13 research outputs found

    Semantic frame induction through the detection of communities of verbs and their arguments

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    Resources such as FrameNet, which provide sets of semantic frame definitions and annotated textual data that maps into the evoked frames, are important for several NLP tasks. However, they are expensive to build and, consequently, are unavailable for many languages and domains. Thus, approaches able to induce semantic frames in an unsupervised manner are highly valuable. In this paper we approach that task from a network perspective as a community detection problem that targets the identification of groups of verb instances that evoke the same semantic frame and verb arguments that play the same semantic role. To do so, we apply a graph-clustering algorithm to a graph with contextualized representations of verb instances or arguments as nodes connected by edges if the distance between them is below a threshold that defines the granularity of the induced frames. By applying this approach to the benchmark dataset defined in the context of SemEval 2019, we outperformed all of the previous approaches to the task, achieving the current state-of-the-art performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Script acquisition : a crowdsourcing and text mining approach

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    According to Grice’s (1975) theory of pragmatics, people tend to omit basic information when participating in a conversation (or writing a narrative) under the assumption that left out details are already known or can be inferred from commonsense knowledge by the hearer (or reader). Writing and understanding of texts makes particular use of a specific kind of common-sense knowledge, referred to as script knowledge. Schank and Abelson (1977) proposed Scripts as a model of human knowledge represented in memory that stores the frequent habitual activities, called scenarios, (e.g. eating in a fast food restaurant, etc.), and the different courses of action in those routines. This thesis addresses measures to provide a sound empirical basis for high-quality script models. We work on three key areas related to script modeling: script knowledge acquisition, script induction and script identification in text. We extend the existing repository of script knowledge bases in two different ways. First, we crowdsource a corpus of 40 scenarios with 100 event sequence descriptions (ESDs) each, thus going beyond the size of previous script collections. Second, the corpus is enriched with partial alignments of ESDs, done by human annotators. The crowdsourced partial alignments are used as prior knowledge to guide the semi-supervised script-induction algorithm proposed in this dissertation. We further present a semi-supervised clustering approach to induce script structure from crowdsourced descriptions of event sequences by grouping event descriptions into paraphrase sets and inducing their temporal order. The proposed semi-supervised clustering model better handles order variation in scripts and extends script representation formalism, Temporal Script graphs, by incorporating "arbitrary order" equivalence classes in order to allow for the flexible event order inherent in scripts. In the third part of this dissertation, we introduce the task of scenario detection, in which we identify references to scripts in narrative texts. We curate a benchmark dataset of annotated narrative texts, with segments labeled according to the scripts they instantiate. The dataset is the first of its kind. The analysis of the annotation shows that one can identify scenario references in text with reasonable reliability. Subsequently, we proposes a benchmark model that automatically segments and identifies text fragments referring to given scenarios. The proposed model achieved promising results, and therefore opens up research on script parsing and wide coverage script acquisition.GemĂ€ĂŸ der Grice’schen (1975) Pragmatiktheorie neigen Menschen dazu, grundlegende Informationen auszulassen, wenn sie an einem GesprĂ€ch teilnehmen (oder eine Geschichte schreiben). Dies geschieht unter der Annahme, dass die ausgelassenen Details bereits bekannt sind, oder vom Hörer (oder Leser) aus Weltwissen erschlossen werden können. Besonders beim Schreiben und Verstehen von Text wird Verwendung einer spezifischen Art von solchem Weltwissen gemacht, welches auch Skriptwissen genannt wird. Schank und Abelson (1977) erdachten Skripte als ein Modell menschlichen Wissens, welches im menschlichen GedĂ€chtnis gespeichert ist und hĂ€ufige Alltags-AktivitĂ€ten sowie deren typischen Ablauf beinhaltet. Solche Skript-AktivitĂ€ten werden auch als Szenarios bezeichnet und umfassen zum Beispiel Im Restaurant Essen etc. Diese Dissertation widmet sich der Bereitstellung einer soliden empirischen Grundlage zur Akquisition qualitativ hochwertigen Skriptwissens. Wir betrachten drei zentrale Aspekte im Bereich der Skriptmodellierung: Akquisition ition von Skriptwissen, Skript-Induktion und Skriptidentifizierung in Text. Wir erweitern das bereits bestehende Repertoire und Skript-DatensĂ€tzen in 2 Bereichen. Erstens benutzen wir Crowdsourcing zur Erstellung eines Korpus, das 40 Szenarien mit jeweils 100 Ereignissequenzbeschreibungen (Event Sequence Descriptions, ESDs) beinhaltet, und welches somit grĂ¶ĂŸer als bestehende Skript- DatensĂ€tze ist. Zweitens erweitern wir das Korpus mit partiellen ESD-Alignierungen, die von Hand annotiert werden. Die partiellen Alignierungen werden dann als Vorwissen fĂŒr einen halbĂŒberwachten Algorithmus zur Skriptinduktion benutzt, der im Rahmen dieser Dissertation vorgestellt wird. Wir prĂ€sentieren außerdem einen halbĂŒberwachten Clusteringansatz zur Induktion von Skripten, basierend auf Ereignissequenzen, die via Crowdsourcing gesammelt wurden. Hierbei werden einzelne Ereignisbeschreibungen gruppiert, um Paraphrasenmengen und der deren temporale Ordnung abzuleiten. Der vorgestellte Clusteringalgorithmus ist im Stande, Variationen in der typischen Reihenfolge in Skripte besser abzubilden und erweitert damit einen Formalismus zur SkriptreprĂ€sentation, temporale Skriptgraphen. Dies wird dadurch bewerkstelligt, dass Equivalenzklassen von Beschreibungen mit "arbitrĂ€rer Reihenfolge" genutzt werden, die es erlauben, eine flexible Ereignisordnung abzubilden, die inhĂ€rent bei Skripten vorhanden ist. Im dritten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit fĂŒhren wir den Task der SzenarioIdentifikation ein, also der automatischen Identifikation von Skriptreferenzen in narrativen Texten. Wir erstellen einen Benchmark-Datensatz mit annotierten narrativen Texten, in denen einzelne Segmente im Bezug auf das Skript, welches sie instantiieren, markiert wurden. Dieser Datensatz ist der erste seiner Art. Eine Analyse der Annotation zeigt, dass Referenzen zu Szenarien im Text mit annehmbarer Akkuratheit vorhergesagt werden können. ZusĂ€tzlich stellen wir ein Benchmark-Modell vor, welches Textfragmente automatisch erstellt und deren Szenario identifiziert. Das vorgestellte Modell erreicht erfolgversprechende Resultate und öffnet damit einen Forschungszweig im Bereich des Skript-Parsens und der Skript-Akquisition im großen Stil

