336 research outputs found


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    To present their work in the field of micromachining, researchers from distant parts of the world have joined their efforts and contributed their ideas according to their interest and engagement. Their articles will give you the opportunity to understand the concepts of micromachining of advanced materials. Surface texturing using pico- and femto-second laser micromachining is presented, as well as the silicon-based micromachining process for flexible electronics. You can learn about the CMOS compatible wet bulk micromachining process for MEMS applications and the physical process and plasma parameters in a radio frequency hybrid plasma system for thin-film production with ion assistance. Last but not least, study on the specific coefficient in the micromachining process and multiscale simulation of influence of surface defects on nanoindentation using quasi-continuum method provides us with an insight in modelling and the simulation of micromachining processes. The editors hope that this book will allow both professionals and readers not involved in the immediate field to understand and enjoy the topic

    The Comparison of Cutting Tools for High Speed Machining of Ti-6Al-4V ELI Alloy (Grade 23)

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    Green technology is one of the major aspects in order to reduce the global pollution content from manufacturing industries. There is a need to investigate the different available tools for high-speed micromilling process of advanced alloys to achieve desired surface finish without traditional coolants. In this chapter, tool wear investigation of uncoated and PVD-coated AlTiN, TiAlN tungsten carbide end mills in high-speed micro-end milling of alpha + beta Ti-6Al-4V ELI titanium alloy (Grade 23) under dry cutting conditions was presented. A comparison for machining performance with the three tools is reported. Cutting force analysis was done under the considered machining input parameters for evaluating the tool condition. Tool wear observation was done by SEM analysis. EDX analysis was performed to know the material constituents and wear mechanisms on the cutting tool tip. It is found that diffusion, oxidation, adhesive and abrasive wear mechanisms were the major phenomena taking place on the cutting edge of micro end mills. From the comparison of cutting tools for machining Grade 23 titanium alloy, it was found that TiAlN tools performed better than AlTiN and uncoated tungsten carbide tools

    Ductile-Regime Machining of Glass Using the Micromilling Process

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    Glass is a homogeneous material with amorphous crystal structure that is produced through the rapid cooling of its molten state below the glass transition temperature. Glass exhibits many excellent mechanical and physical properties, and it is widely used in automotive, communications, optics, electronics, architectural, and biomedical industries. For certain applications such as DNA microarrays, glass components with microfeatures are typically produced using a combination of photolithography and etching processes, which is generally time consuming and can involve hazardous chemicals. It would be ideal to fabricate some glass devices through mechanical micromachining for some rapid prototyping applications of glass-based devices, but the brittle nature of glass makes machining difficult. The machined surface is usually fractured and requires additional finishing processes that are costly and time consuming. Fortunately, it is found that the glass can be machined in a ductile regime under certain controlled cutting conditions. Machining in the ductile regime can produce continuous cutting chips. For micromilling to be used in the manufacturing of glass-based devices, further machining research is required to find optimum cutting configurations to produce high quality micro-scale features. It is known that the cutting regime transition from brittle to ductile cutting regimes is attributed to the effect of pressure and temperature in the cutting zone. The transition has also been correlated to the undeformed chip thickness. However, the mechanism behind ductile regime machining still cannot be fully explained. In this study, the effect of tilt angle on cutting regime transition has been studied in micromilling crown glass with a micro-ball end mill. Straight glass grooves were machined in a water bath by varying the tool tilt angle and feed rate, and the resulting surface was characterized using a scanning electron microscope and a profilometer to investigate the cutting regime transition. In characterizing the cutting regimes in glass micromilling, rubbing, ductile machining, and brittle machining regimes are hypothesized according to the undeformed chip thickness. In addition, mechanistic stress and temperature models are used in conjunction with experimental data to predict the stress and temperature information in glass micromilling in order to provide insight into why ductile machining happens. For the conditions investigated in this study, a 45¡ tool tilt angle was found to produce the highest ductile machining-related feed rate, 0.32 mm/min, and the best surface finish (less than 60 nm Ra) for feed rates less than 0.32 mm/min. The specific cutting energy relationship is determined based on the experimental force data and the effective undeformed chip thickness, which is derived based on the surface roughness measurements. The predicted stresses indicate that the 45¡ tilt angle easily leads to ductile cutting by increasing the glass fracture toughness while comparing with the performance under the other tilt angles (0¡, 15¡, 30¡, 60¡). The temperature rise is estimated negligible under the investigated micromilling conditions. This study offers a better understanding in optimizing the glass micromilling process, and it is expected that the occurrence of the glass ductile-brittle cutting regime transition will be elucidated based on the advances in glass material properties understanding and milling process modeling

