18 research outputs found

    Effects of Scientific Collaboration between Domestic and Foreign Authors on Quality Indices of Journals

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of scientific collaboration between domestic (Iranian) and foreign authors on their quality indices in articles published in Iranian medical journals, indexed in the Web of Science citation database. The present scientometric study was conducted on the 22 Iranian medical journals that indexed in Web of Science from 2010 to 2016. Using stratified systematic random sampling method and Cochran formula, the sample size was determined 1230 articles. The data analysis was performed by Microsoft Excel and descriptive methods. The qualitative indices were determined using the Klimogrof-Smirnov test, Kruskal-Wallis test and correlation coefficient. The results revealed that 4.66 percent of the articles were compiled by Iranian authors, 29 percent written by foreign authors and 6.4 percent was written by scientific collaboration between Iranian and foreign authors. The average number of authors for each article was 4.9. The journals that have articles which have Iranian authors have a lower Impact Factor (0.69%) than the journal's articles which is the product of the collaboration of Iranian and foreign authors (0.82%). In conclusion, international collaboration in the writing of articles has a direct effect on qualitative indexes of articles, including Impact Factor, 5-years Impact Factor, Immediacy index and journal's Impact Factor

    India's rank and global share in scientific research -- how publication counting method and subject selection can vary the outcomes

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    During the last two decades, India has emerged as a major knowledge producer in the world, however different reports put it at different ranks, varying from 3rd to 9th places. The recent commissioned study reports of Department of Science and Technology (DST) done by Elsevier and Clarivate Analytics, rank India at 5thand 9th places, respectively. On the other hand, an independent report by National Science Foundation (NSF) of United States (US), ranks India at 3rd place on research output in Science and Engineering area. Interestingly, both, the Elsevier and the NSF reports use Scopus data, and yet surprisingly their outcomes are different. This article, therefore, attempts to investigate as to how the use of same database can still produce different outcomes, due to differences in methodological approaches. The publication counting method used and the subject selection approach are the two main exogenous factors identified to cause these variations. The implications of the analytical outcomes are discussed with special focus on policy perspectives

    Research Impact of the Iranian Publications on Social Networks in Scopus Indexed

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    Due to the major role of research in the sustainable development of countries all around the world, mapping the scientific production must be designed according to indexed in databases. The purpose of the present study is to analyze Iranian literature on the field of social networks in comparison with the same studies to cross the Middle East and the world level. This is research is a descriptive study. A total of 123,609 documents indexed pertained to this topic were processed from 1970 to the end of 2017 indexed in the Scopus database. Excel software was used to analyze the data. Different study types, characterized by years, city/country of origin, journals and more productive authors, the ratio cooperation between them by country and institutions, cites and H index. Data was collected and analyzed in Microsoft Excel software. The finding showed that United States was the highest producer (% 29.74), followed by China (%11.85) and Iran ranked 31th among the countries of the world and also 3rd among the Middle East countries (H index=23). Although the ratio of scientific production in bibliographical databases, particularly regional, is still relatively impressive then it is necessary to promote more research on it

    A 20-year Bibliometric analysis of Hepatitis B Virus Research and African researchers’ visibility

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    AbstractPurpose: According to World Health Organization, Africa occupies the second highest position in the prevalence of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) with 6.1% of its adult population infected. However, little is known about HBV research on Africa and the extent of involvement of African scholars. This study is a bibliometric analysis of HBV literature on Africa published between 1999 and 2018.Methodology: A total of 866 articles were retrieved from PubMed. Article and journal details were extracted from each article, while citations were extracted from Harzing Publish and Perish and Google scholar.Findings: There was an increase in HBV literature during the period and over 65% were by Africans. About 60% of the journals were located in USA and UK, and only 12.8% in Africa. Only 15.7% of articles by African authors were published in African journals. Linear regression result shows the probability of articles increasing yearly (β = 4.672, p = 0.000) as positive. Chi square results also show a moderate association between number of authors and author’s affiliation (X2 (5, N = 866) = 46.558, p = .000) and a weak association between citations received and author’s affiliation (X2 (6, N = 866) = 13.154, p = .041).Originality/Value: The study showed that African researchers are visible in HBV research on Africa, however, most African authors preferred to publish in foreign journals which are mostly not accessible to Africans

    Effects of Scientific Collaboration between Domestic and Foreign Authors on Quality Indices of Journals

