9 research outputs found

    Input Output Symbolic Transition Systems Enriched by Program Calls and Contracts: a detailed example of vending machine

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    An Input Output Symbolic Transition System (IOSTS) specifies all expected sequences of input and output messages of a reactive system. Symbolic execution over this IOSTS then allows to generate a set of test cases that can exercise the various possible behaviors of the system it represents. In this paper, we extend the IOSTS framework with explicit program calls, possibly equipped with contracts specifying what the program is supposed to do. This approach bridges the gap between a model-based approach in which user-defined programs are abstracted away and a code-based approach in which small pieces of code are separately considered regardless of the way they are combined. First, we extend symbolic execution techniques for IOSTS with programs, in order to re-use classical test case generation algorithms. Second, we explore how constraints coming from IOSTS symbolic execution can be used to infer contracts for programs used in the IOSTS

    Computing change of invariants to support software evolution

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    Software is always evolving. In the recent years, the development community has shifted towards Agile development paradigm resulting in faster release cycle. This emphasis on speed is, generally, accompanied by an increase in the number of bugs and reduced focus on updating non-functional software artifacts like specification document. Recent studies have found that developers find it difficult to determine whether a change might break code elsewhere in the program, resulting in 25% of bugs fixes to be incorrect or buggy. A method to capture the semantic changes between different versions of a program is vital in understanding the impact of the change and in preventing bugs. An invariant is a condition that is always true at a given program point. Invariants are used to specify the requirements and desired behavior of a program at any program point. The difference in invariants between different program versions can be used to capture the changes made to the program. In this thesis, we use the change of invariants as a way to capture the semantic changes over different program versions. We designed a static demand-driven algorithm for automatically computing the change of invariants between different versions of a program. To evaluate the algorithm and its ability to capture semantic changes over different program versions, we built a prototype framework called Hydrogen. Our experimental results show that Hydrogen is able to compute the change of invariants between different versions of the programs, and the computed change of invariants can be used for understanding changes and generating assertions to prevent similar bugs in future

    A Generic Framework for Symbolic Execution

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    International audienceWe propose a generic, language-independent symbolic execution approach for languages endowed with a formal operational semantics based on term rewriting. Starting from the definition of a language L, a new definition Lsym is automatically generated, which has the same syntax, but whose semantics extends L's data domains with symbolic values and adapts the semantical rules of L to deal with the new domains. Then, the symbolic execution of Lprograms is the concrete execution of the corresponding Lsym programs, i.e., the application of the rewrite rules in the semantics of Lsym. We prove that the symbolic execution thus defined has the adequate properties normally expected from it, and illustrate the approach on a simple imperative language defined in the K framework. A prototype symbolic execution engine also written in K is presented

    Avatar: A Framework to Support Dynamic Security Analysis of Embedded Systems’ Firmwares

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    Veröffentlichungen und Vorträge 2007 der Mitglieder der Fakultät für Informatik

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    Un cadre générique pour l'exécution symbolique : théorie et applications

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    We propose a language-independent symbolic execution framework. The approach is parameterised by a language definition, which consists of a signature for the language's syntax and execution infrastructure, a model interpreting the signature, and rewrite rules for the language's operational semantics. Then, symbolic execution amounts to performing a so-called symbolic rewriting, which consists in changing both the model and the manner in which the operational semantics rules are applied. We prove that the symbolic execution thus defined has the properties naturally expected from it. A prototype implementation of our approach was developed in the K Framework. We demonstrate the genericity of our tool by instantiating it on several languages, and show how it can be used for the symbolic execution, bounded model checking, and deductive verification of several programs.Nous proposons un cadre général pour l’exécution symbolique de programmes, qui est indépendant des langages dans lesquels les programmes en question sont écrits. L’approche est paramétrisée par une définition de langage, qui consiste en une signature pour la syntaxe du langage et pour son infrastructure, un modèle interprétant la signature, et un ensemble de règles de réécriture définissant la sémantique opérationnelle du langage. L’exécution symbolique revientalors à modifier calculer des chemins symboliques en utilisant une opration dite de dérivation. Nous démontrons que l’exécution symbolique possède les propriétés attendues par rapport à l’exécution concrète: les exécutions symboliques et concrètes d’un même programme se simulent mutuellement. Nous montrons également qu’une extension coinductive de l’exécution symbolique peut être utilisée pour la vérification déductive de programmes. Nous avons implémenté notreapproche dans un outil prototype dans la K framework. L’aspect générique de l’outil est mis en évidence par son instanciation sur plusieurs langages. Nous montrons enfin comment l’outil permet l’analyse symbolique, le model checking borné, et la vérification déductive de programmes

    Deductive Verification of Safety-Critical Java Programs

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    This work investigates the application of deductive verification techniques to safety critical Java programs, in particular RTSJ programs. A focus is put on the formalization of the RTSJ memory model in dynamic logic, the utilization of a region-based memory model for ensuring non-interference and a design-by-contract based approach for the formal specification and verification of worst case memory consumption

    Inferring Invariants by Symbolic Execution

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    Abstract. In this paper we propose a method for inferring invariants for loops in Java programs. An example of a simple while loop is used throughout the paper to explain our approach. The method is based on a combination of symbolic execution and computing fixed points via predicate abstraction. It reuses the axiomatisation of the Java semantics of the KeY system. The method has been implemented within the KeY system which allows to infer invariants and perform verification within the same environment. We present in detail the results of a non-trivial example.