    Process planning methodology and evaluation of tool life for micromilling with an application to the fabrication of thin wall structure

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    Ph. D. Thesis.The scaling down effect on feature geometries and tools used in micromilling results in low feature stiffness and excessive tool wear. To achieve the required costs and tolerances, optimisation of the machining processes and their associated parameters are necessary which requires a thorough understanding of machining characteristics. Furthermore, the compensation must be sought for downscaling issues that arise at the process planning stage. Hence, the effect of the characteristics of the cutting tool, workpiece material and machining parameters are investigated in this research through a critical review of the literature followed by a numerical and experimental study of the impact of process variables. The research findings are used in the development of a process planning methodology for micromilling of components with application to high aspect ratio structures, to assist machine operators and to fill the gap between industrial and academic machining knowledge. From the investigation of machining sequences, the study of machining layer strategy considering the sequence of removal of excess material using numerical simulation, strategic planning of machining layers in relation to feature stiffness is required, in particular to the machining of high aspect ratio features. The results from numerical simulation recommend an improved layer strategy for micromilling of thin wall structures, which were then experimentally validated in relation to machining time and geometrical and surface accuracy. The importance of planning tool entry and exit position in relation to feature rigidity was highlighted. The increase in depth of cut shows to improve the tool engagement reducing the thin wall deflection by 168 ÎĽm and appearance of the burr along the wall edge indicated by up to 200% drop in burr width. The investigation of tool paths showed the suitability of strategies for machining of circular and linear geometries. Also, the experimental findings emphasise on considering the feature geometry type in the selection of tool paths to achieve a balance between high-performance machining and improved productivity. This study also investigates tool life, associated with flank wear rate, surface roughness, volumetric tool loss and the degradation of the cutting edge radius for micro endmills where a direct correlation between cutting speed and tool wear rate has been found. The new procedure for tool life prediction in conjunction with clear tool rejection criteria for the micro end mill is recommended. Along with standard procedure for the evaluation of tool change intervals to avoid tool failure and consequential defects in parts produced. In addition to the findings in the literature on machine process planning and findings from the study of machining sequence on the thin wall structure and tool life investigation conducted, a new process planning methodology for micromilling has been proposed. The process planning methodology includes four distinct modules i.e. feature recognition, tool selection, machining parameter selection and machining sequence planning. The feature recognition module proposes a new approach to identify key feature faces and their corresponding machining attributes required for tasks in process planning. In the tool selection module, a new methodology for the evaluation of the machinability index and the tool replacement strategy for micro endmills are proposed to guide the operator in the task of tool selection and estimating tool replacement intervals. The machining parameter module provides a systematic approach for the selection spindle speed, feedrate and depth of cut. The machine sequence planning module assists the operator in selecting a suitable tool path and tool layer strategy along with a compensate technique for tool path errors. An artefact with thin wall features has been fabricated using the methodology proposed and the conventional process planning method. The results show the part processed using the proposed methodology achieved better geometrical tolerance, and improved repeatability. It also show a 17% improvement in mean surface roughness, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed methodology

