3 research outputs found

    Automatic proof-search heuristics in the maude invariant analyzer tool

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    The Invariant Analyzer Tool is an interactive tool that mechanizes an inference system for proving safety properties of concurrent systems, which may be infinite-state or whose set of initial states may be infinite. This paper presents the automatic proof-search heuristics at the core of the Maude Invariant Analyzer Tool, which provide a substantial degree of automation and can automatically discharge many proof obligations without user intervention. These heuristics can take advantage of equationally defined equality predicates and include rewriting, narrowing, and SMT-based proof-search techniques

    Automatic inductive equational reasoning

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    We present Phileas, an automatic theorem prover focused on structural induction. Phileas is capable of automatically proving properties about inductively defined data types in Haskell anb reporting a proof in a human readable format