19 research outputs found

    DAEDALUS at RepLab 2014: Detecting RepTrak reputation dimensions on tweets

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    This paper describes our participation at the RepLab 2014 reputation dimensions scenario. Our idea was to evaluate the best combination strategy of a machine learning classifier with a rule-based algorithm based on logical expressions of terms. Results show that our baseline experiment using just Naive Bayes Multinomial with a term vector model representation of the tweet text is ranked second among runs from all participants in terms of accuracy

    Active learning in annotating micro-blogs dealing with e-reputation

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    Elections unleash strong political views on Twitter, but what do people really think about politics? Opinion and trend mining on micro blogs dealing with politics has recently attracted researchers in several fields including Information Retrieval and Machine Learning (ML). Since the performance of ML and Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches are limited by the amount and quality of data available, one promising alternative for some tasks is the automatic propagation of expert annotations. This paper intends to develop a so-called active learning process for automatically annotating French language tweets that deal with the image (i.e., representation, web reputation) of politicians. Our main focus is on the methodology followed to build an original annotated dataset expressing opinion from two French politicians over time. We therefore review state of the art NLP-based ML algorithms to automatically annotate tweets using a manual initiation step as bootstrap. This paper focuses on key issues about active learning while building a large annotated data set from noise. This will be introduced by human annotators, abundance of data and the label distribution across data and entities. In turn, we show that Twitter characteristics such as the author's name or hashtags can be considered as the bearing point to not only improve automatic systems for Opinion Mining (OM) and Topic Classification but also to reduce noise in human annotations. However, a later thorough analysis shows that reducing noise might induce the loss of crucial information.Comment: Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science - Vol 3 - Contextualisation digitale - 201

