167,028 research outputs found

    Intelligence fusion for the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy

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    The data fusion methods, techniques and tools are regarded as a remedy for shortcomings of information/knowledge management and intelligence production. They also address current needs of the holistic, all-source approach to intelligence. Their implementation means the creation of new organizational elements - 'fusion centers'. The concept of a fusion center has been introduced to and tested in the European Union for years. This paper examines data fusion processes and elements within the EU and focuses on intelligence fusion capabilities developed under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The examples of the Single Intelligence Analysis Capacity (SIAC) and EU Hybrid Fusion Cell in the Intelligence and Situation Center (INTCEN) are examined to evaluate challenges, opportunities and limitations of EU intelligence fusion elements. This paper is also an effort to indicate that there are still many elements to be improved within the EU intelligence establishment, including the area of data and information fusion - with the overall aim to effectively and timely support CSDP. Intelligence sharing by Member States with the EU remains one of the main impediments

    A Duty to Share: The Opportunities and Obstacles of Federal Counterterrorism Intelligence Sharing with Nonfederal Fusion Centers

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    Little is known about how effectively federal agencies share terrorism intelligence with state and local governments through fusion centers. As a result, there is a risk that local governments do not receive critical intelligence that would allow them to collaboratively prevent catastrophic terrorist attacks. Using Dawes\u27 interagency information sharing model, the purpose of this exploratory case study was to evaluate how effectively federal agencies share terrorism intelligence with fusion centers. Data were collected through interviews with 25 senior leaders, federal agents deployed to fusion centers, and intelligence analysts in 5 fusion centers on the East Coast. These data were inductively coded and then subjected to a thematic analysis procedure. Findings indicated that, among these leaders, information sharing was hindered by both technology and inter-organizational relationships between the fusion centers and federal agencies. Participants also noted that obstacles to information sharing regarding classified data has not been sufficiently mitigated. Dawes\u27 interagency information-sharing theory was found to be explanatory regarding intelligence sharing activities. Implications for positive social change include recommendations to the Department of Homeland Security to utilize Dawes\u27 work on information sharing in order to alleviate the tension between federal and local agencies and remove obstacles, particularly related to classified intelligence related to counterterrorism. Doing so can be useful in developing policy recommendations to improve the dynamics between federal and local agencies, thereby allowing critical information to be shared with state and local governments in a proactive manner that may better protect communities

    Simulation of National Intelligence Process with Fusion

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    This work is a follow on effort of two previous Master\u27s theses. The first was Modeling and Simulation of the Military Intelligence Process by Captain Carl Pawling in 2004. The other was A Knowledge Matrix Modeling of the Intelligence Cycle by Captain Kevin Whaley in 2005. Both of these were done to facilitate the study and analysis of the intelligence process for the National Security Space Organization (NSSO). Here, modifications are made the Pawling model to include tasking multiple intelligence sources for data collection to fulfill Requests for Information (RFIs) and fusing the collected data into one new piece of intelligence. One fusion method is the one suggested by Whaley, which simply takes the best intelligence collected, while the other method captures the synergy of intelligence fusion. Both methods are compared to each other and to the baseline model where no fusion takes place

    Improving Information Sharing: Local Fusion Centers and Their Role in the Intelligence Cycle

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    Abstract My Master’s Project focuses on local fusion centers and the need for improved information sharing practices among law enforcement partners. After the tragic event of September 11th in 2001, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice recognized a communication gap between law enforcement agencies and a lack of effective information sharing efforts. Fusion centers play a significant role in supporting both criminal and terrorist investigations due to their ability to act as a conduit between various law enforcement partners. Due to their important responsibilities as information sharing hubs that provide valuable analysis and dissemination of information and intelligence, it is essential to enhance information practices among the centers. My Master’s Project details a strategy that will assist in advancing information sharing capabilities among local fusion centers to better detect, investigate, mitigate, and avert threats. Specifically, this paper proposes a two-part strategy that entails strengthening current partnerships among fusion centers and law enforcement agencies and developing and implementing a standardized training program for intelligence analysts. Through improved collaborative efforts, fusion centers will be able to better identify, mitigate, and prevent threats to ensure public safety and the security of the country

    Radical Agent-based Approach for Intelligence Analysis

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    This paper presents a novel agent-based framework as a decision aid tool for intelligence analysis. This technology extends net-centric information processing and abstraction as well as fusion and multi-source integration strategies. Our information agents traverse and mediate disparate ontologies in different formats providing a foundation for semantic interoperability. The presented system provides knowledge discovery by accessing a large number of information sources in a particular domain and organizing them into a network of information agents. Each agent provides expertise on a specific topic by drawing on relevant information from other information agents in related knowledge domains. Unique advantages include net-centric scalability, principled information assurance, as well as ground breaking knowledge discovery in service of intelligence analysis

    Fusion of Sensor Data and Intelligence in FITS

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    Proceedings of: 16th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2013): Istambul, Turkey 9-12 July 2013.The design and implementation of fusion systems working in real conditions requires functional and performance specification, analysis of information input and contextual domain, and development of testing and validation tools. This paper presents a fusion system recently developed to operate with EW and ISR sensors on-board of patrol aircraft, which must be fused with information from other collaborative entities and intelligence in databases. The paper describes the overall organization of the system developed, modules and the data flow. The characterization of data sources and core algorithms for data alignment, uncertainty representation and fusion management are detailed and validated in realistic situations.This work was supported in part by Projects FITS-DFS (EADS/CASA), MEyC TEC2012-37832-C02-01, MEyC TEC2011-28626-C02-02 and CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485).Publicad

