105 research outputs found

    Survey of Error Concealment techniques: Research directions and open issues

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    © 2015 IEEE. Error Concealment (EC) techniques use either spatial, temporal or a combination of both types of information to recover the data lost in transmitted video. In this paper, existing EC techniques are reviewed, which are divided into three categories, namely Intra-frame EC, Inter-frame EC, and Hybrid EC techniques. We first focus on the EC techniques developed for the H.264/AVC standard. The advantages and disadvantages of these EC techniques are summarized with respect to the features in H.264. Then, the EC algorithms are also analyzed. These EC algorithms have been recently adopted in the newly introduced H.265/HEVC standard. A performance comparison between the classic EC techniques developed for H.264 and H.265 is performed in terms of the average PSNR. Lastly, open issues in the EC domain are addressed for future research consideration

    Out-of-the-loop information hiding for HEVC video

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    Communication using internet and digital media is more and more popular. Therefore, the security and privacy of data transmission are highly demanded. One effective technique providing this requirement is information hiding. This technique allows to conceal secret information into a video file, an audio, or a picture. In this paper, we propose a low complexity out-of-the-loop information hiding algorithm for a video pre-encoded with the high efficiency video coding standard. Only selected components such as the motion vector difference and transform coefficients of the video are extracted and modified, bypassing the need of fully decoding and re-encoding the video. In order to reduce the propagation error caused by hiding information, the dependency between video frames is taken into account when distributing the information over the frame. Several embedding strategies are investigated. The experimental results show that the information should be hidden in smaller blocks to reduce quality loss. Using a smart distribution of information across the frames can keep the quality loss under 1 dB PSNR for an information payload of 15 kbps. When such a strategy is used, embedding information in the transform coefficients only slightly outperforms the modification of motion vector differences

    Analysis of the perceptual quality performance of different HEVC coding tools

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    Each new video encoding standard includes encoding techniques that aim to improve the performance and quality of the previous standards. During the development of these techniques, PSNR was used as the main distortion metric. However, the PSNR metric does not consider the subjectivity of the human visual system, so that the performance of some coding tools is questionable from the perceptual point of view. To further explore this point, we have developed a detailed study about the perceptual sensibility of different HEVC video coding tools. In order to perform this study, we used some popular objective quality assessment metrics to measure the perceptual response of every single coding tool. The conclusion of this work will help to determine the set of HEVC coding tools that provides, in general, the best perceptual response

    Optimal coding unit decision for early termination in high efficiency video coding using enhanced whale optimization algorithm

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    Video compression is an emerging research topic in the field of block based video encoders. Due to the growth of video coding technologies, high efficiency video coding (HEVC) delivers superior coding performance. With the increased encoding complexity, the HEVC enhances the rate-distortion (RD) performance. In the video compression, the out-sized coding units (CUs) have higher encoding complexity. Therefore, the computational encoding cost and complexity remain vital concerns, which need to be considered as an optimization task. In this manuscript, an enhanced whale optimization algorithm (EWOA) is implemented to reduce the computational time and complexity of the HEVC. In the EWOA, a cosine function is incorporated with the controlling parameter A and two correlation factors are included in the WOA for controlling the position of whales and regulating the movement of search mechanism during the optimization and search processes. The bit streams in the Luma-coding tree block are selected using EWOA that defines the CU neighbors and is used in the HEVC. The results indicate that the EWOA achieves best bit rate (BR), time saving, and peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). The EWOA showed 0.006-0.012 dB higher PSNR than the existing models in the real-time videos

