292,375 research outputs found

    In-field entanglement distribution over a 96 km-long submarine optical fibre

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    Techniques for the distribution of quantum-secured cryptographic keys have reached a level of maturity allowing them to be implemented in all kinds of environments, away from any form of laboratory infrastructure. Here, we detail the distribution of entanglement between Malta and Sicily over a 96 km-long submarine telecommunications optical fibre cable. We used this standard telecommunications fibre as a quantum channel to distribute polarisation-entangled photons and were able to observe around 257 photon pairs per second, with a polarisation visibility above 90%. Our experiment demonstrates the feasibility of using deployed submarine telecommunications optical fibres as long-distance quantum channels for polarisation-entangled photons. This opens up a plethora of possibilities for future experiments and technological applications using existing infrastructure.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Mapping e-Science’s Path in the Collaboration Space: Ontological Approach to Monitoring Infrastructure Development

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    In an undertaking such as the U.S. Cyberinfrastructure Initiative, or the UK e-science program, which span many years and comprise a great many projects funded by multiple agencies, it can be very difficult to keep tabs on what everyone is doing. But, it is not impossible. In this paper, we propose the construction of ontologies as a means of monitoring a research program’s portfolio of projects. In particular, we introduce the “virtual laboratory ontology” (VLO) and show how its application to e-Science yields a mapping of the distribution of projects in several dimensions of the “collaboration space.” In this paper, we sketch out a method to induce a project mapping from project descriptions and present the resulting map for the UK e-science program. This paper shows the proposed mapping approach to be informative as well as feasible, and we expect that its further development can prove to be substantively useful for future work in cyber-infrastructure-building.e-Science, virtual laboratory ontology, collaboration space, project mapping, cyber-infrastructure building

    The Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory: Where ecology meets big data

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    Advances in computing power and infrastructure, increases in the number and size of ecological and environmental datasets, and the number and type of data collection methods, are revolutionizing the field of Ecology. To integrate these advances, virtual laboratories offer a unique tool to facilitate, expedite, and accelerate research into the impacts of climate change on biodiversity. We introduce the uniquely cloud-based Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL), which provides access to numerous species distribution modelling tools; a large and growing collection of biological, climate, and other environmental datasets; and a variety of experiment types to conduct research into the impact of climate change on biodiversity. Users can upload and share datasets, potentially increasing collaboration, cross-fertilisation of ideas, and innovation among the user community. Feedback confirms that the BCCVL's goals of lowering the technical requirements for species distribution modelling, and reducing time spent on such research, are being met

    INFRAFRONTIER--providing mutant mouse resources as research tools for the international scientific community

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    This deposit is composed by a publication in which the IGC' authors have had the role of collaboration (it's a collaboration publication). This type of deposit in ARCA is in restrictedAccess (it can't be in open access to the public), and could only be accessed by two ways: either by requesting a legal copy to the author (the email contact present in this deposit) or by visiting the following link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4383977/The laboratory mouse is a key model organism to investigate mechanism and therapeutics of human disease. The number of targeted genetic mouse models of disease is growing rapidly due to high-throughput production strategies employed by the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) and the development of new, more efficient genome engineering techniques such as CRISPR based systems. We have previously described the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) resource and how this international infrastructure provides archiving and distribution worldwide for mutant mouse strains. EMMA has since evolved into INFRAFRONTIER (http://www.infrafrontier.eu), the pan-European research infrastructure for the systemic phenotyping, archiving and distribution of mouse disease models. Here we describe new features including improved search for mouse strains, support for new embryonic stem cell resources, access to training materials via a comprehensive knowledgebase and the promotion of innovative analytical and diagnostic techniques.European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)

    Tanzania: Logistic System Capacity and Site Readiness to expand PMTCT and Initiate ART

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    In September 2003, JSI/DELIVER conducted an assessment of the logistics system capacity and individual site readiness to provide PMTCT services and to initiate ART at selected public sector health facilities in Tanzania. The purpose of the assessment was to support government expansion of PMTCT from five pilot sites to 28 health facilities in five regions by addressing the logistics system constraints to ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted supply of the broad range of commodities required for PMTCT and ART, and by conducting an evaluation of the overall readiness of each site to provide these services. Several private providers, nongovernmental and faith-based organizations, and employer-based programs were included in the assessment to learn about PMTCT and ART in these sectors and to identify opportunities for public/private sector collaboration in expanding service delivery and ensuring effective commodity distribution. In addition, interviews with pharmaceutical company representatives and visits to retail pharmacies provided an overview of current commercial sector distribution of ARV drugs in Tanzania. The main findings showed an urgent need to build logistics management capacity within the central level MOH to—Coordinate multiple sources of rapidly increasing funding for commodity procurement. Strengthen commodity-forecasting capacity. Align procurement cycles and supplier lead times with the in-country supply pipeline and demand for services. At the facility level, assessment findings showed that individual site readiness is heavily constrained by the availability and quality of human resources; laboratory infrastructure and capacity; and lack of an established inventory control system and standardized pharmacy management procedures

    An Industrial Control System for the Supervision of the CERN Electrical Distribution Network

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    CERN operates a large distribution network for the supply of electricity to the particle accelerators, experiments and the associated infrastructure. The distribution network operates on voltage levels from 400 V to 400 kV with a total yearly consumption of near to 1000 GWh. In the past, the laboratory has developed an in-house control system for this network, using the technologies applied to the accelerator control system. However, CERN is now working on a project to purchase, configure and install an industrial Electrical Network Supervisor (ENS). This is a state-of-the-art industrial control system completely developed and supported by an external contractor. The system - based on a scalable and distributed architecture - will allow the installation to be performed gradually, and will be tested while the existing system is fully operational. Ultimately, the complete electrical distribution network will be supervised with this new system, the maintenance and further development of which will be the complete responsibility of the contractor

    Analysis of science laboratory facilities at Junior High School Bina Ilmi, Palembang City, Indonesia

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    One of the facilities in the teaching and learning process that should be considered is the laboratory. The laboratory is an effective learning resource to achieve the expected competencies for students in increasing efficiency and effectiveness; the laboratory must be managed and utilized correctly. Science learning is not just theory; it is necessary to carry out practical activities in the laboratory. Following Permendiknas No 24 of 2007, laboratory facilities and infrastructure are needed to support practicum activities. This study aims to determine the carrying capacity of the science laboratory facilities at SMP IT Bina Ilmi Palembang and determine the obstacles faced in conducting practicums at the science laboratory at SMP IT Bina Ilmi Palembang. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. The results showed that most science laboratory facilities in schools needed to meet the standards of Permendiknas No. 24 of 2007. There were many areas for improvement in the availability of practicum equipment and media that could support practicum implementation activities to increase student learning outcomes. Obstacles that affect practicum activities are the lack of ability to manage school laboratories, lack of understanding of the meaning and function of school laboratories and their implications for the development and improvement of science learning systems, the limited ability of teachers to master subjects, and uneven procurement and distribution of Science Kit teaching aids so that makes it difficult for the teacher activity center to carry out its coaching function for teachers. Ironically, the existence of a school laboratory is considered a burden, so it is rarely used correctly

    Internal report cluster 1: Urban freight innovations and solutions for sustainable deliveries (1/4)

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    Technical report about sustainable urban freight solutions, part 1 of
