8 research outputs found

    Are primary education teachers trained for the use of the technology with disabled students?

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    Incorporating information and communication technology (ICT) in inclusive class‑ rooms requires competent teachers, both technological and pedagogical. To contrast these theoretical assumptions, this study aims to identify the level of training and technical knowledge of primary school teachers in Spain regarding the use of ICTs for supporting students with special needs. The research methodology used was a mixed research design (quantitative and qualitative method), analysing 777 questionnaires supplied to primary school teachers and 723 interviews conducted with key inform‑ ants (members of management teams, ICT coordinators, directors and technological advisors of teacher training centres). The results informed teachers’ knowledge about ICT and disability and barriers or obstacles to their training. Among the conclusions, teachers’ inadequate training regarding ICTs for students with special needs stands out and the lack of training experiences in this feld

    The Effect of Fruit Audio Aroma Media on Basic Science Process Skills in Elementary School

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    Basic science process skills are important for elementary school students. Basic science process skills can optimize students' critical thinking skills and scientific thinking skills. In addition, they can also train students to solve the problems they experience in everyday life. However, many students have not mastered these skills. Therefore, learning media is needed to optimize these basic science process skills. Therefore, it is necessary to create learning media to optimize these basic science process skills. One of the learning media that can be used to optimize the basic science process skills in elementary school students is Fruit Audio Aroma learning media. This study aimed to analyze whether there was an effect of the use of Fruit Audio Aroma learning media on the basic science process skills in elementary school students. This research was a quantitative experimental one-shot case study conducted by providing treatment to students. Data were collected through performance tests. Data analysis techniques were carried out through the non-parametric test through the Wilcoxon test. The results of the Wilcoxon test show that the use of Fruit Audio Aroma learning media affected elementary school students' basic science process skills. The results of this study are expected to contribute to educators' optimization of students’ basic science process skills

    La Tablet en la escuela: Revisión bibliográfica en Scopus (The Tablet in schools: A bibliographic review from Scopus)

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    La incorporación de las tabletas en muchas escuelas a lo largo del mundo, ha despertado la curiosidad de la comunidad científica, justificando el auge de reseñas, noticias, publicaciones derivadas de la investigación, la celebración de congresos y exposiciones o la proliferación de libros. En este contexto surge la necesidad de conocer y analizar aquello que sea de interés. El presente artículo recoge los resultados de una revisión bibliográfica a partir de las publicaciones localizadas en la base de datos de Scopus, del periodo del 2016 al 2019. El objetivo principal fue identificar y analizar las 50 publicaciones seleccionadas como muestra, recogidas de revistas, libros y libros de actas en la base de datos Scopus cuya temática abordase la investigación y uso de la Tablet en la escuela en los últimos cuatro años. En lo metodológico se ha optado por el análisis documental, que permite extraer datos de índole cuantitativa y cualitativa

    Käitumiskavatsuse ja hoiakute roll õpetaja ja õpilase raporteeritud nutiseadmekasutuse prognoosimisel STEM-hariduses

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneUuringud on näidanud, et nutiseadmete kasutamisel hariduses on potentsiaal toetada nii õpilaste õppeedukust, motivatsiooni, uute oskuste omandamist kui ka koostöö- ja eneseregulatsioonioskust. Kuigi tehnoloogia kättesaadavus on tugevas kasvutrendis, on tehnoloogia kasutamine hariduslikel eesmärkidel väljaspool distantsõpet jäänud madalale või mõõdukale tasemele. Seega ei taga tehnoloogia olemasolu veel selle kasutamist hariduslikel eesmärkidel. Uuringud on näidanud, et tehnoloogia kasutamine on tugevasti mõjutatud hoiakutest. Käitumise prognoosimisel tuuakse eraldi esile käitumiskavatsust (inimese valmisolekut teatud viisil käituda) kui n-ö vahesammu hoiakute ja käitumise vahel. Eeltoodut arvestades on doktoritöö eesmärk mõista hoiakute ja käitumiskavatsuse seost õpetajate ja õpilaste nutiseadmekasutuse prognoosimisel STEM-hariduse kontekstis. Andmeid koguti esimeses etapis küsimustike kaudu nii õpetajatelt kui ka õpilastelt ning teises etapis tehti õpetajatega intervjuud, et mõista nende kogemusi nutiseadmete ja laiemalt tehnoloogia vahendusel õpetamisega COVID-19-st tingitud eriolukorra algul. Tulemused näitavad, et nii õpilaste kui ka õpetajate seas prognoosivad hoiakud otseselt nutiseadmete kasutamist, mis viitab asjaolule, et hoiakud ei prognoosi üksnes kavatsust tehnoloogiat kasutada, vaid panustavad ka mõistmisse, kas ja millal viib kavatsus käitumiseni. Kokkuvõttes, doktoritöö tulemused osutavad, et sotsiaalse toe olemasolu, usk, et nutiseadmete kasutamisega tullakse toime, ja hinnang nutiseadmete kasulikkusele aitavad prognoosida nii õpilaste kui ka õpetajate käitumist, kusjuures sotsiaalse toe olemasolu paistab olevat olulisem õpetajate hulgas. Kui uuringu esimeses etapis hinnati käitumist nutiseadmete kasutuse sageduse alusel, siis intervjuude tulemused tõid esile vajaduse hinnata peale sageduse ka nutiseadmete kasutuse omapära. Nimelt ilmneb, et kuigi kõik õpetajad kasutasid tehnoloogiat igapäevaselt, siis kasutuse mitmekülgsus varieerus ning võis märgata kasutuse seoseid õpetajate hoiakutega ja valmisolekuga tehnoloogiat kasutada. Tulemustest lähtudes on doktoritöös esitatud mitmeid soovitusi nii nutiseadmete kasutuse uurijatele kui ka praktikutele, kes otsivad võimalusi toetada õpetajate ja õpilaste nutiseadmekasutust hariduslikel eesmärkidel.Research has shown that using technology in education helps support student achievement, motivation and acquisition of new skills, including supporting collaboration and self-regulation skills. Yet, the frequency of technology use in the educational context has been rather low. This, combined with the rising accessibility of mobile devices, suggests that accessibility of technology alone is not sufficient to guarantee the use of technology in education. Research has shown that attitudes are key indicators as to whether technology is used, further it has been assumed that behavioural intention acts as a mediator between attitude and behaviour. The overarching aim of this thesis is to better understand how attitudes and behavioural intention interact in predicting teachers’ and students’ mobile device use for educational purposes in a STEM context. Data were collected in the first phase of the study through questionnaires from both students and teachers, while in the second phase interviews were used to gain insights into teachers’ attitudes, behavioural intention and mobile device use during the distance learning period at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed that for both teachers and students, attitude directly predicts behaviour, which suggests that attitudes can help us understand the behaviour beyond a person’s reported willingness to do so. Furthermore, we could see that social support, belief in one’s ability to use mobile devices in education and evaluation towards the usefulness of mobile devices in education have a significant role in predicting behaviour, while social support seemed to be more influential among teachers. While in the first phase of the study we collected data on the frequency of mobile device use, the results from the second phase highlighted the importance of looking beyond frequency and aiming to understand usage more closely. As the results showed that while mobile device use in teaching was a daily activity for all teachers, we were able to see variety in the complexity of technology integration and variety in the latter in connection with teachers attitudes as well as behavioural intention. Based on the results, several suggestions are provided for researchers interested in studying mobile device use as well as for practitioners seeking insights to help them to support mobile device use by teachers and students for educational purposes.https://www.ester.ee/record=b548116

