ubiquitous class of parallel algorithms used for the solution of a number of scientific and engineering applications. Specifically, we employ a recently developed port of the LU solver (from the NAS Parallel Benchmark suite) to investigate the performance of these algorithms on high-performance computing solutions from NVIDIA (Tesla C1060 and C2050) as well as on traditional clusters (AMD/InfiniBand and IBM BlueGene/P). Benchmark results are presented for problem classes A to C and a recently developed performance model is used to provide projections for problem classes D and E, the latter of which represents a billion-cell problem. Our results demonstrate that while the theoretical performance of GPU solutions will far exceed those of many traditional technologies, the sustained application performance is currently comparable for scientific wavefront applications. Finally, a breakdown of the GPU solution is conducted, exposing PCIe overheads and decomposition constraints. A new k-blocking strategy is proposed to improve the future performance of this class of algorithm on GPU-based architectures

    On the efficiency of reductions in µ-SIMD media extensions

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    Many important multimedia applications contain a significant fraction of reduction operations. Although, in general, multimedia applications are characterized for having high amounts of Data Level Parallelism, reductions and accumulations are difficult to parallelize and show a poor tolerance to increases in the latency of the instructions. This is specially significant for µ-SIMD extensions such as MMX or AltiVec. To overcome the problem of reductions in µ-SIMD ISAs, designers tend to include more and more complex instructions able to deal with the most common forms of reductions in multimedia. As long as the number of processor pipeline stages grows, the number of cycles needed to execute these multimedia instructions increases with every processor generation, severely compromising performance. The paper presents an in-depth discussion of how reductions/accumulations are performed in current µ-SIMD architectures and evaluates the performance trade-offs for near-future highly aggressive superscalar processors with three different styles of µ-SIMD extensions. We compare a MMX-like alternative to a MDMX-like extension that has packed accumulators to attack the reduction problem, and we also compare it to MOM, a matrix register ISA. We show that while packed accumulators present several advantages, they introduce artificial recurrences that severely degrade performance for processors with high number of registers and long latency operations. On the other hand, the paper demonstrates that longer SIMD media extensions such as MOM can take great advantage of accumulators by exploiting the associative parallelism implicit in reductions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version