    A Video Steganography Method based on Transform Block Decision for H.265/HEVC

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    High definition video application has drawn a lot of interest both from academy and industry. The relevant latest video coding technology, H.265/HEVC has been a promising area for video steganography. In this paper, we present a novel and efficient video steganography method based on transform block decision for H.265. In order to improve the visual quality of carrier video, we analyze the embedding error of data hiding with modifying partitioning parameters of CB, PB and TB, and modify the transform block decision to embed secret message and update corresponding residuals synchronously. In order to limit embedding error, we utilize an efficient embedding mapping rule which can embed N (N>1) bits message and at most modify one bit transform partitioning flag. Our experimental results show that the proposed method can achieve better visual quality, larger embedding capacity and less bit-rate increase than state-of-the-art researches

    Efficient HEVC-based video adaptation using transcoding

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    In a video transmission system, it is important to take into account the great diversity of the network/end-user constraints. On the one hand, video content is typically streamed over a network that is characterized by different bandwidth capacities. In many cases, the bandwidth is insufficient to transfer the video at its original quality. On the other hand, a single video is often played by multiple devices like PCs, laptops, and cell phones. Obviously, a single video would not satisfy their different constraints. These diversities of the network and devices capacity lead to the need for video adaptation techniques, e.g., a reduction of the bit rate or spatial resolution. Video transcoding, which modifies a property of the video without the change of the coding format, has been well-known as an efficient adaptation solution. However, this approach comes along with a high computational complexity, resulting in huge energy consumption in the network and possibly network latency. This presentation provides several optimization strategies for the transcoding process of HEVC (the latest High Efficiency Video Coding standard) video streams. First, the computational complexity of a bit rate transcoder (transrater) is reduced. We proposed several techniques to speed-up the encoder of a transrater, notably a machine-learning-based approach and a novel coding-mode evaluation strategy have been proposed. Moreover, the motion estimation process of the encoder has been optimized with the use of decision theory and the proposed fast search patterns. Second, the issues and challenges of a spatial transcoder have been solved by using machine-learning algorithms. Thanks to their great performance, the proposed techniques are expected to significantly help HEVC gain popularity in a wide range of modern multimedia applications

    Error concealment-aware encoding for robust video transmission

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    In this paper an error concealment-aware encoding scheme is proposed to improve the quality of decoded video in broadcast environments prone to transmission errors and data loss. The proposed scheme is based on a scalable coding approach where the best error concealment (EC) methods to be used at the decoder are optimally determined at the encoder and signalled to the decoder through SEI messages. Such optimal EC modes are found by simulating transmission losses followed by a lagrangian optimisation of the signalling rate - EC distortion cost. A generalised saliency-weighted distortion is used and the residue between coded frames and their EC substitutes is encoded using a rate-controlled enhancement layer. When data loss occurs the decoder uses the signalling information is used at the decoder, in case of data loss, to improve the reconstruction quality. The simulation results show that the proposed method achieves consistent quality gains in comparison with other reference methods and previous works. Using only the EC mode signalling, i.e., without any residue transmitted in the enhancement layer, an average PSNR gain up to 2.95 dB is achieved, while using the full EC-aware scheme, i.e., including residue encoded in the enhancement layer, the proposed scheme outperforms other comparable methods, with PSNR gain up to 3.79 dB

    Transparent encryption with scalable video communication: Lower-latency, CABAC-based schemes

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    Selective encryption masks all of the content without completely hiding it, as full encryption would do at a cost in encryption delay and increased bandwidth. Many commercial applications of video encryption do not even require selective encryption, because greater utility can be gained from transparent encryption, i.e. allowing prospective viewers to glimpse a reduced quality version of the content as a taster. Our lightweight selective encryption scheme when applied to scalable video coding is well suited to transparent encryption. The paper illustrates the gains in reducing delay and increased distortion arising from a transparent encryption that leaves reduced quality base layer in the clear. Reduced encryption of B-frames is a further step beyond transparent encryption in which the computational overhead reduction is traded against content security and limited distortion. This spectrum of video encryption possibilities is analyzed in this paper, though all of the schemes maintain decoder compatibility and add no bitrate overhead as a result of jointly encoding and encrypting the input video by virtue of carefully selecting the entropy coding parameters that are encrypted. The schemes are suitable both for H.264 and HEVC codecs, though demonstrated in the paper for H.264. Selected Content Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) parameters are encrypted by a lightweight Exclusive OR technique, which is chosen for practicality