    Analyse de l’image de marque sur le Web 2.0

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    Analyse of entities representation over the Web 2.0Every day, millions of people publish their views on Web 2.0 (social networks,blogs, etc.). These comments focus on subjects as diverse as news, politics,sports scores, consumer objects, etc. The accumulation and agglomerationof these notices on an entity (be it a product, a company or a public entity) givebirth to the brand image of that entity. Internet has become in recent years aprivileged place for the emergence and dissemination of opinions and puttingWeb 2.0 at the head of observatories of opinions. The latter being a means ofaccessing the knowledge of the opinion of the world population.The image is here understood as the idea that a person or a group of peopleis that entity. This idea carries a priori on a particular subject and is onlyvalid in context for a given time. This perceived image is different from theentity initially wanted to broadcast (eg via a communication campaign). Moreover,in reality, there are several images in the end living together in parallel onthe network, each specific to a community and all evolve differently over time(imagine how would be perceived in each camp together two politicians edgesopposite). Finally, in addition to the controversy caused by the voluntary behaviorof some entities to attract attention (think of the declarations required orshocking). It also happens that the dissemination of an image beyond the frameworkthat governed the and sometimes turns against the entity (for example,« marriage for all » became « the demonstration for all »). The views expressedthen are so many clues to understand the logic of construction and evolution ofthese images. The aim is to be able to know what we are talking about and howwe talk with filigree opportunity to know who is speaking.viiIn this thesis we propose to use several simple supervised statistical automaticmethods to monitor entity’s online reputation based on textual contentsmentioning it. More precisely we look the most important contents and theirsauthors (from a reputation manager point-of-view). We introduce an optimizationprocess allowing us to enrich the data using a simulated relevance feedback(without any human involvement). We also compare content contextualizationmethod using information retrieval and automatic summarization methods.Wealso propose a reflection and a new approach to model online reputation, improveand evaluate reputation monitoring methods using Partial Least SquaresPath Modelling (PLS-PM). In designing the system, we wanted to address localand global context of the reputation. That is to say the features can explain thedecision and the correlation betweens topics and reputation. The goal of ourwork was to propose a different way to combine usual methods and featuresthat may render reputation monitoring systems more accurate than the existingones. We evaluate and compare our systems using state of the art frameworks: Imagiweb and RepLab. The performances of our proposals are comparableto the state of the art. In addition, the fact that we provide reputation modelsmake our methods even more attractive for reputation manager or scientistsfrom various fields.Image sur le web : analyse de la dynamique des images sur le Web 2.0. En plus d’être un moyen d’accès à la connaissance, Internet est devenu en quelques années un lieu privilégié pour l’apparition et la diffusion d’opinions.Chaque jour, des millions d’individus publient leurs avis sur le Web 2.0 (réseaux sociaux, blogs, etc.). Ces commentaires portent sur des sujets aussi variés que l’actualité, la politique, les résultats sportifs, biens culturels, des objets de consommation, etc. L’amoncellement et l’agglomération de ces avis publiés sur une entité (qu’il s’agisse d’un produit, une entreprise ou une personnalité publique)donnent naissance à l’image de marque de cette entité.L’image d’une entité est ici comprise comme l’idée qu’une personne ou qu’un groupe de personnes se fait de cette entité. Cette idée porte a priori sur un sujet particulier et n’est valable que dans un contexte, à un instant donné.Cette image perçue est par nature différente de celle que l’entité souhaitait initialement diffuser (par exemple via une campagne de communication). De plus,dans la réalité, il existe au final plusieurs images qui cohabitent en parallèle sur le réseau, chacune propre à une communauté et toutes évoluant différemment au fil du temps (imaginons comment serait perçu dans chaque camp le rapprochement de deux hommes politiques de bords opposés). Enfin, en plus des polémiques volontairement provoquées par le comportement de certaines entités en vue d’attirer l’attention sur elles (pensons aux tenues ou déclarations choquantes), il arrive également que la diffusion d’une image dépasse le cadre qui la régissait et même parfois se retourne contre l’entité (par exemple, «le mariage pour tous» devenu « la manif pour tous »). Les opinions exprimées constituent alors autant d’indices permettant de comprendre la logique de construction et d’évolution de ces images. Ce travail d’analyse est jusqu’à présent confié à des spécialistes de l’e-communication qui monnaient leur subjectivité. Ces derniers ne peuvent considérer qu’un volume restreint d’information et ne sont que rarement d’accord entre eux. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’utiliser différentes méthodes automatiques, statistiques, supervisées et d’une faible complexité permettant d’analyser et représenter l’image de marque d’entité à partir de contenus textuels les mentionnant. Plus spécifiquement, nous cherchons à identifier les contenus(ainsi que leurs auteurs) qui sont les plus préjudiciables à l’image de marque d’une entité. Nous introduisons un processus d’optimisation automatique de ces méthodes automatiques permettant d’enrichir les données en utilisant un retour de pertinence simulé (sans qu’aucune action de la part de l’entité concernée ne soit nécessaire). Nous comparer également plusieurs approches de contextualisation de messages courts à partir de méthodes de recherche d’information et de résumé automatique. Nous tirons également parti d’algorithmes de modélisation(tels que la Régression des moindres carrés partiels), dans le cadre d’une modélisation conceptuelle de l’image de marque, pour améliorer nos systèmes automatiques de catégorisation de documents textuels. Ces méthodes de modélisation et notamment les représentations des corrélations entre les différents concepts que nous manipulons nous permettent de représenter d’une part, le contexte thématique d’une requête de l’entité et d’autre, le contexte général de son image de marque. Nous expérimentons l’utilisation et la combinaison de différentes sources d’information générales représentant les grands types d’information auxquels nous sommes confrontés sur internet : de long les contenus objectifs rédigés à des informatives, les contenus brefs générés par les utilisateurs visant à partager des opinions. Nous évaluons nos approches en utilisant deux collections de données, la première est celle constituée dans le cadre du projet Imagiweb, la seconde est la collection de référence sur le sujet : CLEFRepLa