    Weakly-supervised Learning Approaches for Event Knowledge Acquisition and Event Detection

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    Capabilities of detecting events and recognizing temporal, subevent, or causality relations among events can facilitate many applications in natural language understanding. However, supervised learning approaches that previous research mainly uses have two problems. First, due to the limited size of annotated data, supervised systems cannot sufficiently capture diverse contexts to distill universal event knowledge. Second, under certain application circumstances such as event recognition during emergent natural disasters, it is infeasible to spend days or weeks to annotate enough data to train a system. My research aims to use weakly-supervised learning to address these problems and to achieve automatic event knowledge acquisition and event recognition. In this dissertation, I first introduce three weakly-supervised learning approaches that have been shown effective in acquiring event relational knowledge. Firstly, I explore the observation that regular event pairs show a consistent temporal relation despite of their various contexts, and these rich contexts can be used to train a contextual temporal relation classifier to further recognize new temporal relation knowledge. Secondly, inspired by the double temporality characteristic of narrative texts, I propose a weakly supervised approach that identifies 287k narrative paragraphs using narratology principles and then extract rich temporal event knowledge from identified narratives. Lastly, I develop a subevent knowledge acquisition approach by exploiting two observations that 1) subevents are temporally contained by the parent event and 2) the definitions of the parent event can be used to guide the identification of subevents. I collect rich weak supervision to train a contextual BERT classifier and apply the classifier to identify new subevent knowledge. Recognizing texts that describe specific categories of events is also challenging due to language ambiguity and diverse descriptions of events. So I also propose a novel method to rapidly build a fine-grained event recognition system on social media texts for disaster management. My method creates high-quality weak supervision based on clustering-assisted word sense disambiguation and enriches tweet message representations using preceding context tweets and reply tweets in building event recognition classifiers

