909 research outputs found

    A Graph Model for Imperative Computation

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    Scott's graph model is a lambda-algebra based on the observation that continuous endofunctions on the lattice of sets of natural numbers can be represented via their graphs. A graph is a relation mapping finite sets of input values to output values. We consider a similar model based on relations whose input values are finite sequences rather than sets. This alteration means that we are taking into account the order in which observations are made. This new notion of graph gives rise to a model of affine lambda-calculus that admits an interpretation of imperative constructs including variable assignment, dereferencing and allocation. Extending this untyped model, we construct a category that provides a model of typed higher-order imperative computation with an affine type system. An appropriate language of this kind is Reynolds's Syntactic Control of Interference. Our model turns out to be fully abstract for this language. At a concrete level, it is the same as Reddy's object spaces model, which was the first "state-free" model of a higher-order imperative programming language and an important precursor of games models. The graph model can therefore be seen as a universal domain for Reddy's model

    A logic with temporally accessible iteration

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    Deficiency in expressive power of the first-order logic has led to developing its numerous extensions by fixed point operators, such as Least Fixed-Point (LFP), inflationary fixed-point (IFP), partial fixed-point (PFP), etc. These logics have been extensively studied in finite model theory, database theory, descriptive complexity. In this paper we introduce unifying framework, the logic with iteration operator, in which iteration steps may be accessed by temporal logic formulae. We show that proposed logic FO+TAI subsumes all mentioned fixed point extensions as well as many other fixed point logics as natural fragments. On the other hand we show that over finite structures FO+TAI is no more expressive than FO+PFP. Further we show that adding the same machinery to the logic of monotone inductions (FO+LFP) does not increase its expressive power either

    Relational Parametricity and Control

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    We study the equational theory of Parigot's second-order λμ-calculus in connection with a call-by-name continuation-passing style (CPS) translation into a fragment of the second-order λ-calculus. It is observed that the relational parametricity on the target calculus induces a natural notion of equivalence on the λμ-terms. On the other hand, the unconstrained relational parametricity on the λμ-calculus turns out to be inconsistent with this CPS semantics. Following these facts, we propose to formulate the relational parametricity on the λμ-calculus in a constrained way, which might be called ``focal parametricity''.Comment: 22 pages, for Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Decreasing Diagrams for Confluence and Commutation

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    Like termination, confluence is a central property of rewrite systems. Unlike for termination, however, there exists no known complexity hierarchy for confluence. In this paper we investigate whether the decreasing diagrams technique can be used to obtain such a hierarchy. The decreasing diagrams technique is one of the strongest and most versatile methods for proving confluence of abstract rewrite systems. It is complete for countable systems, and it has many well-known confluence criteria as corollaries. So what makes decreasing diagrams so powerful? In contrast to other confluence techniques, decreasing diagrams employ a labelling of the steps with labels from a well-founded order in order to conclude confluence of the underlying unlabelled relation. Hence it is natural to ask how the size of the label set influences the strength of the technique. In particular, what class of abstract rewrite systems can be proven confluent using decreasing diagrams restricted to 1 label, 2 labels, 3 labels, and so on? Surprisingly, we find that two labels suffice for proving confluence for every abstract rewrite system having the cofinality property, thus in particular for every confluent, countable system. Secondly, we show that this result stands in sharp contrast to the situation for commutation of rewrite relations, where the hierarchy does not collapse. Thirdly, investigating the possibility of a confluence hierarchy, we determine the first-order (non-)definability of the notion of confluence and related properties, using techniques from finite model theory. We find that in particular Hanf's theorem is fruitful for elegant proofs of undefinability of properties of abstract rewrite systems

    On uniform canonical bases in LpL_p lattices and other metric structures

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    We discuss the notion of \emph{uniform canonical bases}, both in an abstract manner and specifically for the theory of atomless LpL_p lattices. We also discuss the connection between the definability of the set of uniform canonical bases and the existence of the theory of beautiful pairs (i.e., with the finite cover property), and prove in particular that the set of uniform canonical bases is definable in algebraically closed metric valued fields

    Synthesizing nested relational queries from implicit specifications: via model theory and via proof theory

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    Derived datasets can be defined implicitly or explicitly. An implicit definition (of dataset O in terms of datasets I\vec{I}) is a logical specification involving two distinguished sets of relational symbols. One set of relations is for the “source data” I\vec{I}, and the other is for the “interface data” O. Such a specification is a valid definition of O in terms of I\vec{I}, if any two models of the specification agreeing on I\vec{I} agree on O. In contrast, an explicit definition is a transformation (or “query” below) that produces O from I\vec{I}. Variants of Beth’s theorem [Bet53] state that one can convert implicit definitions to explicit ones. Further, this conversion can be done effectively given a proof witnessing implicit definability in a suitable proof system. We prove the analogous implicit-to-explicit result for nested relations: implicit definitions, given in the natural logic for nested relations, can be converted to explicit definitions in the nested relational calculus (NRC). We first provide a model-theoretic argument for this result, which makes some additional connections that may be of independent interest, between NRC queries, interpretations, a standard mechanism for defining structure-to-structure translation in logic, and between interpretations and implicit to definability “up to unique isomorphism”. The latter connection uses a variation of a result of Gaifman concerning “relatively categorical” theories. We also provide a proof-theoretic result that provides an effective argument: from a proof witnessing implicit definability, we can efficiently produce an NRC definition. This will involve introducing the appropriate proof system for reasoning with nested sets, along with some auxiliary Beth-type results for this system. As a consequence, we can effectively extract rewritings of NRC queries in terms of NRC views, given a proof witnessing that the query is determined by the views

    Complete Axiomatizations of Fragments of Monadic Second-Order Logic on Finite Trees

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    We consider a specific class of tree structures that can represent basic structures in linguistics and computer science such as XML documents, parse trees, and treebanks, namely, finite node-labeled sibling-ordered trees. We present axiomatizations of the monadic second-order logic (MSO), monadic transitive closure logic (FO(TC1)) and monadic least fixed-point logic (FO(LFP1)) theories of this class of structures. These logics can express important properties such as reachability. Using model-theoretic techniques, we show by a uniform argument that these axiomatizations are complete, i.e., each formula that is valid on all finite trees is provable using our axioms. As a backdrop to our positive results, on arbitrary structures, the logics that we study are known to be non-recursively axiomatizable

    Sequentiality vs. Concurrency in Games and Logic

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    Connections between the sequentiality/concurrency distinction and the semantics of proofs are investigated, with particular reference to games and Linear Logic.Comment: 35 pages, appeared in Mathematical Structures in Computer Scienc