    A Layered Behaviour Model For Electronic Information Sharing In Iraq Intelligence Networks

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    The weakness of information sharing has appeared clearly with the events of 11th of Sep 2001 that did not prevent the terrorist attacks. Recently, a prevalent relationship between information sharing and intelligence in the context of counter-terrorism. A few studies have been conducted in this domain by Western countries whilst, none studies done with countries which have effected directly with terrorist attacks especially the Middle East. Issues with information sharing in intelligence domain are still significant challenges. Nevertheless, literature showed there is no single model combined with the technology, information sharing and human factors with an empirical gap in this field, to determine what the intelligence need to develop non-failure intelligence product. This study aims to analysis the technology gap that focuses on fully supporting the common requirements of information sharing in Iraqi intelligence through propose an electronic information sharing model adopted based on Layered Behavioral Model. The fourteen factors are employed in five layers included, Policies and Political Constraints as an Environmental Layer, Compatibility, Information Quality, and Common Data Repository as an Organisation Layer, Cost, Expected Benefits, and Expected Risk as an Information Fusion Center Layer, Technology Capability, Top Management Support, and Coordination as a Readiness Layer, and the last factor in Individual Layer are Trust, Information Stewardship, and Information Security. A quantitative method employed to achieve a broader background of the phenomenon under investigation and to address a broader range of attitude and behavioural issues. This method was a statistical approach in testing the proposed research hypotheses for the factors. From the empirical testing point, found that Policies, Compatibility, Common Data Repository, Cost, Expected Benefits, Expected Risk, Technology Capability, Top Management Support, Trust, Information Stewardship, and Information Security had a significant influence on the degree of electronic information sharing. Whereas, Political Constraints, Information Quality, and Coordination had no significant influence on the degree of electronic information sharing. Several contributions of this study are, create a new theoretical model for the electronic information sharing within intelligence domain. Enhances existing literature by expanding upon layers and factors that are affecting in two dimensions are, electronic information sharing and intelligence. Add new vision to develop information fusion center in the context of electronic information sharing. Reduce the gap of the empirical study in intelligence sectors. And provide a formal strategy and creation a series of the guidelines for Iraqi intelligence authorities to govern E-information sharing activities

    Investigating The Key Factors Effecting The Use Of Telemedicine In Iraqi Hospitals

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    The weakness of information sharing has appeared clearly with the events of 11th of Sep 2001 that caused cannot stop and prevent the attacks of terrorist. Recently, a prevalent relationship between information sharing and intelligence in the context of counter-terrorism. A few studies have been conducted in this domain by Western countries whilst, none studies done with countries which have effected directly with terrorist attacks especially the Middle East. Issues with information sharing in intelligence domain are still significant challenges to cover. Nevertheless, literature showed there is no single model combined with the technology, information sharing and human factors with an empirical gap in this field, to determine what the intelligence need to develop non-failure intelligence product. This study aims to analysis the technology gap that focuses on fully supporting the common requirements of information sharing in Iraqi intelligence through propose an electronic information sharing model adopted based on Layered Behavioral Model. The fourteen factors are employed in five layers included, Policies and Political Constraints as an Environmental Layer, Compatibility, Information Quality, and Common Data Repository as an Organisation Layer, Cost, Expected Benefits, and Expected Risk as an Information Fusion Center Layer, Technology Capability, Top Management Support, and Coordination as a Readiness Layer, and the last factor in Individual Layer are Trust, Information Stewardship, and Information Security. A quantitative method employed to achieve a broader background of the phenomenon under investigation and to address a broader range of attitude and behavioural issues. This method was a statistical approach in testing the proposed research hypotheses for the factors. From the empirical testing point, found that Policies, Compatibility, Common Data Repository, Cost, Expected Benefits, Expected Risk, Technology Capability, Top Management Support, Trust, Information Stewardship, and Information Security had a significant influence on the degree of electronic information sharing. Whereas, Political Constraints, Information Quality, and Coordination had no significant influence on the degree of electronic information sharing. Several contributions of this study are, create a new theoretical model for the electronic information sharing within intelligence domain. Enhances existing literature by expanding upon layers and factors that are affecting in two dimensions are, electronic information sharing and intelligence. Add new vision to develop information fusion center in the context of electronic information sharing. Reduce the gap of the empirical study in intelligence sectors. And provide a formal strategy and creation a series of the guidelines for Iraqi intelligence authorities to govern E-information sharing activities

    Strategies for the integration of medical and health representation within law enforcement intelligence fusion centers

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    CHDS State/LocalTerrorism-related intelligence gathering, analysis and information dissemination would be improved and enhanced by including a medical and health element in law enforcement intelligence fusion centers. The lack of medical representation and participation in intelligence analysis and information dissemination has been an obstacle to effective terrorism prevention, preparedness and response. Terrorist acts, including weapons of mass destruction, would have a significant and profound impact on the medical and health community. The medical and health community should work more closely with the intelligence community and be privy to terrorism-related information and alerts. The three areas of implementation to be examined include the FBIâ s Joint Terrorism Task Force, state level fusion centers and local (city, county, regional) terrorism early-warning groups. The Terrorism Liaison Officer Program will be examined as an option for medical personnel to become involved in anti-terrorism efforts. Literature on the subject shows overwhelming support for the involvement of non-law enforcement public safety representation, including the medical and health communities, in intelligence fusion centers.http://archive.org/details/strategiesforint109453628WMD Coordinator, Alameda County (CA) Emergency Medical Services author (civilian)