108 research outputs found

    Emergence and Causality in Complex Systems: A Survey on Causal Emergence and Related Quantitative Studies

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    Emergence and causality are two fundamental concepts for understanding complex systems. They are interconnected. On one hand, emergence refers to the phenomenon where macroscopic properties cannot be solely attributed to the cause of individual properties. On the other hand, causality can exhibit emergence, meaning that new causal laws may arise as we increase the level of abstraction. Causal emergence theory aims to bridge these two concepts and even employs measures of causality to quantify emergence. This paper provides a comprehensive review of recent advancements in quantitative theories and applications of causal emergence. Two key problems are addressed: quantifying causal emergence and identifying it in data. Addressing the latter requires the use of machine learning techniques, thus establishing a connection between causal emergence and artificial intelligence. We highlighted that the architectures used for identifying causal emergence are shared by causal representation learning, causal model abstraction, and world model-based reinforcement learning. Consequently, progress in any of these areas can benefit the others. Potential applications and future perspectives are also discussed in the final section of the review.Comment: 57 pages, 17 figures, 1 tabl

    Service Ecosystems Emergence and Interaction: A Simulation Study

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    This paper describes the examination of emerging institutions and phase transition of service ecosystems in value cocreation processes under the basic tenets of service-dominant logic. We conducted several computational experiments with an agent-based model, in which we represented the generic actors and their operant resources, and examined their interactive behaviors in agent-based simulations. In the simulations, actors started changing their social properties from self-supporting individuals to reciprocal resource integraters. During the transaction, the actors increasingly specialized into specific roles and clusters of actors with the identical roles emerged – pointing towards processes of institutionalization, and dependent on the conditions of land fertility levels. Several phase transitions were observed in emerging service ecosystems, which were supported by complex structures of exchange and collaboration networks

    Dynamical independence: discovering emergent macroscopic processes in complex dynamical systems

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    We introduce a notion of emergence for coarse-grained macroscopic variables associated with highly-multivariate microscopic dynamical processes, in the context of a coupled dynamical environment. Dynamical independence instantiates the intuition of an emergent macroscopic process as one possessing the characteristics of a dynamical system "in its own right", with its own dynamical laws distinct from those of the underlying microscopic dynamics. We quantify (departure from) dynamical independence by a transformation-invariant Shannon information-based measure of dynamical dependence. We emphasise the data-driven discovery of dynamically-independent macroscopic variables, and introduce the idea of a multiscale "emergence portrait" for complex systems. We show how dynamical dependence may be computed explicitly for linear systems via state-space modelling, in both time and frequency domains, facilitating discovery of emergent phenomena at all spatiotemporal scales. We discuss application of the state-space operationalisation to inference of the emergence portrait for neural systems from neurophysiological time-series data. We also examine dynamical independence for discrete- and continuous-time deterministic dynamics, with potential application to Hamiltonian mechanics and classical complex systems such as flocking and cellular automata.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figure

    Complexity Heliophysics: A lived and living history of systems and complexity science in Heliophysics

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    In this piece we study complexity science in the context of Heliophysics, describing it not as a discipline, but as a paradigm. In the context of Heliophysics, complexity science is the study of a star, interplanetary environment, magnetosphere, upper and terrestrial atmospheres, and planetary surface as interacting subsystems. Complexity science studies entities in a system (e.g., electrons in an atom, planets in a solar system, individuals in a society) and their interactions, and is the nature of what emerges from these interactions. It is a paradigm that employs systems approaches and is inherently multi- and cross-scale. Heliophysics processes span at least 15 orders of magnitude in space and another 15 in time, and its reaches go well beyond our own solar system and Earth's space environment to touch planetary, exoplanetary, and astrophysical domains. It is an uncommon domain within which to explore complexity science. After first outlining the dimensions of complexity science, the review proceeds in three epochal parts: 1) A pivotal year in the Complexity Heliophysics paradigm: 1996; 2) The transitional years that established foundations of the paradigm (1996-2010); and 3) The emergent literature largely beyond 2010. This review article excavates the lived and living history of complexity science in Heliophysics. The intention is to provide inspiration, help researchers think more coherently about ideas of complexity science in Heliophysics, and guide future research. It will be instructive to Heliophysics researchers, but also to any reader interested in or hoping to advance the frontier of systems and complexity science