    Compositional language processing for multilingual sentiment analysis

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Computación. 5009V01[Abstract] This dissertation presents new approaches in the field of sentiment analysis and polarity classification, oriented towards obtaining the sentiment of a phrase, sentence or document from a natural language processing point of view. It makes a special emphasis on methods to handle semantic composionality, i. e. the ability to compound the sentiment of multiword phrases, where the global sentiment might be different or even opposite to the one coming from each of their their individual components; and the application of these methods to multilingual scenarios. On the one hand, we introduce knowledge-based approaches to calculate the semantic orientation at the sentence level, that can handle different phenomena for the purpose at hand (e. g. negation, intensification or adversative subordinate clauses). On the other hand, we describe how to build machine learning models to perform polarity classification from a different perspective, combining linguistic (lexical, syntactic and semantic) knowledge, with an emphasis in noisy and micro-texts. Experiments on standard corpora and international evaluation campaigns show the competitiveness of the methods here proposed, in monolingual, multilingual and code-switching scenarios. The contributions presented in the thesis have potential applications in the era of the Web 2.0 and social media, such as being able to determine what is the view of society about products, celebrities or events, identify their strengths and weaknesses or monitor how these opinions evolve over time. We also show how some of the proposed models can be useful for other data analysis tasks.[Resumen] Esta tesis presenta nuevas técnicas en el ámbito del análisis del sentimiento y la clasificación de polaridad, centradas en obtener el sentimiento de una frase, oración o documento siguiendo enfoques basados en procesamiento del lenguaje natural. En concreto, nos centramos en desarrollar métodos capaces de manejar la semántica composicional, es decir, con la capacidad de componer el sentimiento de oraciones donde la polaridad global puede ser distinta, o incluso opuesta, de la que se obtendría individualmente para cada uno de sus términos; y cómo dichos métodos pueden ser aplicados en entornos multilingües. En la primera parte de este trabajo, introducimos aproximaciones basadas en conocimiento para calcular la orientación semántica a nivel de oración, teniendo en cuenta construcciones lingüísticas relevantes en el ámbito que nos ocupa (por ejemplo, la negación, intensificación, o las oraciones subordinadas adversativas). En la segunda parte, describimos cómo construir clasificadores de polaridad basados en aprendizaje automático que combinan información léxica, sintáctica y semántica; centrándonos en su aplicación sobre textos cortos y de pobre calidad gramatical. Los experimentos realizados sobre colecciones estándar y competiciones de evaluación internacionales muestran la efectividad de los métodos aquí propuestos en entornos monolingües, multilingües y de code-switching. Las contribuciones presentadas en esta tesis tienen diversas aplicaciones en la era de la Web 2.0 y las redes sociales, como determinar la opinión que la sociedad tiene sobre un producto, celebridad o evento; identificar sus puntos fuertes y débiles o monitorizar cómo estas opiniones evolucionan a lo largo del tiempo. Por último, también mostramos cómo algunos de los modelos propuestos pueden ser útiles para otras tareas de análisis de datos.[Resumo] Esta tese presenta novas técnicas no ámbito da análise do sentimento e da clasificación da polaridade, orientadas a obter o sentimento dunha frase, oración ou documento seguindo aproximacións baseadas no procesamento da linguaxe natural. En particular, centrámosnos en métodos capaces de manexar a semántica composicional: métodos coa habilidade para compor o sentimento de oracións onde o sentimento global pode ser distinto, ou incluso oposto, do que se obtería individualmente para cada un dos seus términos; e como ditos métodos poden ser aplicados en entornos multilingües. Na primeira parte da tese, introducimos aproximacións baseadas en coñecemento; para calcular a orientación semántica a nivel de oración, tendo en conta construccións lingüísticas importantes no ámbito que nos ocupa (por exemplo, a negación, a intensificación ou as oracións subordinadas adversativas). Na segunda parte, describimos como podemos construir clasificadores de polaridade baseados en aprendizaxe automática e que combinan información léxica, sintáctica e semántica, centrándonos en textos curtos e de pobre calidade gramatical. Os experimentos levados a cabo sobre coleccións estándar e competicións de avaliación internacionais mostran a efectividade dos métodos aquí propostos, en entornos monolingües, multilingües e de code-switching. As contribucións presentadas nesta tese teñen diversas aplicacións na era da Web 2.0 e das redes sociais, como determinar a opinión que a sociedade ten sobre un produto, celebridade ou evento; identificar os seus puntos fortes e febles ou monitorizar como esas opinións evolucionan o largo do tempo. Como punto final, tamén amosamos como algúns dos modelos aquí propostos poden ser útiles para outras tarefas de análise de datos

    Psychographic Traits Identification based on political ideology: An author analysis study on spanish politicians tweets posted in 2020