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of scientific collaboration between domestic (Iranian) and foreign authors on their quality indices in articles published in Iranian medical journals, indexed in the Web of Science citation database. The present scientometric study was conducted on the 22 Iranian medical journals that indexed in Web of Science from 2010 to 2016. Using stratified systematic random sampling method and Cochran formula, the sample size was determined 1230 articles. The data analysis was performed by Microsoft Excel and descriptive methods. The qualitative indices were determined using the Klimogrof-Smirnov test, Kruskal-Wallis test and correlation coefficient. The results revealed that 4.66 percent of the articles were compiled by Iranian authors, 29 percent written by foreign authors and 6.4 percent was written by scientific collaboration between Iranian and foreign authors. The average number of authors for each article was 4.9. The journals that have articles which have Iranian authors have a lower Impact Factor (0.69%) than the journal's articles which is the product of the collaboration of Iranian and foreign authors (0.82%). In conclusion, international collaboration in the writing of articles has a direct effect on qualitative indexes of articles, including Impact Factor, 5-years Impact Factor, Immediacy index and journal's Impact Factor

    Joining the European Union as an advantage in science performativity. A quasi-experimental study

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    The paper investigates the issue of increasing international co-authored publications, comparing countries that accessed the Europe-an Union (EU) in 2004 (EU04) against other Central-Eastern European Countries (othEast-ERA), adopting a scientometrical approach. This comparison is interesting to check whether to be part of the EU is dif-ferent from being part of the European Research Area (ERA) – being both entities aimed at fostering more international collaborations. The hypothesis is that EU might convey more opportunities for the sake of international publications, although ERA assures access to European funding schemes anyway. Analysing the census of internationally co-authored publications from 1995 to 2015, difference-in-differences regressions show that Countries that joined EU in 2004 performed better than other Central-Eastern ones. Implications for the public policies in science are discussed

    Analysis of the impact of international collaboration in business studies area

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    Con el auge de las nuevas tecnologías y medios de colaboración, nos estamos adentrando en una nueva etapa en el ámbito científico en el que los académicos buscan aprovechar las ventajas que la colaboración internacional ofrece. Una de esas ventajas es el aumento del impacto, medido en forma del número de citas, de aquellos trabajos realizados en conjunto por más de un país. En este trabajo se pretende demostrar que también ocurre en el ámbito de los estudios empresariales realizado en España. Para ello, se ha medido el número medio de citas y el índice h de todos los artículos publicados en este campo por autores españoles en distintos niveles de colaboración: local (los autores pertenecen a la misma afiliación), nacional (los autores pertenecen a más de una afiliación, todas de España) e internacional (al menos uno de los autores es de un país extranjero). Los resultados demuestran que el mayor número medio de citas y el mayor índice h se obtiene en el nivel de colaboración internacional. Además, se ha realizado una comparación de las distintas universidades españolas, mostrando que existen diferencias entre ellas respecto al grado de colaboración internacional. Este estudio pretende ser la base para que los agentes interesados en mejorar las políticas científicas de este campo en España obtengan una visión global del estado de colaboración internacional y puedan profundizar en el futuro para mejorar sus políticas

    International collaboration and high citation impact – A case analysis of immunology

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    366-375Bibliometricians emphasize on international collaboration to enhance the citation impact of research publications. However, Mathew Effect for Countries brings out that the citation impact is not uniformly distributed to all country affiliations. The present study explores whether international collaboration helps in neutralizing the origin of country bias. The study explores this with productivity, author affiliation and citation data from Scopus for the immunology papers for the year 2018. The data considered pertain to India and four comparator countries which are high on international collaboration, namely Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The results point to playout of Mathew Effect and possible confirmation of social constructivist argument of citation practices

    International collaboration and high citation impact – A case analysis of immunology

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    Bibliometricians emphasize on international collaboration to enhance the citation impact of research publications. However, Mathew Effect for Countries brings out that the citation impact is not uniformly distributed to all country affiliations. The present study explores whether international collaboration helps in neutralizing the origin of country bias. The study explores this with productivity, author affiliation and citation data from Scopus for the immunology papers for the year 2018. The data considered pertain to India and four comparator countries which are high on international collaboration, namely Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The results point to playout of Mathew Effect and possible confirmation of social constructivist argument of citation practices