1,570 research outputs found

    Information theory analysis of cascading process in a synthetic model of fluid turbulence

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    The use of transfer entropy has proven to be helpful in detecting which is the verse of dynamical driving in the interaction of two processes, X and Y . In this paper, we present a different normalization for the transfer entropy, which is capable of better detecting the information transfer direction. This new normalized transfer entropy is applied to the detection of the verse of energy flux transfer in a synthetic model of fluid turbulence, namely the Gledzer–Ohkitana–Yamada shell model. Indeed, this is a fully well-known model able to model the fully developed turbulence in the Fourier space, which is characterized by an energy cascade towards the small scales (large wavenumbers k), so that the application of the information-theory analysis to its outcome tests the reliability of the analysis tool rather than exploring the model physics. As a result, the presence of a direct cascade along the scales in the shell model and the locality of the interactions in the space of wavenumbers come out as expected, indicating the validity of this data analysis tool. In this context, the use of a normalized version of transfer entropy, able to account for the difference of the intrinsic randomness of the interacting processes, appears to perform better, being able to discriminate the wrong conclusions to which the “traditional” transfer entropy would drive

    Damping of MHD turbulence in partially ionized gas and the observed difference of velocities of neutrals and ions

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    Theoretical and observational studies on the turbulence of the interstellar medium developed fast in the past decades. The theory of supersonic magnetized turbulence, as well as the understanding of projection effects of observed quantities, are still in progress. In this work we explore the characterization of the turbulent cascade and its damping from observational spectral line profiles. We address the difference of ion and neutral velocities by clarifying the nature of the turbulence damping in the partially ionized. We provide theoretical arguments in favor of the explanation of the larger Doppler broadening of lines arising from neutral species compared to ions as arising from the turbulence damping of ions at larger scales. Also, we compute a number of MHD numerical simulations for different turbulent regimes and explicit turbulent damping, and compare both the 3-dimensional distributions of velocity and the synthetic line profile distributions. From the numerical simulations, we place constraints on the precision with which one can measure the 3D dispersion depending on the turbulence sonic Mach number. We show that no universal correspondence between the 3D velocity dispersions measured in the turbulent volume and minima of the 2D velocity dispersions available through observations exist. For instance, for subsonic turbulence the correspondence is poor at scales much smaller than the turbulence injection scale, while for supersonic turbulence the correspondence is poor for the scales comparable with the injection scale. We provide a physical explanation of the existence of such a 2D-3D correspondence and discuss the uncertainties in evaluating the damping scale of ions that can be obtained from observations. However, we show that the statistics of velocity dispersion from observed line profiles can provide the spectral index and the energy transfer rate of turbulence. Also, comparing two similar simulations with different viscous coefficients it was possible to constrain the turbulent cut-off scale. This may especially prove useful since it is believed that ambipolar diffusion may be one of the dominant dissipative mechanism in star-forming regions. In this case, the determination of the ambipolar diffusion scale may be used as a complementary method for the determination of magnetic field intensity in collapsing cores. We discuss the implications of our findings in terms of a new approach to magnetic field measurement proposed by Li & Houde (2008).Comment: ApJ accepte

    Linewidth Differences of Neutrals and Ions Induced by MHD Turbulence

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    We address the problem of the difference of line widths of neutrals and ions observed from molecular clouds and explore whether this difference can arise from the effects of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence acting on partially ionized gas. Among the three fundamental modes of MHD turbulence, we find fast modes do not contribute to linewidth differences, whereas slow modes can have an effect on different line widths for certain parameters. We focus on Alfv\'{e}nic component because they contain most of the turbulent energy, and consider the damping of this component taking into account both neutral-ion collisions and neutral viscosity. We consider different regimes of turbulence corresponding to different media magnetizations and turbulent drivings. In the case of super-Alfv\'{e}nic turbulence, when the damping scale of Alfv\'{e}nic turbulence is below lAl_A, where lAl_A is the injection scale of anisotropic GS95-type turbulence, the linewidth difference does not depend on the magnetic field strength. While for other turbulent regimes, the dependence is present. For instance, the difference between the squares of the neutral and ion velocity dispersions in strong sub-Alfv\'{e}nic turbulence allows evaluation of magnetic field. We discuss earlier findings on the neutral-ion linewidth differences in the literature and compare the expressions for magnetic field we obtain with those published earlier.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    Scaling of Information in Turbulence

