29,993 research outputs found

    A managerial review and guidelines for Industry 4.0 factories on cybersecurity

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    The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) has created a rebellion in traditional factories by introducing the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). This revolution has caused increased automation and customized production, which has occurred through a synergy between customer demands, stocks, and supply chains. This synergy has also exposed factories to potential cyber-attack threats. Although there is extensive literature available on the topic of cyber security, however, business owners still assume cyber security as business preservation. This study sheds light on a step-by-step cyber security aspect of manufacturing factories with Industry 4.0. The study presented possible vulnerabilities and threats to the networks and devices used in a factory by dividing them into various common parameters. We reviewed the proposed literature and provided solutions to Industry 4.0 factories regarding cybersecurity challenges. The reviewed articles are divided into four segments, starting from the purpose of the proposal, the adopted methodology, the proposed cyber security solution, and finally the author’s evaluation. The study reports on a state-of-the-art cyber security solution for Industry 4.0 factories. The characterization of cybersecurity is also proposed concerning management aspects, by showing that every level of organization has its role. The study also highlighted that cybersecurity could play a crucial role in the creation of value for businesses. It is suggested that despite adding an expert system paradigm for cyber security solutions, factories should also adopt new innovative ways, such as machine learning, digital twins, and honeypots. This review highlights that cyber security is not only a technical concern, but it also needs support from multiple actors of the organization to add it to the comprehensive strategy of an Industry 4.0 factory, and every user must be trained and aware of the cybersecurity risks. © 2022 Curran Associates Inc.. All rights reserved

    Asset Administration Shell in Manufacturing: Applications and Relationship with Digital Twin

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    Within Industry 4.0 the communication between the physical and the cyber part of manufacturing system faces an ever-growing rise in complexity. The Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is an information framework, within Industry 4.0, that describes the technological features of an asset. It was created to present data and information in a structured and semantically defined format, allowing for interoperability. The work addresses the industrial implementation of AAS, where a systematic literature review has been carried out to investigate the features of the implemented AAS metamodel, and the tools used for the realization of the models. A study of the convergence present in literature between the AAS and Digital Twin (DT) has also been carried out. This paper presents a reference of AAS tools and information for industry practitioners, as well as suggestions for research gaps in the standardization of AAS information modelling. Copyright (C) 2022 The Authors

    Modelling of Determinants of Logistics 4.0 Adoption: Insights from Developing Countries

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    With the emergence of industry 4.0, several elements of the supply chain are transforming through the adoption of smart technologies such as blockchain, the internet of things and cyber physical systems. Logistics is considered one of the important elements of supply chain management and its digital transformation is crucial to the success of industry 4.0. In this circumstance, the existing logistics system needs to be upgraded with industry 4.0 technologies and emerge as logistics 4.0. However, the adoption/transformation of logistics 4.0 is dependent on several determinants that need to be explored. Therefore, this study has the prime objective of investigating the determinants of logistics 4.0 adoption in the context of a developing country, specifically, India. Initially, ten determinants of logistics 4.0 are established after a survey of the relevant literature and the input of industry experts. Further, a four-level structural model is developed among these determinants using the Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) approach. In addition, a fuzzy Matrix of Cross-Impact Multiplications Applied to Classification (MICMAC) analysis is also conducted for the categorization of these determinants as per their driving and dependence power. The findings show that top management supports, information technology infrastructure and financial investment are the most significant determinants towards logistics 4.0 adoption. This study facilitates the supply chain partners to focus on these high-level determinants for the effective adoption of logistics 4.0. Moreover, the findings lead to a more in-depth insight into the determinants that influence logistics 4.0 and their significance in logistics 4.0 adoption in emerging economiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Readiness of Automotive Manufacturing Company on Industrial 4.0 Towards Quality Performance

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    This research is focusing on analyzing readiness of automotive manufacturing firm on Industry 4.0 towards quality performance. In the era of globalization, most manufacturing firms all over the world are constantly looking for ways to increase productivity. The manufacturing industry is mainly faced with the problem of Industry 4.0’s awareness and implementation. Top and middle management of DRB-HICOM Automotive manufacturing firm from all departments have been selected as a sample study. The questionnaire has been used to get the feedback from top and middle management about readiness of Industry 4.0. There are three main objectives that were assessing the level of firm’s characteristics, determining the level of Industry 4.0 readiness for DRB-HICOM Automotive manufacturing company, namely via variables of Applied Technology, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical System (CPS) and determining the relationship between the Industry 4.0 and quality performance. Quantitative method was used in this research which incoperates the distribution of 96 questionnaires to the respondents involving DRB-HICOM Automotive manufacturing firm. In terms of conducting the required data analysis, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22 was used. Result shows that all related constructs have a significant yet strong relationship between Industry 4.0 and quality performance. It is hoped that this initial Industry 4.0 work will help to spur future research about implementation of Industry 4.0, across the boards among many industrial sectors

