11 research outputs found

    Balanced POD Algorithm for Robust Control Design for Linear Distributed Parameter Systems

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    A mathematical model of a physical system is never perfect; therefore, robust control laws are necessary for guaranteed stabilization of the nominal model and also nearby systems, including hopefully the actual physical system. We consider the computation of a robust control law for large-scale finite dimensional linear systems and a class of linear distributed parameter systems. The controller is robust with respect to left coprime factor perturbations of the nominal system. We present an algorithm based on balanced proper orthogonal decomposition to compute the nonstandard features of this robust control law. Numerical results are presented for a convection diffusion partial differential equation

    Efficient Solution of Large-Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations Associated with Index-2 DAEs via the Inexact Low-Rank Newton-ADI Method

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    This paper extends the algorithm of Benner, Heinkenschloss, Saak, and Weichelt: An inexact low-rank Newton-ADI method for large-scale algebraic Riccati equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics Vol.~108 (2016), pp.~125--142, doi:10.1016/j.apnum.2016.05.006 to Riccati equations associated with Hessenberg index-2 Differential Algebratic Equation (DAE) systems. Such DAE systems arise, e.g., from semi-discretized, linearized (around steady state) Navier-Stokes equations. The solution of the associated Riccati equation is important, e.g., to compute feedback laws that stabilize the Navier-Stokes equations. Challenges in the numerical solution of the Riccati equation arise from the large-scale of the underlying systems and the algebraic constraint in the DAE system. These challenges are met by a careful extension of the inexact low-rank Newton-ADI method to the case of DAE systems. A main ingredient in the extension to the DAE case is the projection onto the manifold described by the algebraic constraints. In the algorithm, the equations are never explicitly projected, but the projection is only applied as needed. Numerical experience indicates that the algorithmic choices for the control of inexactness and line-search can help avoid subproblems with matrices that are only marginally stable. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated on a large-scale Riccati equation associated with the stabilization of Navier-Stokes flow around a cylinder.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Balanced POD for Linear PDE Robust Control Computations

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    A mathematical model of a physical system is never perfect; therefore, robust control laws are necessary for guaranteed stabilization of the nominal model and also nearby systems, including hopefully the actual physical system. We consider the computation of a robust control law for large-scale nite dimensional linear systems and a class of linear distributed parameter systems. The controller is robust with respect to left coprime factor perturbations of the nominal system. We present an algorithm based on balanced proper orthogonal decomposition to compute the nonstandard features of this robust control law. Convergence theory is given, and numerical results are presented for two partial di erential equation systems

    Feedback Control for Systems with Uncertain Parameters Using Online-Adaptive Reduced Models

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    We consider control and stabilization for large-scale dynamical systems with uncertain, time-varying parameters. The time-critical task of controlling a dynamical system poses major challenges: using large-scale models is prohibitive, and accurately inferring parameters can be expensive, too. We address both problems by proposing an offine-online strategy for controlling systems with time- varying parameters. During the offine phase, we use a high-fidelity model to compute a library of optimal feedback controller gains over a sampled set of parameter values. Then, during the online phase, in which the uncertain parameter changes over time, we learn a reduced-order model from system data. The learned reduced-order model is employed within an optimization routine to update the feedback control throughout the online phase. Since the system data naturally reects the uncertain parameter, the data-driven updating of the controller gains is achieved without an explicit parameter estimation step. We consider two numerical test problems in the form of partial differential equations: a convection-diffusion system, and a model for ow through a porous medium. We demonstrate on those models that the proposed method successfully stabilizes the system model in the presence of process noise.DARPA EQUiPS program (award number UTA15-001067)United States. Department of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (grant DE-FG02-08ER2585)United States. Department of Energy. Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (grant DE-SC000929

    Optimal sensor placement: A robust approach

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    We address the problem of optimally placing sensor networks for convection-diffusion processes where the convective part is perturbed. The problem is formulated as an optimal control problem where the integral Riccati equation is a constraint and the design variables are sensor locations. The objective functional involves a term associated to the trace of the solution to the Riccati equation and a term given by a constrained optimization problem for the directional derivative of the previous quantity over a set of admissible perturbations. The paper addresses the existence of the derivative with respect to the convective part of the solution to the Riccati equation, the well-posedness of the optimization problem and finalizes with a range of numerical tests