22 research outputs found


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    Berdasarkan hasil PISA, pengetahuan dan kemampuan literasi matematika peserta didik masuk dalam kategori rendah. Pada tahun 2018, Indonesia berapa pada peringkat 63 dari 72 negara. Salah satu bentuk upaya yang dilakukan dalam mengembangkan kemampuan literasi matematika peserta didik yaitu dengan menyisipkan computational thinking pada proses pembelajaran. Langkah pertama yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengembangkan kemampuan literasi adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada guru tentang bagaiman cara desain soal dengan injeksi computational thinking. Hal ini dikarenakan guru mempunyai peranan penting dalam proses pembelajaran dan terlibat langsung interaksi dengan siswa. Tujuan dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini agar setiap guru mempunyai bekal dan gambaran penerapan computational thinking dalam mata pelajaran matematika. Adapun hasil kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah guru mampu desain soal literasi matematika dengan injeksi computational thinking dan dapat diterapkan di kelas sebagai latihan soal sehingga mampu meningkatkan penalaran dan berpikir kritis siswa

    Simplifying the Puzzle: How Computational Thinking and Abstraction Can Help Teachers Conquer Classroom Complexity

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    The investigation examines the utilization of abstraction and computational thinking by educators to effectively navigate the complexities encountered in the educational setting. It underscores the significance of these cognitive capacities in the examination and determination of intricate issues. To facilitate students in problem-solving and decision-making, educators can utilize computational thinking to break down challenging issues into more manageable components. Two capacities that educators can utilize to apply their knowledge in various circumstances are the identification of patterns and the extrapolation of abstract notions. This research study demonstrated the utility of abstraction and computational thinking in equipping educators with the necessary tools to address classroom issues, which is particularly valuable for curricula focused on training future educators. The study not only identifies potential challenges but also offers recommendations for overcoming the difficulties that teachers may encounter when implementing these ideas in the classroom. By employing these tactics and recommended solutions, educators can help students improve their analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities, thus preparing them for the challenges of the digital era

    Computational Thinking Integration into Middle Grades Science Classrooms: Strategies for Meeting the Challenges

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    This paper reports findings from the efforts of a university-based research team as they worked with middle school educators within formal school structures to infuse computer science principles and computational thinking practices. Despite the need to integrate these skills within regular classroom practices to allow all students the opportunity to learn these essential 21st Century skills, prior practice has been to offer these learning experiences outside of mainstream curricula where only a subset of students have access. We have sought to leverage elements of the research-practice partnership framework to achieve our project objectives of integrating computer science and computational thinking within middle science classrooms. Utilizing a qualitative approach to inquiry, we present narratives from three case schools, report on themes across work sites, and share recommendations to guide other practitioners and researchers who are looking to engage in technology-related initiatives to impact the lives of middle grades students

    The effectiveness of the Webtable-Datatable Conversion approach

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    Informatics education in Hungary is based on the National Base Curriculum (NAT) and the Frame Curricula. These documents contain the subjects (sciences), the number of classes for each subject and the requirements for each grade. According to the NAT2012, Informatics as a compulsory school subject is introduced in Grade 6. The filemanagement is among the first topics that students must learn according to the Frame Curricula. However, this is not their first encounter with filemanagent, since by the age of 12 most of the students are already active users of digital tools, and associated with the false assumptions of digital natives. Due to the late introduction, the filemanagement is one of the most neglected topics in informatics education. Nevertheless, this is one of the most important topics, since it is essential for further development in handling digital products. Our research group developed the Webtable-Datatable Conversion (WDC) highmathability method to teach filemanagement. This approach not only focuses on the main file operations but handles real world problems which require firm algorithm construction and datamanagement. The aim of the present study is to measure the effectiveness of the WDC approach with Grade 9 students, where the comparison of groups studying with the traditional and the WDC methods was carried out

    Improving the Computational Thinking Pedagogical Capabilities of School Teachers

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    The idea of computational thinking as skills and universal competence which every child should possess emerged last decade and has been gaining traction ever since. This raises a number of questions, including how to integrate computational thinking into the curriculum, whether teachers have computational thinking pedagogical capabilities to teach children, and the important professional development and training areas for teachers. The aim of this paper is to address the strategic issues by illustrating a series of computational thinking workshops for Foundation to Year 8 teachers held at an Australian university. Data indicated that teachers\u27 computational thinking understanding, pedagogical capabilities, technological know-how and confidence can be improved in a relatively short period of time through targeted professional learning