    Preliminary Study of an Integrated Calculation of Ship Strength on Tankers with Applicable Regulations

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    Recently, the development of the digital era has increased significantly. Industry 4.0 began to be discussed and applied in the early 21st century. Cyber-Physical systems are becoming a trend in current technological developments. Several technologies in Industry 4.0 are being applied, such as the internet of things, cloud computing, automated simulation, intelligent robots, big data analysis, augmented reality, and additive manufacturing. The shipyard industry is one industry that must be able to adapt to keep up with technological developments. In the ship's preliminary design stage, the strength calculation process that refers to certain regulations has an important role in the design process. The integrated calculation system will make working easier for a naval architect. This paper aims to conduct an initial study in calculating ship strength integrated in real-time with the regulations that govern it. This study produces an idea to integrate the calculation of ship strength with regulations from a class society that continues to grow. The research is expected to provide further development to assist in the preliminary design process that provides efficiency and more accurate monitoring of results

    Life Cycle Engineering 4.0: A Proposal to Conceive Manufacturing Systems for Industry 4.0 Centred on the Human Factor (DfHFinI4.0)

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    Engineering 4.0 environments are characterised by the digitisation, virtualisation, and connectivity of products, processes, and facilities composed of reconfigurable and adaptive socio-technical cyber-physical manufacturing systems (SCMS), in which Operator 4.0 works in real time in VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) contexts and markets. This situation gives rise to the interest in developing a framework for the conception of SCMS that allows the integration of the human factor, management, training, and development of the competencies of Operator 4.0 as fundamental aspects of the aforementioned system. The present paper is focused on answering how to conceive the adaptive manufacturing systems of Industry 4.0 through the operation, growth, and development of human talent in VUCA contexts. With this objective, exploratory research is carried, out whose contribution is specified in a framework called Design for the Human Factor in Industry 4.0 (DfHFinI4.0). From among the conceptual frameworks employed therein, the connectivist paradigm, Ashby's law of requisite variety and Vigotsky's activity theory are taken into consideration, in order to enable the affective-cognitive and timeless integration of the human factor within the SCMS. DfHFinI4.0 can be integrated into the life cycle engineering of the enterprise reference architectures, thereby obtaining manufacturing systems for Industry 4.0 focused on the human factor. The suggested framework is illustrated as a case study for the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture (PERA) methodology, which transforms it into PERA 4.0

    Industry 4.0 and Changes on Labor Market: a Literature Review / Indústria 4.0 e transformações no Mercado de Trabalho: uma Revisão da Literatura

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    The aims of the present research are to describe the main changes caused by Industry 4.0 on the labor market through a literature review and to highlighting the evolution of debates about innovation and work based on the main theoretical lines of the economic thought. This research is a theoretical study based on systematic literature review (RSL), which is used to identify, evaluate and interpret relevant research based on a well-defined methodological sequence. It is worth mentioning that Industry 4.0, which is an integrated system based on modern control systems, embedded software, internet and Cyber-Physical Systems, as well as caused negative and positive effects on work practices. Changes in the work process became more intense at the early 21st century. The faster the technological changes, the more changes in work processes and labor markets. Decrease in employment volume is one of the main assessment points for further research focused on understanding employment features and the decrease or increase in job positions in the future

    How environment dynamics affects production scheduling: requirements for development of CPPS models

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    Production scheduling can be affected by many disturbances in the manufacturing system, and consequently, the feasible schedules previously defined became obsolete. Emerging of new technologies associated with Industry 4.0, such as Cyber-Physical Production Systems, as a paradigm of implementation of control and support in decision making, should embed the capacity to simulate different environment scenarios based on the data collected by the manufacturing systems. This paper presents the evaluation of environment dynamics effect on production scheduling, considering three scheduling models and three environment scenarios, through a case study. Results show that environment dynamics affect production schedules, and a very strong or strong positive correlation between environment dynamics scenarios and total completion time with delay, over three scheduling paradigms. Based on these results, the requirement for mandatory inclusion of a module for different environment dynamics scenarios generation and the corresponded simulations, of a Cyber-Physical Production Systems architecture, is confirmed.This work has been supported by FCT -Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    The Internet of Simulation: Enabling Agile Model Based Systems Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) has resulted in a complex cyber-physical system of systems that is continually evolving. With ever more complex systems being developed and changed there has been an increasing reliance on simulation as a vital part of the design process. There is also a growing need for simulation integration and co-simulation in order to analyse the complex interactions between system components. To this end we propose that the Internet of Simulation (IoS) as an extension of IoT can be used to meet these needs. The IoS allows for multiple heterogeneous simulations to be integrated together for co-simulation. It's effect on the engineer process is to facilitate agile practices without sacrificing rigour. An Industry 4.0 example case study is provided showing how IoS could be utilized

