
Improving Information Sharing: Local Fusion Centers and Their Role in the Intelligence Cycle


Abstract My Master’s Project focuses on local fusion centers and the need for improved information sharing practices among law enforcement partners. After the tragic event of September 11th in 2001, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice recognized a communication gap between law enforcement agencies and a lack of effective information sharing efforts. Fusion centers play a significant role in supporting both criminal and terrorist investigations due to their ability to act as a conduit between various law enforcement partners. Due to their important responsibilities as information sharing hubs that provide valuable analysis and dissemination of information and intelligence, it is essential to enhance information practices among the centers. My Master’s Project details a strategy that will assist in advancing information sharing capabilities among local fusion centers to better detect, investigate, mitigate, and avert threats. Specifically, this paper proposes a two-part strategy that entails strengthening current partnerships among fusion centers and law enforcement agencies and developing and implementing a standardized training program for intelligence analysts. Through improved collaborative efforts, fusion centers will be able to better identify, mitigate, and prevent threats to ensure public safety and the security of the country

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