    History without Chronology

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    Although numerous disciplines recognize multiple ways of conceptualizing time, Stefan Tanaka argues that scholars still overwhelmingly operate on chronological and linear Newtonian or classical time that emerged during the Enlightenment. This short, approachable book implores the humanities and humanistic social sciences to actively embrace the richness of different times that are evident in non-modern societies and have become common in several scientific fields throughout the twentieth century. Tanaka first offers a history of chronology by showing how the social structures built on clocks and calendars gained material expression. Tanaka then proposes that we can move away from this chronology by considering how contemporary scientific understandings of time might be adapted to reconceive the present and pasts. This opens up a conversation that allows for the possibility of other ways to know about and re-present pasts. A multiplicity of times will help us broaden the historical horizon by embracing the heterogeneity of our lives and world via rethinking the complex interaction between stability, repetition, and change. This history without chronology also allows for incorporating the affordances of digital media

    Narrowing the Opportunity Gap: Developing Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

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    As per Breeze and Laborda (2016), a culturally responsive curriculum addresses the integration of students into a new culture, as bilingual education traditionally receives minimal interest from the authorities. Akkari and Loomis (1998) explain that bilingual education is socially and historically situated, while van Lier (2004) posits that diverse linguistic groups will have an ominous future if the educational system ignores their linguistic needs. This demands a paradigmatic shift to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students (CLDs). Advocating for culturally responsive curriculum, this defense will examine the history of bilingual education in the United States, linguistic ecology, and finally the salient components of complex systems as seen through connections through Martin Heidegger’s notions of being and time

