14 research outputs found

    A Dual Band LTE PIFA Antenna for M2M Applications

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    A dual Planar Inverted-F-Antenna for M2M applications, is proposed. The antenna covers the lower LTE band (690-960 MHz) and partially the upper LTE band (1670-2067 MHz). The antenna is low cost with omni-directional radiation characteristics. The measured total efficiency and gain are better than 58% and 0.8 dBi across the operational frequency range. A parametric study of key geometrical parameters is made

    Allocation of control resources for machine-to-machine and human-to-human communications over LTE/LTE-A networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm stands for virtually interconnected objects that are identifiable and equipped with sensing, computing, and communication capabilities. Services and applications over the IoT architecture can take benefit of the long-term evolution (LTE)/LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), cellular networks to support machine-type communication (MTC). Moreover, it is paramount that MTC do not affect the services provided for traditional human-type communication (HTC). Although previous studies have evaluated the impact of the number of MTC devices on the quality of service (QoS) provided to HTC users, none have considered the joint effect of allocation of control resources and the LTE random-access (RA) procedure. In this paper, a novel scheme for resource allocation on the packet downlink (DL) control channel (PDCCH) is introduced. This scheme allows PDCCH scheduling algorithms to consider the resources consumed by the random-access procedure on both control and data channels when prioritizing control messages. Three PDCCH scheduling algorithms considering RA-related control messages are proposed. Moreover, the impact of MTC devices on QoS provisioning to HTC traffic is evaluated. Results derived via simulation show that the proposed PDCCH scheduling algorithms can improve the QoS provisioning and that MTC can strongly impact on QoS provisioning for real-time traffic.The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm stands for virtually interconnected objects that are identifiable and equipped with sensing, computing, and communication capabilities. Services and applications over the IoT architecture can take benefit of the long-33366377CAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOsem informaçãosem informaçã

    Delay models for static and adaptive persistent resource allocations in wireless systems

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    A variety of scheduling strategies can be employed in wireless systems to satisfy different system objectives and to cater for different traffic types. Static persistent resource allocations can be employed to transfer small M2M data packets efficiently compared to dynamic packet-by-packet scheduling, even when the M2M traffic model is non-deterministic. Recently, adaptive persistent allocations have been proposed in which the volume of allocated resources can change in sympathy with the instantaneous queue size at the M2M device and without expensive signaling on control channels. This increases the efficiency of resource usage at the expense of a (typically small) increased packet delay. In this paper, we derive a statistical model for the device queue size and packet delay in static and adaptive persistent allocations which can be used for any arrival process (i.e., Poisson or otherwise). The primary motivation is to assist with dimensioning of persistent allocations given a set of QoS requirements (such as a prescribed delay budget). We validate the statistical model via comparison with queue size and delay statistics obtained from a discrete event simulation of a persistent allocation system. The validation is performed for both exponential and gamma distributed packet inter-arrivals to demonstrate the model generality

    Efficient quality of service‐aware packet chunking scheme for machine‐to‐machine cloud services

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    With the recent advances in machine-to-machine(M2M) communications, huge numbers of devices have become connected and massive amounts of traffic are exchanged. M2M applications typically generate small packets, which can profoundly affect the network performance. Namely, even if the packet arrival rate at the router is lower than the link bandwidth, bits per second(BPS), it can exceed the router forwarding capacity, which indicates the maximum number of forwarded packets per second(PPS). This will cause the decrease in the network throughput. Therefore, eliminating the PPS limitation by chunking small packets will enable M2M cloud services to spread further. This paper proposes new packet-chunking schemes aimed at meeting both application requirements and improving achievable router throughput. In our schemes, multiple buffers, each of which accommodates packets classified based on their delay requirement, are installed in parallel. Herein, we report on analysis of the theoretically performance of these schemes, which enabled us to derive some important features. We also propose a scheme whereby a single chunking buffer and parallel multiple buffers were arranged in tandem. Through our simulation and numerical results, we determined that these schemes provide excellent performance in reducing the number of outgoing packets from the router while meeting various delay requirements.The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on High-Performance Interconnection Networks in the Exascale and Big-Data Era (IEEE HPCA 2016),March 12, 2016, Barcelona, Spai

