9 research outputs found

    Fragments of Arithmetic and true sentences

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    By a theorem of R. Kaye, J. Paris and C. Dimitracopoulos, the class of the ¦n+1–sentences true in the standard model is the only (up to deductive equivalence) consistent ¦n+1–theory which extends the scheme of induction for parameter free ¦n+1–formulas. Motivated by this result, we present a systematic study of extensions of bounded quantifier complexity of fragments of first–order Peano Arithmetic. Here, we improve that result and show that this property describes a general phenomenon valid for parameter free schemes. As a consequence, we obtain results on the quantifier complexity, (non)finite axiomatizability and relative strength of schemes for ¢n+1–formulas.Junta de Andalucía TIC-13

    On axiom schemes for T-provably Δ1 formulas

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    This paper investigates the status of the fragments of Peano Arithmetic obtained by restricting induction, collection and least number axiom schemes to formulas which are Δ1 provably in an arithmetic theory T. In particular, we determine the provably total computable functions of this kind of theories. As an application, we obtain a reduction of the problem whether IΔ0+¬exp implies BΣ1 to a purely recursion-theoretic question.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2008–0643

    Honest elementary degrees and degrees of relative provability without the cupping property

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    An element a of a lattice cups to an element b>ab>a if there is a c<bc<b such that a∪c=ba∪c=b. An element of a lattice has the cupping property if it cups to every element above it. We prove that there are non-zero honest elementary degrees that do not have the cupping property, which answers a question of Kristiansen, Schlage-Puchta, and Weiermann. In fact, we show that if b is a sufficiently large honest elementary degree, then b has the anti-cupping property, which means that there is an a with 0<Ea<Eb0<Ea<Eb that does not cup to b. For comparison, we also modify a result of Cai to show, in several versions of the degrees of relative provability that are closely related to the honest elementary degrees, that in fact all non-zero degrees have the anti-cupping property, not just sufficiently large degrees

    Induction, minimization and collection for Δ n+1 (T)–formulas

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    For a theory T, we study relationships among IΔ n +1 (T), LΔ n+1 (T) and B * Δ n+1 (T). These theories are obtained restricting the schemes of induction, minimization and (a version of) collection to Δ n+1 (T) formulas. We obtain conditions on T (T is an extension of B * Δ n+1 (T) or Δ n+1 (T) is closed (in T) under bounded quantification) under which IΔ n+1 (T) and LΔ n+1 (T) are equivalent. These conditions depend on Th Πn +2 (T), the Π n+2 –consequences of T. The first condition is connected with descriptions of Th Πn +2 (T) as IΣ n plus a class of nondecreasing total Π n –functions, and the second one is related with the equivalence between Δ n+1 (T)–formulas and bounded formulas (of a language extending the language of Arithmetic). This last property is closely tied to a general version of a well known theorem of R. Parikh. Using what we call Π n –envelopes we give uniform descriptions of the previous classes of nondecreasing total Π n –functions. Π n –envelopes are a generalization of envelopes (see [10]) and are closely related to indicators (see [12]). Finally, we study the hierarchy of theories IΔ n+1 (IΣ m ), m≥n, and prove a hierarchy theorem.Ministerio de Educación y Cultura DGES PB96-134

    Induction Rules, Reflection Principles, and Provably Recursive Functions

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    A well-known result of D. Leivant states that, over basic Kalmar elementary arithmetic EA, the induction schema for \Sigma n formulas is equivalent to the uniform reflection principle for \Sigma n+1 formulas. We show that fragments of arithmetic axiomatized by various forms of induction rules admit a precise axiomatization in terms of reflection principles as well. Thus, the closure of EA under the induction rule for \Sigma n (or \Pi n+1 ) formulas is equivalent to ! times iterated \Sigma n reflection principle. Moreover, for k ! !, k times iterated \Sigma n reflection principle over EA precisely corresponds to the extension of EA by k nested applications of \Sigma n induction rule. The above relationship holds in greater generality than just stated. In fact, we give general formulas characterizing in terms of iterated reflection principles the extension of any given theory (containing EA) by k nested applications of \Sigma n or \Pi n induction rules. In particular, the closure of a ..

    Lev D. Beklemishev. Induction rules, reflection principles, and provably recursive functions

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