8 research outputs found

    The Hypertext Internet Connection: E-mail, Online Search, Gopher

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    In this paper we show how to handle and organize the large amount of information accessible through the Internet or other public communication networks in a hypertext environment. The C(K)onstance-Hypertext-System (KHS) uses typed units to indicate the differences and the content and structure of information, comprising text, forms, images pointers to external information. We show how to imbed Internet services, which usual require rather different interaction styles, such as point-to-point communication (e-mail query formulation (online databases) or browsing (Gopher) into the uniform interaction model of the KHS. The integration of Internet services in an open hypertext environment produces value-adding effects which are also discussed. (DIPF/Orig.

    Ethics And Legal Issues In Online Counseling Services: Counseling Principles Analysis

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    Challenges of living and dynamics modern society has spawned complex problems experienced by individuals. Counseling process with a variety formats attempt to develop the optimization of the individual. The development of the counseling process format formed a variety of alternative media that are capable to accommodating the communication process between the counselor and the client. The Media creates an atmosphere of counseling in long-distance (distance) condition has some advantages as well as disadvantages. One of the distance counseling forms is counseling online. With one form of service with fairly new developments, online counseling has had a significant positive impact on easing the client's problems. But on the other hand, this service also has some weaknesses that must be understood and controlled, especially for a counselor. This manuscript uses a documentary study approach on ethical conditions, counseling issues in Indonesia and discusses some of the ethical issues that must be understood by counselors during the process of online counseling in keeping some of the important principles in the counseling process

    Standards for Information Handling

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    Briefly surveys the standards in information and documentation field at national and international levels. Describes the information technology standards and its importance in librarianship. Features of the standards, their use, different types of standards and standards are also discussed

    Information technology and school libraries: a social justice perspective

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    This research takes an emergent approach to data analysis (Charmaz, 2008) through the use of an emic/etic data coding process, and proposes a typology for understanding the connection between social justice principles and the provision of information technology services in school libraries. The study used data from seven school libraries in the state of New Jersey, obtained from focus groups consisting of forty-eight teachers, eighteen librarians, ten department supervisors, eleven principals/assistant principals, four district directors, and three librarian-teachers. The emergent process and typology employed in this research can aid school libraries in assessing how particular factors of the school/school library environment influence the provision of IT services to school library users. This study confirmed that school librarians and teachers rely on several social justice principles, such as distributive justice, utilitarianism, and egalitarianism, in making decisions regarding how to provide information technology services within the school environment. In particular, it was found that the type of social justice principle used in the school environment depended on the school librarians’ and teachers’ perceptions of the information competencies of their constituents and the availability of resources within the school environment. This research contributes to the study of social justice in the library and information science (LIS) professions in the following ways: first, by expanding ideas of “social justice” in LIS beyond traditional notions of “disenfranchised groups”—such as people having lower socioeconomic status, racial/ethnic or sexual minorities, and individuals with physical or mental disabilities—to include any group that may experience injustice in the context of information, such as school teachers, librarians and students; second, by portraying how social justice principles are enacted as strategies in school librarianship and pedagogy that advance student information-seeking and learning objectives; third, by highlighting the value of social justice to both practice and scholarly research in school and school library environments; and fourth, by proposing a methodology for studying social justice in a library environment.published or submitted for publicatio

    Tecnologías de la información y gestión administrativa en la Escuela de Educación Superior Pedagógica Pública San Francisco de Asís de la región Ica, 2020

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    El trabajo de investigación de título “Tecnologías de la información y gestión administrativa en la Escuela de Educación Superior Pedagógica Pública San Francisco de Asís de la región Ica, 2020” presenta como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre las tecnologías de la información y gestión administrativa en la Escuela de Educación Superior Pedagógica Pública San Francisco de Asís de la región Ica, 2020. La metodología utilizada es de tipo aplicada, nivel correlacional, de enfoque cuantitativo, método hipotético-deductivo, diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. La técnica utilizada es la encuesta y la muestra es de tipo censal de 30 personas, se aplicó la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk, donde se estableció una correlación entre la variable tecnologías de la información y gestión administrativa Rho= -0.138 y un el grado de significancia = 0.467 (p> 0,05) por lo cual se señala que se rechaza la Ha y se acepta la Ho