    The effectiveness of the Webtable-Datatable Conversion approach

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    Informatics education in Hungary is based on the National Base Curriculum (NAT) and the Frame Curricula. These documents contain the subjects (sciences), the number of classes for each subject and the requirements for each grade. According to the NAT2012, Informatics as a compulsory school subject is introduced in Grade 6. The filemanagement is among the first topics that students must learn according to the Frame Curricula. However, this is not their first encounter with filemanagent, since by the age of 12 most of the students are already active users of digital tools, and associated with the false assumptions of digital natives. Due to the late introduction, the filemanagement is one of the most neglected topics in informatics education. Nevertheless, this is one of the most important topics, since it is essential for further development in handling digital products. Our research group developed the Webtable-Datatable Conversion (WDC) highmathability method to teach filemanagement. This approach not only focuses on the main file operations but handles real world problems which require firm algorithm construction and datamanagement. The aim of the present study is to measure the effectiveness of the WDC approach with Grade 9 students, where the comparison of groups studying with the traditional and the WDC methods was carried out

    Reflecting on Computational Thinking Studies for High School Education

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    Berpikir komputasional telah diakui sebagai suatu kebutuhan dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang kompleks. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk memperkenalkan keterampilan ini ke semua tingkat pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau penelitian tentang berpikir komputasi pada tingkat sekolah menengah. Khususnya, penelitian ini mengkaji domain penelitian, mengidentifikasi metode-metode untuk memperkenalkan berpikir komputasional, serta konsep-konsep berpikir komputasional yang diajarkan kepada pelajar. Tinjauan literatur sistematik dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: penelitian berpikir komputasional mencakup kajian teori, pengembangan kurikulum, pengukuran, dan pengembangan alat. Kajian teori ditujukan untuk memformulasikan konsep. Selain keterampilan teknis, soft-skills telah dinyatakan sebagai elemen berpikir komputasional. Namun, perhatian untuk melibatkan soft-skills dalam penelitian masih kurang. Sebagian besar penelitian difokuskan pada integrasi berpikir komptasional ke dalam kurikulum. Coding menjadi metode yang paling banyak digunakan untuk mengajarkan berpikir komputasional. Sehingga, algorithmic thinking dan abstraction muncul sebagai keterampilan yang paling sering diajarkan atau diukur. Akhirnya, penelitian ini menggarisbawahi adanya kesenjangan untuk dikaji lebih lanjut yaitu berkaitan dengan pengukuran keterampilan berpikir komputasional dan untuk menyertakan soft-skills pada penelitian berpikir komputasional.   Kata Kunci—Berpikir komputasional, Sekolah menengah, Penyelesaian masala

    Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Disposition Levels of Computational Thinking Instrument Among Secondary School Students

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    Computational thinking (CT) is a method for solving complex problems, but also gives people an inventive inspiration to adapt to our smart and changing society. Globally it has been considered as vital abilities for solving genuine issues successfully and efficiently in the 21st century. Recent studies have revealed that the nurture of CT mainly centered on measuring the technical skill. There is a lack of conceptualization and instruments that cogitate on CT disposition and attitudes. This study attends to these limitations by developing an instrument to measure CT concerning dispositions and attitudes. The instruments' validity and reliability testing were performed with the participation from secondary school students in Malaysia. The internal consistency reliability, standardized residual variance, construct validity and composite reliability were examined. The result revealed that the instrument validity was confirmed after removing items. The reliability and validity of the instrument have been verified. The findings established that all constructs are useful for assessing the disposition of computer science students. The implications for psychometric assessment were evident in terms of giving empirical evidence to corroborate theory-based constructs and also validating items' quality to appropriately represent the measurement

    Exploring Trends in Middle School Students\u27 Computational Thinking in the Online Scratch Community: A Pilot Study

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    Teaching computational thinking has been a focus of recent efforts to broaden the reach of computer science (CS) education for today’s students who live and work in a world that is heavily influenced by computing principles. Computational thinking (CT) essentially means thinking like a computer scientist by using principles and concepts learned in CS as part of our daily lives. Not only is CT essential for the development of computer applications, but it can also be used to support problem solving across all disciplines. Computational thinking involves solving problems by drawing from skills fundamental to CS such as decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithm design. The present study examined how Dr. Scratch, a CT assessment tool, functions as an assessment for computational thinking. This study compared strengths and weaknesses of the CT skills of 360 seventh- and eighth-grade students who were engaged in a Scratch programming environment through the use of Dr. Scratch. The data were collected from a publicly available dataset available on the Scratch website. The Mann-Whitney U analysis revealed that there were specific similarities and differences between the seventh- and eighth-grade CT skills. The findings also highlight affordances and constraints of Dr. Scratch as a CT tool and address the challenges of analyzing Scratch projects from young Scratch learners. Recommendations are offered to researchers and educators about how they might use Scratch data to help improve students’ CT skills

    Il coding e il pensiero computazionale

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    Quanto l’introduzione del coding possa cambiare positivamente lo sviluppo dei ragazzi e quanto sia attuabile in Italia facendo un confronto con la realtà estera