179,795 research outputs found

    Education (information sharing) bill

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    Interoperability and information sharing

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    Communication and information sharing are two of the most pressing issues facing the public safety community today. In previous chapters of this volume, authors have made note of the changing public safety landscape as it relates to the need for enhanced information and intelligence sharing among a broad cross-section of organizations. Public safety organizations, particularly law enforcement agencies, have been quick to adopt emerging technologies that have allowed for greater communication and information sharing capacities. While substantial improvements have been made over the decades that enhanced communication and information sharing, many challenges remain in the move to seamlessly integrated communication capacities. The key challenge in the upcoming decades relates to the technical and cultural changes necessary to achieve integrated communication systems. There is no shortage of resources given to increasing the communications capacity of the public safety community, yet serious challenges remain in the degree of interoperability within and across public safety domains. Interoperability has in many ways become the defining issue in the arenas of communications and information sharing. This chapter will provide an overview of critical historical events that placed questions of interoperability and information sharing on the national agenda. The chapter will also provide an overview of national models for information sharing

    Information sharing : case examples

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    Information Sharing Games

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    In this paper we study information sharing situations.For every information sharing situation we construct an associated cooperative game, which we call an information sharing game.We show that the class of information sharing games co-incides with the class of cooperative games with a population monotonic allocation scheme.game theory

    Information sharing promotes prosocial behaviour

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    More often than not, bad decisions are bad regardless of where and when they are made. Information sharing might thus be utilized to mitigate them. Here we show that sharing information about strategy choice between players residing on two different networks reinforces the evolution of cooperation. In evolutionary games, the strategy reflects the action of each individual that warrants the highest utility in a competitive setting. We therefore assume that identical strategies on the two networks reinforce themselves by lessening their propensity to change. Besides network reciprocity working in favour of cooperation on each individual network, we observe the spontaneous emergence of correlated behaviour between the two networks, which further deters defection. If information is shared not just between individuals but also between groups, the positive effect is even stronger, and this despite the fact that information sharing is implemented without any assumptions with regard to content

    Pengaruh Information Sharing, Knowledge Sharing Dan Relation Terhadap Performance Perusahaan

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    In the 21st century is a lot going on to high competition in all fields, especially in the field of global free trade. More than a decade ago, the leaders of ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia) have agreed to form a single market in Southeast Asia in late 2015. The high level of competition is not only experienced by big companies but also to the small and medium enterprises in Indonesia, such as small and medium industries in Sub furniture Tahunan Jepara regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of information sharing, knowledge sharing, and relation to the performance of the company. This type of research is explanatory research. The sampling technique using non-probability sampling techniques. The total sample of 70 respondents, using a sampling technique that is saturated with a certain considerations. This study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. Quantitative analysis using validity, reliability test, correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, significance test (t test) using SPSS 16.0. The results of this study indicate that the company's performance can be explained by information sharing with the result of 36.9% amounting to 6,301 t count> t table 1.9955. The company's performance can be explained by knowledge sharing by 30.9% with the results of the t calculate equal to 5.511> t table 1.9955. The company's performance can be explained by a 42.8% relation to hasilt calculate equal to 7.134> t table 1.9955. Suggestions in this research that employers should always share information (information sharing) between the human resources that exist in the organization, but it is also needed to share knowledge (knowledge sharing) which will provide convenience to every employee with their innovation. From the sharing of information and knowledge sharing are also needed in a firm relation, a relation (relation) who nurtured will produce menuntungkan mutual relationships between one another. With the sharing of information, knowledge sharing, and relations can improve company performance

    Analisa Pengaruh Information Sharing, Knowledge Sharing, Relationship Terhadap Performance Di Hotel X

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh dari information sharing dan knowledge sharing terhadap relationship, dan pengaruh information sharing, knowledge sharing dan relationship terhadap performance di hotel X. Komunikasi berperan penting dalam suatu Perusahaan, untuk membangun hubungan antar karyawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisa data partial least square. Proses pengujian hipotesis melalui berbagai kriteria goodness-of-fit model. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa information sharing dan knowledge sharing berpengaruh positif terhadap relationship. Knowledge sharing dan relationship berpengaruh positif terhadap performance di hotel X. Information sharing tidak berpengaruh terhadap performance di hotel X

    Opportunities for information sharing: case studies

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    Personal information provided to government and non-government service providers is highly sensitive. Appropriate collection, management and storage of personal information are critical elements to citizen trust in the public sector. However, misconceptions about the frameworks governing sharing personal information can impact on the coordination of services, case management and policy development.   The NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet engaged the Social Policy Research Centre to develop three case studies that identified the challenges to sharing information appropriately, and the opportunities for better personal information sharing between government agencies and non-government organisations. Improved sharing of personal information in these areas can support more effective policy development, leading to improved service delivery performance and coordination.   The Social Policy Research Centre identified the legislative and policy framework for each case study, conducted qualitative research on the interpretation of this framework, and developed three case study reports

    Developing information sharing and assessment systems

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