    Kesiapan Indonesia dalam Merealisasikan Integrasi Tenaga Kerja Terampil pada Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN Tahun 2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kesepakatan negara-negara anggota ASEAN dalam Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) pada bidang tenaga kerja khususnya di delapan sektor strategis Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) yang mempengaruhi kebijakan mereka dalam mempersiapkan sumber daya manusianya. Selain itu pula dianalisis apakah Indonesia sebagai salah satu anggota telah siap untuk bersaing dengan anggota ASEAN lainnya dalam hal tenaga kerja. Analisis ini menggunakan teori Organisasi Internasional untuk mengetahui seperti apa interaksi yang terjadi antar negara, teori integrasi regional yang berguna untuk mengetahui bagaimana suatu negara berinteraksi membentuk suatu organisasi pemerintahan dan membuat beberapa kesepakatan untuk lebih meningkatkan taraf hidup negara masing-masing negara, dan teori ketenagakerjaan untuk menganalisis bagaimana tenaga kerja di negara-negara ASEAN dapat bersaing satu sama lain walaupun mereka memiliki banyak perbedaan seperti kualitas dan kuantitas pekerja. Dalam mengukur kesiapan Indonesia pada tenaga kerja terampil, penulis menggunakan metode SWOT. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kesiapan Indonesia belum maksimal dibeberapa bidang tenaga kerja walaupun ada beberapa tenaga kerja yang dapat menjadi kekuatan Indonesia dalam bersaing dengan tenaga kerja terampil lain dari negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Kata Kunci: Arus Bebas Tenaga Kerja Terampil, Liberalisasi Jasa, Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN, MRA, SWOTThis research aims to understand how agreement among ASEAN member countries in ASEAN Economic Community in the field of manpower especially in eight sectorin Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) that affects their policy in preparing the human resources. In addition also analyzed whether Indonesia as one member has been ready to compete with other ASEAN in terms of labor. This analysis uses the theory of International organizations to find out what kind of interaction that occurs among countries, the theory of regional integration that is useful to see how a country interact form a government organizational and make several agreements to improve the living standards of the state of each country, and the theory of employment to analyze how of labor in the country of ASEAN to be able to compete with one another if they do have a lot of difference like quality and quantity of workers. In measuring the readiness of Indonesia on skilled labor, the authors use the method of SWOT. The research results showed that the readiness of Indonesia have not been up in some areas of the workforce although there are some workers who can be a force Indonesia to compete with other skilled workers from ASEAN member countries. Key Word: ASEAN Economic Community, Liberalization of Service, Mutual Recognition Arrangement, Free Flow of Skilled Labor, SWOT DAFTAR PUSTAKA Abbot. Kennet W & Duncan Snidal (1998). Why States Act through Formal International Organizations. Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 42, No. 1. Antara News (2013). Diakses dari http://www.antaranews.com/berita/265655/kebutu han-tenaga-dokter-naik-14-persen diakses dari 25 Maret 2015. ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangement Framework on Accountancy Services. 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Habibie Center 2014, Daya Saing SDM Indonesia Menghadapi Era ASEAN 2015, APEC dan WTO. diakses dari http://habibiecenter.or.id/detilurl/en/277/news/Da ya.Saing.SDM.Indonesia.Menghadapi.Era.ASEAN.2015 16 Februari 2015 IAI (2010). Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia. Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) untuk Jasa Arsitektur http://www.iai-Jakarta.org/index.php?scr=08&ID=9&sele ctLanguage. 16 April 2015 IAI, (2014) “Akuntan Indonesia Gamang Menghadapi AFTA 2015 (sic.),” diakses dari http://www.iaiglobal.or.id/v02/berita/detail.php? catid=&id=511 14 Janurari 2015 IDI (2014). Diakses dari http://idi.or.id/profil/overview. 20 April 2015 ILO (2004), Dimensi Ketenagakerjaan dalam Kebijakan Makro dan Sektoral,Seri Rekomendasi Kebijakan, Kerja Layak dan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Indonesia. Jakarta ISO (2004). “Documentation and information”. ISO Standard handbook, no. 1. 3rd ed. Geneva: International Organization for Standardization. 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    Standards Battles for Complex Systems: Empirical Research on the Home Network

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    Home networks combine components and technologies from the consumer electronics industry, the information technology industry, the telecommunications industry, and the home automation industry. Irrespective of the fact that the home network has been technically possible for many years, it has not become a practical reality. A major reason is the lack of generally accepted common standards. In this dissertation we develop a framework with which we can explain and predict which standard will have the highest chance of achieving dominance. We applied the framework to several standards battles and it appeared that it can be used to explain these standards battles better, when compared to existing frameworks in the literature. We applied a multi-attribute utility approach to standard selection and provide a first indication of weights for factors. Also, we have studied two factors in depth: the diversity in the network of actors that support a standard; and the flexibility of the standard. We provide a first indication that these variables influence standard dominance positively and reinforce each other

    Information Technology Standards for Libraries

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    The general view is that standards tend to reduce chaos, enhance the credibility of compliant organizations, and often foster creativity at the individual level. On one hand, it has been argued that there are too many standards-making bodies and too many standards, and that the proliferation of standards often does no more than serve the interests of specific industries and markets. On the other hand, the proponents of standards and the standards-making process contend that while standards intended for different uses or different constituencies tend to cause conflict at the edges, the same standards reflect the varied and often deep needs of the domains to which the standards are applied, and that the standards process, in its emphasis on procedure, creates a desirable orderliness that engenders beneficial efficiencies and makes interoperability possible. Information technology standards, which have been an important part of librarianship in the United States for more than 75 years, are more important than ever. In the digital era, the environment in which such standards arise grows increasingly complex, as the technical concerns of librarians and archivists intersect with the communities formulating technical standards for computing, networking, and digital publishing in general. In this essay, which assumes that the benefits of technical standards far outweigh any liabilities in the library marketplace, the nature of standards and basic aspects of the standardization process are described, key standards-making organizations are identified and their roles are assayed, and the various benefits of information-oriented technical standards are assessed