490 research outputs found

    The Use of Multiscale Molecular Simulations in Understanding a Relationship between the Structure and Function of Biological Systems of the Brain: The Application to Monoamine Oxidase Enzymes

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    Computational techniques provide accurate descriptions of the structure and dynamics of biological systems, contributing to their understanding at an atomic level.Classical MD simulations are a precious computational tool for the processes where no chemical reactions take place.QM calculations provide valuable information about the enzyme activity, being able to distinguish among several mechanistic pathways, provided a carefully selected cluster model of the enzyme is considered.Multiscale QM/MM simulation is the method of choice for the computational treatment of enzyme reactions offering quantitative agreement with experimentally determined reaction parameters.Molecular simulation provide insight into the mechanism of both the catalytic activity and inhibition of monoamine oxidases, thus aiding in the rational design of their inhibitors that are all employed and antidepressants and antiparkinsonian drugs. Aging society and therewith associated neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases, including depression, Alzheimer's disease, obsessive disorders, and Parkinson's disease, urgently require novel drug candidates. Targets include monoamine oxidases A and B (MAOs), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and various receptors and transporters. For rational drug design it is particularly important to combine experimental synthetic, kinetic, toxicological, and pharmacological information with structural and computational work. This paper describes the application of various modern computational biochemistry methods in order to improve the understanding of a relationship between the structure and function of large biological systems including ion channels, transporters, receptors, and metabolic enzymes. The methods covered stem from classical molecular dynamics simulations to understand the physical basis and the time evolution of the structures, to combined QM, and QM/MM approaches to probe the chemical mechanisms of enzymatic activities and their inhibition. As an illustrative example, the later will focus on the monoamine oxidase family of enzymes, which catalyze the degradation of amine neurotransmitters in various parts of the brain, the imbalance of which is associated with the development and progression of a range of neurodegenerative disorders. Inhibitors that act mainly on MAO A are used in the treatment of depression, due to their ability to raise serotonin concentrations, while MAO B inhibitors decrease dopamine degradation and improve motor control in patients with Parkinson disease. Our results give strong support that both MAO isoforms, A and B, operate through the hydride transfer mechanism. Relevance of MAO catalyzed reactions and MAO inhibition in the context of neurodegeneration will be discussed

    Exposing the Interplay Between Enzyme Turnover, Protein Dynamics and the Membrane Environment in Monoamine Oxidase B

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    There is an increasing realization that structure-based drug design may show improved success rates by understanding the ensemble of conformations and sub-states accessible to an enzyme and how the environment affects this ensemble. Human monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) catalyzes the oxidation of amines and is inhibited for the treatment of both Parkinson’s disease and depression. Despite its clinical importance, its catalytic mechanism remains unclear and routes to drugging this target would be valuable and relevant. Evidence of a radical in either the transition state or resting state of MAO-B is present throughout the literature, and is suggested to be a flavin semiquinone, a tyrosyl radical or both. Here we see evidence of a resting state flavin semiquinone, via absorption redox studies and electron paramagnetic resonance, suggesting that the anionic semiquinone is biologically relevant. Based on enzyme kinetic studies, enzyme variants and molecular dynamics simulations we find evidence for the crucial importance of the membrane environment in mediating the activity of MAO-B and that this mediation is related to effects on the protein dynamics of MAO-B. Further, our MD simulations identify a hitherto undescribed entrance for substrate binding, membrane modulated substrate access, and indications for half-site reactivity: only one active site is accessible to binding at a time. Our study combines both experimental and computational evidence to illustrate the subtle interplay between enzyme activity, protein dynamics and the immediate membrane environment. Understanding key biomedical enzymes to this level of detail will be crucial to inform strategies (and binding sites) for rational drug design for these drug targets

    Hydride Abstraction as the Rate-Limiting Step of the Irreversible Inhibition of Monoamine Oxidase B by Rasagiline and Selegiline: A Computational Empirical Valence Bond Study

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    Monoamine oxidases (MAOs) catalyze the degradation of a very broad range of biogenic and dietary amines including many neurotransmitters in the brain, whose imbalance is extensively linked with the biochemical pathology of various neurological disorders, and are, accordingly, used as primary pharmacological targets to treat these debilitating cognitive diseases. Still, despite this practical significance, the precise molecular mechanism underlying the irreversible MAO inhibition with clinically used propargylamine inhibitors rasagiline and selegiline is still not unambiguously determined, which hinders the rational design of improved inhibitors devoid of side effects current drugs are experiencing. To address this challenge, we present empirical valence bond QM/MM simulations of the rate-limiting step of the MAO inhibition involving the hydride anion transfer from the inhibitor α-carbon onto the N5 atom of the flavin adenin dinucleotide (FAD) cofactor. The proposed mechanism is strongly supported by the obtained free energy profiles, which confirm a higher reactivity of selegiline over rasagiline, while the calculated difference in the activation Gibbs energies of ∆∆G‡ = 3.1 kcal mol−1 is found to be in very good agreement with that from the measured literature kinact values that predict a 1.7 kcal mol−1 higher selegiline reactivity. Given the similarity with the hydride transfer mechanism during the MAO catalytic activity, these results verify that both rasagiline and selegiline are mechanism- based irreversible inhibitors and offer guidelines in designing new and improved inhibitors, which are all clinically employed in treating a variety of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative conditions