    Understanding stories via event sequence modeling

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    Understanding stories, i.e. sequences of events, is a crucial yet challenging natural language understanding (NLU) problem, which requires dealing with multiple aspects of semantics, including actions, entities and emotions, as well as background knowledge. In this thesis, towards the goal of building a NLU system that can model what has happened in stories and predict what would happen in the future, we contribute on three fronts: First, we investigate the optimal way to model events in text; Second, we study how we can model a sequence of events with the balance of generality and specificity; Third, we improve event sequence modeling by joint modeling of semantic information and incorporating background knowledge. Each of the above three research problems poses both conceptual and computational challenges. For event extraction, we find that Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) signals can be served as good intermediate representations for events, thus giving us the ability to reliably identify events with minimal supervision. In addition, since it is important to resolve co-referred entities for extracted events, we make improvements to an existing co-reference resolution system. To model event sequences, we start from studying within document event co-reference (the simplest flow of events); and then extend to model two other more natural event sequences along with discourse phenomena while abstracting over the specific mentions of predicates and entities. We further identify problems for the basic event sequence models, where we fail to capture multiple semantic aspects and background knowledge. We then improve our system by jointly modeling frames, entities and sentiments, yielding joint representations of all these semantic aspects; while at the same time incorporate explicit background knowledge acquired from other corpus as well as human experience. For all tasks, we evaluate the developed algorithms and models on benchmark datasets and achieve better performance compared to other highly competitive methods