    Critical bistability and large-scale synchrony in human brain dynamics

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    Neurophysiological dynamics of the brain, overt behaviours, and private experiences of the mind are co-emergent and co-evolving phenomena. An adult human brain contains ~100 billion neurons that are hierarchically organized into intricate networks of functional units comprised of interconnected neurons. It has been hypothesized that neurons within a functional unit communicate with each other or neurons from other units via synchronized activity. At any moment, cascades of synchronized activity from millions of neurons propagate through networks of all sizes, and the levels of synchronization wax and wane. How to understand cognitive functions or diseases from such rich dynamics poses a great challenge. The brain criticality hypothesis proposes that the brain, like many complex systems, optimize its performance by operating near a critical point of phase transition between disorder and order, which suggests complex brain dynamics be effectively studied by combining computational and empirical approaches. Hence, the brain criticality framework requires both classic reductionist and reconstructionist approaches. Reconstructionism in the current context refers to addressing the “Wholeness” of macro-level emergence due to fundamental mechanisms such as synchrony between neurons in the brain. This thesis includes five studies and aims to advance theory, empirical evidence, and methodology in the research of neuronal criticality and large-scale synchrony in the human brain. Study I: The classic criticality theory is based on the hypothesis that the brain operates near a continuous, second order phase transition between order and disorder in resource-conserving systems. This idea, however, cannot explain why the brain, a non-conserving system, often shows bistability, a hallmark of first order, discontinuous phase transition. We used computational modeling and found that bistability may occur exclusively within the critical regime so that the first-order phase transition emerged progressively with increasing local resource demands. We observed that in human resting-state brain activity, moderate α-band (11 Hz) bistability during rest predicts cognitive performance, but excessive resting-state bistability in fast (> 80 Hz) oscillations characterizes epileptogenic zones in patients’ brain. These findings expand the framework of brain criticality and show that near-critical neuronal dynamics involve both first- and second-order phase transitions in a frequency-, neuroanatomy-, and state-dependent manner. Study II: Long-range synchrony between cortical oscillations below ~100 Hz is pervasive in brain networks, whereas oscillations and broad-band activities above ~100 Hz have been considered to be strictly local phenomena. We showed with human intracerebral recordings that high-frequency oscillations (HFOs, 100−400 Hz) may be synchronized between brain regions separated by several centimeters. We discovered subject-specific frequency peaks of HFO synchrony and found the group-level HFO synchrony to exhibit laminar-specific connectivity and robust community structures. Importantly, the HFO synchrony was both transiently enhanced and suppressed in separate sub-bands during tasks. These findings showed that HFO synchrony constitutes a functionally significant form of neuronal spike-timing relationships in brain activity and thus a new mesoscopic indication of neuronal communication per se. Studies III: Signal linear mixing in magneto- (MEG) and electro-encephalography (EEG) artificially introduces linear correlations between sources and confounds the separability of cortical current estimates. This linear mixing effect in turn introduces false positives into synchrony estimates between MEG/EEG sources. Several connectivity metrics have been proposed to supress the linear mixing effects. We show that, although these metrics can remove false positives caused by instantaneous mixing effects, all of them discover false positive ghost interactions (SIs). We also presented major difficulties and technical concerns in mapping brain functional connectivity when using the most popular pairwise correlational metrics. Study IV and V: We developed a novel approach as a solution to the SIs problem. Our approach is to bundle observed raw edges, i.e., true interactions or SIs, into hyperedges by raw edges’ adjacency in signal mixing. We showed that this bundling approach yields hyperedges with optimal separability between true interactions while suffers little loss in the true positive rate. This bundling approach thus significantly decreases the noise in connectivity graphs by minimizing the false-positive to true-positive ratio. Furthermore, we demonstrated the advantage of hyperedge bundling in visualizing connectivity graphs derived from MEG experimental data. Hence, the hyperedges represent well the true cortical interactions that are detectable