    Initial characerization of human spermine oxidase

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    The flavoprotein spermine oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of spermine and oxygen to spermidine, 3-aminopropanol, and hydrogen peroxide. To allow mechanistic studies of the enzyme, methods have been developed to obtain large amounts of purified recombinant protein. The enzyme requires co-expression with chaperone proteins GroEL and GroES to remain soluble and active. Purification requires the use of a Ni-NTA and size exclusion column. Human spermine oxidase is a monomer with an extinction coefficient of 14000 M-1cm-1. The kinetic mechanism is ping pong. Therefore, oxygen is bound to the enzyme before spermidine is released. N1-Acetyl spermine is a slow substrate with kcat and kcat/Km values 2 and 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the values for spermine. Spermidine is a competitive inhibitor, and 1,8-diaminooctane (DAO) is an uncompetitive inhibitor. The pH effects indicate that two ionizable groups are present in the kcat/Km profile and one ionizable group is in the kcat profile. The reductive half reaction reveals no phase other than the reduction of the FAD, indicating the probability of a single chemical step. Reduction is not limiting to the overall reaction. Isotope effects were determined; Dkcat at pH 7.5 = 4.1±0.4, pH 8.5 = 2.6±0.01

    Modulation of Primary Amine Oxidase by Phytochemicals

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    Primary Amine Oxidase (PrAO) is an enzyme with a variety of physiological roles. It catalyses the oxidative deamination of primary amines to the corresponding aldehydes. PrAO converts amines such as methylamine and aminoacetone to reactive compounds that can damage small blood vessel proteins. It also acts as a vascular adhesion protein (VAP-1) where it is essential for the migration of leukocytes through the vascular endothelium. Inhibitors of PrAO have been reported to have anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory action. In this study we explore the interaction between dietary phytochemicals and Bovine PrAO. Methylxanthines (MXs) are food alkaloids having a positive association with good health. Of several MXs we examined, only caffeine and theobromine were found to be inhibitors of PrAO. Structure activity relationships along with in silico modelling and inhibition studies allowed us to identify a unique site for MX binding to PrAO. Green Tea extracts also inhibited PrAO but these reactive compounds were shown to give complex inhibition patterns due to the formation of non-enzymatic reaction products and interference in assay procedures. Despite these difficulties we found some evidence of direct inhibition of PrAO by Green Tea catechins. A number of other compounds tested showed a similar ability to inhibit PrAO. Taken together these studies show the potential for a variety of dietary compounds to inhibit the activity of this key enzyme. The role of PrAO inhibition by such phytochemicals in health and disease is discussed

    A rational approach to elucidate human monoamine oxidase molecular selectivity

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    Designing highly selective human monoamine oxidase (hMAO) inhibitors is a challenging goal on the road to a more effective treatment of depression and anxiety (inhibition of hMAO-A isoform) as well as neurodegenerative diseases (inhibition of hMAO-B isoform). To uncover the molecular rationale of hMAOs selectivity, two recently prepared 2H-chromene-2-ones, namely compounds 1 and 2, were herein chosen as molecular probes being highly selective toward hMAO-A and hMAO-B, respectively. We performed molecular dynamics (MD) studies on four different complexes, cross-simulating one at a time the two hMAO-isoforms (dimer embedded in a lipid bilayer) with the two considered probes. Our comparative analysis on the obtained 100 ns trajectories discloses a stable H-bond interaction between 1 and Gln215 as crucial for ligand selectivity toward hMAO-A whereas a water-mediated interaction might explain the observed hMAO-B selectivity of compound 2. Such hypotheses are further supported by binding free energy calculations carried out applying the molecular mechanics generalized Born surface area (MM-GBSA) method and allowing us to evaluate the contribution of each residue to the observed isoform selectivity. Taken as whole, this study represents the first attempt to explain at molecular level hMAO isoform selectivity and a valuable yardstick for better addressing the design of new and highly selective MAO inhibitors

    Flavin Amine Oxidases from the Monoamine Oxidase Structural Family Utilize a Hydride Transfer Mechanism