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    In general, people are usually more reluctant to follow advice and directions from politicians who do not have their ideology. In extreme cases, people can be heavily biased in favour of a political party at the same time that they are in sharp disagreement with others, which may lead to irrational decision making and can put people’s lives at risk by ignoring certain recommendations from the authorities. Therefore, considering political ideology as a psychographic trait can improve political micro-targeting by helping public authorities and local governments to adopt better communication policies during crises. In this work, we explore the reliability of determining psychographic traits concerning political ideology. Our contribution is twofold. On the one hand, we release the PoliCorpus-2020, a dataset composed by Spanish politicians’ tweets posted in 2020. On the other hand, we conduct two authorship analysis tasks with the aforementioned dataset: an author profiling task to extract demographic and psychographic traits, and an authorship attribution task to determine the author of an anonymous text in the political domain. Both experiments are evaluated with several neural network architectures grounded on explainable linguistic features, statistical features, and state-of-the-art transformers. In addition, we test whether the neural network models can be transferred to detect the political ideology of citizens. Our results indicate that the linguistic features are good indicators for identifying finegrained political affiliation, they boost the performance of neural network models when combined with embedding-based features, and they preserve relevant information when the models are tested with ordinary citizens. Besides, we found that lexical and morphosyntactic features are more effective on author profiling, whereas stylometric features are more effective in authorship attribution.publishedVersio

    Learning domain-specific sentiment lexicons with applications to recommender systems

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    Search is now going beyond looking for factual information, and people wish to search for the opinions of others to help them in their own decision-making. Sentiment expressions or opinion expressions are used by users to express their opinion and embody important pieces of information, particularly in online commerce. The main problem that the present dissertation addresses is how to model text to find meaningful words that express a sentiment. In this context, I investigate the viability of automatically generating a sentiment lexicon for opinion retrieval and sentiment classification applications. For this research objective we propose to capture sentiment words that are derived from online users’ reviews. In this approach, we tackle a major challenge in sentiment analysis which is the detection of words that express subjective preference and domain-specific sentiment words such as jargon. To this aim we present a fully generative method that automatically learns a domain-specific lexicon and is fully independent of external sources. Sentiment lexicons can be applied in a broad set of applications, however popular recommendation algorithms have somehow been disconnected from sentiment analysis. Therefore, we present a study that explores the viability of applying sentiment analysis techniques to infer ratings in a recommendation algorithm. Furthermore, entities’ reputation is intrinsically associated with sentiment words that have a positive or negative relation with those entities. Hence, is provided a study that observes the viability of using a domain-specific lexicon to compute entities reputation. Finally, a recommendation system algorithm is improved with the use of sentiment-based ratings and entities reputation

    Sentiment Analysis for Fake News Detection

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    [Abstract] In recent years, we have witnessed a rise in fake news, i.e., provably false pieces of information created with the intention of deception. The dissemination of this type of news poses a serious threat to cohesion and social well-being, since it fosters political polarization and the distrust of people with respect to their leaders. The huge amount of news that is disseminated through social media makes manual verification unfeasible, which has promoted the design and implementation of automatic systems for fake news detection. The creators of fake news use various stylistic tricks to promote the success of their creations, with one of them being to excite the sentiments of the recipients. This has led to sentiment analysis, the part of text analytics in charge of determining the polarity and strength of sentiments expressed in a text, to be used in fake news detection approaches, either as a basis of the system or as a complementary element. In this article, we study the different uses of sentiment analysis in the detection of fake news, with a discussion of the most relevant elements and shortcomings, and the requirements that should be met in the near future, such as multilingualism, explainability, mitigation of biases, or treatment of multimedia elements.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/11This work has been funded by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades — Agencia Estatal de Investigación through the ANSWERASAP project (TIN2017-85160-C2-1-R); and by Xunta de Galicia through a Competitive Reference Group grant (ED431C 2020/11). CITIC, as Research Center of the Galician University System, is funded by the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional of the Xunta de Galicia through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) with 80%, the Galicia ERDF 2014-20 Operational Programme, and the remaining 20% from the Secretaría Xeral de Universidades (ref. ED431G 2019/01). David Vilares is also supported by a 2020 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators from the BBVA Foundation. Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez has also received funding from the European Research Council (ERC), under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (FASTPARSE, grant No. 714150