13 research outputs found

    Finitely forcible graphons and permutons

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    We investigate when limits of graphs (graphons) and permutations (permutons) are uniquely determined by finitely many densities of their substructures, i.e., when they are finitely forcible. Every permuton can be associated with a graphon through the notion of permutation graphs. We find permutons that are finitely forcible but the associated graphons are not. We also show that all permutons that can be expressed as a finite combination of monotone permutons and quasirandom permutons are finitely forcible, which is the permuton counterpart of the result of Lovasz and Sos for graphons.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figure

    Compactness and finite forcibility of graphons

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    Graphons are analytic objects associated with convergent sequences of graphs. Problems from extremal combinatorics and theoretical computer science led to a study of graphons determined by finitely many subgraph densities, which are referred to as finitely forcible. Following the intuition that such graphons should have finitary structure, Lovasz and Szegedy conjectured that the topological space of typical vertices of a finitely forcible graphon is always compact. We disprove the conjecture by constructing a finitely forcible graphon such that the associated space is not compact. The construction method gives a general framework for constructing finitely forcible graphons with non-trivial properties

    Finitely forcible graphons with an almost arbitrary structure

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    Graphons are analytic objects representing convergent sequences of large graphs. A graphon is said to be finitely forcible if it is determined by finitely many subgraph densities, i.e., if the asymptotic structure of graphs represented by such a graphon depends only on finitely many density constraints. Such graphons appear in various scenarios, particularly in extremal combinatorics. Lovasz and Szegedy conjectured that all finitely forcible graphons possess a simple structure. This was disproved in a strong sense by Cooper, Kral and Martins, who showed that any graphon is a subgraphon of a finitely forcible graphon. We strenghten this result by showing for every ε>0\varepsilon>0 that any graphon spans a 1ε1-\varepsilon proportion of a finitely forcible graphon

    Finitely forcible graphons with an almost arbitrary structure

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    Graphons are analytic objects representing convergent sequences of large graphs. A graphon is said to be finitely forcible if it is determined by finitely many subgraph densities, i.e., if the asymptotic structure of graphs represented by such a graphon depends only on finitely many density constraints. Such graphons appear in various scenarios, particularly in extremal combinatorics. Lovasz and Szegedy conjectured that all finitely forcible graphons possess a simple structure. This was disproved in a strong sense by Cooper, Kral and Martins, who showed that any graphon is a subgraphon of a finitely forcible graphon. We strenghten this result by showing for every ε>0 that any graphon spans a 1−ε proportion of a finitely forcible graphon

    Finitely forcible graph limits are universal

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    The theory of graph limits represents large graphs by analytic objects called graphons. Graph limits determined by finitely many graph densities, which are represented by finitely forcible graphons, arise in various scenarios, particularly within extremal combinatorics. Lovasz and Szegedy conjectured that all such graphons possess a simple structure, e.g., the space of their typical vertices is always finite dimensional; this was disproved by several ad hoc constructions of complex finitely forcible graphons. We prove that any graphon is a subgraphon of a finitely forcible graphon. This dismisses any hope for a result showing that finitely forcible graphons possess a simple structure, and is surprising when contrasted with the fact that finitely forcible graphons form a meager set in the space of all graphons. In addition, since any finitely forcible graphon represents the unique minimizer of some linear combination of densities of subgraphs, our result also shows that such minimization problems, which conceptually are among the simplest kind within extremal graph theory, may in fact have unique optimal solutions with arbitrarily complex structure

    Finitely forcible graph limits are universal

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    The theory of graph limits represents large graphs by analytic objects called graphons. Graph limits determined by finitely many graph densities, which are represented by finitely forcible graphons, arise in various scenarios, particularly within extremal combinatorics. Lovasz and Szegedy conjectured that all such graphons possess a simple structure, e.g., the space of their typical vertices is always finite dimensional; this was disproved by several ad hoc constructions of complex finitely forcible graphons. We prove that any graphon is a subgraphon of a finitely forcible graphon. This dismisses any hope for a result showing that finitely forcible graphons possess a simple structure, and is surprising when contrasted with the fact that finitely forcible graphons form a meager set in the space of all graphons. In addition, since any finitely forcible graphon represents the unique minimizer of some linear combination of densities of subgraphs, our result also shows that such minimization problems, which conceptually are among the simplest kind within extremal graph theory, may in fact have unique optimal solutions with arbitrarily complex structure

    Elusive extremal graphs

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    We study the uniqueness of optimal solutions to extremal graph theory problems. Lovasz conjectured that every finite feasible set of subgraph density constraints can be extended further by a finite set of density constraints so that the resulting set is satisfied by an asymptotically unique graph. This statement is often referred to as saying that `every extremal graph theory problem has a finitely forcible optimum'. We present a counterexample to the conjecture. Our techniques also extend to a more general setting involving other types of constraints

    Limit structures and property testing

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    In the thesis, we study properties of large combinatorial objects. We analyze these objects from two different points of view. The first aspect is analytic - we study properties of limit objects of combinatorial structures. We investigate when graphons (limits of graphs) and permutons (limits of permutations) are finitely forcible, i.e., when they are uniquely determined by finitely many densities of their substructures. We give examples of families of permutons that are finitely forcible but the associated graphons are not and we disprove a conjecture of Lovasz and Szegedy on the dimension of the space of typical vertices of a finitely forcible graphon. In particular, we show that there exists a finitely forcible graphon W such that the topological spaces T(W) and T(W) have infinite Lebesgue covering dimension. We also study the dependence between densities of substructures. We prove a permutation analogue of the classical theorem of Erdos, Lovasz and Spencer on the densities of connected subgraphs in large graphs. The second aspect of large combinatorial objects we concentrate on is algorithmic|we study property testing and parameter testing. We show that there exists a bounded testable permutation parameter that is not finitely forcible and that every hereditary permutation property is testable (in constant time) with respect to the Kendall's tau distance, resolving a conjecture of Kohayakawa