    Information and communication technology adoption and staff performance in public tertiary institutions in Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    The global outcry for administrative efficiency in the context of public affairs necessitated some organizations in the Nigerian public sectors to adopt technology as an instrument for effective and efficient service delivery. This study, therefore, investigated the influence of technological attributes on the perception of administrative staff to adopt information and communication technology facilities in their primary responsibilities for effective performance in Bauchi state public tertiary institutions. Data were collected using questionnaires and semi-structured interview questions. After preliminary data screening using SPSS, 382 questionnaires were used in quantitative data analysis, while 8 respondents were interviewed. The respondents were selected from six tertiary institutions in Bauchi state due to its peculiarity with the issue. PLS-SEM was used to analyse the responses generated from the questionnaires while NVIVO was used to analyse the interviews transcribed data using a thematic approach. The study was conducted using a convergent parallel designed of quantitative and qualitative approach. The quantitative approach consists of 16 hypotheses, out of which 12 were supported, while 4 were not supported. The findings of this study demonstrated the significance of the adopted variables as capable of influencing the rational decision of non-teaching staff to improve their performance through actual use of technological attributes. However, the study observed some limitations with regard to the ICT facilities in achieving the needed performance without the fundamental administrative structures as identified in the qualitative analysis. The Implications of the finding are discussed in relation to the theoretical, practical, and methodological postulations. The study contributes to the theory and practice of, information system, public policy, and administration, as well as provides policymakers and top management staff with the understanding of ICT adoption as a panacea to poor staff performance, in public tertiary institutions


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    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las competencias digitales de una institución educativa de Callao, 2021

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    Las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación constituyen un gran aporte en el proceso educativo de los estudiantes, es por ello que la presente investigación plantea como objetivo determinar cómo las TIC influye en las competencias digitales de los estudiantes de una institución educativa del Callao, 2021. Se estableció el enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica y aplicada, el diseño fue de tipo no experimental, corte transeccional de alcance explicativo. Se asumió la población conformada por 60 estudiantes, la muestra estuvo conformada por toda la población de estudiantes de 4to año de secundaria. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de una encuesta y como instrumento se utilizó el cuestionario. Como conclusión se establece que los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes no hacen un uso adecuado de las herramientas tecnológicas, carecen de la información necesaria para su aplicación y por ende se les dificulta desarrollar sus competencias digitales

    Information Communication Technology Use among Students in Inclusive Classrooms

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    As inclusion has brought diversity into 21st-century classrooms, it has also brought challenges for teachers who must adapt their teaching to different groups of children with varying learning abilities, needs, and interests. It is believed that information and communication technology (ICT) can be used as a powerful tool to support inclusion and that information on students’ use of ICT can facilitate its integration. Our research compared the leisure and school-related computer use of students in inclusive classrooms. Frequency of computer use, types of ICT-supported activities, and attitudes toward computer use were explored. Consistent with previous studies, our results show that students with special needs (SN) and their peers use computers more frequently for leisure activities than school activities. Compared to their peers, students with SN use computers less frequently and for fewer leisure and school activities. They are also more resistant to computer use. No correlation was found between the presence of SN and a student’s desire to use a computer or opinion regarding whether computer use improves learning success. A comparison of male and female students revealed that males use computers more frequently than females, that they use computers more frequently for leisure activities than females, and that they have a stronger belief that computer use improves learning success. The presented work offers important information that may contribute to the integration of ICT in inclusive classrooms