    Commonsense knowledge acquisition and applications

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    Computers are increasingly expected to make smart decisions based on what humans consider commonsense. This would require computers to understand their environment, including properties of objects in the environment (e.g., a wheel is round), relations between objects (e.g., two wheels are part of a bike, or a bike is slower than a car) and interactions of objects (e.g., a driver drives a car on the road). The goal of this dissertation is to investigate automated methods for acquisition of large-scale, semantically organized commonsense knowledge. Prior state-of-the-art methods to acquire commonsense are either not automated or based on shallow representations. Thus, they cannot produce large-scale, semantically organized commonsense knowledge. To achieve the goal, we divide the problem space into three research directions, constituting our core contributions: 1. Properties of objects: acquisition of properties like hasSize, hasShape, etc. We develop WebChild, a semi-supervised method to compile semantically organized properties. 2. Relationships between objects: acquisition of relations like largerThan, partOf, memberOf, etc. We develop CMPKB, a linear-programming based method to compile comparative relations, and, we develop PWKB, a method based on statistical and logical inference to compile part-whole relations. 3. Interactions between objects: acquisition of activities like drive a car, park a car, etc., with attributes such as temporal or spatial attributes. We develop Knowlywood, a method based on semantic parsing and probabilistic graphical models to compile activity knowledge. Together, these methods result in the construction of a large, clean and semantically organized Commonsense Knowledge Base that we call WebChild KB.Von Computern wird immer mehr erwartet, dass sie kluge Entscheidungen treffen können, basierend auf Allgemeinwissen. Dies setzt voraus, dass Computer ihre Umgebung, einschließlich der Eigenschaften von Objekten (z. B. das Rad ist rund), Beziehungen zwischen Objekten (z. B. ein Fahrrad hat zwei RĂ€der, ein Fahrrad ist langsamer als ein Auto) und Interaktionen von Objekten (z. B. ein Fahrer fĂ€hrt ein Auto auf der Straße), verstehen können. Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, automatische Methoden fĂŒr die Erfassung von großmaßstĂ€blichem, semantisch organisiertem Allgemeinwissen zu schaffen. Dies ist schwierig aufgrund folgender Eigenschaften des Allgemeinwissens. Es ist: (i) implizit und spĂ€rlich, da Menschen nicht explizit das Offensichtliche ausdrĂŒcken, (ii) multimodal, da es ĂŒber textuelle und visuelle Inhalte verteilt ist, (iii) beeintrĂ€chtigt vom Einfluss des Berichtenden, da ungewöhnliche Fakten disproportional hĂ€ufig berichtet werden, (iv) KontextabhĂ€ngig, und hat aus diesem Grund eine eingeschrĂ€nkte statistische Konfidenz. Vorherige Methoden, auf diesem Gebiet sind entweder nicht automatisiert oder basieren auf flachen ReprĂ€sentationen. Daher können sie kein großmaßstĂ€bliches, semantisch organisiertes Allgemeinwissen erzeugen. Um unser Ziel zu erreichen, teilen wir den Problemraum in drei Forschungsrichtungen, welche den Hauptbeitrag dieser Dissertation formen: 1. Eigenschaften von Objekten: Erfassung von Eigenschaften wie hasSize, hasShape, usw. Wir entwickeln WebChild, eine halbĂŒberwachte Methode zum Erfassen semantisch organisierter Eigenschaften. 2. Beziehungen zwischen Objekten: Erfassung von Beziehungen wie largerThan, partOf, memberOf, usw. Wir entwickeln CMPKB, eine Methode basierend auf linearer Programmierung um vergleichbare Beziehungen zu erfassen. Weiterhin entwickeln wir PWKB, eine Methode basierend auf statistischer und logischer Inferenz welche zugehörigkeits Beziehungen erfasst. 3. Interaktionen zwischen Objekten: Erfassung von AktivitĂ€ten, wie drive a car, park a car, usw. mit temporalen und rĂ€umlichen Attributen. Wir entwickeln Knowlywood, eine Methode basierend auf semantischem Parsen und probabilistischen grafischen Modellen um AktivitĂ€tswissen zu erfassen. Als Resultat dieser Methoden erstellen wir eine große, saubere und semantisch organisierte Allgemeinwissensbasis, welche wir WebChild KB nennen

    Decompositional Semantics for Events, Participants, and Scripts in Text

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    This thesis presents a sequence of practical and conceptual developments in decompositional meaning representations for events, participants, and scripts in text under the framework of Universal Decompositional Semantics (UDS) (White et al., 2016a). Part I of the thesis focuses on the semantic representation of individual events and their participants. Chapter 3 examines the feasibility of deriving semantic representations of events from dependency syntax; we demonstrate that predicate- argument structure may be extracted from syntax, but other desirable semantic attributes are not directly discernible. Accordingly, we present in Chapters 4 and 5 state of the art models for predicting these semantic attributes from text. Chapter 4 presents a model for predicting semantic proto-role labels (SPRL), attributes of participants in events based on Dowty’s seminal theory of thematic proto-roles (Dowty, 1991). In Chapter 5 we present a model of event factuality prediction (EFP), the task of determining whether an event mentioned in text happened (according to the meaning of the text). Both chapters include extensive experiments on multi-task learning for improving performance on each semantic prediction task. Taken together, Chapters 3, 4, and 5 represent the development of individual components of a UDS parsing pipeline. In Part II of the thesis, we shift to modeling sequences of events, or scripts (Schank and Abelson, 1977). Chapter 7 presents a case study in script induction using a collection of restaurant narratives from an online blog to learn the canonical “Restaurant Script.” In Chapter 8, we introduce a simple discriminative neural model for script induction based on narrative chains (Chambers and Jurafsky, 2008) that outperforms prior methods. Because much existing work on narrative chains employs semantically impoverished representations of events, Chapter 9 draws on the contributions of Part I to learn narrative chains with semantically rich, decompositional event representations. Finally, in Chapter 10, we observe that corpus based approaches to script induction resemble the task of language modeling. We explore the broader question of the relationship between language modeling and acquisition of common-sense knowledge, and introduce an approach that combines language modeling and light human supervision to construct datasets for common-sense inference