    Tool run-out measurement in micro milling

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    The interest in micro manufacturing processes is increasing because of the need for components characterized by small dimensions and micro features. As a result, researchers are studying the limitations and advantages of these processes. This paper deals with tool run-out measurement in micro milling. Among the effects of the scale reduction from macro to micro, tool run-out plays an important role, affecting cutting force, tool life, and the surface integrity of the produced part. The aim of this research is to develop an easy and reliable method to measure tool run-out in micro milling. This measuring strategy, from an Industry 4.0 perspective, can be integrated into an adaptive model for controlling cutting force, with the aim of improving the production quality and the process stability, while at the same time reducing tool wear and machining costs. The proposed procedure deduces tool run-out from the actual tool diameter, the channel width, and the cutting edge’s phase, which is estimated by analyzing the cutting force signal. In order to automate the cutting edge phase measurement, the suitability of two functions approximating the force signal was evaluated. The developed procedure was tested on data from experimental tests. A Ti6Al4V sample was machined using two coated micro end mill flutes made by SECO setting different run-out values. The results showed that the developed procedure can be used for tool run-out estimation

    Analysis, optimization, FE simulation of micro-cutting processes and integration between Machining and Additive Manufacturing.

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    La seguente Tesi di Dottorato riguarda i processi di Micro-Machining (MM) applicati su materiali ottenuti per fabbricazione additiva. I processi MM sono un insieme di tecnologie di produzione utilizzate per fabbricare componenti o realizzare features di piccole dimensioni. In generale, i processi di taglio sono caratterizzati da un'interazione meccanica tra un pezzo e un utensile che avviene lungo una determinata traiettoria. Il contatto determina una rottura del materiale lungo un percorso definito, ottenendo diverse forme del pezzo. Più precisamente, la denominazione di microlavorazione indica solo le lavorazioni di taglio eseguite utilizzando un utensile di diametro inferiore a 1 mm. La riduzione della scala dimensionale del processo introduce alcune criticità non presenti negli analoghi processi su scala convenzionale, come l'effetto dimensionale, la formazione di bave, la rapida usura dell'utensile, le forze di taglio superiori alle attese e l'eccentricità del moto dell'utensile. Negli ultimi decenni, diversi ricercatori hanno affrontato problemi relativi alla microlavorazione, ma pochi di loro si sono concentrati sulla lavorabilità dei materiali prodotti per Additive Manufacturing (AM). L’AM è un insieme di processi di fabbricazione strato per strato che possono essere impiegati con successo utilizzando polimeri, ceramica e metalli. L'AM dei metalli si sta rapidamente diffondendo nella produzione industriale trovando applicazioni in diversi rami, come l'industria aerospaziale e biomedica. D’altro canto, la qualità del prodotto finale non è comparabile con gli standard ottenibili mediante i metodi convenzionali di rimozione del materiale. Lo svantaggio principale dei componenti realizzati mediante AM è la bassa qualità della finitura superficiale e l'elevata rugosità; pertanto, sono solitamente necessari ulteriori trattamenti superficiali post-processo per adeguare le superfici del prodotto ai requisiti di integrità superficiale. L'integrazione tra le due tecnologie manifatturiere offre opportunità rilevanti, ma la necessità di ulteriori studi e indagini è evidenziata dalla mancanza di pubblicazioni su questo argomento. Questa ricerca mira ad esplorare diversi problemi connessi alla microlavorazione di leghe metalliche prodotte mediante AM. Le prove sperimentali sono state eseguite utilizzando il centro di lavoro ultrapreciso a 5 assi “KERN Pyramid Nano”, mentre i campioni AM sono stati forniti da aziende e gruppi di ricerca. L'attrezzatura sperimentale è stata predisposta per eseguire la micro-fresatura e per monitorare il processo in linea misurando la forza di taglio. Il comportamento di rimozione del materiale è stato studiato e descritto per mezzo di modelli analitici e simulazioni FEM. I metodi FE sono stati utilizzati anche per eseguire un confronto tra le forze di taglio previste e i carichi sperimentali, con lo scopo finale di affinare la legge di flusso dei materiali lavorati. La ricerca futura sarà focalizzata sulla simulazione FE dell'usura dell'utensile e dell'integrità della superficie del pezzo.This thesis is focused on Micro-Machining (MM) processes applied on Additively Manufactured parts. MM processes are a class of manufacturing technology designed to produce small size components. In general, cutting processes are characterized by a mechanical interaction between a workpiece and a tool. The contact determines a material breakage along a defined path, obtaining different workpiece shapes. More specifically, the micro-machining designation indicates only the cutting processes performed by using a tool with a diameter lower than 1 mm. The reduction of the process scale introduces some critical issues, such as size effect, burr formation, rapid tool wear, higher than expected cutting forces and tool run-out. In the last decades, several researchers have tackled micro-machining related issues, but few of them focused on workability of Additive Manufactured materials. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a collection of layer-by-layer building processes which can be successfully employed using polymers, ceramics and metals. AM of metals is rapidly spreading throughout the industrial manufacturing finding applications in several branches, such as aerospace and biomedical industries. Moreover, the final product quality is not comparable with the standards achievable through the conventional subtractive material removal methods. The main drawback of additively manufactured components in metals is the low quality of the surface finish and the high surface roughness, therefore further post-process surface treatments are usually required to finish and to refine the surfaces of the build product. The embedding between the two technologies offers relevant opportunities, but the necessity of further studies and investigation is highlighted by the lack of publication about this topic. This research aimed to explore several micro-machining issues with regards to Additive Manufactured metals. Experimental tests were performed by using the ultraprecision 5-axes machining center “KERN Pyramid Nano”, while the AM samples were provided by companies and research groups. The experimental equipment was set-up to perform micro-milling and to monitor the process online by measuring the cutting force. The material removal behavior was investigated and described by means of analytical models and FEM simulations. FE methods were employed also to perform a comparison between the predicted cutting forces and the experimental loads, with the final purpose of refining the flow stress law of the machined materials. The future research will be focused on the FE simulation of the tool wear and the workpiece surface integrity by means of specific subroutines