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    We propose a new perspective on Turbulence using Information Theory. We compute the entropy rate of a turbulent velocity signal and we particularly focus on its dependence on the scale. We first report how the entropy rate is able to describe the distribution of information amongst scales, and how one can use it to isolate the injection, inertial and dissipative ranges, in perfect agreement with the Batchelor model and with a fBM model. In a second stage, we design a conditioning procedure in order to finely probe the asymmetries in the statistics that are responsible for the energy cascade. Our approach is very generic and can be applied to any multiscale complex system.Comment: in Europhysics Letters, 201

    A three-dimensional wavelet based multifractal method : about the need of revisiting the multifractal description of turbulence dissipation data

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    We generalize the wavelet transform modulus maxima (WTMM) method to multifractal analysis of 3D random fields. This method is calibrated on synthetic 3D monofractal fractional Brownian fields and on 3D multifractal singular cascade measures as well as their random function counterpart obtained by fractional integration. Then we apply the 3D WTMM method to the dissipation field issue from 3D isotropic turbulence simulations. We comment on the need to revisiting previous box-counting analysis which have failed to estimate correctly the corresponding multifractal spectra because of their intrinsic inability to master non-conservative singular cascade measures.Comment: 5 pages, 3figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Evidence of Intermittent Cascades from Discrete Hierarchical Dissipation in Turbulence

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    We present the results of a search of log-periodic corrections to scaling in the moments of the energy dissipation rate in experiments at high Reynolds number (2500) of three-dimensional fully developed turbulence. A simple dynamical representation of the Richardson-Kolmogorov cartoon of a cascade shows that standard averaging techniques erase by their very construction the possible existence of log-periodic corrections to scaling associated with a discrete hierarchy. To remedy this drawback, we introduce a novel ``canonical'' averaging that we test extensively on synthetic examples constructed to mimick the interplay between a weak log-periodic component and rather strong multiplicative and phase noises. Our extensive tests confirm the remarkable observation of statistically significant log-periodic corrections to scaling, with a prefered scaling ratio for length scales compatible with the value gamma = 2. A strong confirmation of this result is provided by the identification of up to 5 harmonics of the fundamental log-periodic undulations, associated with up to 5 levels of the underlying hierarchical dynamical structure. A natural interpretation of our results is that the Richardson-Kolmogorov mental picture of a cascade becomes a realistic description if one allows for intermittent births and deaths of discrete cascades at varying scales.Comment: Latex document of 40 pages, including 18 eps figure

    Quantifying and containing the curse of high resolution coronal imaging

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    Future missions such as Solar Orbiter (SO), InterHelioprobe, or Solar Probe aim at approaching the Sun closer than ever before, with on board some high resolution imagers (HRI) having a subsecond cadence and a pixel area of about (80km)2(80km)^2 at the Sun during perihelion. In order to guarantee their scientific success, it is necessary to evaluate if the photon counts available at these resolution and cadence will provide a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We perform a first step in this direction by analyzing and characterizing the spatial intermittency of Quiet Sun images thanks to a multifractal analysis. We identify the parameters that specify the scale-invariance behavior. This identification allows next to select a family of multifractal processes, namely the Compound Poisson Cascades, that can synthesize artificial images having some of the scale-invariance properties observed on the recorded images. The prevalence of self-similarity in Quiet Sun coronal images makes it relevant to study the ratio between the SNR present at SoHO/EIT images and in coarsened images. SoHO/EIT images thus play the role of 'high resolution' images, whereas the 'low-resolution' coarsened images are rebinned so as to simulate a smaller angular resolution and/or a larger distance to the Sun. For a fixed difference in angular resolution and in Spacecraft-Sun distance, we determine the proportion of pixels having a SNR preserved at high resolution given a particular increase in effective area. If scale-invariance continues to prevail at smaller scales, the conclusion reached with SoHO/EIT images can be transposed to the situation where the resolution is increased from SoHO/EIT to SO/HRI resolution at perihelion.Comment: 25 pages, 1 table, 7 figure
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