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    The amine oxidase family of enzymes has been the center of numerous mechanistic studies because of the medical relevance of the reactions they catalyze. This study describes transient and steady-state kinetic analyses of two flavin amine oxidases, mouse polyamine oxidase (PAO) and human lysine specific demethylase (LSD1), to determine the mechanisms of amine oxidation. PAO is a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of N1-acetylated polyamines. The pH-dependence of the kcat/Kamine indicates that the monoprotonated form of the substrate is required for catalysis, with the N4 nitrogen next to the site of CH bond cleavage being unprotonated. Stopped-flow spectroscopy shows that the pH-dependence of the rate constant for flavin reduction, kred, displays a pKa of 7.3 with a decrease in activity at acidic pH. This is consistent with an uncharged nitrogen being required for catalysis. Mutating Lys315 to methionine has no effect on the kcat/Kamine-pH profile with the substrate spermine, and the kred value only shows a 1.5-fold decrease with respect to wild-type PAO. The mutation results in a 30- fold decrease in kcat/KO2. Solvent isotope effects and proton inventories are consistent with Lys315 accepting a proton from a water molecule hydrogen-bonded to the flavin N5 during flavin oxidation. Steady-state and transient kinetic studies of para-substituted N,N'-dibenzyl-1,4- diaminobutanes as substrates for PAO show that the kred values for each correlate with the van der Waals volume (VW) and the value. The coefficient for VW is the same at pH 8.6 and 6.6, whereas the p value increases from -0.59 at pH 8.6 to -0.09 at pH 6.6. These results are most consistent with a hydride transfer mechanism. The kinetics of oxidation of a peptide substrate by human lysine specific demethylase (LSD1) were also studied. The kcat/KM pH-profile is bell-shaped, indicating the need for one unprotonated nitrogen next to the site of CH bond cleavage and another protonated nitrogen. The kcat and kred values are equal, and identical isotope effects are observed on kred, kcat, and kcat/KM, indicating that CH bond cleavage is rate-limiting with this substrate

    The Function of Renalase

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    Renalase was originally reported to be an enzyme secreted into the blood by the kidney to lower blood pressure and slow heart rate. Despite multiple reports claiming to confirm this activity in vivo there has been considerable discord in regards to the reaction catalyzed by renalase. The structural topology of renalase resembles that of known flavoprotein oxidases, monooxygenases and demethylases, but the conserved active site residues are unique to renalase. It has been reported that the catalytic function of renalase is to oxidize circulating catecholamines, however in vitro studies have failed to demonstrate a catalytic activity in the presence of such molecules. We have identified renalase as a novel oxidase enzyme which catalyzes the oxidation of both 6-dihydro NAD(P) and 2-dihydro NAD(P) to β-NAD(P)+ delivering the electrons harvested to dioxygen forming hydrogen peroxide. Catalysis involves the oxidation of the dihydropyridyl ring of the substrate by transferring two electrons to the flavin cofactor, followed by release of the oxidized β-NAD(P)+ product, and then the reoxidation of the reduced cofactor. Renalase substrates, 2-dihydro and 6-dihydro NAD(P) are thought to arise from non-specific reduction of NAD(P)+ or tautomerization of NAD(P)H. These aberrant nicotinamide isomers are potent inhibitors of dehydrogenase enzymes including those of glycolysis and the TCA cycle. It would therefore appear that the function of renalase is to eliminate this inhibitory threat to primary metabolism. In addition to identifying the true catalytic substrates and proposing a metabolic function we have also identified verifiably active forms of renalase from Psuedomonas phaseolicola and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as crystal structures of renalase from P. phaseolicola in complex with β-NAD+ and β-NADH. The data presented in this dissertaion chronolog the discovery of a genuine catalytic role for renalase that is likely an important housekeeping function for all life forms

    Donepezil-like multifunctional agents: Design, synthesis, molecular modeling and biological evaluation

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    Currently available drugs against Alzheimer's disease (AD) are only able to ameliorate the disease symptoms resulting in a moderate improvement in memory and cognitive function without any efficacy in preventing and inhibiting the progression of the pathology. In an effort to obtain disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer's drugs (DMAADs) following the multifactorial nature of AD, we have recently developed multifunctional compounds. We herein describe the design, synthesis, molecular modeling and biological evaluation of a new series of donepezil-related compounds possessing metal chelating properties, and being capable of targeting different enzymatic systems related to AD (cholinesterases, ChEs, and monoamine oxidase A, MAO-A). Among this set of analogues compound 5f showed excellent ChEs inhibition potency and a selective MAO-A inhibition (vs MAO-B) coupled to strong complexing properties for zinc and copper ions, both known to be involved in the progression of AD. Moreover, 5f exhibited moderate antioxidant properties as found by in vitro assessment. This compound represents a novel donepezil–hydroxyquinoline hybrid with DMAAD profile paving the way to the development of a novel class of drugs potentially able to treat AD
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