    Blocking analysis of persistent resource allocations for M2M applications in wireless systems

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    Wide area wireless systems conventionally employ dynamic scheduling for stochastic or bursty applications and persistent resource allocations of a given period for deterministic applications such as voice. When considering persistent resource allocations for machine-to-machine (M2M) applications from different markets, a wide range of allocation periods may be required to fully support the diversity of applications. The set of periods supported by the wireless system is a compromise between efficient use of the available resources and supporting as many M2M applications as possible. We consider two schemes: a simply periodic system which offers a limited set of periods with very efficient use of resources, and a complex periodic system which offers a wider range of periods at the cost of lower efficiency. We derive formulae for the blocking probability of these two systems by considering different resource sharing policies of the Erlang Multirate Loss Model (EMLM) and the concepts of packing (when a new persistent allocation is admitted to the system) and repacking (when an existing persistent allocation leaves the system). The theoretical models are verified using a discrete event simulation with variable offered traffic loads. The concepts discussed in this paper are generic, but may find particular application in Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks for the purposes of system configuration (particularly in terms of the set of periods supported for persistent allocations), resource dimensioning and system performance characterisation

    Зв’язок пристроїв IoT без підключення до мережі через мобільні мережі LTE

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    Мета роботи: У цій роботі запропоновано та проаналізовано нову техніку для забезпечення невеликого шлицевого ALOHA-подібного каналу зв'язку, вбудованого в кожному LTE eNB, забезпечуючи засоби для зв'язку без обмежень для пристроїв loT. Дослідження системи зв’язку M2M (“машина-машина”). Представлення нової методики передачі даних M2M через безпроводовий доступ LTE без дорогого обміну сигналами на мобільному ядрі. В ході виконання роботи представлено новий протокол зв'язку без з’єднання для пристроїв loT через мобільні мережі LTE, який не вимагає сигналізації площини управління на EPC.. Проведено моделювання запропонованої моделі.Goal: This paper proposes and analyzes a new technique for providing a small splined ALOHA-like communication channel embedded in each LTE eNB, providing unrestricted communication means for loT devices. Research of the M2M ("machine machine") communication system. Introduction of a new M2M data transmission technique via wireless LTE access without expensive signal exchange on the mobile core. In the course of the work, a new connectionless communication protocol for loT devices via LTE mobile networks was introduced, which does not require control plane signaling on the EPC. The proposed model is modeled

    Clasificación de fuentes de tráfico HTC y MTC

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    [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una clasificación de las fuentes de tráfico que aparecen involucradas en los sistemas de comunicaciones actuales. Se realizará la clasificación teniendo en cuenta 2 grandes categorías de fuentes de tráfico: HTC (Human Type Communications) y MTC (Machine Type Communications). A partir de estas 2 categorías iniciales se deberán ir agrupando las fuentes en función de sus parámetros de tráfico generando una clasificación de fuentes.Mhanna, MRH. (2015). Clasificación de fuentes de tráfico HTC y MTC. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/56977.TFG

    Value Network Analysis of Embedded Subscriber Identity Module in Machine to Machine Communication

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    SIM card technology has evolved in size and feature over the years. Now machine to machine communication has paved the way of embedded SIM (eSIM) integration into devices. This evolution of eSIM is still a little far off but might become essential sooner rather than later if the traffic, usage and new services of M2M booms. This thesis discusses the possible future scenarios and value networks of eSIM based M2M communication that will shape the ecosystem in the next 10 years time frame. Necessary background regarding SIM card evolution is discussed before going into the future scenario. The thesis also consists of studies on current cellular network structure, Internet of things and Machine-to-machine communication from various sources to understand both technical and business dynamics of these services. By the virtue of brainstorming sessions and expert interview from industry the basic trends and key uncertainties are refined to use as the basis of scenario planning. Also efforts have been made to identify the business roles and corresponding interested actors to take over these roles through value network configuration method. Four possible future scenarios are constructed according to Schoemaker's scenario planning method which explore possible changes in the M2M industry due to eSIM. The scenarios reflect the diverse interests of the involved stakeholders and their influence over the market. Value network configurations further investigate the different possible evolution paths to introduce scope for new business models. Analysis and results from this thesis can be a good indicator for future M2M and eSIM ecosystem