    Efficient Coding of Transform Coefficient Levels in Hybrid Video Coding

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    All video coding standards of practical importance, such as Advanced Video Coding (AVC), its successor High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), and the state-of-the-art Versatile Video Coding (VVC), follow the basic principle of block-based hybrid video coding. In such an architecture, the video pictures are partitioned into blocks. Each block is first predicted by either intra-picture or motion-compensated prediction, and the resulting prediction errors, referred to as residuals, are compressed using transform coding. This thesis deals with the entropy coding of quantization indices for transform coefficients, also referred to as transform coefficient levels, as well as the entropy coding of directly quantized residual samples. The entropy coding of quantization indices is referred to as level coding in this thesis. The presented developments focus on both improving the coding efficiency and reducing the complexity of the level coding for HEVC and VVC. These goals were achieved by modifying the context modeling and the binarization of the level coding. The first development presented in this thesis is a transform coefficient level coding for variable transform block sizes, which was introduced in HEVC. It exploits the fact that non-zero levels are typically concentrated in certain parts of the transform block by partitioning blocks larger than \square{4} samples into \square{4} sub-blocks. Each \square{4} sub-block is then coded similarly to the level coding specified in AVC for \square{4} transform blocks. This sub-block processing improves coding efficiency and has the advantage that the number of required context models is independent of the set of supported transform block sizes. The maximum number of context-coded bins for a transform coefficient level is one indicator for the complexity of the entropy coding. An adaptive binarization of absolute transform coefficient levels using Rice codes is presented that reduces the maximum number of context-coded bins from 15 (as used in AVC) to three for HEVC. Based on the developed selection of an appropriate Rice code for each scanning position, this adaptive binarization achieves virtually the same coding efficiency as the binarization specified in AVC for bit-rate operation points typically used in consumer applications. The coding efficiency is improved for high bit-rate operation points, which are used in more advanced and professional applications. In order to further improve the coding efficiency for HEVC and VVC, the statistical dependencies among the transform coefficient levels of a transform block are exploited by a template-based context modeling developed in this thesis. Instead of selecting the context model for a current scanning position primarily based on its location inside a transform block, already coded neighboring locations inside a local template are utilized. To further increase the coding efficiency achieved by the template-based context modeling, the different coding phases of the initially developed level coding are merged into a single coding phase. As a consequence, the template-based context modeling can utilize the absolute levels of the neighboring frequency locations, which provides better conditional probability estimates and further improves coding efficiency. This template-based context modeling with a single coding phase is also suitable for trellis-coded quantization (TCQ), since TCQ is state-driven and derives the next state from the current state and the parity of the current level. TCQ introduces different context model sets for coding the significance flag depending on the current state. Based on statistical analyses, an extension of the state-dependent context modeling of TCQ is presented, which further improves the coding efficiency in VVC. After that, a method to reduce the complexity of the level coding at the decoder is presented. This method separates the level coding into a coding phase exclusively consisting of context-coded bins and another one consisting of bypass-coded bins only. For retaining the state-dependent context selection, which significantly contributes to the coding efficiency of TCQ, a dedicated parity flag is introduced and coded with context models in the first coding phase. An adaptive approach is then presented that further reduces the worst-case complexity, effectively lowering the maximum number of context-coded bins per transform coefficient to 1.75 without negatively affecting the coding efficiency. In the last development presented in this thesis, a dedicated level coding for transform skip blocks, which often occur in screen content applications, is introduced for VVC. This dedicated level coding better exploits the statistical properties of directly quantized residual samples for screen content. Various modifications to the level coding improve the coding efficiency for this type of content. Examples for these modifications are a binarization with additional context-coded flags and the coding of the sign information with adaptive context models