395 research outputs found

    COLTRANE: ConvolutiOnaL TRAjectory NEtwork for Deep Map Inference

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    The process of automatic generation of a road map from GPS trajectories, called map inference, remains a challenging task to perform on a geospatial data from a variety of domains as the majority of existing studies focus on road maps in cities. Inherently, existing algorithms are not guaranteed to work on unusual geospatial sites, such as an airport tarmac, pedestrianized paths and shortcuts, or animal migration routes, etc. Moreover, deep learning has not been explored well enough for such tasks. This paper introduces COLTRANE, ConvolutiOnaL TRAjectory NEtwork, a novel deep map inference framework which operates on GPS trajectories collected in various environments. This framework includes an Iterated Trajectory Mean Shift (ITMS) module to localize road centerlines, which copes with noisy GPS data points. Convolutional Neural Network trained on our novel trajectory descriptor is then introduced into our framework to detect and accurately classify junctions for refinement of the road maps. COLTRANE yields up to 37% improvement in F1 scores over existing methods on two distinct real-world datasets: city roads and airport tarmac.Comment: BuildSys 201

    A study on map-matching and map inference problems

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    Inferring transportation mode from smartphone sensors:Evaluating the potential of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

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    Understanding which transportation modes people use is critical for smart cities and planners to better serve their citizens. We show that using information from pervasive Wi-Fi access points and Bluetooth devices can enhance GPS and geographic information to improve transportation detection on smartphones. Wi-Fi information also improves the identification of transportation mode and helps conserve battery since it is already collected by most mobile phones. Our approach uses a machine learning approach to determine the mode from pre-prepocessed data. This approach yields an overall accuracy of 89% and average F1 score of 83% for inferring the three grouped modes of self-powered, car-based, and public transportation. When broken out by individual modes, Wi-Fi features improve detection accuracy of bus trips, train travel, and driving compared to GPS features alone and can substitute for GIS features without decreasing performance. Our results suggest that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can be useful in urban transportation research, for example by improving mobile travel surveys and urban sensing applications

    Beyond data collection: Objectives and methods of research using VGI and geo-social media for disaster management

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    This paper investigates research using VGI and geo-social media in the disaster management context. Relying on the method of systematic mapping, it develops a classification schema that captures three levels of main category, focus, and intended use, and analyzes the relationships with the employed data sources and analysis methods. It focuses the scope to the pioneering field of disaster management, but the described approach and the developed classification schema are easily adaptable to different application domains or future developments. The results show that a hypothesized consolidation of research, characterized through the building of canonical bodies of knowledge and advanced application cases with refined methodology, has not yet happened. The majority of the studies investigate the challenges and potential solutions of data handling, with fewer studies focusing on socio-technological issues or advanced applications. This trend is currently showing no sign of change, highlighting that VGI research is still very much technology-driven as opposed to theory- or application-driven. From the results of the systematic mapping study, the authors formulate and discuss several research objectives for future work, which could lead to a stronger, more theory-driven treatment of the topic VGI in GIScience.Carlos Granell has been partly funded by the RamĂłn y Cajal Programme (grant number RYC-2014-16913

    Reflecting Human Knowledge of Place and Route-Choice Behavior Using Big Data

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    Exploring human knowledge of geographical space and related behavior not only helps in understanding human-environment interactions and dynamic geographic processes, but also advances Geographic Information Systems (GIS) toward a human-centric paradigm to make daily life more efficient. Today’s relatively easy acquisition of various big data provides an unprecedented opportunity for geographers to answer research questions that previously could not be adequately addressed. However, new challenges also arise regarding data quality and bias as well as change in methodology for dealing with big data that are different from traditional data types. Representing people’s perception of place and studying driver’s route-choice behavior are two of the many applications of big data in answering research questions about human knowledge and behavior in the fields of GIS and transportation. Incorporating three papers, this dissertation focuses on these two different applications to achieve the following objectives: 1) examine the degree to which a geographic place’s spatial extent can be estimated from human-generated geotagged photos; 2) address the challenge of geotagged photos’ uneven spatial distribution in place estimation and explore an approach that can better derive a place’s spatial extent; 3) develop a method that can properly estimate the spatial extent of a place that has multiple disjoint regions while considering geotagged photos’ uneven distribution; 4) explore useful spatiotemporal patterns of taxi drivers’ route-choice behavior in a dynamic urban environment. This dissertation makes three major contributions to big data applications’ systematic theory: 1) proposes an effective approach to handling the uneven spatial distribution problem of geotagged photos as a type of volunteered geographic data by modeling their representativeness; 2) develops methods that can properly derive the vague spatial extent of a place with or without disjoint regions; and 3) explores taxi drivers’ route-choice patterns in different situations that can inform future transportation decisions and policy-making processes
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