    Finite element simulation of high speed micro milling in the presence of tool run-out with experimental validations

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    Micro milling process of CuZn37 brass is considered important due to applications in tool production for micro moulding and micro replication technology. The variations in material properties, work material adhesion to tool surfaces, burr formation, and tool wear result in loss of productivity. The deformed chip shapes together with localized temperature, plastic strain, and cutting forces during micro milling process can be predicted using finite element (FE) modeling and simulation. However, toolworkpiece engagement suffers from tool run-out affecting process performance in surface generation. This work provides experimental investigations on effects of tool run-out as well as process insight obtained from simulation of chip flow, with and without considering tool run-out. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation of the 3D chip shapes demonstrates ductile deformed surfaces together with localized serration behavior. FE simulations are utilized to investigate the effects of micro milling operation, cutting speed, and feed rate on forces, chip flow, and shapes. Predicted cutting forces and chip flow results from simulations are compared with force measurements, tool run-out, and chip morphology revealing reasonable agreements

    Dynamic analysis of runout correction in milling

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    Tool runout and its effects is an important area of research within modelling, simulation, and control of milling forces. Tool runout causes tool cutting edges to experience uneven forces during milling. This fact also affects tool life and deteriorates workpiece surface quality. In this article a procedure, in order to diminish the effects of tool runout, is presented. The procedure is based on chip thickness modification by means of the fast correction of the tool feed rate. Dynamic feed rate modification is provided by superposing our own design of a fast feed system driven by a piezoelectric actuator to the conventional feed drive of the CNC machine tool. Previously, a model of the dynamic behaviour of the system was developed to analyze the influence of fast feed rate modification on cutting forces. The model incorporates the piezoelectric actuator response as well as the structural dynamics of the tool and the designed Fast Feed Drive System (FFDS). Simulated and experimental results presented in this paper show the effectiveness and benefits of this new tool runout correction procedure
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