15 research outputs found

    Input-Driven Tissue P Automata

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    We introduce several variants of input-driven tissue P automata where the rules to be applied only depend on the input symbol. Both strings and multisets are considered as input objects; the strings are either read from an input tape or defined by the sequence of symbols taken in, and the multisets are given in an input cell at the beginning of a computation, enclosed in a vesicle. Additional symbols generated during a computation are stored in this vesicle, too. An input is accepted when the vesicle reaches a final cell and it is empty. The computational power of some variants of input-driven tissue P automata is illustrated by examples and compared with the power of the input-driven variants of other automata as register machines and counter automata

    Streaming Property Testing of Visibly Pushdown Languages

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    In the context of language recognition, we demonstrate the superiority of streaming property testers against streaming algorithms and property testers, when they are not combined. Initiated by Feigenbaum et al., a streaming property tester is a streaming algorithm recognizing a language under the property testing approximation: it must distinguish inputs of the language from those that are Δ\varepsilon-far from it, while using the smallest possible memory (rather than limiting its number of input queries). Our main result is a streaming Δ\varepsilon-property tester for visibly pushdown languages (VPL) with one-sided error using memory space poly((log⁥n)/Δ)\mathrm{poly}((\log n) / \varepsilon). This constructions relies on a (non-streaming) property tester for weighted regular languages based on a previous tester by Alon et al. We provide a simple application of this tester for streaming testing special cases of instances of VPL that are already hard for both streaming algorithms and property testers. Our main algorithm is a combination of an original simulation of visibly pushdown automata using a stack with small height but possible items of linear size. In a second step, those items are replaced by small sketches. Those sketches relies on a notion of suffix-sampling we introduce. This sampling is the key idea connecting our streaming tester algorithm to property testers.Comment: 23 pages. Major modifications in the presentatio

    Sums of Palindromes: an Approach via Automata

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    Recently, Cilleruelo, Luca, & Baxter proved, for all bases b >= 5, that every natural number is the sum of at most 3 natural numbers whose base-b representation is a palindrome. However, the cases b = 2, 3, 4 were left unresolved. We prove, using a decision procedure based on automata, that every natural number is the sum of at most 4 natural numbers whose base-2 representation is a palindrome. Here the constant 4 is optimal. We obtain similar results for bases 3 and 4, thus completely resolving the problem

    Visibly Counter Languages and Constant Depth Circuits

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    We examine visibly counter languages, which are languages recognized by visibly counter automata (a.k.a. input driven counter automata). We are able to effectively characterize the visibly counter languages in AC^0 and show that they are contained in FO[+]

    A Unified Method for Placing Problems in Polylogarithmic Depth

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    In this work we consider the term evaluation problem which is, given a term over some algebra and a valid input to the term, computing the value of the term on that input. In contrast to previous methods we allow the algebra to be completely general and consider the problem of obtaining an efficient upper bound for this problem. Many variants of the problems where the algebra is well behaved have been studied. For example, the problem over the Boolean semiring or over the semiring (N,+,*). We extend this line of work. Our efficient term evaluation algorithm then serves as a tool for obtaining polylogarithmic depth upper bounds for various well-studied problems. To demonstrate the utility of our result we show new bounds and reprove known results for a large spectrum of problems. In particular, the applications of the algorithm we consider include (but are not restricted to) arithmetic formula evaluation, word problems for tree and visibly pushdown automata, and various problems related to bounded tree-width and clique-width graphs

    Leaf languages and string compression

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    AbstractTight connections between leaf languages and strings compressed by straight-line programs (SLPs) are established. It is shown that the compressed membership problem for a language L is complete for the leaf language class defined by L via logspace machines. A more difficult variant of the compressed membership problem for L is shown to be complete for the leaf language class defined by L via polynomial time machines. As a corollary, it is shown that there exists a fixed linear visibly pushdown language for which the compressed membership problem is PSPACE-complete. For XML languages, it is shown that the compressed membership problem is coNP-complete.Furthermore it is shown that the embedding problem for SLP-compressed strings is hard for PP (probabilistic polynomial time)

    The AC0\mathsf{AC}^0-Complexity Of Visibly Pushdown Languages

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    We study the question of which visibly pushdown languages (VPLs) are in the complexity class AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 and how to effectively decide this question. Our contribution is to introduce a particular subclass of one-turn VPLs, called intermediate VPLs, for which the raised question is entirely unclear: to the best of our knowledge our research community is unaware of containment or non-containment in AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 for any intermediate VPL. Our main result states that there is an algorithm that, given a visibly pushdown automaton, correctly outputs either that its language is in AC0\mathsf{AC}^0, outputs some m≄2m\geq 2 such that MODm\mathsf{MOD}_m is constant-depth reducible to LL (implying that LL is not in AC0\mathsf{AC}^0), or outputs a finite disjoint union of intermediate VPLs that LL is constant-depth equivalent to. In the latter case one can moreover effectively compute k,l∈N>0k,l\in\mathbb{N}_{>0} with k=Ìžlk\not=l such that the concrete intermediate VPL L(Sâ†’Î”âˆŁack−1Sb1∣acl−1Sb2)L(S\rightarrow\varepsilon\mid a c^{k-1} S b_1\mid ac^{l-1}Sb_2) is constant-depth reducible to the language LL. Due to their particular nature we conjecture that either all intermediate VPLs are in AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 or all are not. As a corollary of our main result we obtain that in case the input language is a visibly counter language our algorithm can effectively determine if it is in AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 -- hence our main result generalizes a result by Krebs et al. stating that it is decidable if a given visibly counter language is in AC0\mathsf{AC}^0 (when restricted to well-matched words). For our proofs we revisit so-called Ext-algebras (introduced by Czarnetzki et al.), which are closely related to forest algebras (introduced by Boja\'nczyk and Walukiewicz), and use Green's relations.Comment: 81 page

    An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Formula Evaluation

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    Using Automata Theory to Solve Problems in Additive Number Theory

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    Additive number theory is the study of the additive properties of integers. Perhaps the best-known theorem is Lagrange’s result that every natural number is the sum of four squares. We study numbers whose base-k representations have certain interesting proper- ties. In particular, we look at palindromes, which are numbers whose base-k representations read the same forward and backward, and binary squares, which are numbers whose binary representation is some block repeated twice (like (36)_2 = 100100). We show that all natural numbers are the sum of four binary palindromes. We also show that all natural numbers are the sum of three base-3 palindromes, and are also the sum of three base-4 palindromes. We also show that every sufficiently large natural number is the sum of four binary squares. We establish these results using virtually no number theory at all. Instead, we construct automated proofs using automata. The general proof technique is to build an appropriate machine, and then run decision algorithms to establish our theorems

    Stackless Processing of Streamed Trees

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    International audienceProcessing tree-structured data in the streaming model is a challenge: capturing regular properties of streamed trees by means of a stack is costly in memory, but falling back to finite-state automata drastically limits the computational power. We propose an intermediate stackless model based on register automata equipped with a single counter, used to maintain the current depth in the tree. We explore the power of this model to validate and query streamed trees. Our main result is an effective characterization of regular path queries (RPQs) that can be evaluated stacklessly-with and without registers. In particular, we confirm the conjectured characterization of tree languages defined by DTDs that are recognizable without registers, by Segoufin and Vianu (2002), in the special case of tree languages defined by means of an RPQ