12,285 research outputs found

    European Survey on Scholarly Practices and Digital Needs in the Arts and Humanities

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    This report summarizes the statistical analysis of the findings of a web-based survey conducted by the Digital Methods and Practices Observatory (DiMPO), a working group under VCC2 of the DARIAH research infrastructure (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities). In order to provide an evidence-based, up-to-date, and meaningful account of the emerging information practices, needs and attitudes of arts and humanities researchers in the evolving European digital scholarly environment, the web survey involved a transnational team of researchers from more than a dozen countries, and addressed digitally-enabled research practices, attitudes and needs in all areas of Europe and across different arts and humanities disciplines and contexts

    Transportation Life Cycle Assessment Synthesis: Life Cycle Assessment Learning Module Series

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    The Life Cycle Assessment Learning Module Series is a set of narrated, self-advancing slideshows on various topics related to environmental life cycle assessment (LCA). This research project produced the first 27 of such modules, which are freely available for download on the CESTiCC website http://cem.uaf.edu/cesticc/publications/lca.aspx. Each module is roughly 15- 20 minutes in length and is intended for various uses such as course components, as the main lecture material in a dedicated LCA course, or for independent learning in support of research projects. The series is organized into four overall topical areas, each of which contain a group of overview modules and a group of detailed modules. The A and α groups cover the international standards that define LCA. The B and β groups focus on environmental impact categories. The G and γ groups identify software tools for LCA and provide some tutorials for their use. The T and τ groups introduce topics of interest in the field of transportation LCA. This includes overviews of how LCA is frequently applied in that sector, literature reviews, specific considerations, and software tutorials. Future modules in this category will feature methodological developments and case studies specific to the transportation sector

    Knowledge Management As an Economic Development Strategy

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    The United States is shifting to an information economy. Productive capability is no longer completely dependent on capital and equipment; information and knowledge assets are increasingly important. The result is a new challenge to the practice of local economic development. In this information economy, success comes from harnessing the information and knowledge assets of a community and from helping local businesses succeed in the new environment. Knowledge Management (KM) can provide the tools to help economic development practitioners accomplish that task. KM is a set of techniques and tools to uncover and utilize information and knowledge assets -- especially tacit knowledge. Economic development organizations can use KM tools to enhance external communications of local companies including marketing and to promote internal communications within local businesses and help companies capture tacit knowledge. More importantly, they can use those tools to uncover and develop local intellectual assets, including helping develop information products, and helping identify entrepreneurial and business opportunities. KM tools are also useful in developing local economic clusters. Finally, these tools can be used to enhance external knowledge sharing among the economic development community and to capture and share tacit knowledge within an economic development organization

    MIT-KSC space life sciences telescience testbed

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    A Telescience Life Sciences Testbed is being developed. The first phase of this effort consisted of defining the experiments to be performed, investigating the various possible means of communication between KSC and MIT, and developing software and hardware support. The experiments chosen were two vestibular sled experiments: a study of ocular torsion produced by Y axis linear acceleration, based on the Spacelab D-1 072 Vestibular Experiment performed pre- and post-flight at KSC; and an optokinetic nystagmus (OKN)/linear acceleration interaction experiment. These two experiments were meant to simulate actual experiments that might be performed on the Space Station and to be representative of space life sciences experiments in general in their use of crew time and communications resources

    Index to Library Trends Volume 38

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    Enabling Future Sustainability Transitions: An Urban Metabolism Approach to Los Angeles Pincetl et al. Enabling Future Sustainability Transitions

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    Summary: This synthesis article presents an overview of an urban metabolism (UM) approach using mixed methods and multiple sources of data for Los Angeles, California. We examine electric energy use in buildings and greenhouse gas emissions from electricity, and calculate embedded infrastructure life cycle effects, water use and solid waste streams in an attempt to better understand the urban flows and sinks in the Los Angeles region (city and county). This quantification is being conducted to help policy-makers better target energy conservation and efficiency programs, pinpoint best locations for distributed solar generation, and support the development of policies for greater environmental sustainability. It provides a framework to which many more UM flows can be added to create greater understanding of the study area's resource dependencies. Going forward, together with policy analysis, UM can help untangle the complex intertwined resource dependencies that cities must address as they attempt to increase their environmental sustainability

    Addressing Youth Perceptions of Harm in Marijuana Prevention Programming

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    The inverse relationship between perception of harm and substance use is clearly supported by decades of research – youth are less likely to engage in substance use when it is seen as harmful. However, despite strong theoretical and practical reasons to focus on perception of harm as a change-producer in prevention programming, little is known about what is effective in impacting perception of harm for youth marijuana use. To investigate the impact of existing prevention efforts designed to influence youth perception of harm and, consequently, youth marijuana use, we reviewed seven privately- or federally-funded online registries (e.g., Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration’s National Registry of Evidence Based Programs and Practices) to identify evidence-based programs with marijuana-related outcomes for youth. We found 36 registry-identified programs with demonstrated impact on youth marijuana use. Although many of these programs may have actively or passively sought to alter perception of harm, only ten measured marijuana- or drug-related perception of harm as an intermediate outcome. Drawing on the commonalities of evidence-based programs with significant impacts on youth marijuana perception of harm, as well as lessons learned from other health behavior change efforts, we recommend best practices to provide state and local decision-makers with information on altering youth perception of harm for marijuana and on evaluating the impact of these efforts

    Ex Machina: Electronic Resources for the Classics

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    Integration of several computer systems within a heterogeneous environment

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    Issued as Project schedule, Cost and performance reports [nos. 1-16], Status reports [nos. 1-16], Report, Final draft report, and Final report, Project C-43-61
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