    Thinking- Skins

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    Under the guiding concept of a thinking skin, the research project examines the transferability of cyber-physical systems to the application field of façades. It thereby opens up potential increases in the performance of automated and adaptive façade systems and provides a conceptual framework for further research and development of intelligent building envelopes in the current age of digital transformation. The project is characterized by the influence of digital architectural design methods and the associated computational processing of information in the design process. The possible establishment of relationships and dependencies in an architecture understood as a system, in particular, are the starting point for the conducted investigation. With the available automation technologies, the possibility of movable building constructions, and existing computer-based control systems, the technical preconditions for the realisation of complex and active buildings exist today. Against this background, dynamic and responsive constructions that allow adaptations in the operation of the building are a current topic in architecture. In the application field of the building envelope, the need for such designs is evident, particularly with regards to the concrete field of adaptive façades. In its mediating role, the façade is confronted with the dynamic influences of the external microclimate of a building and the changing comfort demands of the indoor climate. The objective in the application of adaptive façades is to increase building efficiency by balancing dynamic influencing factors and requirements. Façade features are diverse and with the increasing integration of building services, both the scope of fulfilled façade functions and the complexity of today’s façades increase. One challenge is the coordination of adaptive functions to ensure effective reactions of the façade as a complete system. The ThinkingSkins research project identifies cyber-physical systems as a possible solution to this challenge. This involves the close integration of physical systems with their digital control. Important features are the decentralized organization of individual system constituents and their cooperation via an exchange of information. Developments in recent decades, such as the miniaturisation of computer technology and the availability of the Internet, have established the technical basis required for these developments. Cyber-physical systems are already employed in many fields of application. Examples are decentralized energy supply, or transportation systems with autonomous vehicles. The influence is particularly evident in the transformation of the industrial sector to Industry 4.0, where formerly mechatronic production plants are networked into intelligent technical systems with the aim of achieving higher and more flexible productivity. In the ThinkingSkins research project it is assumed that the implementation of cyber-physical systems based on the role model of cooperating production plants in IIndustry 4.0 can contribute to an increase in the performance of façades. Accordingly, the research work investigates a possible transfer of cyber-physical systems to the application field of building envelopes along the research question: How can cyber-physical systems be applied to façades, in order to enable coordinated adaptations of networked individual façade functions? To answer this question, four partial studies are carried out, which build upon each other. The first study is based on a literature review, in which the understanding and the state-of-the-art development of intelligent façade systems is examined in comparison to the exemplary field of application of cyber-physical systems in the manufacturing industry. In the following partial study, a second literature search identifies façade functions that can be considered as components of a cyber-physical façade due to their adaptive feasibility and their effect on the façade performance. For the evaluation of the adaptive capabilities, characteristics of their automated and adaptive implementation are assigned to the identified façade functions. The resulting superposition matrix serves as an organizational tool for the third investigation of the actual conditions in construction practice. In a multiple case study, realized façade projects in Germany are examined with regard to their degree of automation and adaptivity. The investigation includes interviews with experts involved in the projects as well as field studies on site. Finally, an experimental examination of the technical feasibility of cyber-physical façade systems is carried out through the development of a prototype. In the sense of an internet of façade functions, the automated adaptive façade functions ventilation, sun protection as well as heating and cooling are implemented in decentrally organized modules. They are connected to a digital twin and can exchange data with each other via a communication protocol. The research project shows that the application field of façades has not yet been exploited for the implementation of cyber-physical systems. With the automation technologies used in building practice, however, many technical preconditions for the development of cyber-physical façade systems already exist. Many features of such a system are successfully implemented within the study by the development of a prototype. The research project therefore comes to the conclusion that the application of cyber-physical systems to the façade is possible and offers a promising potential for the effective use of automation technologies. Due to the lack of artificial intelligence and machine learning strategies, the project does not achieve the goal of developing a façade in the sense of a true ThinkingSkin as the title indicates. A milestone is achieved by the close integration of the physical façade system with a decentralized and integrated control system. In this sense, the researched cyber-physical implementation of façades represents a conceptual framework for the realisation of corresponding systems in building practice, and a pioneer for further research of ThinkingSkins