and dissociable in MEG/EEG sources. Taken together, these studies have advanced theory, empirical evidence, and methodology in the research of neuronal criticality and large-scale synchrony in the human brain. Study I provided modeling and empirical evidence for linking bistable criticality and the classic criticality hypothesis into a unified framework. Study II was the first to reveal HFO phase synchrony in large-scale neocortical networks, which was a fundamental discovery of long-range neuronal interactions on fast time-scale per se. Study III raised awareness of the ghost interaction (SI) problem for a critical view on reliable interpretation of MEG/EEG connectivity, and for the development of novel approaches to address the SI problem. Study IV offered a practical solution to the SI problem and opened a new avenue for mapping reliable MEG/EEG connectivity. Study V described the technical details of the hyperedge bundling approach, shared the source code and specified the simulation parameters used in Study IV.Ihmisaivojen neurofysiologinen dynamiikka, ihmisen kĂ€yttĂ€ytyminen, sekĂ€ yksityiset mielen kokemukset syntyvĂ€t ja kehittyvĂ€t rinnakkaisina ilmiöinĂ€. Ihmisen aivot koostuvat ~100 miljardista hierarkisesti jĂ€rjestĂ€ytyneestĂ€ hermosolusta, jotka toisiinsa kytkeytyneinĂ€ muodostavat monimutkaisen verkoston toiminnallisia yksiköitĂ€. Hermosolujen aktiivisuuden synkronoitumisen on esitetty mahdollistavan neuronien vĂ€lisen kommunikoinnin toiminnallisten yksiköiden sisĂ€llĂ€ sekĂ€ niiden vĂ€lillĂ€. HetkenĂ€ minĂ€ hyvĂ€nsĂ€, synkronoidun aktiivisuuden kaskadit etenevĂ€t aivojen erikokoisissa verkostoissa jatkuvasti heikentyen ja voimistuen. Kognitiivisten funktioiden ja erilaisten aivosairauksien ymmĂ€rtĂ€minen tulkitsemalla aivojen rikasta dynamiikkaa on suuri haaste. Kriittiset aivot -hypoteesi ehdottaa aivojen, kuten monien muidenkin kompleksisten systeemien, optimoivan suorituskykyÀÀn operoimalla lĂ€hellĂ€ kriittistĂ€ pistettĂ€ jĂ€rjestyksen ja epĂ€jĂ€rjestyksen vĂ€lissĂ€, puoltaen sitĂ€, ettĂ€ aivojen kompleksisia dynamiikoita voitaisiin tutkia yhdistĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ laskennallisia ja empiirisiĂ€ lĂ€hestymistapoja. Aivojen kriittisyyden viitekehys edellyttÀÀ perinteistĂ€ reduktionismia ja rekonstruktionismia. Erityisesti, rekonstruktionismi tĂ€htÀÀ kuvaamaan aivojen makrotason “yhtenevĂ€isyyden” syntymistĂ€ perustavanlaatuisten mekaniikoiden, kuten aivojen toiminnallisten yksiköiden vĂ€lisen synkronian avulla. TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirja sisĂ€ltÀÀ viisi tutkimusta, jotka edistĂ€vĂ€t teoriaa, empiirisiĂ€ todisteita ja metodologiaa aivojen kriittisyyden ja laajamittaisen synkronian tutkimuksessa. Tutkimus I tarjosi mallinnuksia ja empiirisiĂ€ todisteita bistabiilin kriittisyyden ja klassisen kriittisyyden hypoteesien yhdistĂ€miseksi yhdeksi viitekehykseksi. Tutkimus II oli ensimmĂ€inen laatuaan paljastaen korkeataajuisten oskillaatioiden (high-frequency oscillation, HFO) vaihesynkronian laajamittaisissa neokortikaalisissa verkostoissa, mikĂ€ oli perustavanlaatuinen löytö pitkĂ€n matkan neuronaalisista vuorovaikutuksista nopeilla aikaskaaloilla. Tutkimus III lisĂ€si tietoisuutta aave-vuorovaikutuksien (spurious interactions, SI) ongelmasta MEG/EEG kytkeytyvyyden luotettavassa tulkinnassa sekĂ€ uudenlaisten menetelmien kehityksessĂ€ SI-ongelman ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkimus IV tarjosi kĂ€ytĂ€nnöllisen “hyperedge bundling” -ratkaisun SI-ongelmaan ja avasi uudenlaisen tien luotettavaan MEG/EEG kytkeytyvyyden kartoittamiseen. Tutkimus V kuvasi teknisiĂ€ yksityiskohtia hyperedge bundling -menetelmĂ€stĂ€, jakoi menetelmĂ€n lĂ€hdekoodin ja tĂ€smensi tutkimuksessa IV kĂ€ytettyjĂ€ simulaatioparametreja. YhdessĂ€ nĂ€mĂ€ tutkimukset ovat edistĂ€neet teoriaa, empiirisiĂ€ todisteita ja metodologiaa neuronaalisen kriittisyyden sekĂ€ laajamittaisen synkronian hyödyntĂ€misessĂ€ ihmisaivojen tutkimuksessa

    Three Risky Decades: A Time for Econophysics?

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    Our Special Issue we publish at a turning point, which we have not dealt with since World War II. The interconnected long-term global shocks such as the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and catastrophic climate change have imposed significant humanitary, socio-economic, political, and environmental restrictions on the globalization process and all aspects of economic and social life including the existence of individual people. The planet is trapped—the current situation seems to be the prelude to an apocalypse whose long-term effects we will have for decades. Therefore, it urgently requires a concept of the planet's survival to be built—only on this basis can the conditions for its development be created. The Special Issue gives evidence of the state of econophysics before the current situation. Therefore, it can provide excellent econophysics or an inter-and cross-disciplinary starting point of a rational approach to a new era
